TOKSAVE - Day 1 Update Term 1 2022

Lihir International School and School to Mine Campus

Principal: Mr Gregory Neville

Deputy Principal LIS: Ms Catherine Langusch

Deputy Principal STM: Mr Kevin Collins

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome back!

It was great to see many of our Lihir International School students return to school today for the beginning of the 2022 school year. I would like to extend a special welcome to the new families whose children join us in 2022, while at the same time welcoming new teacher, Mrs Angela Collins. A special welcome to our third group of year 9 scholarship students. The scholarship students are the top performing Lihirian students from Lihir schools in the Year 8 National Exams. I know that all of us will make our new students and staff feel part of the LIS family.

I was pleased to see all students arrive on time today – please remember school begins at 8:10am and children are able to start arriving at school from 7:45am onwards. However, children from Prep to Year 2 are required to sit quietly in the covered area with their bags until 8am at which time teachers will escort them to their classroom. This is to ensure that children are supervised properly in one area, and not disrupt the teacher’s morning preparation time.

Children in Years 3 – 10 can go to their classroom from 7.45am, at the discretion of the teacher, where they will be supervised while quietly reading or studying. Alternatively, they will wait in the undercover area until 8am. Children are not allowed to play in the school grounds or classrooms in the morning before school. Please do not send your child to school before 7:45am as teachers will be busy preparing for the school day and supervision of children will not be available.

Senoir Kindy children are to arrive after 8am, with Kindy starting at 8.15am. Parents and caregivers are to arrive at 12.10pm to collect Kindy children at 12.15pm. Junior kindy children can  arrive from 10am to start the day at 10.15am

Parents are reminded that children are not allowed to play in classrooms or in the school grounds after school, unless it is organised afternoon sport. Children are to sit quietly and wait for their parents or vehicle in the designated areas.

It was fantastic to see all students arrive in school uniform and please remember that a clean uniform, in good condition, is expected to be worn every day. Please ensure your child has a navy school hat to wear for protection from the sun during playtime and other outdoor activities. The school’s No Hat No Play policy will continue this year and please make sure hats are clearly named.  If you require any item of school uniform, please see Rachael in the front office.

Parent Overviews

Teachers will send home Term Overviews on Friday to give you an idea of the learning your child will be involved in this term.

Acquaintance Night

Acquaintance Night will be held on Wednesday the 9th February, from 6pm, to give all parents the chance to attend brief information sessions with their child’s teacher. Acquaintance Night will give teachers the opportunity to discuss a general overview of class systems, learning and behaviour expectations. Ms Langusch has explained further details about Acquaintance Night in her segment.

Term 1 Calendar

Term 1 will be a busy time of learning at our school and the term one calendar can be downloaded below. This calendar, along with the weekly Toksave can also be accessed through the school website at

Other important dates will be brought to your attention as they arise.

Parents and Wantoks

The Parents and Wantoks first meeting for the election of the new executive will be on Tuesday the 15th February at 6pm. The Parents and Wantoks Committee add a great deal of value to our school and this is a fantastic opportunity for families to become involved in contributing to school events throughout the year.  All parents, community members, and others who are interested to join the P&W are encouraged to attend.

Student Health Update

Please take note of the Student Health Update form that can be downloaded below. If you have any medical information, such as allergies or medication needs, that we are unaware of and you need to share with the school please fill in this form and return to Rachael by Friday 8th of February. If you have already updated the school regarding your child’s medical needs, or if you have nothing to add to information supplied during the enrolment process, you do not need to return the Student Health Update form.

Parent / Carer Contacts

We would like all parents to ensure that they have current and up to date contact details for the school. Please see Rachael in the office if you need to update your details - especially email addresses.  If parents hear of other parents not receiving school communication, please direct them to contact the principal.

School Entrance

Parents and community members are reminded that the only entrance to school is from the Anginas Oval carpark. On entering the school hands are to be washed at the wash station and masked are to be worn if socail distancing is not possible. Townsite residents who walk to school are also to only use this entrance. 

After School and Weekend Sport/Activities

In the past, students were involved in a variety of afternoon and weekend sports and other activities. After school sport/activities are run by teaching staff and parent volunteers and, if you would like to volunteer to run a sport this year, please let me know. If you would like to run a sport/activity, it is your decision as to what sport/activity you are running, what day and which classes you will include in this sport/activity – our school community is always grateful to those who take the time to organise after school sport/activities.

2022 Staff 

Principal K-10 LIS / STM Gregory Neville (includes Coordinator Wellbeing/Discipline 7-10)

Deputy Principal K-10 Catherine Langusch (includes Curriculum Coordinator K-10, Coordinator Wellbeing/Discipline K-6)

Deputy Principal STM  Kevin Collins

Coordinator Physical Education Simon McKeiver

Coordinator Learning Support Catherine Langusch

Library Jenny Pesas

Administrative Officer Rachael Andar

Kindy Angela Collins and Clementa Exzil

Prep Liz Daimol and Georgina Kinkinteng

Year 1/2 Diana Saua and Anastasia Tukata

Year 3/4 Grace Savitas

Year 5/6 Catherine Langusch

Year 7/8 Simon McKeiver - Class Patron

Year 9/10 Patricia Yip - Class Patron

LIS School / STMC assistants

Jenny Pesas, Lorna Romaso-Daimol, Ronnie Sarufa

High School and School to Mine subject teachers

Elizabeth Laien, Patricia Yip, Kevin Collins, Simon McKeiver, Joseph Takaundo, David Wengip, Jeffrey Tore, Edwina Jason

The arrival of our new staff member, Jenny Dovaston, has been delayed due to personal issues and we hope to welcome her to the island in term 2. Until Jenny's arrival, Mrs Liz Daimol will teach the Prep class.

