Gatton State School

Newsletter Term 4 2020 / No 13 08th Oct 2020

Gatton State School Newsletter

Gatton State School can trace its history down through two centuries and look back with pride at its contribution to education in the Lockyer Valley. Established in 1876 Gatton State School has a long and proud history in academic, sporting and cultural pursuits.

From the Principal's Desk

A warm welcome back to Gatton State School for term 4!

Welcome back to the final school term for 2020 and I hope that you’ve been able to enjoy a safe and rewarding time with your children over these past two weeks. It’s great to see students catching up with their friends, teachers and school staff as we all look forward to a positive semester 2. A special welcome to new students and families enrolling at Gatton State School this week.


Following the extraordinary events of the past 6 months, globally & locally, it’s refreshing to see a gradual return to some of our normal school operations. The term ahead is packed with plenty of interesting and engaging learning opportunities for what we hope will be a productive and rewarding time for all children at Gatton State School.


Student free days on 10 and 11 December 2020

Your patience and flexibility during this pandemic have been extraordinary. This year will be remembered for many things, not least a year of challenge, uncertainty and great complexity.

Everyone has been affected by COVID-19. While many in our communities across the state have contributed to ensuring Queensland families remain healthy and safe, I think we all would agree all of our state school staff have done an incredible job at leading our children’s education.

In recognition of these efforts during the pandemic, the Queensland Government has declared the last two days of Term 4, 2020, Thursday 10 December and Friday 11 December, 2020, be allocated as student free days. Schools will be closed on these days.  

This will come as great news for those who are keen to begin their school holidays early. For some families, alternative arrangements will need to be made for the care of children on these two days.

You can view the updated school holiday and term dates and download the calendar at

Educating our children is a team effort. On behalf of our teaching and school staff, I would like to thank you for your support and cooperation during this year.  

Kind regards,

Warren Merchant


Will your children be here in 2021?

Will you be with us in 2021?

In order to work out approximate class numbers for 2021, we would appreciate your advice as to whether your children will be leaving the school at the end of this year (not Year 6 students!).

This information is simply to assist the school in working out numbers and the best possible class for your child/ren for 2021. If you indicate that your children will probably be leaving and they end up staying, this will not be a problem - just advise us accordingly as soon as you know one way or the other.

If you think your child/ren will probably not be at GSS in 2021, would you please phone the office on 5466 3333 or email as soon as possible.

When we have 2021 enrolment forms for new students we can consider their class placement in our planning which is well and truly underway.

Much is taken into account when allocating students and teachers to classes. Whilst we cannot consider requests for a certain teacher, if parents / carers have ideas regarding including or not including their child with certain peers, twin situations etc please put your thoughts in a note or email to us ASAP and it will be taken into consideration.

Attendance is important in the last weeks of term.

As we reach the end of Term 4, parents and carers are reminded that children must attend school every school day unless they have a reasonable excuse for being away, such as illness. Visiting family, being tired, or starting holidays early are not good reasons to be away from school.

Behaviour of the Fortnight

“I know that everyday counts”

Each fortnight we have a specific focus on a selected behaviour. Over these two weeks we are focusing on “I know that every day counts”.  Research shows that in Queensland, higher student attendance is associated, on average, with higher student achievement. Additionally, attending school every day helps children to build social and emotional skills such as communication, teamwork and resilience.  If your child is unwell we encourage you to keep them at home until fully recovered.  Lessons devoted to teaching our students what this looks like can be observed in many areas across our school.  At home you can support your child’s learning by having a conversation about the fortnightly behaviour.  The table below reflects schooling missed if the child is not attending school regularly.  Resources to share with your children are available at the following website  Thank you for your ongoing support.

Lynette Urquhart



Year 4S students know that every day counts.

Every Day Counts

Rewards Day Term 3

Last week of term, we celebrated ALL of our students’ behaviour.  Each student has worked hard to make changes in their behaviour and follow the three expecations:  Be safe, Be respectful and Be responsible”.  We had some of our parents from the P & C cooking their little hearts out to provide the students with a sausage sizzle each.  Iceblocks were delivered to each class to be shared with all the students.  A great big thank you to our helpers to make our day a success. 

Our A & B behaviours participated in the following activities.

The students played games in the hall.  They were able to enjoy a variety of activities whilst mixing with their peers.  Fun was had by all.  There was a lot of laughter and squeals of delight whilst engaging in many of the games.  After first break A level students were rewarded with an ice cream bar.  All the students involved enjoyed choosing their choice of toppings to garnish their icecream bowls.       

Keep up the good work and we are keen to see what the PBL team dream up next time.  

Rewards Day

PREP 2021 – Enrol now

Do you have a child or know of anyone who is born between, July 1 2015 and June 30 2016? 

Gatton State School is now accepting enrolments for Prep 2021. Please contact the office if you would like any further information or would like to make a time to meet with the Deputy Principal to talk about prep for your child next year. Enrolment forms and information packs are available now. We look forward to meeting you and your children to start their exciting school journey with us.

