Nhill College Newsletter

October 29th 2021 - Number 34

School Council

Principal: Mark Zimmermann

President: Tarrah Dodds   Vice President:  Karen Shurdington

Parent Reps: Megan Bone, Josh Cramer, Simon Dufty, Simon Farmers,  Carlee Kennedy,  Sarah White

Student Reps: Xavier Bone, Brock Stephens

DET Reps: Vivienne Bonnell, Alannah King, Kim Magrath, Lauren McCartney

Nhill College is a Child Safe School

Our School Values:

  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Teamwork
  • Confidence
  • Excellence
  • Endeavour

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Program

The School Wide Positive Behaviour Support program is designed to bring together school communities to develop positive, safe and supportive learning cultures by helping to foster an environment that assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children.  As part of the SWPBS program, a rewards system has been developed to encourage students to always:

  • Be Safe
  • Be Respectful
  • Be a Learner

From The Principal: Mark Zimmermann

COVID-19 Update: Revised Conditions from Monday November 1

Our Year 12 students commenced their external exams this week, with the English exam kicking things off on Wednesday.  It has been encouraging to see so many students dropping in throughout the week to make use of the available time to catch up with staff and get help with their exam preparations.

We also heard from our four College Captain candidates on Monday of this week, as they delivered speeches that were streamed to the student body via webex.  They then followed up with an interview with Mrs Magrath, Mrs Coughlan, Mrs Cole and myself on Wednesday.  Congratulations to each of Zara, Shae, Matthew and Kyle for the fantastic way they have packaged themselves throughout College Captain application/interview process.  Once again we will be extremely well-served next year no matter the outcome.  Voting has occurred and an announcement on our 2022 student leaders will be made prior to the last day for our Year 11 students on November 25. 

And finally this week, we received notice of the newest COVID-19 restrictions that will come into effect on Monday 1st November.  There has been a slight easing of some of the restrictions in place, with the main development being that it will no longer be mandatory for staff and students to wear masks outdoors at school.  There has also been a slight relaxation in terms of the school's ability to hold assemblies and host transition visits.  A brief summary of some of the key guidelines is listed below:  

  • Stay home when unwell and get tested
  • School staff and school students in Year 3 and above must always wear a face mask indoors at school, unless a lawful exception applies. 
  • Face masks are mandatory for all students aged 12 or older when travelling to and from school on the school bus.  
  • Parents/carers are asked to observe physical distancing measures before and after school by not congregating in areas inside or around the school – including the school car park and at the school gate.
  • All access to the school must be directed through the Office.
  • All visitors/parents must also observe face mask requirements, fill out the visitor register situated at the office and use QR Code check-in facilities provided.  (Anyone unable to use a smartphone will be required to use the Kiosk check-in service available at the office).
  • All visitors/parents must also provide evidence of their vaccination status at the office.  Anyone unable to provide evidence of vaccination will be asked to leave the school.

2022 College Captain Nominees

Melbourne Cup Day

Just a reminder that the Hindmarsh Shire has announced that Tuesday 2nd November (Melbourne Cup Day) will be a public holiday in lieu of the Nhill Show day that was cancelled due to COVID-19. 

Year 6 into Year 7 Parent Information Evening

A Year 6 into Year 7 Information Evening was held via Webex on Monday night with an extremely good turn out of students and parents.  Miss King did a wonderful job in explaining the key features of our Year 7 program, especially the week-long Headstart Transition Program that will be taking in place from December 6-10.  Thank you to all those families who tuned in on the night, and to Miss King for her organisation.  Any families who still have questions regarding Year 7 or the upcoming Headstart program are encouraged to contact Miss King at the school.

Year 7 Sport Ed ~ Local Excursion

This group will be going on a walk around town for their activity on Monday 1st November.

Mr Jokantas

Bus Notes

With the recent updates to our school website, parents are now able to submit Bus Notes in two ways:

  • via Compass under the Star (School Favourites) icon - Bus Notes
  • via the Nhill College website (https://www.nhillcollege.vic.edu.au/), under Parent Info - Bus Notes

Both options will direct parents to an online template that will inform the school of any changes to regular bus travel arrangements.  Please ensure that any Bus requests are submitted before 3.00pm.


