
Goulburn Public School

Term 3 - Week 1

Principal's Message

Welcome back to Term 3 2021!

We have had a wonderful start to the new school term. Students are settled and the classrooms are buzzing with learning.

Mr Sullivan is currently on Long Service Leave, taking a well-deserved break, and will return to school in Week 3. During that time, I will be in the Relieving Principal position and I am looking forward to working alongside all the staff, students, and families at GPS.

As you would be aware, all schools across NSW are under COVID restrictions. Schools across NSW have been divided into groups according to the level of restrictions imposed, at this specific time. As a regional school we are currently regarded as Level 2. We have posted on our school Facebook and Skoolbag App, informing families of restrictions and changes to school items as they unfold. Please ensure that you have access to these Apps, so that you remain informed. A note specific to this situation will be coming home with your child. Please read it carefully and abide by the restrictions imposed. We appreciate your support in keeping all in our school community safe.

While a few events have had to be postponed, students will still have opportunity to learn violin at this stage. We are following advise as we continue with, or postpone, school-based opportunities for students.

You may have heard in the media recently that we are experiencing a shortage of casual teachers, and we are having significant difficulty sourcing teaching staff to cover staff absences due to illness or scheduled professional learning. We strive to ensure that we maintain routines for all students; however, from time to time, we may need to split a class across other classes, or your child may have a teacher with whom they are less familiar. Please be assured that your child will still have access to learning activities, set by their class teacher, should this situation occur. Thank you for your understanding.

I would like to Thank You all for your patience and understanding as we strive to ensure a safe learning and working environment for our whole school community.


Our school aims to have 90% of students attend school at least 90% of the time. When your child is absent from school, they miss important opportunities to learn, make friends and build skills through fun. A day here and there doesn’t seem like much, but 1 day per fortnight means they miss a month of schooling each year.

As part of current health guidelines children should not attend school if they are unwell. If your child is away due to illness, we ask you to notify us promptly through an email, a phone call, or by sending a note into school when your child returns. A COVID test is required and a negative result sent to the school prior to your child returning.

We appreciate your support in helping our students come to school every day.


We were due to celebrate NAIDOC Week 2021 this week; however, due to COVID Restrictions now in place, we have postponed the planned activities until Week 4. We will keep you informed of any further changes.

Healthy Harold

GPS Students will be attending Life Education during Week 2. Healthy Harold will be visiting from Monday to Thursday enabling students to participate in lessons covered, in issue specific and age appropriate modules designed to engage, inspire, and empower our students. A permission note is coming home to be signed and returned to school immediately. Apologies for the short notice. COVID protocols will be in place during the lessons. 

 Janette Kerr

Relieving Principal


12 July

-Staff Development Day

13 July

-Students Return Term 3

14 July

15 July

16 July


19 July

- Life Education Van

 20 July 

- Life Education Van

21  July

- Life Education Van

22 July

- Life Education Van

23 July


26 July



27 July28 July29 July

30 July

- District Cross Country

PBL News

Term 3, Week 1 & 2 Expectation - Term 2, Week 10 Winners

PBL Expectation - Term 2, Week 10

Our PBL lesson for this week is to speak respectfully. Students learnt the importance of speaking appropriately to other people. This includes students, teachers and people in the community. We encourage you to ask your child about this lesson. Goulburn Public School is also here to teach each and every student,  so if your child is having trouble focusing in the classroom, please contact your classroom teacher to discuss supportive strategies to allow all students to be successful in the classroom.

Here are some things you can do to support the idea of asking for help if you need it.

● Talk with your child about the importance of learning and allowing others the right to be heard and spoken to respectfully.

● Remind your child, all children have a legal right to an education and no-one should interfere with their learning by speaking inappropriately to them; or likewise, them speaking inappropriately to others.

Term 2 - Week 10 Winners

PBL Encouragement Award

Congratulations to Grace from 5/6 Taylor who won the PBL Encouragement Award for improvement and effort in sport.

Thank you to Sweet Pea Children's Boutique Goulburn for donating a $50 voucher for Grace to spend in store.

2021 NSW Premier's Reading Challenge

The Premiers Reading Challenge has started. Students in K-2 are participating during school and 3-6 need to continue reading their books independently. Please remember to make sure you log the book details when you have finished reading it. If you have any questions, please see Mrs Lang.

Save The Date

Book Week Dress-up Parade  2021 will be on Tuesday 24 August. Further details will be given out closer to the date.

Book Club 

Book club orders due back by Friday 30th July 2021. Please remind students no CASH, parents have to order online through the LOOP.

Term 3 Class Library Days

Library days have changed for some classes for term 3. Please remind students  to bring a library bag to school if they wish to borrow. 

Monday- Deakin , 3/4 Parkes and  1 Jackson 

Tuesday- 2/3 Franklin, 5/6 Taylor, 1/2 Belmore

Thursday- 4/5 Poidevin,  Cole and All kindergarten students (K Hume and K/1 Jackson)

Have you moved house? Do you have a new phone number?

Please contact the school office to update any details that may have changed.



Unfortunately we have had confirmed cases of head lice at our school. Could you please check your child’s hair and make sure you treat your their hair appropriately before returning them to school. Further information on head lice is available on the NSW Health website or through the Department's website:

P&C Jumper Survey

Have your say! 
The P&C have had some enquiries about jackets to replace our jumpers and would like to get your thoughts.

Would you prefer a fleecy full zip maroon jacket (no hood)


the existing fleecy maroon half zip jumper?

There would be no change to the price.

Please reply on our Facebook page or text 0410 643 047 Yes if you would like the jacket option or No if you would like to stick with the existing jumper.

The survey closes on Tuesday 20/7. Thank you.

Year 6 Mulwaree High School Orientation Days

Year 6 Goulburn High Focus Days

A friendly reminder that Goulburn Public School is a Nut Free School zone. Due to allergies please do not pack peanuts or any other nut products into your children's lunchboxes. It is very important we keep our students safe.

Joke Of The Week!

Uniform Price List 2021

Uniform Shop

The uniform shop is open every Tuesday morning 8.45 to 9.15am. Alternatively if you have any orders outside of these hours please contact the school P&C via their Facebook page and orders will be sent home with students on Thursdays or Fridays. 

Canteen Menu - Term 3 2021