Applecross Primary School

News Update Term 1 Week 2 2022

Newsletter 1

A warm welcome to 2022 for all our parents and guardians. It has been an excellent start to the term amidst all the uncertainties however, our staff and students are very excited to be back at school. As I make my way around each class and chat with the children at recess and lunch, our students are filled with high energy and enthusiasm and are already working on their goals and aspirations for this term, and longer goals for the year.

To all our new students and families: Our school community welcomes our new Kindy students and their families, along with all new families, to Applecross Primary. Building solid and honest relationships between the home and school environment is a key to supporting all students to be confident, resilient, academically able, a good citizen and a life-long learner to maximise future choices.

Mental Health and Well-Being, Mindfulness: We will support children to be well aware of concepts such as being helpful, thankful, appreciative, grateful, thoughtful, kind, understanding, sympathetic, empathetic and forgiving. Being mindful of themselves and others will assist children to have positive mental health and mindfulness for now and into the future.

Building and maintaining good relationships through ongoing communications ensures all members of our school community are valued and well informed. Please, join our school Skoolbag App, Class Connect and refer to the website to receive immediate notification of special events, newsletters, teacher notes, class news, etc. Please also remember, particularly in the current climate it is very important that all visitors to the school must sign in and out of the front office.  

As mentioned in the COVID-19 update that went out on the App on Tuesday (8th February):  You are allowed on school grounds for drop-off and pick-up in outdoor locations, but please physically distance, avoid gathering where possible, and follow mask wearing requirements.

Health and Safety: As usual the health and safety of all students and adults is of paramount importance and for this reason it is necessary to again remind parents to abide by the road rules, particularly parking, in the interests of keeping all children safe. The Kiss and Drive is a No Parking Zone please -  it is our collective responsibility to keep our children safe. 

Best wishes to everyone in the Applecross School Community for a fantastic year in 2022!

Bea Bouska

Our Year 6 school Leadership Assembly yesterday