When returning to school, students are reminded of the requirement for them to wear a broad brimmed hat whenever they are in the yard during recess and lunch times.  Hopefully everyone was able to locate or update their hats over the recent holidays and that they have remembered to put them in their bag to bring to school.  Very affordable options are available in the Uniform Store if required.  In addition, extra shade has been secured in the yard following the installation of the large shade sails over the school BBQ area.  

Additionally, Nhill College parents are now able to use the school's new website to find out when it is predicted that UV index levels will reach 3 or more, which generally occurs between mid-August and April.  The Sunsmart App tells parents the maximum UV index levels predicted for the day as well as the hours when sunscreen measures are recommended.  This link has been attached to the front page of our website (https://www.nhillcollege.vic.edu.au/), so please visit often, keep your children safe, and check out some of the other great things featured on the website while you're there!

Coming Events

  • Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday:  Tuesday 2nd November
  • Year 10-11 Exams:  November 16-18
  • Year 11 into Year 12 Orientation:  November 19-25
  • Year 10  into Year 11 Orientation:  November 19 - December 3
  • Student Free Day:  Friday November 26
  • Piggery Lane Players Production of Pride & Prejudice: Nov 26-27
  • Year 6-10 Graduation & Awards Day:  Friday 3rd December
  • Headstart Transition Program (2022 Years 7-10):  December 6-10
  • Year 11-12 Awards Night:  Thursday 16th December

From The Assistant Principal: Kim Magrath


After several discussions with families, unfortunately we have decided to postpone the 2021 Presentation Ball. We will look at holding this event early next year. If you have any questions in regards to the Presentation Ball please do not hesitate to contact Nhill College on 53912111 and speak to Mrs Kim Magrath.

Operation Christmas Child

Breakfast & Social Club

Monday morning started with a lot of excitement with lots of students from across the primary and secondary section socialising together eating toast, cereal and fruit. It was great to see and hear all the chattered. 

Remember that this activity is open to all students on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 8.30am in the BBQ area. See you all on Monday.

Lions International Peace Poster Contest 2021

Congratulations to Saskia for winning the Nhill Lions Club Peace Poster Contest. Saskia's poster will compete against many other sponsored Lions Clubs around South West Victoria in a Virtual Convention. Good Luck Saskia.

Congratulations to the following students who were highly commended winners - Riley, Kelby, Mia, Nellie, Lulu, Rachel and Matilda. 

Once the contest has been finalised, the Peace Posters will be on display at the Nhill Art Gallery. 

Foundation Reading Awards

The Foundation students continue to work hard at learning their Magic Coloured words. Well done this week to Hae Ber Poe, Lhianna, Tilly, Gaw Kay and Pitsanu. 

2022 Year 11/12 Early Booklists for English Novels

Recently we sent out on the Early Resource List/Booklist for the 2022 students in Year 11 and 12 to order their English novels for 2022. These orders must be completed online by Sunday the 29th October to be delivered in the week of Friday the 19th November.

The URL link is 


This link will take Nhill College families into the site where you will need to create an account and then you can access the Resource List/Booklist for your child.

For all parent enquiries please contact Campion Education Warrnambool on 1300 433 982 

Other 2022 booklists will be placed on compass soon.  Please note that we are working with  Campion Education Warrnambool and all booklists need to be ordered online.

Secondary School Year 7 & 10 Vaccinations

Students in Year 7 will receive their second dose of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) as part of the Secondary School Vaccine Program on Monday the 8th November. Year 10 students who missed their Meningococcal vaccine back in March, will also be able to be vaccinated on Monday the 8th November. 

