Staff News
Last week Miss Foley, our 4F class teacher, learnt that she has been successful (following a merit selection process) in gaining a position as an autism support teacher at Caringbah Public School, commencing in term 3 2021. While this is sad news for us at Woolooware, it is fitting recognition of the hard work Miss Foley has been doing (in her own time) over the past two years as she has been working towards her master’s degree in Inclusive Education.
I am sure you will join me in congratulating Miss Foley on this achievement.
Band Camp 2021
Our Performing Band joined other local schools two weeks ago at the annual Band Camp, a chance to play and enhance musical repertoire from their weekly rehearsals as part of a 140 strong combined concert band. The Camp was held at Stanwell Tops Conference Centre, and our students had a ball meeting new friends, participating in games and adventure activities as well as playing fabulous music. Our students were accompanied by an extremely proud Mrs Simpson, and produced some amazing sounds by the end of the camp. Thank you Mrs Simpson and also to Mrs Grant for accompanying the students, which enabled them to have a couple of fun filled days playing music to their heart’s content.
In The Spotlight Dance Festival
This week several of our dance groups will perform at ‘In the Spotlight Dance Festival’ held at the Seymour Centre. We are very excited to have this opportunity to perform, following more than 12 months without a performance. I would like to thank Mrs Vinen, Miss Bo and supporting staff for your commitment to this program, and look forward to seeing our groups perform!
Cyber Safety Talks
Next Wednesday, 16 June we are fortunate to have Sergeant Deb Wilson visiting our school to speak with students in Years 3-6 about online safety and the importance of using age-appropriate technology. A significant number of bullying complaints originate from inappropriate use of social media. Most social media platforms have a minimum age of 13 years, which means that none of our students should be on them. I encourage you to talk to your children after their presentations next week and also to monitor their online behaviour and use.
There will be a follow-up parent seminar presented by Sergeant Wilson on Monday 21 June from 2.30pm in the hall. I encourage you to attend.
In the coming weeks you will receive your child/ren’s Semester 1 report. This is a snapshot of your child’s learning at this point in time as well as an opportunity to look at goals for the remainder of the year. We encourage you to look at these with your child and talk about their learning goals for the remainder of the year.
Education Week – Save the Date!
Next term we will be celebrating Education Week with the theme ‘Lifelong Learners’ in Week 3. We have planned an Open Day for Thursday 29 July commencing at 12.30pm. There will be more information sent out on this early next term, but pop the date in your diary now.
2022 Enrolments
It seems a long way off, but we are now at the point where we are starting to plan for next year. Please get in touch with us if you have a child starting school in 2022 and you are considering enrolling at Woolooware. It helps us if we can have all ‘local’ (within the WPS catchment area) enrolments completed by the end of this term so we can assess whether or not we will be able to offer any positions to non-local applicants.
Canberra Excursion
Last week I had the pleasure of accompanying our Stage 3 students to Canberra for a wonderful 3 day excursion. The students were so well behaved and gained so much for the experience. A big thank you to our wonderful staff for giving up their time so that this could happen.
Students from our school have recently undertaken an education tour of the national capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $30.00 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.
Acknowledgement of Country
Next week on Thursday 17 June, we will be working with a member of the Sutherland AECG to develop our own acknowledgement of country. Some of our students will be working with Karen Armstrong and Mrs Bell in this process and we invite other members of our community to get involved too. Please contact the office if you would like to know more.
P&C News
At our last P&C meeting I spoke about our system (Department of Education) determined target to increase student attendance. Each school has been given goals to attain regarding school attendance. One of our goals is to see about 88% of our students attending school at least 90% of the time. We are not there yet! The graph below shows how we are going with this. We are currently sitting well below our target at 77.8%. We will be continuing to encourage attendance in order to move closer towards our target.
Our next P&C meeting is tonight on zoom. Us this link to join us from 7pm to find out what is happing at WPS. Link:
Jason Ezzy
PLEASE NOTE: The contents of this message are intended for families of students at Woolooware Public School. Unauthorised sharing of this message is not permitted.