The Punchbowl Press

Term 4 Week 10 December 2018

Principal's Message

Our journey for 2018 commenced way back in January and officially comes to a close this week. It feels like the year has come and gone so quickly!

So much has taken place across the course of the year and when I reflect on 2018 I feel proud of our many achievements.

2018 has been a year of growth for our students. This growth has taken many forms, with our students growing academically - through rich learning opportunities, socially – through high levels of collaboration both in the classroom and on the playground, emotionally – through the school’s PBL programs and partnerships with local providers, physically – through the school’s commitment to healthy lifestyle, sport and fitness programs and spiritually – through initiatives that have built strong community partnerships and ensured that our students feel safe, valued and connected to the school.

This year, the school also dedicated a large amount of financial resources to improving learning outcomes for students and families. A speech pathologist, psychologist, additional executive staff, School Learning and Support Officers and Community Liaison Officers have all contributed to quality whole school programs and initiatives in 2018.

This year, we have also utilised the latest theories about 21st century learning to start the process of developing and implementing an innovative curriculum and creative and engaging learning spaces. This will be a continued focus for next year and beyond and it is expected that this approach to teaching and learning will foster high levels of collaboration, creativity and innovation in our students. All skills that will best prepare our students for high school and the workforce. We still have much to develop and achieve in this space, however, I am proud of our gains to this point and am excited about what our classrooms and pedagogy will look like in the future.

This year also saw the introduction of many new initiatives to support the school’s PBL values of being Safe, Respectful Learners. I was exceptionally proud of how so many students adopted a positive attitude towards their learning and behaviour this year and this resulted in over 200 students reaching our ‘Medallion Reward Level’ and a record number of students reaching the highest level of our Acknowledgement System. This was an outstanding achievement and I was so pleased to see so many students being outstanding representatives for the community and role models for their peers.

To our students, continue to do all that you can to be the best that you can be. Learn as many new things as you can and always look at challenges in a positive way. Never be afraid to be yourself and be proud of who you are and be proud of your achievements. The work that you put into your learning now and into the future is what will allow you to achieve your goals and fulfil your dreams.

To our parents, thank you for your ongoing support of your children and commitment to our school. I highly value the relationships that I have forged with so many of you and am so pleased to see so many parents engaging with the school through our SaCC programs, the P&C and the many community events that we have led across the school this year. I look forward to hearing of these continue next year and beyond. 

To our teachers - I thank you for your passion, dedication and commitment to the school. I would also like to make special mention of the following staff members, who are moving on from the school in 2019:

·        Mrs Rooney – I thank you for your many years of service to the school as both a teacher and Assistant Principal. I wish you every success in your new position at Georges Hall PS next year.

·        Mrs Arthur – I thank you for your many years of service to the school, supporting the learning needs of so many students through your role as Learning and Support Teacher. I hope that you enjoy your period of extended leave in 2019.

·        Mrs Harley - I thank you for your many years of dedication to the school as a teacher in the Preschool and more recently as Coordinator of the SaCC. Your commitment to our community is the reason why we have enjoyed such a strong partnership with parents and the community this year. I wish you all the best in your new SaCC Coordinator role in 2019.

·        Miss Sutcliffe – I thank you for your tireless work as a Kindergarten teacher and member of the executive team at various stages across the past 2 years. I wish you every success at Wentworth Point PS in 2019.

        Mrs Rushton – I thank you for your work as a Preschool teacher at our school for the past 2 years. I wish you every success in your new role.

·        Mrs Escalante – I thank you for the various roles that you have undertaken across the school this year, most recently as a replacement for Mrs Delanty on 1D. I wish you the best as you return to Greenacre PS in 2019.

·        Mrs Tsotras – Thank you for your role in the library this year. I wish you all the best in your position at Cronulla PS in 2019.

·        Mrs Booker  - Thank you for your recent work at the school as a counsellor this term. I wish you the best as you continue your counselling role at another school in 2019.

I would also like to welcome new and returning staff to the school in 2019. Mr Elletson will commence as the new Principal next year. I would also like to welcome back Miss Hing, Miss Pugh Uren and Mrs Conwell who are returning to the school following maternity leave. I would also like to welcome Miss Birgin, Miss Sharma and Mrs El-Sobaihy to the school as new staff members for 2019.

Finally, I would also like to take this opportunity to say ‘goodbye’ to the community and thank you all for the support that you have shown me during my 3 years here at Punchbowl Public School. I have always felt highly valued by our parents and I thank you for allowing me to be part of your lives each and every day.

I am very proud to tell people that I have been the Principal of Punchbowl Public School and have many wonderful memories that I will take with me to Blakehurst Public School in 2019.

I wish each and every one of you a very happy, safe and restful holiday and trust that 2019 will provide some exciting opportunities and successes.

Thank you.

Cameron Smyth-Gapps

Presentation Days 2018

Thank you to everyone who attended the Presentation Day assemblies to celebrate the achievements of our students in 2018.

Congratulations to all the students on such a wonderful year of learning.

We are safe, respectful LEARNERS at Punchbowl Public School.

Environmental Education Takes off at Punchbowl Public School!

Follow the link to watch what the Stage 2 and Stage 3 students have achieved in 2018 as part of the Outdoor Education Program at Punchbowl Public School which was coordinated by Mrs Kontakos and Mr Shearer. So much progress in such a short time. 

Watch this space, 2019 will bring more wonderful opportunities for our students to learn in the great outdoors.

