I must congratulate our students on their neat and tidy appearance. It’s a joy to walk through the playground and see students so well dressed and taking pride in their school. Our current uniforms reflect who we are. The beautiful ‘sea colours’ and the indigenous design coupled with the ability to look smart on the sporting field or topped with a blazer for a more formal event, ticks all the boxes. Thank you parents and carers for taking the time to ensure your children are in uniform and looking (and feeling) smart everyday.
Shortly, you will be able to book an appointment to have a face-to-face interview with your child’s teacher. For some families, contact with the school and the teacher is almost a daily event. For others, it is more difficult to organise appropriate times to discuss your child and their learning progress. We understand the logistical challenges you might face managing children and work commitments! Please request a phone interview if this makes things a little easier for you. We value your time and value even more your feedback re your child’s educational journey. Make the most of this opportunity to start – or continue – dialogue with your child’s teacher.
We are currently busy working on a new school plan that will span the next four years. A comprehensive situational analysis completed last year was able to provide focus and clarity to our plan. Your comments via surveys, student progress data and staff reflection all play a role in determining what we need to improve and how we might go about effecting the changes we need to see in the school. Our School Improvement Plan needs to be published by the end of this term. At our P&C meeting in week 8 I will present the draft for your consideration. It has been an exhausting but extremely rewarding task working with staff, looking at how we can grow and learn alongside our students.
One focus that we have had for the past 2 years – and we will continue to pursue – is around Visible Learning. Perhaps you have heard some of the shared language we are embedding across the school? Ask your child about learning intentions, success criteria and active learning dispositions. Perhaps they are setting their own learning goals or discussing solutions to problems with their learning partner. In term 2 we are hoping to have some parent workshops where we can share information about this research-based pedagogy with you. It’s very exciting!
We have lots of great things happening before the end of this term. Year 6 are off to a camp at Chiltern Lodge, Happy Healthy Harold is making a return visit in the Life Education Van and our kinder, year 1 and year 2 students will enjoy an Easter Hat Parade on the last day of term. The P&C will organise their traditional Easter raffle and hold their AGM on March 17. The P&C are doing an amazing job supporting our school and fundraising for our BIG playground projects. Be a part of it!
Have a wonderful week.
Deborah Scanes