To learn more about the Secondary School Vaccine Program, the vaccines, the diseases they protect against, or how you can prepare your child for vaccination, go to betterhealth.vic.gov.au


A letter has gone home to students and their families who had registered to complete the White Card Training earlier this year.  Unfortunately the training day had to be postponed twice due to Covid restrictions, and we are unable to reschedule for this year.  We will look at rescheduling early next year, but if you would like to arrange a refund of your $50 payment you may do so by contacting Mrs Natalie Farmers at the office by calling 5391 2111 or emailing her at natalie.farmers@education.vic.gov.au.

VCE Unit 3/4 Information….

VCE Unit 3/4 Information….

For all VCE and VCAL students (and teachers) it is currently a very busy time undertaking assessments, submitting tertiary applications and of course preparing for the end of year exams! Year 12 students will have just three weeks of school left at the start of Term 4!! This busy time will continue during the term break with many students taking up the opportunity to complete practice exams and engage in exam revision lectures.

This morning all Year 12 VCE students have sat a practice English exam for 3 hours. We thank the students for their efforts and thank Mrs. Clark for organising this and coming into school on her day off to supervise!

All Unit 3/4 VCE students have also been given a Care Bag to acknowledge their efforts during this term and to help prepare them for what is to come. The College would like to thank the Nhill Pharmacy for their discount on the hand sanitiser and also thank our local small businesses for helping us to organise vouchers – Nhill Dine Inn, Wimmera Bakery and Mr. Le. These Care Bags will also contain practice exams for students to complete during Week 1 of the term break.

We encourage students to keep working hard – the rewards will come!

Nhill College 2021 Magazine Orders

Rural Chances Vocational Scholarships 2022 are open!

Rural Chances Vocational Scholarships 2022 are open!

Do you know young people who want to study at TAFE or do an apprenticeship and need some help to achieve their dreams? Youthrive Rural Chances offers young people the chance to support their vocational training with scholarships for TAFE study or apprenticeships.  Rural Chances scholarships can assist young people who:

  • have to travel long distances or move away from home to gain qualifications
  • struggle with the many expenses associated with training or building skills
  • can see a skills gap in rural Victoria they can fill
  • and would enjoy mentoring and networking opportunities

There are 10 scholarships valued at $5000 to assist with long distance travel or moving out from home. Additionally there are 10 more scholarships for up to $2000, to cover specific items to support training. Our 2022 Rural Chances Scholarship applications are NOW OPEN and CLOSE 25th October 2021.  Applications can be submitted as either an easy online form or video.  We encourage aspiring young people in our community to apply! If you need any help with the application please feel free to contact Mrs. Cole For more details visit www.ruralchances.org.au or email info@youthrivevic.org.au

Freemasons Foundation Victoria EDUCATION SUPPORT/SCHOLARSHIPS Information

Please click on the link below for more information regarding education support and scholarships.


Supporting Victorian Craft Lodges with their local community scholarships, bursaries and awards for primary, secondary and tertiary students.


Available annually to secondary students and 1st year tertiary students taking into consideration the students results, financial need or difficulties and school and community activities.


Updated: 2022 BYOD News: Edunet Specifications Sheet for Parents

The College now has updated BYOD information for 2022. We have new and updated models for our BYOD program through Edunet.  Please open the attachment below for details about the devices.  Mr Shrive is happy to take questions from parents or students if they are looking at purchasing a BYOD.

The online ordering portal is accessible via http://nhillcollege.technologyportal.com.au  The Access Code you will need to access the portal is NC2022

A video explaining the benefits of using Edunet can also be found here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bWjEs_iA58    




What is VETiS?

Vocational Education Training in Schools gives students from Year 10 the opportunity to gain Nationally Recognised certificates in certain trades or fields of work. It usually takes a minimum of two years to complete. Students travel to Horsham or Longerenong College on Wednesdays through the school term to complete their studies.

 What VETiS courses are available?

There are 20 different courses that are available. But courses only run if there are enough numbers to run. If you would like more information https://vet.llen.com.au/courses/

 What do students need to do to apply for VETiS course?

