McAuley News

Term 1, Issue 1 - 5 FEBRUARY 2021


Welcome To The 2021 School Year

Last week we welcomed in the 2021 school year. After a day of preparation on Wednesday, the school staff were delighted to see the arrival of students as they returned from their holidays. Students have quickly settled back into the school environment and are attentive to their classes and their peers, and they are looking forward to participating in extra curricular activities.

It is always such a great joy to welcome into the school community a new cohort of Year 7 students. The girls starting Year 7 have done so with maturity and ease. Whilst there are the usual teething problems of feeling lost in a large environment and a new context, they are determined and resilient. They should be proud of their achievements so far. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the Year 7 Welcoming Afternoon next Friday after school, during which time your daughters can take you on a tour of the school and you can meet her homeroom teacher.

In this newsletter you will notice that school activities are returning to normal after the holiday break, and within changed COVID guidelines. This morning we celebrated our School Opening Mass; as always, this was a lovely celebration of the Catherine McAuley community and Mercy welcome to the start of the year. In addition, school and MCCS sports competitions are slowly returning to normal, and some traditional school events are returning to the calendar. At this time we are still not able to invite parents to many school events, although some exceptions are permitted, including the on-site Parents’ and Friends’ Association meeting taking place in the Father David Scott Resource Centre on Tuesday evening at 6.30pm, to which you are all invited. We thank you for your continuing patience in this regard.

New Staff in 2021

The Catherine McAuley community warmly welcomes these new teachers in 2021:

  • Melissa Barone

  • Therese Bielinko

  • April Dannaher

  • Kate Emanuel

  • Sarah Kendrick

  • William Krajancic

  • Colleen Kofron

  • Toni Lee

  • Kirsten Livie

  • Joan Mani

  • Elizabeth Pasion

  • Julia Shipley

  • Laura Spelman

  • Hayley Starr

  • Geeti Zorabi

  • Rosemary Nolan

We are looking forward to working with these teachers this year, and know you are too, as they work with us towards the education of your daughters.

School Goals For 2021

In 2021 we are continuing to work towards the school learning and formation goals we established in 2020. This allows us to go deeper in establishing practices that ensure we retain our successes.

Our Formation Goal in 2021 is to continue to work on implementing the new draft curriculum in Religious Education. This curriculum goes beyond the classroom, asking all Catholics to participate. The new draft curriculum is:

  • a call by Bishop Vincent to love, inclusivity and dignity for all, with Jesus at the centre

  • a way of acting and being Catholic in the Diocese of Parramatta

  • inclusive of all members of the community, with specific attention to

    • young people

    • the adult community

    • school staff.

2020 saw some significant achievements of this goal, with regular correspondence to parents of Catherine McAuley students, school staff spiritual development days and the implementation of new learning cycles in Catherine McAuley classrooms. We are looking forward to continuing this work in 2021.

The school’s Learning Goal this year is to improve students’ comprehension of and responses to increasingly complex texts so that increased student learning continues to occur in both reading and writing in school-based assessment and standardised testing.

Again, significant gains were made in 2020; these improvements were visible in the school’s HSC results, the Progressive Achievement Test in Reading and in students’ school-based assessment. There was a focus on teacher professional learning at a whole school level, and also at an individual faculty level. We are excited to see our developments in this area in 2021 also.

Mary Refalo


The Role of the Teacher - a Farewell Reflection

I recently listened to a short interview with Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills at the OECD, who spoke about how schools have coped with the challenges of 2020. He reflected on how the role of teaching has fundamentally changed and made special mention of education being more of a relational process rather than a transactional process which was magnified throughout 2020 due to Covid. Schools are not just about the academic achievement of students but also about their social and emotional wellbeing. They are about creating the conditions that allow our students to be the best version of themselves.

As I reflect on the work being done at Catherine McAuley, I am confident that the right conditions are being set up for our young women. We are talking about student learning with a strong focus on good discipline, a safe and supportive environment and high expectations. Our school motto Altiora Quaerite - Strive For Higher Things guides us in all we do. 

