St Brigid's College Horsham

Weekly eNewsletter


God of pan-demos, God of all-people, how odd that it takes a global disease to show us that we are all one:

one species, one family

one genomic form,

one people dependent on you.

There are some among us acutely at risk

to an invisible, indiscriminate foe.

We join in prayer for them and us,

that in our shared vulnerability

you would cure us of this sickness.

And the other one,

the one that divides us,

so that in healing we might become whole.


Principal's Report

Congratulations!! We have navigated our way to the end of a challenging term. The students should be proud of themselves for managing their own learning program from home over the last few weeks and families who have supported them should also be thanked. Our teachers have once again demonstrated agility and dedication by ensuring that St Brigid’s maintains the reputation of delivering Remote Learning to the highest standards.

What will Term 4 look like? In short, I do not know yet. The Premier will outline the plan on Sunday and usually I receive directions from the Catholic Education Office about a day later. Once I know more I will let families know via email.

We do know that we will need to be more vigilant next term in following health guidelines to avoid spreading the virus. I will be expecting all students to wear masks correctly and to follow COVID guidelines. I also ask families to support the College in reducing the risk of viral spread by ensuring that students who show symptoms of illness stay home and not come to school.

I encourage all students and staff to use these holidays to reenergise and relax (with the exception of Year 12s who are almost finished and have external exams coming up) and I ask all families to check their emails over the holidays for any updates regarding Term 4 .

Stay safe,

Gerard Raven

Student Intention to Return 2022

To assist the College with forward planning for 2022 could you please complete the following intention to return form via the link below:

Student Wellbeing

Student News

VCE News

Design and Technology

EMBROIDERY  -  Mrs van Dyk has been working via Zoom with a group of our Year 9 Design & Technology students to create some beautiful pieces using embroidery hoops and skills they have learned. We're looking forward to seeing and sharing their work again once they are complete ?

Year 10 Wednesday classes

We have undertaken a review of Wednesday classes for Year 10 students who are not undertaking a VET program in 2021. This review has shown that there is an opportunity to provide a more structured, yet also unstructured approach to learning for students who are present on that day. Taking into account what we have learnt during remote learning and the positive response to independent learning days where students are able to focus on tasks and learning that they wish to complete, we are going to trial independent learning on-site which is still structured but less bound on the timetable. 

Year 10 students will engage in their normal Maths class period 1 on Wednesdays and they will also engage in their normal practical/elective subjects at the normal times on their timetable. In the other periods, students will be supervised in a classroom to undertake independent learning. Teachers will be placing content tasks, revision tasks, study habit tasks and other relevant material onto their subject Google Classrooms and students can choose when in the day to undertake those tasks or if there is something else urgent that must be completed, they can work on that also. The teacher in the room will be there to assist students in managing their workload for the day increasing time management skills, working through troubles that they come across and to guide the students if they feel they have nothing to complete on how to revise or set themselves up for future learning. We believe that having this independent study on-site provides a valuable opportunity for coaching of the students. As this is a trial, I welcome feedback throughout the term as we trial this approach to Year 10 students and their Wednesday program.

Bettina Bird

Learning and Teaching Leader

Food Technology

FOOD TECHNOLOGY  -  Our onsite learners have been busy having fun while making some delicious toasties and fruit kebabs. What are you having for lunch today? ?

Community News

Teacher Advisor Schedule

Careers News

Please click on the link to view the Weekly Careers News:

Please click on the link above to view this week's Job Board

Community News

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