This term seems to be flying by. We hope you enjoyed our Education Week video as much as we enjoyed putting it together. Something else I am putting together is this new style of newsletter, using the eNewletter function in Skoolbag. I am sure I will need to make a few tweaks, but am happy to know what you think.
So what's on top for us at the moment? We are starting to move into a new school planning cycle for 2021 - 2024.
All DoE schools will engage in a School Excellence cycle. This will involve a Situational Analysis, developing a Strategic Improvement Plan, implementation and progress monitoring of the plan and annual reflection of progress and impact.
Each year schools undertake a self-assessment of practice and development, using the School Excellence Framework to identify areas of strength and areas to improve.
Once during the four-year School Excellence cycle each school will undertake an external validation of evidence of their school self-assessment. Schools engage in discussions with an external panel and have their self-assessments validated using the School Excellence Framework.
Schools report annually to their communities and the system in the school’s annual report, which is published on their website by the end of Term 1 of the following school year.
Over the next few weeks the staff are engaging in the the Situational Anlaysis. A situational analysis is an assessment of our current state and is used to inform our school’s improvement journey in learning, teaching and leading. Through a process of ‘looking inward’, ‘looking outward’ and ‘looking forward’, a situational analysis answers the questions:
- ‘Where are we now?’
- ‘Where do we want to be?'
- 'How good can we be?'
The information gathered in the process will be shared early next term with our school community for consultation. This week I will be working on the Tell Them From Me Parent Survey and will open this next week to parents and carers to complete. This is another way that parents and carers can contribute to the Situational Analysis, so we would love all parents/carers to complete this.
We are looking forward to working together to plan our goals for the next four years.
Lisa Hughes