So as I leave the Catherine McAuley community to take on a new challenge,  I leave with confidence that the staff, students and parents are working together on the common goal of providing the conditions that allows our young women to achieve their best in a safe and supportive environment and that all members of the school community feel a sense of pride in what they do as well as in their community as a whole. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the students and parents for their support over the past three years. I also thank all of my colleagues, both teaching and support staff, and in particular my coordinators, who always rise to meet any challenge they are presented with - they are truly an amazing team of people and I have genuinely enjoyed working with them all. Finally, I would like to acknowledge the School Leadership Team - Ms Mary Refalo, Ms Debbie Grigson, Ms Genevieve Banks, Miss Sharon Brincat and Ms Katie Patterson for being such a wonderful and supportive team to work with. I have learnt much from this wonderful community and I will miss you all. I wish each and everyone of you all the very best.  

God Bless and Thank you

Ms Silvana Rossetti
Assistant Principal (Learning & Teaching)

FROM THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL (Pastoral Care/Administration)

Welcome to 2021

On behalf of the Pastoral Team, I welcome Year 7 students and their families and any new students and their families to the Catherine McAuley Community. 

At the beginning of the school year it is important for the girls to use a range of resources and strategies to prepare for learning each day. The following information is provided to assist girls and their families to prepare for each school day and to gain the best out of each learning opportunity.

School Planner

Each student has received a School Planner that will assist their preparation for classes as well as support and build student wellbeing.

The School Planner highlights the following six elements of Wellbeing:

  • Positive Engagement: Building your connection to yourself and the present moment.

  • Meaning and Purpose: Having passion and a reason for doing what you do.

  • Skills and Achievement: Building your capabilities to strive, thrive and flourish.

  • Relationships and Optimism: Focusing optimistically and believing you and others matter.

  • Strength and Emotions: Being in charge of your emotions through your strengths.

  • Exercise and Health: Having a healthy body and healthy mind.

Each week the School Planner highlights a specific Wellbeing element providing information and short reflection activities. The Year Coordinator and Homeroom Teachers will focus on different elements of this information throughout 2021.

The School Planner is a form of communication between parents/guardians, students and teachers. Parents are requested to check the School Planner regularly and sign it weekly. 

The School Planner provides information on school procedures, policies and structures.

  • Pages 3A - 5A Staff Directory 
  • Pages 6A - 7A Parent Information specifically attendance procedures
  • Page 12A - 13A Merit System
  • Page 12A - 13A Merit System
  • Pages 15A - Student Charter
  • Page 16A - 19A Expectations of Catherine McAuley Students
  • Page 22A - 25A Policies and procedures
  • Page 12A - 13A Merit System

Students are required to be at school no later than 8.30am and are dismissed at 3:10pm. The Student Planner, pages 6A and 7A, outline the Attendance Procedures specifically: 

  • Lateness and Early Leave

  • Leave during the School Term

  • Absence Note -

  • SMS message when students are absent

The School Planner is an organisational tool for the student in relation to school, it is not to be used as a student’s social diary. 

Fr David Scott Resource Centre

To support students learning and provide access to a range of resources including the internet the school Library hours are as follows:

  • Monday to Thursday 7:45am - 5:00pm

  • Friday until 4pm 7:45am - 4:00pm

  • Peer Tutoring is available after school in the library

Arriving and Departing from the School Grounds: 

  • Students are collected from the Kiss and Drop zone via Gate 3 after 3:30pm

  • Gate 3 closes at 9am, entry is via Gate 2 or Darcy Road Pedestrian Gate 

  • Students enter the grounds via the pedestrian gates not car access gates

  • We ask parents to discuss with their daughter appropriate behaviour on public transport and walking to and from school. Our school is in a high pedestrian and traffic area. With the increased number of building works in the area there has been an increase in trucks using the area. Students have been instructed when using their phones to only use one earphone so they are aware of the noises around them.

Public Transport

Many of our school buses are at capacity. If another bus is to be placed on the school route, students must have an activated Opal card and use the card when boarding and alighting the bus / train. Please ensure your daughter’s Opal Card is activated. If you have concerns regarding the bus / train services you need to contact the relevant company to lodge a complaint.

Wearing a mask is mandatory on public transport. The school has been contacted by members of the public concerned McAuley students are not complying with the NSW government's directive.   


