Swansea Public School Newsletter

Term 1 - Week 3 - 2022

Indigenous word for this week....

School Calendar - Term 1 - 2022


Feb 1

Feb 2

Feb 3

Feb 4

3Feb 7Feb 8Feb 9Feb 10

Feb 11



4Feb 14Feb 15

Feb 16

P & C Meeting 6pm - 7.30pm

@ School Library

Everyone is welcome

Feb 17

Feb 18



Year 6 Shirt money due

Book Club money due


Feb 21

Running Club - last day for permission  note

Feb 22

Day 1 

Zone Swimming

Feb 23

Day 2   

Zone Swimming

Stage 2 Run Club starts today

Feb 24

Stage 3 Running Club starts

Feb 25



6Feb 28 

March 1

Pancake Day at the canteen

March 2

March 3

Girls' soccer trials

March 4

9am Assembly

7March 7March 8March 9

March 10

Selective High Schools Placement Test

March 11



8March 14March 15March 16March 17

March 18

9am Assembly

9March 21March 22

March 23

March 24

March 25



10March 28March 29March 30March 31

April 1



School   Cross Country

11April 4April 5April 6April 7

April 8

Last day of term

Turquoise - money and/or notes due                       Yellow - school based   activities              Canteen and Uniform Shop 

Term Dates

Term 1 – 1st February - 8th April                         Term 3 - 26th September to 7th October

Term 2 – 26th April  to 15th  July                          Term 4 - 10th October to 20th December

We’ve had an amazing start to 2022, with students settling into classes and learning, which is attributed to the great work achieved by teachers and support staff in the lead up to our students returning to school. We are also very grateful for the early support we’ve received from parents and carers as partners in learning. We share a great relationship with our families, and that is the result of effort and investment from all involved.

Investing In Our Students:

In 2022 our school has elected to fund two additional classes, above our regular funding entitlement. This allows us to have two small stand-alone Kindergarten classes and smaller Stage classes across the school. Except for our STEM Classes, class sizes range from 17-21 students. We’ve made this decision so we can maximise the amount of teacher time we can dedicate to each student, knowing we’ve had two years of COVID related interruptions. We are already seeing the benefits of the smaller classes with students settling into school and quality learning routines so quickly.

Connecting Families and Teachers Through Seesaw:

Seesaw is up and running again this year. Seesaw is the app we use for families to connect with what’s happening in their child’s / children’s learning and is a great way to stay connected with the classroom teacher. Parents and carers can use Seesaw to message teachers directly with updates and can comment on student work. While we are committed to being strongly connected to our families through this platform, we thank parents and carers for their understanding in knowing staff generally won’t reply to messages after 5pm. Messages sent to teachers after 4pm, will likely be responded to the following day.

Zoom In and Meet Our Teachers:

At the beginning of each year, we invite parents and carers to come to the school for a meet the teacher evening. Due to COVID restrictions we will be doing this via Zoom in 2022. Details will be sent out soon regarding the Zoom times set up for Week 5.

What If…?:

Our P&C are the drivers of fundraising, grants, and fun. The work they do value-adds to our school culture and the wellbeing of our students. Our P&C achieved amazing things in 2021, launching our breakfast club, upgrading our library, hosting our first ever colour run, and securing a grant for a new digital sign for the front of the school (to be installed later this year). And this was achieved by a core group of about 5-10 people. What if…every single family in the school contributed something to the school…? With 140 families…that would be 140 people! Don’t underestimate your power to do good for our school as a member of our P&C. What if…we only had another 10 people join our P&C…? Would that mean the P&C could double down on their impact…or more? I encourage our parents and carers to answer the ‘what if’ call and join our P&C for 2022. Our first meeting for 2022 is on Wednesday 16th February @ 6pm in the school library. We hope to see you there.

Celebrating Success:

Keep an eye on our website as it continues to develop throughout Term 1. Community members will be able to see the wonderful programs and initiatives we run at our school. In addition to this we will also have fortnightly celebration shout outs on our display board at Woolies. Make sure you check out our shout out board next time you’re shopping!


Brett Carr

Our Student School Leaders for 2022

Teachers and Classes for 2022

Our Teachers for 2022

Library News from Mrs Jodie Carlson

Celebrating Birthdays at School

If your child is having a birthday and they would like to celebrate the occasion with their class, we can offer a bucket of ice-blocks (via the canteen) as we are unable to have cakes of any kind due to allergies within the school community.

The cost is $15.00 per bucket for the whole class - please contact the canteen for more details or order online via https://www.quickcliq.com.au/

Thank you for your assistance and understanding with this matter

Uniform Shop

Canteen Menu

Community News

Tasty Lunch Ideas

Service NSW Vouchers

From February 2022, one person from each eligible household can apply for 5 x $50 vouchers, worth $250 in total.

The 5 x $50 Parents NSW Vouchers can be used: 7 days a week, including public holidaysat Discover NSW businesses for entertainment and recreation activitiesat Stay NSW businesses for accommodation bookings until 9 October 2022.