Our journey for 2018 commenced way back in January and officially comes to a close this week. It feels like the year has come and gone so quickly!
So much has taken place across the course of the year and when I reflect on 2018 I feel proud of our many achievements.
2018 has been a year of growth for our students. This growth has taken many forms, with our students growing academically - through rich learning opportunities, socially – through high levels of collaboration both in the classroom and on the playground, emotionally – through the school’s PBL programs and partnerships with local providers, physically – through the school’s commitment to healthy lifestyle, sport and fitness programs and spiritually – through initiatives that have built strong community partnerships and ensured that our students feel safe, valued and connected to the school.
This year, the school also dedicated a large amount of financial resources to improving learning outcomes for students and families. A speech pathologist, psychologist, additional executive staff, School Learning and Support Officers and Community Liaison Officers have all contributed to quality whole school programs and initiatives in 2018.
This year, we have also utilised the latest theories about 21st century learning to start the process of developing and implementing an innovative curriculum and creative and engaging learning spaces. This will be a continued focus for next year and beyond and it is expected that this approach to teaching and learning will foster high levels of collaboration, creativity and innovation in our students. All skills that will best prepare our students for high school and the workforce. We still have much to develop and achieve in this space, however, I am proud of our gains to this point and am excited about what our classrooms and pedagogy will look like in the future.
This year also saw the introduction of many new initiatives to support the school’s PBL values of being Safe, Respectful Learners. I was exceptionally proud of how so many students adopted a positive attitude towards their learning and behaviour this year and this resulted in over 200 students reaching our ‘Medallion Reward Level’ and a record number of students reaching the highest level of our Acknowledgement System. This was an outstanding achievement and I was so pleased to see so many students being outstanding representatives for the community and role models for their peers.
To our students, continue to do all that you can to be the best that you can be. Learn as many new things as you can and always look at challenges in a positive way. Never be afraid to be yourself and be proud of who you are and be proud of your achievements. The work that you put into your learning now and into the future is what will allow you to achieve your goals and fulfil your dreams.
To our parents, thank you for your ongoing support of your children and commitment to our school. I highly value the relationships that I have forged with so many of you and am so pleased to see so many parents engaging with the school through our SaCC programs, the P&C and the many community events that we have led across the school this year. I look forward to hearing of these continue next year and beyond.
To our teachers - I thank you for your passion, dedication and commitment to the school. I would also like to make special mention of the following staff members, who are moving on from the school in 2019:
· Mrs Rooney – I thank you for your many years of service to the school as both a teacher and Assistant Principal. I wish you every success in your new position at Georges Hall PS next year.
· Mrs Arthur – I thank you for your many years of service to the school, supporting the learning needs of so many students through your role as Learning and Support Teacher. I hope that you enjoy your period of extended leave in 2019.
· Mrs Harley - I thank you for your many years of dedication to the school as a teacher in the Preschool and more recently as Coordinator of the SaCC. Your commitment to our community is the reason why we have enjoyed such a strong partnership with parents and the community this year. I wish you all the best in your new SaCC Coordinator role in 2019.
· Miss Sutcliffe – I thank you for your tireless work as a Kindergarten teacher and member of the executive team at various stages across the past 2 years. I wish you every success at Wentworth Point PS in 2019.
Mrs Rushton – I thank you for your work as a Preschool teacher at our school for the past 2 years. I wish you every success in your new role.
· Mrs Escalante – I thank you for the various roles that you have undertaken across the school this year, most recently as a replacement for Mrs Delanty on 1D. I wish you the best as you return to Greenacre PS in 2019.
· Mrs Tsotras – Thank you for your role in the library this year. I wish you all the best in your position at Cronulla PS in 2019.
· Mrs Booker - Thank you for your recent work at the school as a counsellor this term. I wish you the best as you continue your counselling role at another school in 2019.
I would also like to welcome new and returning staff to the school in 2019. Mr Elletson will commence as the new Principal next year. I would also like to welcome back Miss Hing, Miss Pugh Uren and Mrs Conwell who are returning to the school following maternity leave. I would also like to welcome Miss Birgin, Miss Sharma and Mrs El-Sobaihy to the school as new staff members for 2019.
Finally, I would also like to take this opportunity to say ‘goodbye’ to the community and thank you all for the support that you have shown me during my 3 years here at Punchbowl Public School. I have always felt highly valued by our parents and I thank you for allowing me to be part of your lives each and every day.
I am very proud to tell people that I have been the Principal of Punchbowl Public School and have many wonderful memories that I will take with me to Blakehurst Public School in 2019.
I wish each and every one of you a very happy, safe and restful holiday and trust that 2019 will provide some exciting opportunities and successes.
Thank you.
Cameron Smyth-Gapps