We ask parents not to park in the properties surrounding the school including the Westmead Hospital Staff Accommodation adjacent to Gate 3 in Darcy Road. Also parents are taking up parking spots at Westmead Dental Hospital stopping patients from using this area. These areas are now monitored by Parking Rangers and fines may apply.

The Purpose of Homework or Home Learning

(from: Dr Prue Salter - The Study Skills Specialist)

Homework, or Home Learning as some schools now prefer to call it, serves many purposes. It may be to consolidate or check or extend the learning from the day, or prepare for the learning to come in subsequent days. It could be to do with longer term work such as assignments or preparing for tests and examinations. Ultimately it comes back to what school is all about – learning. And learning not just about learning content, but learning and developing skills. At times students feel that the work they are doing at school is not relevant to their lives, however sometimes we need to look beyond the content to the purpose of the learning exercise. At times the content will be a vehicle to teach particular skills. Much of what we learn in Mathematics develops the problem solving circuits in our brain. When you are analysing Shakespeare you are learning not just about Shakespeare, but to think critically and expand your point of view and broaden your experience of the world through examination of different lives, emotions and experiences. The message is that everything you learn at school has purpose and value, even if you can’t always quite see it at the time.

There is much debate in the media as to the value of homework. In secondary school homework has been proven to be an essential component of academic success in the senior years. The reality of Year 11 and 12 is that a large component of independent learning needs to be undertaken at home. One of the biggest problems for students transitioning to the senior years is that they have not learnt to work effectively and efficiently in the home environment. This is why developing good habits and learning to do at least a solid hour a day of home study is essential in Years 7-10. It is also about developing the qualities of discipline and perseverance, both essential for senior studies. Students will not like every subject equally, so students need to learn how to make themselves do the work even for their least favourite subjects.

What can you do this year to manage your homework effectively? Try these top tips:

  • GET ORGANISED STRAIGHT AWAY: As soon as you get home unpack your bag before you have a break and something to eat. Lay out all the work first. It is easier to get started if you have everything ready to go.
  • PRIORITISE AND PLAN: Before you start work, write a list of what needs to be done and decide what order you will do it. Focus on what is most important, not just what subject you like best!  Also write down how long you think each task will take to do.
  • DEVELOP THINKING PATHWAYS: Keep in your mind that it is all about learning. Try and look beyond the actual content to what type of skill this homework might be developing in you – analysing, critical thinking, writing skills, or problem-solving skills for example.
  • CHUNK TIME INTO FOCUSED BLOCKS: Do your work in 20-30 minute blocks with no distractions during that time. So switch off the TV, turn off your phone for that 20-30 minutes. When you just focus on the work that needs to be done you’ll be amazed at how much work you complete. Of course if you are on a roll, you can keep going past the 30 minutes.
  • ALTERNATE AND CHIP AWAY: If there is a task you really don’t want to do then alternate this with a task you enjoy doing. For example, 15 minutes on the homework you like, 5 minutes on the homework you don’t like. When you chip away at it you will be surprised how quickly you get through the work.

Learn more this year about how to improve your results and be more efficient and effective with your schoolwork by working through the units on  - our school’s access details are:

Username: mcauley     
Password: 189results

Ms Debbie Grigson
Assistant Principal (Pastoral Care/Administration)


Back to School

For many young women, a new school year signals excitement and anticipation as they look forward to catching up with friends, beginning classes or taking up an elective they are interested in. Unfortunately for some, the new school year can arouse feelings of nervousness, uncertainty, anxiety, fear and even panic. They may be uncomfortable with the newness of changing teachers, subjects or schools. All of these feelings are completely normal and very common.

As parents and carers, it’s easy to think we need to discipline our child for their behaviour and then become confused or frustrated when they do not respond the way we want them. An alternative is to look beyond the behaviours to the actual feelings behind them, understanding what is going on under the surface, their worries, or are they trying to ask for help?

Bear in mind, school is not the only thing changing for teenagers - peer groups are shifting, hormones are going wild, feelings are more intense, and their brains are signalling a desire to be more impulsive and to take risks -  and these things are out of their control.

The most important thing you can do as a parent at this point is to truly listen to what they are trying to communicate, either verbally or behaviourally. Your daughter needs you to listen without judgement or criticism and for you to show empathy so you understand how they might be feeling, even if you do not agree with them. Remember to stay calm as you listen to her.

