TOKSAVE - Term 4 Week 8 2021

Lihir International School and School to Mine Campus

Principal: Mr Gregory Neville

Deputy Principal LIS: Ms Catherine Langusch

Deputy Principal STM: Mr Kevin Collins

From the Principal

Dear parents and carers,

Awards Presentations

The school's Awards Presentations will be held next Wednesday in the last week of school. Awards and prizes will be distributed in each class.  Photos of award recipients will be in next week's Toksave.

Kindy - 2021 finishing dates

Junior Kindy students will finish next Tuesday and Senior Kindy students will finish next Wednesday.  There will be a short end-of-Kindy presentation (for Senior Kindy students) at 11.45am in the undercover area. One parent/carer from each family is invited to attend. There is no Kindy on Thursday 2nd December. Please see Ms Saua if you have any questions.

School Council

The annual General Meeting of the School Council will be held on Thursday, the 17th of February 2022. At this meeting, voting for two vacant positions for Parent Representatives will occur in the under cover area from 6.00pm–6.20pm. Nomination forms are available from the school office and must be returned to the school office by Thursday the 10th February 2021. If you would like to know more about the functions of the School Council, please make an appointment to see the principal.

End of School Year and Resumption 2022

School finishes for 2021 next Thursday at 12.00pm. Please ensure that transport has been organised for students who live out of townsite. Reports and portfolios will be sent home on that day. Students resume classes on Monday the 31st January, 2022.

If you would like more information regarding any of the topics in this newsletter, please do not hesitate to make contact.


Greg Neville

Principal's Awards Term 4 Week 7

Governor's Essay Prize Winners - Congratulations!

Keeping our children safe in Term 4 2021

It is imperative that parents and carers do not send their children to school if they are sick or showing any symptoms of a cold or flu. If your child is sick, please keep your child home and seek appropriate medical attention. Children who display any signs of sickness will be isolated under supervision in the school's sick bay and parents called to come and collect them.

1.  A comprehensive deep clean of the school will be undertaken by Nayal LTD, prior to school resumption in term 4.

2. Entrance to school for students and parents / carers will be via the Aginas Oval gate only, which will open at 7.45am. Students who arrive before this (which is discouraged) are to social distance and  wait in the carpark undercover area until 7.45am. Students should be at school by 8.05am, ready to start the day at 8.10am.

3. All students will be greeted at the gate by a teacher, where they will be temperature checked. They will then wash their hands at the wash station and then proceed to their classroom.  Parents and carers will be permitted to escort their children to classrooms, If parents need to go to the office, they will be permitted to proceed to the wash station and are then to make their way straight to the school office. 

4. Several wash stations are installed around the school and hand sanitiser is available in all classrooms. Students will be required to wash their hands in the mornings before school, before and after recess/lunch and before leaving school in the afternoons.

5. All desks, door handles, playground equipment and other high contact equipment will be sanitised twice daily or after use by cleaning staff.

6. Social distancing measure of 1.5 metres will be employed in classrooms through desk arrangements. Social distancing markings have been painted on cement areas where students line up and in the undercover area for recess/lunch eating times. The school will implement staggered recess breaks between the primary and high school to reduce the number of children using toilets etc.

7. Students will be issued with a reusable washable mask. Students will be need to wear these masks for travel to and from school and during all activities at school.

8. The school canteen will be open on Fridays in term 3. The P&W will send more info out regarding this in due course. Students will need to bring a packed recess snack and lunch each day - there is to be no dropping off of food by parents, siblings or haus meris. Students are also asked to bring a water bottle to school that they will refill.

9. Term 4 will see assemblies in the basketball court  throughout the term. Parents will be welcome to attend, adhering to social distancing protocols.

Student Council News - Christmas Artwork Winners!

Thank you to all students who participated in the Christmas artwork competition. There were many beautiful artworks created.  Congratulations to the following students who were awarded prizes:

Prep/1: Winner – Sinai Silambe; Runner up – Apisai  Kaia

Year 1/2: Winner – Te’alanna Daimol; Runner up – Elmah Tukata

Year 3/4 : Winner – John Giuna; Runner up – Laurel Neville

Year 5/6: Winner – Louisa Likia; Runner up – Melinda Temara

Year 7/8 – No entries

Year 9/10: Winner – Mary Arau; Runner up – Helen Kiapron

Please see photos of the winning artworks below.

Merry Christmas!

From the Deputy Principal (LIS)

School photos and 2022 Calendars

School photos and our LIS/STM 2022 calendars will be distributed next Thursday.

Semester 2 Reports 

Student reports and portfolios will also be sent home next Thursday.

School resources

We ask that all school resources such as library books, levelled reading books, calculators and textbooks please be returned to school, if not yet done so. 

End of term Class Picnics

In Week 9, the week after next, each class will have an end of year class picnic as a celebration of their year of learning. Year 3-9 classes will be going to the pool and Prep-year 2 will be at school. Kindy will have a farewell on Wednesday 1st December, which will be the last day of Kindy. 

Students will have a sausage sizzle for their class picnic, which will be provided by the school. 

Week 9 Class Picnics

Monday - year 3/4 pool

Tuesday - year 7/8 pool; Prep-year 2 at the school

Wednesday - year 9 pool

Thursday - year 5/6 pool

If you have any questions, please see your class teacher.

Kind regards,

Ms Langusch

2021 Term Dates for Students

Term 4 - Tuesday 5 October to Thursday 2 December

2022 Term Dates for Students

Term 1: 31st  January – 30th March 

Term 2: 19th April – 16th June 

Term 3: 11th July – 15th September 

Term 4: 3rd October – 1st December 

From the Deputy Principal (STM)

Our FODE students have now completed studies for 2021. Congratulations to Pauline Larem, Madlyne Sambiah and Stephanie Tambarie for passing Year 9. These students will continue on to Year 10 next year. Pauline Taus and Jerry Noor will continue Year 9 through our FODE Program in 2022.

The majority of the School to Mine Programs are on hold over the Christmas break. Staff will continue to work with the District Education Office to finalise and notify new intakes for our LIS Scholarship Program; FODE and Matriculation Programs; Academic Support Program: and our DWU B Ed and Masters Programs.

Please note the Kisim Save Library will be closed over Christmas until February.


Mr. Kevin Collins