Prep Transition Days

Due to an unprecedented year with covid-19 restrictions, prep transition activities will look a little different this year. To adhere to social distancing, we are still restricting large groups of adults entering our school grounds for the time being.

To make sure our new prep students are not disadvantaged, we are developing a virtual transition program to present to our prospective prep families for 2021.

Details will be coming soon and be posted on our website, facebook and in upcoming newsletters. While it will be sad not to be able to have our families visit this year the virtual tools present an exciting new opportunity for us to explore.

If you have any queries regarding transition to prep, please contact the school and we will be happy to assist you.


Jump Rope for Heart kicks off this term!

Jump Rope for Heart is a fantastic physical activity and fundraising program that has been run by the Heart Foundation for over 36 years. It’s a great way for your child to keep fit and learn new skills, but it also helps raise funds for vital heart research and education programs.

Since Jump Rope for Heart started in 1983, schools like ours have raised more than $104 million for the Heart Foundation’s lifesaving work. This year 2W, Year 4 and Year 6 will be completing in Jump Off Day. Sponsorship forms have been sent home with students in these classes. Please encourage students to each get a couple of donations to help raise funds for vital heart research and education programs. The class that raises the most will receive a class party.

We will hold our school Jump Off Day on October 15th, and this will mark the end of the program and is a chance for everyone to come together to skip and show off their newly learned skills.

Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program!


Sustainability Train

5c/10c Piece Donations to purchase outdoor seating for students.

If your child is asking for 5c/10c it is to add to their class’ Sustainability Change Train. This money will be going towards the purchase of outdoor tables and chairs for the students to sit at lunch times. Each table and chairs is approx. $1000 to purchase. Our goal is to collect enough 5c/10c pieces to purchase one table and chairs before the end of the school year.


Chappy Chats

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful break, and enjoyed some time outside and with your families.  I have heard of some fun adventures some of you have had, and I also know that some of us had unexpected and sad events over the holidays.  Remember, I am here if you, or your parents,  want to talk about any of the things, good or otherwise.

It is hard to believe that it is now Term 4 after such a funny year, and that the countdown to Christmas is on (for me) – by the time you read this, almost one week of term will be over!  I hope that you are all aiming for full attendance at school this term, as it is important to be at school every day as you never know what amazing things you might find out at school, not to mention, you may have the opportunity to go up a behaviour level too, and that would be lots of fun at the end of term.

October is the National Mental Health Awareness month – so please, take some time to look after yourself.  If you are feeling a little stressed, remember the 5 easy steps to help you focus and be a little bit grounded:

                Find 5 things you can see around you -       (friends, trees, birds, insects, buildings etc)

                Find 4 things you can hear -            (the wind in the trees, people talking, cars driving by, your heartbeat)

                Find 3 things you can smell -          (food, flowers, the cars fumes)

                Find 2 things you can feel -             (shoelaces, ground under you)

                Find 1 thing you can taste -             (… the food you just ate)

And if you are still out of sorts, come and see me.


Breakfast Club is on every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.


Thank you to the following organisations for supporting our students by providing food and disposables for our breakfast club:

  • Adra Lockyer Valley Food Pantry

  • Anuha Services

    Birdsong Market Gardens

    Spano’s IGA Gatton


Containers for Change is still happening too – please put your poppas, drink bottles and cans into the baskets near the bins in the eating areas.  Thank you.

Have a great Term 4!

Chappy Ness


Book Week 2020

Children's Book Week is being celebrated in the library from the 26th – 30th October, 2020. 

 This year’s theme is ‘Curious Creatures, Wild Minds.’

 We are fortunate to be able to hold our first Book Fair. It will be a little different to the usual ones but we can still have beautiful books to show our students. The library will be open daily from 8:30am - 3:30pm for students only to view the book displays and Book Week competition entries.  Students will also be able to make purchases at the Book Fair. Parents you will then be able to order online at or send the money in a sealed envelope with your child. Students will come home with a wish list. (see photo’s below) 

Monday, 26th October -          

Wednesday, 28th October       Students can come in and look at the colouring in displays and the books on sale at our Book Fair. 

 Thursday, 29th October:          Fancy Dress Parade done differently with year levels filmed.

 Please encourage your class to dress up for the parade.

 Teachers can dress up too! 

Friday, 30th October               Colouring in displays will be taken down from 8 am today. Book Fair purchases can still be made until 3:30 pm. Isee parade - Book Week song recorded by the school choir.  The winners of the school library Book Week competitions will then be announced. They will go to the library to collect their prizes.

If you are interested in viewing the book week Parade video please contact the office.


Student Council News

Throw a sponge at a teacher.

Wow, what a successful fundraiser! The Student Council would like to thank all those who participated in the ‘throw a sponge at a teacher.’ We raised over $1 000 which means we will be able to purchase and install our cold water fountain this term which will provide cold water for all students in the hot summer months. A special thank you to all the staff who volunteered and got saturated. It was a great way to conclude Term 3.