Hear them out and talk with them about times when they have felt anxious in the past but have overcome their fears to achieve positive outcomes. Explore what they did back then that helped, and can apply the same strategy? This open communication provides an opportunity to identify their strengths and skills they can use and helps build self-confidence and resilience.

If you feel that you require further assistance, contact the School Counsellor for advice. Other useful contacts when your daughter is not ok:

  • Family Doctor or Psychologist
  • Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800
  • Lifeline on 13 11 14
  • ‘000’ if life is in imminent danger.

Mrs Suzan Boulattouf
School Counsellor


After a very different summer holiday with COVID 19 health orders and border closes, it has been great to return to school. Some aspects of our lives have become more unpredictable, for example planning overseas travel. However in this chaotic world there is one certainty, at Catherine McAuley Westmead, we take our business of learning very seriously. After an absence of time it is always wonderful to see familiar faces and welcome those who are new to our school community.

The Religious Education (RE) Team welcomes three new staff members to our faculty: Miss Elizabeth Pasion, Miss Julia Shipley and Mrs Colleen Kofron.

We are also very pleased that existing members of staff, Mrs Talitha Flynn and Mrs Diane Jarosevski have also joined the RE Faculty.

Despite the difficulties of last year, the Graduating Class of 2020 performed well in both the Studies of Religion I and Studies of Religion II courses. Once again, both courses were above state average and we congratulate these students and their teachers on their achievements. 

The rationale of the Studies of Religion (SOR) syllabus states “SOR provides a learning experience that prepares students for further education and training, employment and full and active participation as citizens within society.” Perhaps some of the tensions played out in world events may have been avoided if the participants had included Studies of Religion (SOR) in their learning schedules. Venerable Catherine McAuley’s vision was that those in her care must equip themselves to take their place in the world and in Westmead we continue this legacy.

In 2021, students in Stage Five - Years 9 and 10 are now studying the Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta’s Draft New Curriculum (DNC). Through inquiry learning they will explore complex issues including : The relevance of knowing and imitating Jesus as a way to enhance all human flourishing and The significance of Indigenous Spirituality to contemporary Australian life. Later in the year, Stage Four - Years 7 and 8 will begin their learning journey with the DNC.

Thank you to our families for their continuing support of our endeavours here at Catherine McAuley Westmead. We look forward to sharing with you the successes of your daughters throughout the year.

Ms Genevieve Banks
Religious Education Coordinator


Opening School Mass

The school joined together in the Morley Centre on Friday, 5th February for the Opening School Mass. The Mass was celebrated by Father Walter Fogarty, Coordinating Pastor for the Westmead Catholic Community. At the Mass the Year 7 students received their school bibles and, along with other new members of the school community, were welcomed into the ‘Circle of Mercy’ where the whole school community prays for God’s blessing on their studies ahead and welcomes them to the school.

At the conclusion of the Mass the Years 7-12 SRC representatives, Year 10 Peer Support Mentors and Years 8-10 House, Mercy in Action (MAG) and Liturgy leaders received their badges of office.

Additional photos from the Opening Mass are available on the School Instagram and Facebook pages.

Liturgy, MAG, House & SRC Homeroom Leaders and Peer Mentors

Year 8 Leaders
Caritas:         Olivia A., Rebecca E.,  Emma T., Catherine H.
Clare:             Zarah M., Tahlia H., Mya S., Kaitlin C.
Coolock:        Georgia S., Grace R., Elisha Z., Emily G.
Dobson:         Karen F., Miriam R., Marli W., Galia E.
Mercedes:     Tarsha X., Niamh M., Sabine E., Alexa L.
Ryan:              Amalija M., Claudia K., Neave S.,  Isabella L.
Veritas:         Issabella P., Daphne C., Aradhana H., Joy M.

Year 9 Leaders 
Caritas:         Shanice A., Jamee W., Amelia C., Lea Z.
Clare:             Sara E., Erika I., Lauren D., Reianna K.
Coolock:         Angelina Z., Faith F., Naydeen P., Leah M.
Dobson:         Gabrielle S., Meagan J., Natalya S., Chanel F.
Mercedes:      Sasha L., Ana Maria C., Mahika C., Annaliese D.
Ryan:             Riya R., Michelle S., Pugalinee K., Alicia D.
Veritas:         Alyssa C., Jessica T., Grace R., Aliyah S.

