Lismore South Public School Newsletter

Week 9 and 10 Term 2

Principal Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

As the holidays approach we think about the wonderful term of learning that has occurred at South. To showcase our students' learning, all parents/carers of students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are invited to attend our Project Based Learning Finale on Thursday, 24th June.   We hope you can attend our finale.

  • K Jingrrd Jingrrd, K/1 Gooryarnj & 1/2 Gargoon, in the school hall  9.30 - 10.00am 
  • 2/3 Binging, 3/4 Wajung, 4/5 Junbung, 5/6 Mulayum & 5/6 Bowie, classroom visits 10.00 - 10.30am

It has been a pleasure to read all student reports and hear about every child's progress and achievements. The student report also clearly identifies your child's next steps in learning in each Key Learning Area. Please find the time to read the report with your child and discuss their future goals. Reports will be sent home with students on Thursday 24th June. 

As this is the last newsletter for Term 2, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday break. Our first day back for students will be Tuesday 13th July.

Kind regards,

Larissa Polak 

Whale of a Time Excursion

As our opening event for ProBL, students in Stage 2 (including Year 2 from 2/3 Binging) & Stage 3 will have the opportunity to visit Byron Bay to take an in-depth look at humpback whale ecology.  Students were given a permission note on Thursday, 17th June. Please note the Stage 3 excursion will be the first day of Term 3, Tuesday, 13th July. 


As NAIDOC Week falls in the school holidays Lismore South Public School will be celebrating NAIDOC on the first week back of Term 3. The Aboriginal Education Team has organised a series of engaging activities. An invitation to families will be sent on Class Dojo and Skoolbag in week 1 of next term.

Our Celebration Week will include:

·      Opening Event – Stage 3 Byron Bay Whale excursion

·      NSW National Park Ranger talk - Aboriginal Land Management practices past and present.

·      Aboriginal Traditional Games afternoon

·      Cooking and bush tucker planting

·      NAIDOC Awards Ceremony

·      In class activities

P & C Pie Order Collection

All orders are to be collected from the Kyogle Street entrance (under Kindergarten classroom) on Thursday, 24th June between 2.30 and 3.30pm.  Please remember your box or bags to collect your pies.

Thank you to the Nimbin Bakery for supplying the pies and to all those families who supported our Pie Drive.

2022 Enrolments

Do you have a child who turns five years of age before 31 July 2022 and will be ready to start school? We encourage all families with children starting school next year to contact the office. Please also spread the word to other local families interested in enrolling at our school that now is the time to work through this process. Now is the time to complete an Application for Enrolment form. This can be done online at the following link: enrol now.

Teacher Shortages

Currently, NSW schools are facing a casual teacher shortage and Lismore South Public School is at times affected. As a school, to ensure consistency of class programs we employ casual teachers to cover classes when teachers are sick or attending professional learning. If we cannot secure a casual teacher for the day then we split the students, with work, into the other classes across the school.

Ngulliboo Jarjums Preschool News

This week at Preschool

This week we attended our incursion with the Wildlife Twins. Children enjoyed viewing  a range of reptiles and dingoes and learning how to care for these animals in their natural environment.  Teaching our children to be mindful citizens and future care takers of our environment aligns with this years Naidoc theme "Heal Country" and beautifully complements the core values of our preschool philosophy.

Preschool is the ultimate time to set children up for a successful schooling career. At preschool we install core values such as developing social skills, confidence to independently function outside the family environment,  building friendships, a love of learning and excitement coming to preschool. Regular and punctual attendance in preschool establishes lifelong habits and routines that carry on into big school. It has been exciting to see an improved attendance rate and increasing improvements for punctual arrivals.  Thank you to our families for your continued engagement in this process and for setting your children up for success. 

HeartKids PJ Day Fundraiser

Thank you for generously supporting the HeartKids Foundation last week. As a team we raised $65 to support this worthy cause. HeartKids is the only national not-for-profit organisation solely focused on supporting and advocating for all people impacted by childhood heart disease, one of the largest causes of infant death in Australia.


At Ngulliboo Jarjums we are always looking at ways that we can reduce our environmental footprint and embed sustainable practices into our daily programs.  Teaching children to reuse items that are still functional but perhaps aren't as pretty as when first purchased is one way that we can achieve this. With that in mind we are calling out for donations of gumboots that are still in reasonable condition. 

We have a digging patch at preschool where our children have the opportunity to dig and explore the natural environment. Children develop gross motor skills and real world skills by using real tools. 

We would appreciate any donations of children's gum boots in reasonable condition to preschool. Any colours/patterns are ok and sizes 11-12 appreciated. 

Preschool Housekeeping

To keep our preschool running well, we kindly remind you of the following items:

  • Bring hat, jumper, water bottle everyday
  • Check your child's file for important notes every week
  • Be on time for afternoon collections

Thank you for your support. 

Recycling Station

We are on the lookout for some recyclable materials to complete our upcoming projects with the children.

  • 600ml or 1.25L plastic bottles
  • bread bags & tags
  • cardboard cylinders (inside paper towels, baking paper etc.) No toilet tolls
  • Lids off jars and bottles

Please make sure all items are clean before bringing them into preschool. We will have a collection box set up near the sign in area. Thank you for helping us reduce, reuse and recycle. 

Flu Shots

For young children, flu can be life-threatening, and the flu shot is their best protection against severe flu. Did you know flu shots are free for children from 6 months to under 5 years of age, as well as pregnant women, all Aboriginal people from 6 months of age, people aged 65 years and over, and people with medical conditions such as severe asthma and diabetes?

Wildlife Twins School Visit

Learning Together - Every day Counts

Our school canteen is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. All food needs to be pre-ordered by 9.00am. Food will be served in a paper bag supplied by the school. Canteen only operates for lunch, not recess.  

Canteen Price List


Stage 2 and Stage 3 Major Excursions

Please remember to make regular payments towards the excursions to finalise the balance by Thursday, 14th October.

School Calendar

What's On 
Wednesday 23rd JuneSRC Sausage Sizzle (orders closed 18/6)
Thursday 24th JuneProject Based Learning Finale - K to Yr 2 9.30 - 10.00 in the school hall.  Yrs 3 to 6 classroom visits 10.00 - 10.30
Thursday 24th JuneStages 2 & 3 Whale of a Time excursion note/payment due
Thursday 24th JuneReports home
Thursday 24th JuneP&C Pie Orders pick up between 2.30 - 3.30pm
Friday 25th JuneLast day of Term 2
Tuesday, 13th JulyFirst day of Term 3 for students
Tuesday, 13th July

Whale of a Time Excursion - 5 Junbung, 5/6 Bowie, 5/6 Mulayum  - bus leaves at 9.00am

Monday, 19th July

Whale of a Time Excursion - 2/3 Binging, 3/4  Wajung, 4 Junbung   - bus leaves at 9.00am

School Communication Guide 2021

DoE School Community Charter

Community News

Out of School Hours Care

How to book in for OSHC?

Please contact Myra for booking enquires on 0414 230 536. Alternatively, for any concerns or questions, contact the main office on 6621 6437 and ask for Paula.

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