St Mary's Bulletin

Term 1 - Week 3 (19th February, 2021)

From the Principal

Dear St Mary's School Community

Focus Value: Responsibility

We have a duty to be accountable to ourselves and to others.

Ash Wednesday Mass

We celebrated the beginning of the Lenten period with Mass in the Church led by the Year Six class for the Year Three to Six students to celebrate Ash Wednesday. Fr Andrew visited the school to give ashes to the Kindy to Year Two students in the morning.  Over the next 40 days, we are called to act justly, love tenderly and the walk humbly with our God, so that we might rejoice in the triumph of God’s justice in Jesus at Easter.

Christian Meditation

At St Mary’s School we have implemented Christian Meditation across the school.  This is one of our school improvement goals and complements our Wellbeing Strategy.  The whole school does Christian Mediation every Wednesday and Friday after lunch, as a minimum. However, most teachers incorporate this into their timetable on other days too.

Christian Meditation:

  • Provides an experience of God’s love through the experiential process of ‘doing’ meditation.
  • Helps children build a loving relationship with Jesus.
  • Affords children an opportunity to be still and silent.
  • Is a form of prayer.
  • Supports wellbeing programs.

Clark Wight

Thank you to the P&F for organising the Clark Wight presentation on Tuesday., in particular to Meg Gethin who had started the process to have Clark speaking last year before COVID hit.  Clark gave some good insights into ‘future-proofing’ families by going back to the basics of sharing at least one meal together, defining family values and ensuring that children were praised for what they were (characteristics) not what they did (achievements).  Our Year Five and Six students were also lucky to have Clark present to them on heroes (I know that the boys were taken with his knowledge of NBA basketball!). Thank you also to the Merredin Bowling Club for supporting the event by allowing us to use their venue.


Swimming lessons for the Year Three to Year Six students concluded today.  Our Swimming Carnival will now take place on Wednesday, 3 March at the Merredin Pool and the Interschool Swimming Carnival is due to be held on Friday, 12 March.  Information about the St Mary's Swimming Carnival will be coming home next week via Skoolbag.

Leaders Forum/GEMS

The Leadership Team will be attending the Leaders Forum and GEMS Network on Monday, 22 and Tuesday, 23 February.  Miss Walsh and Mrs Grant will be sharing responsibility for the school in our absence.

Modification to Uniform

A quick survey has gone out to all families via Skoolbag (on Monday) in regard to a modification to the school uniform.  If you haven’t responded to the survey, please do so by Wednesday.  

Healthy Food and Drink Policy

St Mary’s has a Healthy Food and Drink Policy which was devised using staff and community consultation.  Children should eat a wide range of foods so that they have the energy for learning and growing. Nutrition and physical activity messages are being taught in the classroom to promote healthy lifestyles.  I have attached a copy of the Policy for your information – this can also be located on the school website. 

Healthy Food and Drink Policy

Fee Statements

Fee statements were emailed out to all families on Wednesday 10th February.  If you have not received them please contact Mrs Ryan in the office.  The fees are set up a little different to previous years and the Payment Option Form must be returned to the office or emailed to the finance email by Friday, 26th February 2021.

Collection Data

As a school, we are required to send enrolment data to both the state and federal government annually.  This collection of data is occurring soon and a flyer for your information is attached to this bulletin.  If your details have changed recently and you have not advised the school, please do so by Friday, 26th February.

Pastoral Care

We offer our condolences to Chloe O’Callaghan (PP teacher) and her family on the passing of her grandfather Alan Mayes.  May Alan Rest in Peace.

Every Child Counts

As a system, CEWA is campaigning for the incoming state government (at the next election) to provide for equitable access to school funding initiatives being pledged or announced by the Government for 2021 and beyond to ensure all Catholic schools can better support the student population in contemporary, world-class facilities, as well as nurturing their mental wellbeing.  I encourage you to read more about the ‘Every Child Counts’ campaign at

Let Us Pray

Heavenly Father,

During this Lenten season,

give me a new and expanded vision for my life.

Help me to live full of faith.

Teach me to find hope in the face of adversity.


St Mary's School Merredin

P&F Uniform Shop

Open Tuesdays: 8:30 am - 9:10 am

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