Term 1 Week 3 2022

Important Dates Term

Term Dates 2022

Term 1

31 January  to 14 April

Term 22 May to 8 July
Term 325 July to 30 September
Term 417 October to 16 December

Dates to Remember Term 1 2022

Friday 24th MarchDue Date General Consent Form
Monday 11th MarchAdelaide Cup Public Holiday
Friday 18th MarchSAPSASA District Swimming
Thursday 14th AprilLast Day of Term1
Friday 15th AprilGood Friday

Principal's Report

Welcome Back

I am pleased to finally welcome back all students and families to the 2022 school year after the staggered start we experienced for the first two weeks of term. It was lovely to have our R/1 students on site during this time but having our Yr 2-6 students return on Monday really made things feel complete. Many of our students were keen to be back at school after spending nearly 9 weeks at home. They were keen to connect face to face with their teachers, see their new classroom, and connect with their peers. 

I just want to say thank you again to families supporting the learning from home. We appreciate its not easy especially for those of you who have to work or have more than one child at home. I would also like to acknowledge the work of our staff who were well prepared delivering online learning, tracking and monitoring student progress, daily check ins etc. We got there in the end despite a few initial IT issues in relation to Edpass, forgotten passwords etc.

COVID Update

For the remainder of week 4 (21-25 Feb) there are no changes to COVID restrictions for school sites:

  • All students and staff must stay home if unwell, even mildly (runny nose, sore throat etc).
  • Ventilation will be maximised by leaving doors/windows open, use of air conditioning (set to fresh air intake) etc.
  • Outdoor learning where possible/weather permitting.
  • Minimising student intermingling across class groups inside such as choir, buddy class, assembly etc.
  • Indoor before school, recess and lunch time venues such as the library, hall and computer room will be closed.
  • To minimize the spread of COVID, parents/carers are not to come on site. I appreciate this is frustrating but we need to keep each other safe. Reception/Year 1 parents are allowed to enter the school grounds to drop off and pick up their child but they must use the QR codes available, wear a mask, social distance and leave immediately. Year 2-6 students can be dropped at one of our school entrances. In the afternoon all students must leave the school grounds with their parents/carers. Please do not congregate in the yard and particularly in the JP playground where bus/OSHC students are supervised by staff.
  • Continue to practice and promote hand and respiratory hygiene. Hand sanitiser is provided for regular use, and disposable masks.
  • Extra cleaning during the day will continue.

  • Face masks are required for adults, except when it impedes the ability to teach.
  • Face masks are strongly recommended for students in years 3 to 6.

From week 5 to 8 (28th Feb - 25th March) the following can resume:

  • Day excursions and incursions (held outdoors where possible). 
  • Interschool sporting competitions.
  • Extra-curricular activities at the school, including choirs, band practice, instrumental lessons.
  • Work experience and work placements.
  • Assemblies that are held outdoors.
  • Volunteers required by the school.

From week 5 to 8 (28th Feb - 25th March) the following will continue:

  • Face masks continue to be required (when indoors) for all adults, except when it impedes ability to teach.
  • Face masks are strongly encouraged for students in years 3 to 6 (when indoors).
  • Current testing, isolating and quarantine remains unchanged, including classroom contacts.
  • Outdoor learning encouraged where possible.
  • Continue to open windows and doors or use air-conditioning set to fresh air intake where possible.
  • All students and staff must stay home if unwell, even mildly (runny nose, sore throat etc).
  • Ventilation will be maximised by leaving doors/windows open, use of air conditioning (set to fresh air intake) etc.
  • To minimize the spread of COVID, parents/carers are not to come on site as per Week 4 restrictions.
  • Continue to practice and promote hand and respiratory hygiene. Hand sanitiser is provided for regular use, and disposable masks.
  • Extra cleaning during the day will continue.

I appreciate this is a lot of information but its important to keep you up date so we can work together to keep our school community COVID free. 

Whole School Assembly

On Friday we held our first whole school online assembly using Microsoft Teams. It was certainly a pared down event but we got to see everyone at the same time to welcome back students and staff, make announcements, share messages, and present awards. We also acknowledged our new receptions, and other new enrolments yr 1-6 who have settled in well to their new school. 

Congratulations to the following students who received awards at the assembly:

Stanley - working well during home learning and always trying his best.

Archie - developing his technology skills during home learning.

Amelia - outstanding work ethic during home learning.

