Lismore South Public School Newsletter

Week 6 Term 4

Principal Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

I would like to welcome new staff to the Lismore South Public School team including Mrs Tegan Massie (teacher), Mrs Leanne Taylor (teacher), Miss Nicky Sandmann (teacher), Mr Bodhi (SLSO) and Miss Bec (SLSO). Our new staff have been warmly welcomed by the children and are quickly settling into school life at South.  

Next week, we begin a new Creative Arts program with a specialist teacher. Miss Nicky has returned to the local area after many years teaching Creative Arts in international schools. We are excited that all classes from preschool to Year 6 will participate in weekly music and drama classes.  

Over the past few weeks, we have seen an increase in the number of students arriving at school early.  Please be aware that there are no teachers on duty until 8:30am and students should not be arriving before this time. Parents will be contacted to collect their children if they are arriving well before this time. Thanks for your support in keeping our students safe. 

The term is flying by fast, don't forget to keep up to date with our school calendar published at the end of this newsletter. 

Kind regards,

Larissa Polak


Last week we farewelled Miss Karen Phillips, one of our School Learning and Support officers. We will miss Miss Karen's positivity, patience, caring nature and dedicated approach to supporting the children and staff at South over many, many years. Miss Karen has accepted a position at a school closer to home. Best wishes from all of our school community.  


STEM in Stage 3

This week our Stage 3 classes enjoyed a special visit from the Dorroughby Environmental Centre. Students engaged in a full day of environmental education classes. Stage 3 students also tested their solar cars with some needed sunshine and thoroughly enjoyed working with the team from RASE - The Rivers Academy for STEM Excellence.  

Meatball Sub Canteen Lunch Deal

On Tuesday, 30th November the canteen will be holding a special lunch deal.  Order forms will be sent home on Monday, 15th November and must be returned with payment by  Friday, 26th November.  No late orders will be accepted.

Two School Development Days

We are providing families with advanced notice that we will be having two consecutive School Development Days at the beginning of next year, the first one will be on Friday 28 January and the second one on Monday 31 January. Last year, the Department of Education adjusted its policy on School Development Days with two School Development Days at the start of the year, followed by one at the start of Term 2 and Term 3, then only one at the end of the year, instead of two. Students, with the exception of Kindergarten, will commence on Tuesday 1 February. Kindergarten will be completing their Best Start assessments.

2022 Enrolments

We have commenced our planning and organisation for 2022. If you know that your child/children won’t be attending our school in 2022, wth the exception of Year 6 students, could you please email the school.  We need information about students who will and won’t be with us next year in order to work out staffing and classes which are dependent on student numbers. Also, if you are having an extended holiday and your child/children will not be back at school on the first school day in 2022, please let us know in writing, before the end of the year.

Background Information Update

Surveys were sent home to each family on Thursday 11th November.  If you did not receive the envelope, please contact the school office for a replacement.  Please complete and return by Friday, 19th November.

The Rivers Secondary College Year 6 - 7 Transition

Ngulliboo Jarjums Preschool News

This week at Preschool

This week we commemorated Remembrance Day and used our fine motor skills to make poppies from red patty cases and paddle pop sticks. We are very proud of children's compassion and insight as we engaged in discussion of this special day in a sensitive manner.

As an extension from children's interest in exploring colours through mixing paint we conducted a magic milk science experiment. We learnt that the molecules bend, roll, and twist in all directions causing the food coloring to react and look like exploding fireworks.

This week children have been busy role playing mum's and babies, performing puppet plays, being construction workers, car play, and cooking in the sand pit. Role play is the primary way children explore, learn and make sense of and understand the world around them. Role play is essential not only because it fires up their creativity and imagination, but also because it helps to develop critical skills such as problem solving, communication, empathy, and socialisation. 

Change of Clothes

A friendly reminder to please pack a hat and set of spare clothes each day for those 'just in case' moments. At preschool we love to engage in play based exploration and experimentation with paint, water, sand and mud!

Time to enrol for Preschool

Preschool enrolments are now being accepted for 2022 at Lismore South Public School - Ngulliboo Jarjums. Your child can commence preschool if turning 4 on or before 31st July 2022. Hover over the QR code above or follow the link here to register your interest.

Our school canteen and Breakfast Club will be open for lunch order service Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  Unfortunately. no parents can be entering the school site to support placing orders before school.

What's Coming Up

16th November & 18th NovemberKindergarten Transition 
18th NovemberDorroughby Environmental Education Centre Incursion - 3/4N & selected students from 4 Junbung
19th NovemberDorroughby Environmental Education Centre Incursion - 2/3 Binging & selected students from 4 Junbung
19th NovemberBook Week Dress Up Day
23rd November & 25th November Kindergarten Transition
23rd November High School Transition
26th NovemberColour Run - Preschool Goannas to Year 6
30th NovemberSpecial Canteen Meatball Sub Lunch - orders close Friday, 26th November

School Communication Guide 2021

DoE School Community Charter

Canteen Price List

Community News

Positions Vacant

Out of School Hours Care

How to book in for OSHC?

Please contact Myra for booking enquires on 0414 230 536. Alternatively, for any concerns or questions, contact the main office on 6621 6437 and ask for Paula.