Year 10 Leaders
Caritas:         Ashyra C., Lucienne T., Mia B., Savannah A.
Clare:             Laura A., Chloe H., Feliciana C., Madison D.
Coolock:         Ramya L., Elyce J., Jacinta A., Shreya S.
Dobson:         Georgia E., Nana G., Jasmine O., Anushka G.
Mercedes:     Ketaki N., Claire G., Patricia B., Raimely B.
Ryan:             Cassandra W., Charlotte N., Makayla Mc., Cloie T.
Veritas:         Kiara S., Mariana R., Lana C., Arwen-Cady F.

Year 11 SRC
Monique V., Tamarah E., Jacintta G., Tanvi P., Zara Z., Harleen S., Ann Maria C.

Year 12 SRC
Alisha M., Michaela A., Annabelle H., Zenat N., Hannah E., Renee V., Annabelle A.

Year 10 Peer Mentors
Michelle A., Hannah E. A., Hannah J. A., Chloe A., Jasmine A., Helena A., Chloe A., Sara B., Sophia B., Mikayla B., Daniella B., Hannah B., Sarah B., Jade C., Louise C., Maya C., Alana C., Olivia D., Sophia D., Carmella D., Sophia E., Sophie F., Amelia F., Natalia G,. Caitlin K., Georgette K., Taylor K., Isabella K., Maya K., Iman L., Simone L., Halie L., Chelsea M., Natalie M., Veronica M., Jacinta M., Alana M., Bronte M., Tara N., Liya N., Emily O., Andrea P., Sophia P., Reya R., Aiza R., Isabelle R., Liz S., Tanisha S., Felicity S., Leila S., Isabelle T., Veronika T., Imarosa T., Gabrielle Y.

First School Assembly for 2021

Friday last week was the first day back at school for all students and it was also the first time the whole school was allowed to gather (in year groups) for a school assembly. Since Covid restrictions the school has been conducting all school assemblies via live stream with only one year group present and the other year groups viewing from their Homerooms.

It was an especially exciting assembly because the school had ABC News onsite as they filmed a news segment for their ‘back to school’ story. See article about Year 12 student Shanaya D. who featured in this news story.

Welcome to Year 7 - First Day of High School

The school welcomed the newest students to the school on Thursday, 28th January as the Year 7 students started high school. The future Class of 2026! 

Students spent their first day meeting their Homeroom teachers and classmates, receiving their timetables and lockers, touring the school grounds, learning about the student intranet and beginning to use their school planners.

The Year 7 students were ably assisted by Year 12 student leaders who started their school year one day early to assist.

Visit the School Instagram and Facebook pages for lots of additional photos from Year 7’s first day.

Year 7 Classes

Year 7 students are enjoying their first classes at high school and exploring the school grounds.

“I like navigating around the school, it is like a scavenger hunt!” I also like that the class work is at our level and the teachers help us learn at our own pace. They are always on hand if we need help”, Cassandra L.

“The Year 12 students are helping us find our way and the teachers are helping if we don’t understand”, Majerin P.

“I really like all my subjects. I am especially looking forward to being able to do Drama and French”, Mentweb A.

A snapshot of Year 7 classes this week is shown here. Visit the School Instagram and Facebook pages for more photos.

A Message For Year 7 Parents From The Year 7 Pastoral Team

A very warm welcome to all Year 7 students and parents from the Year 7 Pastoral Team. It has been a wonderful start to the year and a very steep learning curve.  Year 7 students have learned to organise their school planners, read their emails and check their daily notices and schedule on Compass. They have also mastered their locks and navigated the crowds in the locker area. Most students have had the experience of getting lost on the journey to class and this has provided them with the opportunity to experience the wonderful mercy hospitality of our older students who have pointed them in the right direction or escorted them to class. Teachers report that students are settling into the routine of high school life and getting used to daily homework. If the girls have come home from school exhausted, you now know why.

