TIDINGS - Term 3 Week 7 . 2021

Stay at Home Orders in force until 11.59pm Friday 10 September

For the safety of our whole community please remember that there will be minimal supervision on site at our school for those students who cannot be educated at home, for example if their parent or carer is an essential worker. If you are working from home, and your child is able to be educated from home, please keep them at home.

The Department of Education has stated the following advice for families: “Parents must keep children home if they can, any age and in primary school, secondary school and early childcare. Students will be supported to learn from home. Schools and early childhood education and care services, including Out Of School Hours Care services are open for any child that needs it. Thank you for your support.”

Additionally, if your child is exhibiting even the slightest symptoms they must receive a negative COVID test and be symptom free before returning to school.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school office 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM Monday to Friday: or (02) 6686 7847.


For we are a fragrance of Christ…

But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ…

2 Corinthians 2:13-14

Pressure does funny things to people.

I am convinced it makes us more who we are.

Take Michael Jordan for example. When under pressure he wanted the ball in his hands. Whether he won the game or not I don’t think is the point. Pressure revealed that Jordan would lead from the front and was not afraid of failing (possibly also that he didn’t trust his team mates but we won’t go there now).

I believe we see the same now in our leaders. The current COVID pressures to keep everyone safe and still manage the many facets of running a state or country is revealing the depth of character of our political leaders. This is not a critique or condonement of their behaviour, just an observation. For better or worse, who they are and what they value most is becoming more evident. I believe we need to pray for our leaders now more than ever, what a difficult job to keep millions safe, let alone happy!

It is no different for Jesus. Take the Garden of Gethsemane for example (Matthew 22). When under pressure and about to go on the final journey to the cross, we see Jesus respond as any human would. He cries out to his Father God to take the ‘cup’ from him but if not possible, if the only way to restore people to relationship with Him is to stand in their place on the cross, to die for them, then he would go through it. The pressure of this moment reveals the depth of Christ’s love for us and his desire to do Father God’s will.

I wonder what impact pressure has on you. How are the current COVID pressures effecting your responses to the people and the situations around you? Do they drive you to God or from him? Do they cause you to retreat or fight? Are you gentler and more gracious or more demanding and judgemental? Tough questions I know, and some I assume you don’t want to ask.

Humanness is natural. The ups and downs of life that pressure seems to exacerbate are very normal – we even see the impact on Jesus. We must be okay with these ups and downs and allow ourselves and others the space and grace to be human, to have good and bad days. However, if we don’t give ourselves pause to consider our responses and their impact on those we love, then I believe we can end up in a selfishness that leads to unnecessary division and difficulty. 

Paul’s celebration in Corinthians 2:13-14 challenges us to remember that because of what Jesus has done for us, because God dwells with us, we can live like he did under any pressure. We can love others, think of others, be gracious to others, we can bring unity and be joyful, or have peace. All when it is extremely uncomfortable. This is what it means to be the ‘aroma’ of Christ to others.

I believe the challenge for us is to love through the uncomfortable.

When under pressure, we need God’s help to model and teach our students the beautiful impact that acting in a way that values unity, peace, hope, joy, love, forgiveness, faith and perseverance can have. This way they continue to gain foundations of truth that will be a blessing to others when they are our leaders and politicians. Because, we know that while this difficult moment will pass, more will come, and they must be equipped with a character that will bless others when the pressure comes.

We are praying for our families and our community very much. Be blessed and be sure to contact us should you think we can help.

Good tidings,



Pre-Kindy and Primary Learn@Home packs
Pick-up from the Bus Bay

Wednesday 8 September

Surname A – E              9.00am – 9.30am

Surname F – K              9.30am – 10.00am

Surname L – Q              10.00am – 10.30am

Surname R – Z              10.30am – 11.00am



Friday 17 September



Wednesday 6 October 2021


"Let's Face It!"

This week our Upper Primary participated in a workshop "Let's Face It!" with the Art Gallery of NSW. Students learnt about what makes a portrait and discussed works from the Archibald Prize. Students then created their own self-portraits, doubling up features that showed aspects of their personality, for example extra ears for those who liked listening to others, extra mouths for people who liked talking.



Racecourse Café continues to provide a lunch canteen Monday to Friday.

Bring your orders into the School Office before school or by 10.30am.

Please write the name and order on a bag or envelope and enclose the exact money. 

Note: No Change will be given as orders go straight to the Racecourse Café. 



BALLINA PLAYERS presents Disney’s Moana  Jr from 14-23 January 2022. 

AUDITIONS will be on the 25th September 2021 at Ballina Players Theatre, 24 Swift St Ballina. Rehearsals are on Monday & Wednesday evenings.The age is limited to 8-17 years of age as at 14th January, and is open to both boys and girls. All details can be found on our website, and clicking the image of Moana Jr.