We ask students to first look at the course available and talk to their parents about it. Students will then talk to either Mrs Hedt or Mrs Sampson about completing a VETiS course during their subject selection meeting. Once that is completed, a meeting will be arranged with both the student and parents regarding the commitment of completing a VETiS course. Students will need to complete an online application that is due on the 17th of September 2021. It is not a first in best dressed system. Year 12 students get first preference, then Year 11 students and then Year 10 students.

 Is there a cost for students to complete VETiS?

Yes, the bus costs $9.40 return to Horsham and an extra $3.40 if attending Longerenong. Certain subjects have a material fee that students and family pay. The school pays for the course fees and have the right to withdraw a student if they are not attending or misbehaving.

VET Horticulture Fact Sheet


Early Childhood Education & Care Fact Sheet


The David Burgess Foundation Awards – YEAR 12 students

The Foundation makes available annual awards to Year 12 students who gain entry to courses at Victorian universities/TAFE institutes.

The scheme aims to assist young people who have had to struggle to overcome adversity, who have shown commitment to their goals and those of the community, and who, with some help, have had the opportunity to succeed in their studies and future life.

Under the scheme each award-winner receives about $5000 each year to the cost of his/her course, as well as support from mentors.


The application for this scholarship is made using a secure online process. To apply, please copy the following link into your browser http://equitytrustees.smartygrants.com.au/Burgess

Applications are now open and will close on 30th October, 2021. Further details on the criteria and process for applying can all be found on the SmartyGrants website.


If students need assist with the application please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Cole or Mrs. Hedt.

Community News

Gap Year Opportunity

Term 4 Art Club for Kids, Teens and Online at Horsham Regional Art Gallery, is ready to roll out!

Art Club is about exploring, discovering and connecting young artists via 6 weekly sessions, held after school.

Participants in Art Club will explore a variety of art techniques/ideas and is strongly linked to the current exhibitions in the Gallery. Follow this link for bookings/information:


FARMER Wants A Healthy Life

Farmer Wants a Healthy Life Jam packed with stories from people that understand the farming life with a story to tell. From new farmers and the old hands, rural community locals, doctors and more. Listen to the Farmer Wants a Healthy Life podcast series here

These are the places to share stories, experiences, thoughts and ideas with other farmers: Facebook: @FarmerWantsaHealthyLife 

National Water Week Competition

GWMWater has teamed up with the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning and water organisations from across the state to provide online educational experiences for this year’s National Water Week, 18 to 24 October 2021.

Explore your Backyard is an online learning festival celebrating and nurturing our connection to Country and water during National Water Week. A copy of the event timetable is attached.

Leading up to the Explore Your Backyard festival in National Water Week we are running a photo competition.

Teachers and students of any age are invited to send us a photo of how they save and use water in their backyard/garden for the chance to win a $100 gift voucher. The photo competition is open for everyone to enter in one of these three categories:

·         Primary School-aged - Kids Gift Card (Coles Group & Myer)

·         Secondary School-aged - Kids Gift Card (Coles Group & Myer)

·         Community - Gift Card to Bunnings

Entries close on Monday 18 October at 5 pm and winners will be announced on Friday 22 October, during National Water Week.

Click here to send us your photo entry! 

 More activities and events are planned for National Water Week, 18-24 October 2021. To keep up with the action and up-coming events, visit gwmwater.org.au/explore-your-backyard and follow the Explore Your Backyard Facebook page. 

Secondary Basketball

Community News / Events

West Wimmera Junior Cricket-

Cricket season is fast approaching, and the West Wimmera Warriors are seeking new junior players.

The club is aiming to have junior sides for -12s, -14s and -16s this season.

This means there will be teams for kids to play in for ages 8-16.

If you are interested, or after more information, please feel free to contact either Mitch Dahlenburg, Tarrah Dodds or Ash Dickinson. 

School Attendance: Every Day Counts

Research shows that the academic and social development of students is affected each day they are absent, and that going to school every day is the single most important part of your child's education.  Following the potential disruptions to the social and academic progress of students caused due to COVID-19 last year, it is more important than ever for children to be at school. 