 We look forward to welcoming parents and carers to school next Friday. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email the Homeroom Teacher or Year Coordinator. The addresses are in the school planner.

 The Year 7 Pastoral Team

Year 7 Transition Program

To help Year 7 students settle into life as a high school student they will take part in a transition program designed to assist them with their organisation and give them the skills needed to be a learner at Catherine McAuley.

Students will learn how to set up their Google Drives and Classroom, how to use Canvas*, how to access Compass and their emails, learn touch typing skills to ensure they are working in the most time effective way, and learn different study techniques and ways to prepare for assessments and exams. In addition, students will develop an understanding of the language associated with learning. 

The transition program will help students develop the skills required to become competent as assessment visible capable learners, understand the concept of the learning pit - surface, deep and transfer learning and student led conferences. In addition, students will be setting up and continually adding to their e-portfolios and will learn to navigate Google sites. There will also be time for teachers to assist students with the organisation of assessment tasks and class work. 

In Term 3, students will have 'taster' lessons in LOTE (Languages Other Than English) where they will experience Japanese and French languages in order to assist them in making informed choices for the language they will study in Year 8. 

Students have a voice in the presentation of information to them and should communicate with their teachers if they need assistance in a particular aspect of their learning.

We hope this will assist Year 7 to transition to the rigours of secondary school learning in the most effective way.

Ms Joanne DaeYear 7 Coordinator

* Canvas is a sophisticated online learning management system that has many useful features to ensure clarity of student learning. Students are able to view lesson instruction, submit online assignments and quizzes, engage in discussions with peers and teachers. View a video about Canvas here.

Year 12 Student Features on ABC News

Year 12 student Shanaya D. featured in the ABC NSW back to school news coverage last week on Friday, 29th January. Shanaya, a Dharug traditional owner and activist, shared her hopes for the future and reflected on the experience of COVID-19 as a student.

The news bulletin included footage of Shanaya's Welcome to Country at the school assembly last week. This assembly was the first whole school assembly the school has held since COVID-19 restrictions were recently eased.

View the ABC news item here.

McAuley Art Club

This year the Visual Arts Department is starting an Art Club to build connections between students who have a love of art. 

Students are welcome to use the art classrooms to create artworks every Friday lunchtime with Mrs Lane and Miss Breen. Students will be focusing on drawing this Term and will participate in an art competition facilitated by the Children's Hospital at Westmead. 

See the competition details here and our flyer for Art Club for Term 1.

Mrs Lane
Visual Arts Coordinator

Recycle For Sight

Do you have any old prescription glasses around the house? These can be used to help others in countries that do not have the same access to corrective glasses as we do.

Bring in old pairs of glasses during February and give them to Mr Grumley in MF106 or during Homeroom in BM207. 

Help someone else to see as we do, it is as simple as one, two, see...

All Welcome to First P&F Meeting for 2021

The Catherine McAuley Parents & Friends Association meets once a term.  All parents are invited to attend. The Association does not fundraise (instead each family pays a levy already included in their school fees) and the meetings are a chance for all parents to have a say about how they would like the P&F levies to be spent. It also offers a chance to hear from the School Principal about what is happening at the school.

Meeting dates for 2021 are: 

  • Term 1 - Tuesday 9th February
  • Term 2 - Tuesday 27th April
  • Term 3 - Tuesday 20th July
  • Term 4 - Tuesday 19th October

The Term 1 meeting next week on Tuesday, 9th February will be held at school at 6.00pm for a 6.30pm start in the school library. Limited parking is available on site - enter Gate 2 on Darcy Road and park near School Reception. While appropriate distancing measures will be in place, anyone who is unwell should not attend.  Attendees should expect to sign in using a QR code upon arrival.

Please RSVP to Andrew Millen, P&F Secretary via:


Year 7 Branches of Science

Year 7 Science students are participating in an activity to introduce them to science and all the different branches it has to offer such as biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, etc.

Different stations relating to the different branches are set up around the laboratory and students need to identify which branch each station belongs to. This activity gives the students the opportunity to realise the diversity of science and all the different areas they have the opportunity to study.