Student Photographs

There are many photo opportunities at our school and student images are often used in publications, such as the Toksave, and displayed online through the school website. The Toksave is uploaded to our school website every week. Student images will continue to be used in the Toksave, website and other media this year. If you do not wish photos of your child to be displayed through any form of print or digital media, please let me know so that I can ensure no images of your child appear in any school material.

School Council

The annual General Meeting of the School Council will be held on Thursday, the 24th of February 2022. At this meeting, voting for vacant positions for Parent Representatives will occur, in the Yr 9/10 room from 7.00pm– 7.20pm. Nomination forms are available from the school office and must be returned to the school office by Thursday the 10th February 2022. If you would like to know more about the functions of the School Council, please make an appointment to see the principal.


Mr. Greg Neville         

Student Health Information Update


Term 1 Calendar


Covidsafe in 2022

IIn line with company policy, good hygiene and social distancing practices will continue to be implemented in the school during Term 1 2022. Please read the points below carefully. Thank you to all members of the STM/LIS community for your patience and commitment in ensuring that we keep our children and island safe.

1. It is imperative that parents and carers do not send their children to school if they are sick or showing any symptoms of a cold or flu. If your child is sick, please keep your child home and seek appropriate medical attention. Children who display any signs of sickness will be isolated under supervision in the school's sick bay and parents called to come and collect them.

2. Entrance to school for students and parents / carers will be via the Aginas Oval gate only, which will open at 7.45am. Students who arrive before this (which is discouraged) are to wait in the carpark undercover area until 7.45am. Students should be at school by 8.00am, ready to start the day at 8.10am.

3. On arrival all students are to wash their hands at the wash station and then proceed to the undercover area. Parents will be permitted to escort their children to the undercover area / classroom and pick them up at the end of the day. Parents will also need to wash their hands after entering school. If parents need to go to the office or see a teacher, they are permitted to proceed to the wash station and are then to make their way straight to the school office or to the relevant classroom. Parents and High School students are to have a face mask ready to use when social distancing is not possible

4.  Students will be required to wash their hands in the mornings, before school and before and after recess/lunch.

5. All desks, door handles, playground equipment and other high contact equipment will be sanitised twice daily or after use by cleaning staff.

6. Social distancing will be employed in classrooms through desk arrangements. Social distancing markings have been painted on cement areas where students line up and in the undercover area for recess/lunch eating times. The school will implement staggered lunch and recess breaks between the primary and high school to reduce the number of children in the eating area at one time.

7. High School students will each be issued with a reusable washable mask. Students will be required to use these masks for activities where social distancing is not possible.

8. Students will need to bring a packed recess and lunch each day - there is to be no dropping off of lunches by parents, siblings or haus meris. Students are also asked to bring a water bottle to school that they will refill. 

10. In Term 1 on Mondays, separate primary and high school assemblies will be held in the basketball court, employing social distancing measures. On Fridays, there will be a whole school assembly on the basketball court that parents are welcome to attend. Social distancing measures will be  employed.

2022 Term Dates for Students

Term 1: 31st  January – 31st March 

Term 2: 19th April – 16th June 

Term 3: 11th July – 15th September 

Term 4: 3rd October – 1st December 

From the Deputy Principal (LIS)

It was fantastic to see the excitement on children's faces at the start of the day as we began our new year of learning! It was also pleasing to see our 'old' students welcoming the new students to LIS. Great to see our V I P (Value, Include, Participate) ethos in action!

This year, we look forward to working with parents and students to consolidate the excellent teaching and learning practices in place at Lihir International School. In English Literacy, we will be continuing our focus on reading/comprehension and daily writing activities and in Mathematics, we will consolidate our SEE, PLAN, DO, CHECK problem-solving strategies from Year 2 onwards.

In Weeks 4 and 5 of this term, I will again present parent workshops on Soundwaves (Spelling) and Maths Problem-solving, which would be beneficial to new parents to our school or to any parents who may have missed last year's workshops. Primary class teachers will also hold sessions with parents to support our homework reading program.

I am looking forward to seeing parents at Acquaintance Night next week on Wednesday, 9th February. At Acquaintance Night, parents (and any students) are to gather on the basketball court by 6.00pm for a short welcome by Mr Neville. 

At 6.10 pm, Parent Session 1 will begin with the High school having a joint session on the basketball court and the primary class sessions to be in the relevant classrooms. This session will finish by 6.30pm and will be followed by a second session, starting at 6.35pm. During these sessions, any students will be supervised in the undercover area. There are two sessions to enable parents who have more than one child at the school to attend more than one session.

After the second session, we will have a "Meet and Greet" sausage sizzle so parents have the opportunity to meet other parents, as well as chat more informally to LIS staff. 

Looking forward to seeing everyone next Wednesday evening.

Kind regards,

Ms Langusch             

From the Deputy Principal (STM)

Welcome back students and families to a new school year. I look forward to reengaging and meeting all students over the next few weeks. 

The STMC is currently preparing for our 10 Programs of the School to Mine.

We are currently shortlisting students for our new Year 9 / 10 FODE Program for 2022. Next Monday, 7 February, the School to Mine Campus will be welcoming our returning FODE students for recommencement of their studies.

STMC staff are also working closely with the Local Provincial Education Office to finalise new Lihirian Teachers' enrolment in the DWU Bachelor of Primary Education, finalise Teachers for the Lihir Elementary Teacher Support Program and working toward delivery of our first Trupla Principal Program in early March. 

We are continuing to work with Lihir Secondary School to finalise participants for our Academic Support Program.

All the best for the new school year.


Mr. Kevin Collins