Road Safety Week Colouring-In Competition.

Last term our adopt-a-cop Constable Shannon ran a colouring-in competition for Road Safety Week. The entries were displayed at the police station in Gatton. Constable Shannon and Constable Kimberly came to the school and personally awarded our prize winners. The winning entries are displayed in the school office.                               

Congratulations to:

Music Awards Term 3

Music Awards Term 3

Congratulations to our term 3 Positive Behaviour in Music Award recipients. These classes earned the highest number of class Dojo Points for the Term. Well done!

Junior and Senior school winners

Sporting News

Lockyer Zone Netball & Soccer Carnival

In the last week of Term 3, Gatton students participated in the annual Lockyer Zone Soccer Netball Carnival.  Twelve netball teams and twelve soccer teams played at three venues under bright, sunny conditions.  Gatton SS sent four netball teams and four soccer teams to the event and had a great day winning one of the four possible trophies.


In Netball, Gatton A won the trophy for the Division 1 competition winning all their games.   All teams played well with great sportsmanship and skill.


Gatton State School’s four soccer teams also played extremely well. Gatton A & Gatton B played in Division One, finishing 4th and 6th respectively. Gatton C & Gatton D played in Division Two, finishing 3rd & 4th overall. All teams demonstrated fantastic teamwork and sportsmanship throughout the day.



Swimming permission notes have been sent out to families electronically.  Please check your emails or messages.  Permission for swimming can be completed digitally by simply checking a box on the online form.  Permission needs to be given before your child/ren are able to commence lessons next week. Please contact the school if you have any concerns.  The timetable for lessons is in the table below:


Swimming Day

Lesson Start Time

Lesson Finish Time

1A & 1C




1O & 2M
















2D & 2W




2/3A & 3W




6F & 6P




6R & 5J




4N & 4S




4H & 3S








5H & 5P




Please note that 4S & 3S have changed timeslots from previous notifications.

Mrs Scott, Mrs Dixon, Mrs Althaus and Mrs Frederiksen’s Classroom

In term 4 PE classes are at the swimming pool.  Like all classes in the school, we work within our school expectations: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible.

Swimming will commence next week for all classes from Prep to Year 6.  Whilst only 6 lessons are indicated on the form, extra lessons may be offered if catch up days (for bad weather etc) are not required. 

Please note that there will be no swimming on the following dates due to swimming carnivals by other schools or for other reasons listed:

  • Wednesday 25th November  (OLGC Primary Carnival 8:30 – 12:00)  This will only affect some classes. Affected classes will be notified closer to this date.

Students of families who pay the bulk swimming payment, will not miss any of their paid lessons as this is a 10 week term and these missed swimming days have been taken into account.  Please note however, there will be no refund given for students who are absent from lessons, as the fee is based on the overall cost of providing staff for all lessons.

In previous swimming lessons we have had some students who come without a sun shirt.  Education Queensland’s Sun Safety Strategy makes it compulsory for primary school children in all state schools to wear sun shirts or T-shirts during swimming lessons.  Please ensure your child has a shirt before their next lesson.

It is also compulsory for all children to wear goggles each week.  Goggles allow students to focus on their stroke (arms, legs and breathing), instead of the unpleasant and distracting feeling of water in their eyes. Caps must be worn by students with hair that can reach their eyes.  Please ensure these items are named as often they are left behind and we cannot identify the owner.  The school does not supply sun shirts, caps and goggles.

Staff will provide assistance in and out of the pool, where required, for all year levels.  We do not require assistance at the pool unless requested.  Due to COVID regulations, we ask that parents DO NOT come to the pool to watch lessons, as no interaction with students will be allowed anywhere at the venue.  We thank you in advance for your support during this time.

Please note the following swimming dates on your calendar:

  • Thursday 3rd December – Behaviour Reward Day (swimming will be for ‘A’ behaviour students only.

  • Friday 4th December - Senior Swimming Carnival (postponed from Term 1)

    Tuesday 8th December – Break up day swimming for Year 1 – Year 6 classes

P&C News

A thank you from our students to the P&C

Dear P&C,

Thank you for organizing things for our school rewards day. We really enjoyed the sausages, special orders, cups of fruit and our ice blocks. It really made our day in week 10 on our behaviour reward day. Thank you so much.

From 4S

Dear P&C,

Thank you for the sausages, cups of fruit and the ice blocks. They were really yummy on our behaviour rewards day in week 10.

From Olivia 4S


Uniform Lay-by Forms are due back Friday 30th October 2020 for an optional end of year collection.

Please note that the Boys shorts and Girls skorts are purchased from Best and Less and are offered as a service for our parents so will now be sold at purchase price.

Unfortunately, the tuckshop is unable to source an affordable winter Jacket or Pants so please feel free to source these items from other suppliers. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Cricket Blast