Year 7 History Students Solve History Mystery

Year 7 History students of Ms Dito were solving a history mystery in class this week. Students were given a mystery pack of sources from a detective investigation into the death of a man in 1965 and needed to figure out how the man died using the evidence collected by the police officer. Ms Dito reminded the students that being a historian is like being a detective, using your investigative skills to infer theories from the evidence. “Students really engaged with the task and loved explaining their theories about how the man died”, she said.

Year 11 Chemistry Learning About Physical Properties of Substances

Year 11 Chemistry students of Ms Reynolds are learning about how the physical properties of substances can be used to separate mixtures into their components. 

PD/H/PE Practical Requirements

A requirement of the Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PD/H/PE) and Physical Activity and Sports Studies (PASS) syllabus is for students to participate in practical physical activity lessons. For these lessons, students are required to bring their sport uniform to change into to participate in the lesson. Class teachers will inform students of the days allocated as practical lessons. 

Students will need to ensure that they have their hat, school sports shirt, school shorts or tracksuit pants (in winter terms 2 and 3) and predominantly white sneakers, for each of their practical lessons. All items of clothing should be labelled with their name and be carried to school in their black excursion bag. Students are also encouraged to bring a water bottle to each practical lesson. It is the students responsibility to ensure that their sport uniform is washed and ready for them to bring to school on the day of their practical lessons.

If a student does not bring any part of their sport uniform, and does not provide a note for injury or illness, they may not be able to participate in the lesson and will be issued with a PDHPE uniform infringement as specified by their teacher. A note will also be recorded in their student planner. These infringements will be recorded and after every three uniform infringements, the student will receive a lunchtime detention. The class teacher will communicate with students when the lunchtime detention will take place.

If a student continues to fail to bring her sport uniform, contact will be made with the parents/carers. Some PDHPE/PASS assessment tasks are practical and if a student does not have the appropriate uniform they may not be able to complete the assessment, resulting in a zero mark.  

If a student cannot participate in practical lessons due to an injury or illness, they require a note from their parents. If it is an ongoing medical issue or injury, preventing participation, a doctors certificate will be required. When a student is cleared to return to practical participation, a doctors clearance should be provided to her class teacher.

If you have any questions or concerns about this please contact your daughter’s PDHPE teacher.

The PDHPE Department


Year 12 Student Receives Western Sydney Academy of Sport Scholarship

Congratulations to Carol G., Year 12, who has recently received a ‘Lone Star Program’ scholarship with the Western Sydney Academy of Sport for her sport of fencing. Carol first became interested in fencing by participating in the school fencing program on a Thursday afternoon. She is the only fencer this year to receive the scholarship. Well done Carol! 


Tuesday, 9th FebruaryWhole School Photos
Friday, 12th FebruaryWelcome to Year 7 Parents' Afternoon
Wednesday, 17th FebruaryAsh Wednesday
Tuesday, 23rd FebruaryYears 9 and 11 Study Skills Sessions
Wednesday, 24th FebruaryLong Distance Swimming Carnival
Wednesday, 3rd MarchSchool Swimming Carnival


The Library Ambassadors are a student group who work with Mrs Lorenzutta to promote the library collection and services to the wider school community. The 2020 Ambassadors led a series of initiatives including ‘Book Snaps’, ‘Tie Die’ and ‘Get Peared with a Book’ campaign. 

If you are an avid reader with big ideas then this may be the role for you. Keep an eye out on the student notices for more information regarding applications which open next week.


Reminder To Students and Parents

Second Hand Uniforms

Do You Have Any Second Hand Uniform Items for Sale? 

Do You Wish To Purchase Any Second Hand Uniform Items?

The school has had a number of requests regarding second hand uniforms and although our school uniform shop does not sell second hand items directly we have set up an area on the school website for parents to list their items for sale.

If you are interested in purchasing second hand uniform items perhaps you might like to check the school website under ‘Enrolments / Uniform Shop’ and see what items are listed. 

If you are a parent with an item to sell please email with your item details and photos. The school website under ‘Enrolments / Uniform Shop’ gives you more information.

Catherine McAuley Parent Business Directory

A reminder that the school has a Catherine McAuley Parent Business Directory. This directory is a collection of parent owned businesses and is something you might want to consulate when you are next looking for a particular item or service.

If you would like to be included in the directory please fill out this form.