If your child is unwell or absolutely cannot attend school for some reason, it is important to let the school know of their absence and the reason why prior to the day if planned or at the start of the day if the absence is not planned.  The easiest way to do this is via Compass.  Alternatively, you can contact the office at school on 5391 2111.

If your child is absent and we have not been notified, you will receive a text message asking you to contact the school with an explanation.  If we do not receive a reply to our text message, we will be following up with a phone call.

For any questions regarding attendance, please contact Kim Magrath on 5391 2111.

School Attendance

Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) Applications

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) helps eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

If you have a valid means-tested concession card, such as a Veterans Affairs Gold Card, Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible. There is also a special consideration category for asylum seeker and refugee families.

Payment amounts this year are $125 for eligible primary school students and $225 for eligible secondary school students. Payments are made direct to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions and sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

If you applied for CSEF through our school last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year, unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.

If you would like to apply for the first time, please contact the school office on 5391 2111 and ask for an application form.

You can also download the form, and find out more about the program and eligibility, on the Department of Education and Training’s Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund web page.

Check with the school office if you are unsure, and please return completed forms to the school office as soon as possible.

CSEF - Camps, Sports & Excursion Funding

Please find below information relating to the CSEF eligibility on how to apply.

Please update your student's Action Plan Annually

It is a Department of Education requirement that each enrolled student who has an action plan updates this each year.  Please see below the forms required, those students who currently have an action plan in place will be sent out a form to be completed by your Doctor or specialist.  If your child has recently been diagnosed with an Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Allergy or new medical condition please advise the general office.

Anaphylaxis Action Plan

Asthma Action Plan

Tertiary Access Payment $5,000 Support for Regional 2021 Commencing Students

As part of the Australian Government Job-ready Graduate Package, the Tertiary Access Payment – (TAP) aims to encourage, assist and support students relocating or are living remotely to access tertiary education despite financial and/or geographic barriers.  Students who are eligible for the payment will receive $5000 to help make the transition to tertiary education more comfortable and stress-free. The TAP can be used to cover costs associated with study, such as accommodation, technology upgrades, stationary or textbooks. You are eligible for the TAP if you are:

  • From an outer regional, remote or very remote area [hyperlink].
  • Relocating to study at an institution at least 90 minutes by public transport away from home.
  • Enrolling in a Certificate IV or higher qualification with a duration of 12 months
  • Enrolled in full-time study load (75% minimum) over the 12 months
  • Looking to access TAP immediately after completing year 12 or equivalent

To express interest in being considered for the Tertiary Access Payment, students are asked to complete Expression of Interest to receive notifications from us when the application process is open.   Submit Expression of Interest


Welcome to Facebook

Last year we successfully trialled a Nhill College Facebook page to help us promote school events and activities with the wider community.  We will continue to use Compass, our web page and the weekly newsletter to keep families associated with the school up to date with all of the events and activities that occur in and around the school each week.  However, our Facebook page has allowed us to broaden exposure to the school and reach a number of people who may not have otherwise had access to our formal communication channels.  Our Facebook page will continue to be purely for promotion, publicity and to inform everyone of the upcoming events and happenings within the College.  All notes, questions, concerns or communication to staff regarding students still need to be directed to the College via Compass or on (03) 5391 2111.  To find our Facebook page, simply follow this link: https://www.facebook.com/nhillcollege/ or type Nhill College in the search function on Facebook. (Please be aware there is also an unofficial Nhill College facebook page that does not show the Nhill College logo).

Please like/follow the page and then you will be kept up-to-date with all of our posts.  

Access to Nhill College Newsletter

If you are reading this, you obviously have access to the school newsletter.  However, some families have asked how grandparents or community members can stay in touch with the school when they don't have access to Compass.  The answer is that anyone can access the school's newsletter through the College website: www.nhillcollege.vic.edu.au.  Please advise any family, friends or interested members of the wider community, that the newsletter is the main source of information from the school and that it is available to anyone who would like to read it.  Spread the word!

Canteen Menu Term 4


Compass Parent Fact Sheet and FAQs
