Dear Families,
Each time I write a Principal Message I have a look at the message from last year as a helpful reminder. This time last year we had just started our first bit of Remote Learning. It is amazing to look at the last year and see what has changed. I feel particularly lucky to have students and staff at school, parents able to come and volunteer and things like the Grade 3 and 4 Community Expo, New Families Pizza Night, World’s Greatest Shave and Buddy Day able to happen.
Mobile Phones
We understand that students sometimes need to have a phone for contact at the end of the school day. Our mobile phone policy is that students sign their phones in at the school office before school and sign them out again in the afternoon. Phones are kept in a locked box at the office. If your child has a phone, could you please have a conversation with them and make sure they are signing their phone in at the office?
Pizza Night
Thank you to Parents and Friends for hosting the New Families Pizza night last week. It is a great way for families that are new to Mansfield Primary School to connect with each other and to other members of the school community. A huge thankyou to Jaqueline Elliott from Mansfield Pizza who donates pizza bases to us every year. The conversations were great and the pizzas were delicious.
Buddy Day
Last Friday there were no students or staff at school. We were all out on a river somewhere spending time with our buddies. There were endless reports of Big Buddies showing incredible maturity and kindness when looking after their Little Buddies. Well done everyone and thank you Ms Driessen and the teachers for their planning and organisation.
World’s Greatest Shave
Well done Monty, Lilly, Zac, Asti, Nick and Campbell on their incredible efforts in raising money and awareness for the Leukaemia Foundation over the last few weeks. The shave last week was a great celebration and very brave of the kids. The last figure I saw was more than $7000 raised. Thank you Billie for setting up the MPS team, supporting the students and making sure the shave went smoothly.
Victorian High Ability Program (VHAP)
VHAP is run through Virtual School Victoria and gives our high performing students an opportunity to be extended in Literacy and Mathematics. Grade 5 and 6 students are chosen by the Department of Education and we support them to complete the program at school. Each unit runs for a term and the students have a virtual lesson each week.
We have previously been a part of the MacRobertson Girls School’s High Ability Program. We feel that the VHAP program gives our high performing students more support, so we are choosing not to do both this year.
Ride 2 School
Tomorrow is National Ride to School Day. It is not a huge, dress up, bells and whistles event. We do that for walk and ride to school month later in the year. I will be riding in from Merrijig, let’s see if we can fill up the bike shed tomorrow.
Like always, please get in touch with us with any questions or concerns. Call or email your classroom teacher, call the front office or email me
Have a great weekend.
Take Care,