Dear parents and carers,
Please ensure your child has a school hat to wear during playtime and other outdoor activities. Please make sure hats are clearly named. If you require any item of school uniform, please see Rachael in the front office.
Thanks to those parents who are endeavouring to drop their children off and collect them on time. With the Covid-19 requirements, children should arrive at school from 7.45am to 8.00am. Classes start at 8.10am. Please do not send your child to school if they are displaying signs of cold or flu.
Resusable and washable masks have been provided for all students. Children are encourged to wear these masks to and from school. Children will also be instructed to wear masks by teachers in the event of close contact activities. Masks are not worn during physical education classes.
I would also like to remind parents about the importance of children having a healthy lunch each day. Students are not to bring chips (either crisps or hot chips), lollies, chocolates, whole packets of sweet biscuits or soft drinks to school. There is to be no dropping off of recess or lunch to school - children are to bring a packed lunch and a water bottle.
If you have any questions or concerns, or would like further information on any of the topics in this newsletter, please do not hesitate to make contact.
Mr Greg Neville