Rawlinson Primary School News

No. 5 – 11th March 2021


Dear Parents

What a mad start to the year however, as usual the staff and students at Rawlinson Primary have demonstrated the awesomeness, that is the quality of our family.

It is always a challenge to go swimming at Craige Leisure Centre for a number of different reasons.  One of those is that it disrupts the whole teaching day and our teachers must manage the stress that children feel as they travel by bus, are taken out of their classes and put into a strange environment.  The second is that the environment at Craige is far less than adequate to teach 60 students to swim. It is crowded and noisy.  I have written a letter to the Education Department asking for them to review the way things are done at the pool and hopefully this will see some improvement, as learning to swim is a very important part of our lifestyle and curriculum.

The car park has, again, become an issue.  Three PM is the time of day that most concerns me as children are keen to get out to their parents cars and parents are keen to get home.  Thankfully, I see the large majority of parents showing understanding and patience as they wait their turn in the pickup line.

Please observe these conditions,

·         Do not stop and park in the driveway waiting for your children.  Go with the flow, if your children aren’t there you need to find a parking place or go around again until they are there, waiting for you.

·         Reverse park. If you intend to park, get to school a little earlier than 3pm and reverse park.  It is far easier to get out and you can see if any children are crossing the carpark or walking past you.

·         Drive slowly and stop at the STOP sign.  If you can’t walk beside your car, you are travelling too fast.  Please stop at the stop sign as there are lots of students walking across the crosswalk.

The school calendar is found on our website and has all the latest information of events that are going on at school.  The P&C also have a notice board next to the library that has a copy of the calendar for you to read.  Our school is very busy and it is sometimes hard to keep up with what is happening or the changes that are sometimes necessary, we are hoping that this will help.

Darryl Dedman


Friday 12th March

8.30am - 9.00am : School Banking

2.30pm - 3.00pm : Uniform Shop : D Block


Saturday 13th March

8.00am - 6.00pm : State Election

P & C Sausage Sizzle during the day


Monday 15th March

Harmony Week

8.45am : Assembly Presentation

Positive Behaviour Support & Life Long Learner Awards 


Tuesday 16th March

Harmony Week

8.20am - 8.40am : Morning Fitness : Years 1-6 : Oval

Book Club due back at School (Paper Orders)


Wednesday 17th March

Harmony Week

10.35am : Kindy : School RUN4FUN


Thursday 18th March

Harmony Week

8am : Choir Practice

8.20am - 8.40m : Morning Fitness : Years 1-6 : Oval

Book Club due via LOOP (Online Orders)


Friday 19th March

Harmony Week : Multicultural dress or wear orange day

8.30am - 9.00am : School Banking

2.15pm : Years P/P - Year 6 : School RUN4FUN





ONE CHILD : $45.00




Please make these payments to the School Office as soon as possible by cash or cheque.


Pay via Qkr! App

Pay direct into School Bank Account

Rawlinson Primary School

BSB : 016 495     ACCOUNT : 4988 66978

It is important that you include student's FULL name as reference.


Do you have the Qkr! app on your phone?

Do you need help learning how to use it or install it?

All school payments including excursions can be paid via Qkr!

Just pop into the Office and we can help you!


Congratulations to the following students who were awarded certificates at Monday's Assembly.

Esther Chis : Kindergarten

Nelson Nguyen : Pre Primary

Isabella Di Nuzzo : Pre Primary

Jacob Huynh : Pre Primary

Kaylee Pham : Pre Primary

Leah Quedley : Pre Primary

Terry Williams : Year One

Tahlia Elliot : Year One

Skye Pollard : Year One

Hannah Wu : Year One

Christopher Nikolov : Year Two

Maysen Weggelaar : Year Two

Ruby Nguyen : Year Two

Kaden Tuffley : Year Two

James Nguyen : Year Three

Melody Cobb : Year Three

Harper Roxburgh : Year Three

Tobie Cusick : Year Four

Jasmine Duma : Year Four

James Huynh : Year Four

Aisa Pourhamzeh : Year Five

Ling Ngai : Year Five

Sarah White : Year Five

Haniya Memon : Year Five

May Li : Year Six

Cameron Lowry : Year Six

Jai Hutchings : Year Six

Tywyn Tran : Year Six

Jacqueline Nguyen : Year Six

Tiffany Thornton : Year Six

Students from B3 will have their work displayed

weeks 7, 8 & 9 of Term 1.

Please visit the office to admire the work that is on display.

Next week's Assembly

"Stay Safe - COVID"

will be presented by C1 Class

on Thursday 18th March commencing at 8.45am.


Harmony Week celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity.  It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.

Orange is the colour chosen to celebrate Harmony Week.  Traditionally, orange signifies social communication and meaningful conversations.  It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect.

At Rawlinson Primary School, we will be celebrating the cultural diversity of our community with a number of activities.

On Monday 15th March, students are invited to wear multicultural dress or orange with a parade straight after the assembly.

During class time, students will participate in activities to celebrate the cultural diversity of their class, play multicultural games during sport time and participate in a ‘Guess the Language’ quiz featuring some of our year 6s and staff.  Our staff also appear in a Harmony Week display in the library highlighting their country of birth, languages spoken and a few of their favourite things.



Washing hands is the easiest way to protect ourselves from contagious diseases, like colds, influenza and gastroenteritis.  Hands should be washed before and after eating or preparing food, after going to the toilet and after nose blowing.

When teaching your child to wash their hands:

·         Use clean water and soap, making sure they cover their hands and wrists.

·         Use a brush to clean under nails if they’re dirty too.

·         Dry their hands with something clean (like a paper towel).

Alcohol based sanitisers are useful when soap and water is not available.  Use half a teaspoon of the product and encourage your child to rub their hands together until they’re dry.  If you can see dirt on their hands, it is better to use soap and water.  For more information go to www.healthywa.wa.gov.au




How does my child fundraise?

Your child can accept donations online by creating a cybersafe fundraising profile at myprofilepage.com.au.

Use the sponsorship booklet to record your donations.  Students who raise as little as $10.00 or more will receive an incentive prize for their efforts.  You can collect cash donations too.

Select the prize/s you would like by completing Step 2 on the sponsorship book and return it to the Fundraising box in the undercover area with any cash donations NO LATER than Friday 19th March.  This is so we can order the amazing prizes for students and get them back as soon as possible.

Follow the instructions o n your sponsorship booklet.

For further enquiries, please contact Wendy on 0414 341 437 or rawlinson.fundraising@gmail.com. 

Wendy Woodgate

Fundraising Co-Ordinator


Photo Gallery - Please swipe to view all pictures

Clean Up Day


Rawlinson Primary School

To provide a safe supportive environment where all are encouraged to reach their potential.  Diversity is celebrated with acceptance, tolerance, active listening and understanding. We strive to build resilience, cooperation, confidence and self-worth so as to ensure Learning for Life.

Darryl Dedman
