New Lambton Heights Infants School

Term 3 week 4 Newsletter

From the Principal

This term seems to be flying by. We hope you enjoyed our Education Week video as much as we enjoyed putting it together. Something else I am putting together is this new style of newsletter, using the eNewletter function in Skoolbag. I am sure I will need to make a few tweaks, but am happy to know what you think. 

So what's on top for us at the moment? We are starting to move into a new school planning cycle for 2021 - 2024. 

All DoE schools will engage in a School Excellence cycle. This will involve a Situational Analysis, developing a Strategic Improvement Plan, implementation and progress monitoring of the plan and annual reflection of progress and impact.

Each year schools undertake a self-assessment of practice and development, using the School Excellence Framework to identify areas of strength and areas to improve.

Once during the four-year School Excellence cycle each school will undertake an external validation of evidence of their school self-assessment. Schools engage in discussions with an external panel and have their self-assessments validated using the School Excellence Framework. 

Schools report annually to their communities and the system in the school’s annual report, which is published on their website by the end of Term 1 of the following school year.

Over the next few weeks the staff are engaging in the the Situational Anlaysis. A situational analysis is an  assessment of our current state and is used to inform our  school’s improvement journey in learning, teaching and leading. Through a process of ‘looking inward’, ‘looking outward’ and ‘looking forward’, a situational analysis answers the questions:

  • ‘Where are we now?’
  • ‘Where do we want to be?'
  • 'How good can we be?'

The information gathered in the process will be shared early next term with our school community for consultation. This week I will be working on the Tell Them From Me Parent Survey and will open this next week to parents and carers to complete. This is another way that parents and carers can contribute to the Situational Analysis, so we would love all parents/carers to complete this. 

We are looking forward to working together to plan our goals for the next four years. 

Lisa Hughes


Thank you!

Thank you to the staff and community for your kind acknowledgement of 'National Primary Principal's Day' on Friday. I received two beautiful bunches of flowers - one from staff and and one from the P&C. The staff also provided a lovely morning tea. I felt very appreciated! It is a privilege to be part of such a kind and caring community and makes my job so much easier. Thank you. 

At New Lambton Heights Infants School we acknowledge that we teach, learn and play together on the traditional country of the Awabakal people, who are the custodians of this land. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present.

What's On at The Heights?

Library BorrowingEvery Wednesday 
Snack Canteen Every Friday Lunch 2
AssemblyEvery Friday 15 mins. Sorry, staff and students only.
P&C MeetingWednesday August 12 Extraordinary Meeting Zoom 7pm
Dance2B FitEvery Friday morning
School PhotosTuesday August 11
Athletics Carnival Thursday September 17 TBC
Getting Ready for Kinder 2021 Zoom Wednesday August 26 6:30pm - 7:30pm


We are currently taking details of students looking to enrol in 2021. If you know of any families who are interested in enrolling (both in area and out of area), please ask them to contact the school. 

Late arrivals and Early Pick Up

Mrs Whetham has created a new form on Skoolbag for parents to complete if your child is late or requires early pick up. This is an alternative to parents coming into the school office if they prefer not to. If your child is late, parents can safely see him/her into the gate and phone the office to let us know he/she is at school. We will then ask you to complete the form on Skoolbag. If you would like to pick up early, you can phone the office and we will bring your child to the gate and ask you to complete the form on Skoolbag. We are trying to limit the number of visitors on site, but understand if you would still prefer to present your child at the office. Please be sure to santise your hands and sign in. 

Getting Ready for Kinder 2021 Q&A Online Evening

This year we will be holding our Getting Ready for Kindergarten information evening online via Zoom on Wednesday 26 August 2020. We will be emailing all families on our Kindergarten 2021 list this week. We are happy for our community to share the link with friends, family, neighbours or work colleagues. We have invited some guests to share their expertise in preparing children for school and will answer any questions that parents may have about starting school or about our school. 

Please register your interest at this link and we will email you a link to the meeting.

