Pendle Pages

Pendle Hill Public School Newsletter

TERM 2 WEEK 2, 2021

Principals Report

A message from Mrs Buzcynski

Dear Parents/Carers,

We started Term 2 with the Cross Country Run for Years 3-6. It was great to see some parent visitors on site for the run and to enjoy watching the runners on such a beautiful day. Hopefully eased restrictions will continue and allow us to plan more activities across the term with parent involvement.

This week you will receive a Term 1 report which details some of the learning students have covered in English and mathematics during Term 1. This report is intended as a brief touch base to let you know what your child has been learning and details some of their next steps for learning for Term 2. The semester 1 report at the end of this term will give a good overview of student learning. Please take up the opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher this week to discuss their learning. The interviews may be conducted in person or zoom.

Parents often ask what they can do to support their child’s learning and one simple step everyone can do very easily is to ensure their child attends school every day that they are well. Students should also attend for the whole day, this means they arrive before the morning bell each morning to make the most out of their learning. Please make it a priority to get your child to school before the bell each morning so that they make the most out of every school day.

We have been working with the P&C and Department of Education to prepare the tender for the uniform shop. It is quite a process and hopefully will be concluded by the end of term.


Gabrielle Buczynski

What's On!

Check out our Diary Dates

Dates To Remember

Message Board

Important Messages and Upcoming Events

Keeping Our Community Safe-COVID Update

Parents/ carers must follow school arrangements for pick up and drop off, particularly:

·         Where possible children should be dropped off at the external gates and walk into the grounds by themselves.

·         Parents/carers may enter the drop off area inside the grounds at Smith Street and Pendle Way to drop off or collect younger children, children from our support classes, early intervention and preschool.

·         Only one adult may come into the school to collect or drop off a child or children. You may bring babies or pre-schoolers with you to do so.

·         You must leave as soon as you have dropped off or collected your child.

·         Parents/Carers of K-2 students should not enter the grounds before 2.45 pm each afternoon. K-2 students will be dismissed at around 2.50 pm.

·         Parents/Carers collecting Years 3-6 students should not enter before 2.50 pm.

·         Parents/Carers must observe physical distancing whilst in the grounds, this means you must not congregate in the grounds socialising with other parents. This is a Health Department  requirement and must be strictly observed whilst  in the school grounds. Parents should not wait close to the exit pathways near the Smith Street gate in order to allow physical distance from others entering or exiting.

·         Parents/carers are not permitted to walk through the school grounds to exit at another gate.

Students must not attend school if they are unwell, even if they have very mild flu-like symptoms. If your child has flu-like symptoms (cough, runny nose, sore throat, fever, aches and pains, sneezing) they must have a negative COVID test result before they can return to school. You must provide evidence of the result before they will be permitted to return to school.

A screenshot of the COVID test advice is sufficient proof. This or other evidence of the test result may be submitted through the SkoolBag App, by emailling the school or sent with your child when they return to school. If your child has a negative test result but is still experiencing symptoms they must remain at home until the symptoms are gone. We appreciate your support in this matter.


 Students should be at school unless:

  • they have a medical certificate which states that they are unable to return to school due to an ongoing medical condition and the expected timeframe
  • they are currently unwell. 

Please Note: Students absent for 3 days or more require a Dr's Certificate when they return to school.

School Travel for 2021

Please find below updated school bus advice for Hillsbus services commencing 10th May 2021.

  • Route 2570 will have a path change after Jordan Street.

New OOSH Details.

Activity Centres Inc. is the new Before & After School and Vacation Care.

See Flyer for more details.


Free Compost Workshop

Cumberland will be hosting a free composting and work farming works shop at the Auburn centre For Community!

Please see flyer below for more information. 


Uniform Shop Update from the P&C

As parent access to the school grounds is still restricted , orders and payment must be placed in an envelope  and handed to staff at morning or afternoon pick up. These orders will be filled and sent home with children. Please use the attached order form, clearly indicating the students name/class and size required (size range is - 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16).

Unfortunately, orders will not be filled unless accompanied with the correct cash payment, as we are not yet able to accept electronic payments. Orders CANNOT be made through the school website. Should you have any questions, please contact us through our P&C Facebook page - Pendle Hill Public School P&C association.

Uniform Order Form

Please find attached Uniform Order Form.

Celebrating Birthdays

Unfortunately due to COVID-19 restrictions children are currently not able to bring lolly bags or other items to share with their classmates on their birthday.