Preschool Graduation

Congratulations to our Preschool students for a fantastic performance at your graduation ceremony this week. The children had been practicing their favourite songs for many weeks to perform for their families. The children were very impressed to receive their graduation certificates and begin their journey to big school. The following song was one that the children were proud to sing as they finished the year at Punchbowl Public School Preschool.

Do you know I’m going to school!

“Do you know I’m going to school soon

I can’t wait until I go to school

I’m going to learn a lot of new things

Look at me I’m going to school

 With my hat and backpack, uniform and shiny shoes

Look at me I’m going to school”

 Thank you to all who attended the celebrations on the day and shared beautiful plates of food with friends and family. We wish all our preschool students all the best starting Kindergarten in the new year.


Miss Georgiou, Miss Rushton, Miss Lia, Mrs O’Leary, Miss Mel

Stage 1 News

2H have been working on Patterns and Algebra and were learning to recognise and continue a pattern with numbers. They recognised, described and continued a number pattern that increased by threes and fours. They then compared their patterns with peers. 

Community Language

Thank you to all students who participated in the Community Language program. You have all been great learners. A big thank you also to the parents who supported their children by helping them improve their home language.

نحن نشكر كل التلاميذ الذين إشتركوا في برنامج اللغة العربية، ونشكر ايضاً الآهالي الذين شجعوا وساعدوا أبنائهم على تعلم اللغة الأم.

Congratulations to all of our Community Language award recipients. Well done for all your hard work throughout the year and for consistently exhibiting our school values during community language classes. 

ونحي كل التلاميذ الذين إستحقوا شهادات التقدير هذا العام على مجهودهم وسلوكهم و إتباعهم قيم المدرسة دائماً.

The Community Language Team 

International Day 2018

Our 2018 International Day was a huge success.  Thank you to everyone who attended and to all the families, staff and students for their efforts in the lead up to the day. Follow the link to watch the highlight video

Stage 2 - History

In Stage 2 we have been learning about The First Fleet and their arrival to Australia back in 1778. We were lucky enough to visit Botany Bay in Kurnell which was the first place the fleet stopped and was the place recommended by Captain James Cook. Here are some pictures highlighting our day at the excursion!

Coding Group

Our Coding students have been planning their own “INVICTUS Games”. They’ve looked at designing events suitable for people with a physical disability. Once students had decided on a game type, they set out to program their “Sphero –Athlete” to participate in the games. Students worked on making an obstacle course, Sumo wrestling event and a relay race. A group of students also designed a ramp for Long Jump. Along with learning how to program a Sphero, students also liked the opportunity to work together discussing problems they encountered and finding possible solutions.

“The most enjoyable part about Coding was trying to find and solve the mistakes we made in our Coding.” Terry Lai

“We get to do fun stuff in Coding, like figuring out how to code the Sphero so that it spins in our hands.” William Nguyen

“I like coming to Coding because we use our imagination to create anything we can think of with Sphero.” William 

“I like Coding because I like technology and I am learning to solve problems. I want to work in the Tech field when I grow up.” Jayden 

“Technology allows me to use and show my creativity”. YeSeon

STEAM- Stage 3

Stage 3 Community Language and STEAM students have been enjoying delving into 3D design and printing. While learning new content and new Arabic vocabulary students found it difficult in the beginning but were determined to learn the new words and design concepts. They set out to work their way through Tinkercad and came up with some inspiring ideas to help improve the quality of life for people with a disability, i.e. a cookie cutter for someone with no hands and LEGO bricks with Braille for blind people to build LEGO models without help. The students were proud of themselves when they were able to problem solve and persist with challenging tasks. Here is some of what they had to say:

 “The video clip made me feel sad and happy for the lady because she had cancer in her jaw. I was happy when I saw that 3D printing helped this lady. Doctors and engineers were able to do a 3D print to replace her jaw. The lady looked beautiful again after doctors and dentists implanted the 3D jaw in her face. She could live a normal life without people staring at her.” Umar 

“I like Community Language because we get to use Tinkercad and we’re building relationships.” Mohammad 

“I liked designing 3D items and the way they print, it’s amazing!” Baker 

أكثر شيء أحببت في التنكركد سهل إسنعمال التنكركد ونستطيع تصميم أشياء خيالية

“The thing I liked most was that Tinkercad was easy to use and we can design imaginative things”.  Maya 

“I like how you can design things to help people. I designed a cookie cutter for people without arms.” Maysaa 

“It was difficult in the beginning but I persisted and it became easier. I liked how I could design something for my mum.” Jad 

School as Community Centre (SaCC)

Many parents completed the “Step Into Work” Program. A six week workshop to help them prepare for the workforce. They were very happy to receive certificates to celebrate their hard work..

We also had parents graduate from the Computer course, which they attended for three terms.

A representative from Bunnings joined us for our last playgroup of the year, and provided the children with craft materials to make reindeers. Parents and children had fun making their reindeers.

Travelling overseas during the holidays?

Are you travelling overseas for the school holidays? If your child will not be returning to school when Term 1 begins on Wednesday 30th January 2019, please notify the school office on 97505055 as soon as possible. The office will be open until Friday 21st December, 2018.

Term 1, 2019 starts Wednesday 30th January 2019

School resumes on Wednesday 30th January 2019 for ALL students from Kindergarten to Year 6. 

The school office will be open from Tuesday 29th January. 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

We wish you a happy and safe holiday break.  To our families who celebrate Christmas we wish you a joyous day filled with love and happiness. May the New Year bring cheer and good health to all. 

We look forward to seeing you back again in 2019 for another wonderful year of learning. 

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