Year 2-3 Enrolment Forms

This week,  we will be printing all Year 2 enrolment forms and sending these home to families to make any changes. We have spoken to both NLPS and WSPS and have instructions on how completed forms are to be submitted. These will be included with your forms. Please phone if you have any questions or phone your Year 3 school. 

Awesome award winners Term 3 Week 3

Weekly Wellbeing

Get all the tips and tricks and find out what we are learning to make our school a great place where we can all learn, are safe and are happy. 

P&C News

P&C Members you should have received an invitation to an Extraordinary Meeting tonight at 7pm via Zoom. Please check your email for meeting details.

We are also looking for a volunteer to keep our canteen stocked. If you are able to help out, please contact the P&C at

To keep up to date with P&C activities and news, please follow our Facebook page; ‘New Lambton Heights Infants P & C’.



2021 marks the 70th birthday of New Lambton Heights Infants School!

To celebrate and commemorate this special occasion, the P&C are publishing our very own NLHIS cookbook which will be available to purchase. We are hoping to fill it with much-loved, tried and true family favourite recipes to share with each other and the wider community.

If you have a recipe that is thoroughly enjoyed in your home, we invite you to contribute it. It could be a cultural dish, or a recipe that you love to bake. Maybe it’s a lunchbox hit, a favourite family dinner or a special occasion recipe that’s been shared for generations.

Whatever it is, we would love to showcase it in the commemorative cookbook for other NLHI families to enjoy. When considering your recipe, please make sure it:

· Lists ingredients that are readily available

· Contains clear instructions that are easy to follow

· Is not a direct copy of an already published recipe (if you have adapted or changed a recipe that is OK).

What to do:

·       Decide with your family which recipe you would like to contribute and why.

·       Test the recipe out, pretending you are cooking it for the first time and checking the instructions are accurate and helpful.

·       Style the finished recipe and take a fabulous photograph of it.

·       Using the layout attached to the newsletter as a guide, you can either: email your recipe in word or pdf format to OR fill the form out drop and it into the cream P&C box near the office.

Thanks everyone and happy cooking!


Thank you to those families who have already purchased their Entertainment Books!

Entertainment Memberships can start anytime and are packed with thousands of substantial savings on dining, travel and fun family activities. The digital membership is easy to download to start using instantly. New offers are added weekly for ongoing value all year round.



We are looking for a volunteer to keep our canteen stocked, if you are able to assist please contact the P&C on

Canteen is held between 12.45pm and 1.10pm. Please make sure you can set up at 12.30pm ready for the rush!

Also, at the conclusion of canteen, please ensure that you restock ready for next week to make it easier for next week’s volunteers.

If you can’t make your rostered day please arrange a swap with someone and notify If you are unable to find a replacement, please advise Kate via the P&C so that a substitute can be organised. If you have any queries, you can contact the P&C on

If you would like to fill any of the shifts for next term please visit our signup page:

Term 3 Roster

Friday 14 August

Marion & Emily Maksimovic

Friday 21 August

Katie Draper & Kate Bone

Friday 28 August

Janette Collins & Megan Collins

Friday 4 September

Janette Collins & Kate Murphy

Friday 11 September

Megan Knott & Janette Collins

Friday 18 September

Katie Draper & Talisa Thiering

Friday 25 September

Vimbayinesu Timba & Kate Bone



You can order your uniforms online at our Square Shop

There are a wide range of second hand uniforms for the sale in the uniform shop . Please make an appointment to visit the uniform shop if you would like to see what is available. 

If you have any uniforms which no longer fit your children and are still in good condition, please send them in to the uniform shop for re-sale. 

P&C Cookbook Template

Please use this template for your recipe ideas. 


Please find attached a list of all of the lost property currently in the school. Please contact the school if any of these items belong to your child. On Monday any unclaimed items will be donated to the Second Hand Uniform shop. From this time on we will be donating any items without names or current names if they have not been taken home within a week. Please ensure YOUR child's name is on every item. If tags are old, the back of the school badge is a good place to write a name. Thank you for your help with this. 

Lost Property List