School News

Excursions, events, programs and learning at PHPS

Anzac Service

On Monday, 26th April 2021 we held an ANZAC Service to commemorate ANZAC Day.

Classes  prepared flowers to present at the assembly for Anzac Day.

Our Anzac Day Assembly by Khyathi Pappula from 5/6V

ANZAC Day Assembly:

This year, ANZAC day was on Sunday the 25th of April, but it was celebrated at our school on Monday the 26th of April.


Australian & New Zealand Army Corp are the soldiers who fought for Australia & New Zealand on the beaches of Gallipoli, Turkey. We acknowledge ANZAC day as remembrance of the men and women who were killed and injured at war.

The leaders hosted the ANZAC ceremony which included Mrs. Buczynski’s speech about the meaning of ANZAC day. In our ceremony, years 1-5 read an acrostic poem about ANZAC. After that, students from K-6 as wreath layers, layed the flowers in remembrance of ANZAC. As soon as the flowers were laid, the ANZAC Ode was read. As the last post was played, the flag was lowered to half-mast. Followed by a minute of silence in remembrance.

After the ceremony, students placed the flowers used on the stage around the Australian Flag.

By Khyathi Pappula.

Yr 6 Polo Shirts.

See Note Attached.

See Saw At Pendle Hill

See Saw is a digital portfolio that allows you to have a glimpse into your child's learning and work at school. This creates a great opportunity to support your child's learning and have conversations about what they are learning at school.

The note below gives you information on how to download and use the app and may answer some questions you have about it.

Please complete the permission slip and return to your child's class teacher. This note was sent home last week, if you didn't receive one, you can print the note from here or ask at the office for a note. 

See Saw Information and Permission Note


School Sport

News In Sport

Cross Country 2021

Our Cross Country carnival was held on Wednesday 21st April 2021.

It was a successful day and students enjoyed themselves.

The winning houses

1st place: Wentworth = 25 points

2nd place: Blaxland = 20 points

3rd place: Lawson = 15 points​

Congratulations to the students who have progressed through to Zone.

Zone Cross Country will be held on Friday 30th April, 2021.

Good Luck to all students. GO PHPS.

Cross Country K-2X and K-2B

Cross Country Time

Preschool News

Find out what's been happening at PHPS Preschool

Anzac Day

Children used collage materials to make a poppy to commemorate ANZAC Day.

We looked at photos and discussed the ​significance of ANZAC Day. 

Margaret Akamatis

Pendle Hill Public School Preschool

Curriculum and Learning

Education and Learning

Cool Kids

Term 2 2021 Program



City of Parramatta Libraries are offering free online study and homework help to all library members

Studiosity is a 24/7 online study and homework help service, available to all students in primary and high schools. There are two ways students can get help:

●       Connect Live: Students can ask a question and be quickly connected to a qualified Subject Specialist  via live chat, for help with English, Maths, Biology, Physics,Chemistry, Business Studies, and more.

●       Writing Feedback: Students can upload any essay or written draft and receive detailed feedback from a real writing specialist, that helps them think about and improve their own work.

How to get started

Head to the Library website, all you need is your Library member number and password. 

If students are not a library member, they can join for free. They will require a parent/guardian to fill out a registration form and they can start using the library immediately. 

Please forward this email to your teaching and support staff to make them aware of this great resource for their students. 

If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please find attached a poster for your noticeboards, intranet, and newsletter. 

Free Study, Homework Help Online 24/7 Poster


Library News


Issue 3 Catalogues have been distributed to Classes.

Closing Date for Issue 3 is 10th May 2021

Please remember any payments must be made online through the Scholastic LOOP app.

Positive Behaviour For Learning

School Awards and Rewards



Each class has a box to collect their Penny Possum tickets for following our school expectations: Helpful, Safe, Respectful Learners.  When the box is filled with tickets the class choose a reward that they suggested earlier in the term.

Many classes are close to achieving their reward, so keep on going Pendle Hill!

Congratulations! You have worked hard as a team to fill your Penny Possum box. We look forward to hearing about your class reward. 

Office News

Messages, reminders and information from the school office


How to install Skoolbag

Are you having trouble with Skoolbag or you would like to download it another device? Check out these easy, step by step instructions.

Have Your Contact Details Changed?

Have you changed your Phone Numbers or Address? If so please complete the slip below and return to the office. Only changed details need to be included. (One slip per family is fine.)


Contact Details Slip

Child’s Name____________________________ Class:_________________

Home Phone:_______________________



Mother’s Name: _________________Mobile:_______________ Work No:_________


Father’s Name: _________________Mobile:_______________ Work No:_________

Emergency Contact

Name: _________________Mobile:_______________ Home No:_______



Our preferred method of payment is online. You can do this easily by clicking the button below.You can do this easily by clicking the button below.

Click on “Make a Payment” and follow the prompts using Visa or MasterCard

Attendance News


School attendance

All students should be at school unless:

• They have a medical certificate which states that they are unable to return to school due to an ongoing medical condition

• They are currently unwell.

Students who have a medical certificate to stay at home will be supported to learn from home in line with regular procedures if they are

able to. These regular procedures are different to what was offered during the learning from home period. If you require work to be provided

to your child whilst they are at home due to an underlying health condition, you should contact the school for assistance.

Please note, students who live with a family member in one of the categories identified as being at increased risk by the AHPPC, should

attend school unless a medical practitioner advises otherwise in writing.

If your child is unwell, do not send them to school. If they are unwell at school you or your nominated emergency contact will need to collect them immediately. Please make sure your contact details are up to date.

If a student is absent without a medical reason for more than three days, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence and followed up by

the school.

Students absent for 3 days or more require a Dr's Certificate when they return to school.

If you need any support to get your child back to school, please contact your school.

Remember, the school needs to be notified of any absences. You can do this by:

1. Skoolbag - this is the best way to contact the school 

2. Writing a note

3. Speaking to your child's teacher

4. Calling the school

How do you encourage school attendance?

Top attendance tips for parents

·      Schools want to work in partnership with parents – act early if you have any concerns by contacting your child’s school and asking for advice and support

·      Remember that every day counts

·      There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes and their social connectedness

·      Talk positively about school and the importance of attending every day

·      Open and prompt communication with your child’s school about all absences is a good idea

·      Avoid making routine medical and dental appointments during the school day or planning family holidays during the term

·      Seek help from your school if you are concerned about your child’s attendance and wellbeing. Schools want to work in partnership with parents to support student attendance and wellbeing.

Health and Well-Being

Services, ideas and information on caring for ourselves and our children

Munch & Move Bites

Dear Munch & Movers,Please click here to download the April edition of the Munch & Move Bites newsletter for Western Sydney Early Education & Care Services and Family Day Care Service Providers.This monthly newsletter has been designed to provide program updates, resources and ideas to assist you with implementing Munch & Move at your service.
Click here to download the    April newsletter

Please share this newsletter with educators at your service. Educators can subscribe to receive the newsletter by completing the subscription form on our website. Alternatively, we recommend saving the PDF file and emailing it to them so they can easily follow all of the links. We value your feedback and suggestions about the Munch & Move Bites newsletter. Please don't hesitate to contact us to share your feedback.

Kind regards,

The Healthy Children team

Western Sydney Local Health District

Fruit & Veg Month 2021

You herb it here first! 

Here at Healthy Kids we're busy finalising the theme of this years' Fruit & Veg Month and developing lots of educational, fun and free resources for teachers and students to use throughout the event.

In the meantime, registration is open so now is a good chance to set and forget - simply click the link below to register your school and we'll get back in touch over the next couple of months when we're ready to launch. Easy pea-sy lemon squeezy!

Register your school now!
Wait - remind me what Fruit & Veg Month is all about?Fruit & Veg Month is a free health promotion event for NSW primary schools that puts a positive focus on fruit and vegetables. This year, Fruit & Veg Month will run from 23rd August to 17th September. Each year we nominate a special theme to inspire kids to get interested in eating, enjoying and learning about fruit and veg, and all schools that register receive a fantastic resource pack full of classroom materials, hardcopy posters, stickers and more. The event is funded by NSW Health. Find out more at the Fruit & Veg Month website
We're happy to help.

Got a question about the event or registration?

Contact us here

Being SunSafe

Add a newsletter subtitle here

Sunsafe Snippet

Reduce your child’s skin cancer risk

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in Australia. Two out of three Aussie kids at school today will be diagnosed with skin cancer later in life – some of them with deadly melanomas. At least 95% of all skin cancers are caused by ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from the sun. Unprotected exposure of your child’s skin to UVR significantly increases their risk of developing skin cancer later in life. When you protect your skin, you reduce your risk. Remember to Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide!

To learn when the UV radiation is going to be high enough to damage unprotected skin in your local area, download and check the SunSmart App.

Cancer Council NSW sunsmart link.

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With our Google Translation integration, your community can access your newsletter in ANY language. Simply scroll to the bottom of the newsletter preview to give it a try.