Fynnan - for showing confidence and enthusiasm during Performing Arts.

Harper - having a positive attitude in Performing Arts and giving her best.

Edith - for her enthusiasm and contribution to class.

Ethan  - positive start to school, great attitude and hard work.

Olive - awesome effort with home learning, continuing effort at school.

Lachlan - awesome effort with home learning, continuing effort at school.

Hunter   - fantastic attitude to phonics and taking first steps to getting his taking superpower!

Clova -  fantastic attitude to phonics and taking first steps to getting his taking superpower!

Leo  - working hard - learning to email and join Teams meetings.

Kai - being kind - sharing his ideas in class, and a reliable compost monitor.

Amelia - completing many Maths and English tasks during home learning.

Liam - excellent start to school, demonstrating a keenness for learning.

Of course no assembly would be complete without some IT issues and when it came time to share a clip, Kid President Pep talk to Teachers and Students! we had picture but no sound! Most students have since watched the clip ( but you may like to watch it too.

Thank you to the many families who have returned their general consent forms. A number of families have commented on their forms re. Permission to Act in the Event of a Medical Emergency,  that No COVID Jab be given to their child/children. Under no circumstance would this be happening. A medical emergency refers to the school treating existing conditions such as asthma, epilepsy, or an accident that may require the school to contact family, ring an ambulance etc. 

Staffing for 2022

Junior Primary

Room 1 - Jen Irwin/Del Hearnden (Thursday) Year 1/2

Room 2 - Briony Tempest/Del Hearnden (Wednesday)  Year 1

Room 3/4 - Kim Gniel Reception

Middle Primary

Room 5 – Michelle Goudie/Heidi Shields  (Friday) Year 3/4

Room 6 – Rhi Hall (Mon, Tue & Wed) /Sheree Argent (Thur/Fri) Year 2

Room 7 – Matt Burne Year 3/4

Room 8 – Nicollette De Leonardis – Year 3/4

Upper Primary

Room 9 – Leonie Schultz Year 5/6

Room 10 – Joy Darmody Year 5/6

Room 11 – Kim Taylor Year 5/6

Specialist subjects

Room 12 - German - Heidi Shields - Wednesday & Thursday

                   Health - Matt Bradley - Monday & Tuesday

Library      History – Nicole Taylor

Hall/Yard   PE - Matt Bradley - Wednesday & Thursday

Hall             Performing Arts – Emily Brown - Monday & Tuesday


Leanne wall - Office 

Kim Oag - Finance- Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Lou Hadden - classroom

Lindy Linke - classroom

Heidi Roesler – classroom

Tilly Hadden – classroom

Faye Hale – classroom

Kate Wohler – classroom - Monday, Wednesday & Thursday

Grounds person - Kelvin Jean (Mr Geyer on long service leave)

PCW - Nat Wood - Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

Librarian - Nicole Taylor

Deputy Principal - Sokhan Greenwood

Looking forward to an interruption free remainder of the term.

Kindness is a language the deaf can hear and the blind can see. 

Mark Twain

New Receptions 2022

Welcome to Angaston

Welcome Nicollette De Leonardis

My name is Nicollette De Leonardis (Miss De Leonardis or Miss D) and I am teaching year 3 & 4s this year in Room 8. This is my first year at Angaston Primary School and I feel very welcomed here. Last year, I had the wonderful opportunity of teaching students who spoke English as a second language (IELP). I am looking forward to getting to know you all better and the year ahead.

When I am not teaching I enjoy taking my dog Rocky for walks, baking and going for runs.

Notes from Nat

I’m back! The teachers are back and finally all the kids are back! And we are ready to shine. 

This week all kids were on deck and it was so nice to hear their laughter and see their little faces again this year. One thing I learnt over the past couple of weeks was it’s the children’s laughter and energies that make a school. It was very quiet without you all. 

It was a certainly a different start to the school year but teachers, parents and kids alike all rallied together and made it work, and we all deserve a little pat on the back for that, well a big pat on the back - we made it! 

That being said - it is never the same than being at school all together (or alle zusammen as Frau Shields would say in German class) making new friends, nurturing old friendships, challenging ourselves, learning together and making memories. 

All the kids this week were ready to shine with their little glow sticks shining bright. 

Now that there is some “normality” in the school and the laughter and smiles are back … I’m so excited to see what the new year holds with each and everyone of our beautiful kids. I’m ready to shine.

If you need a chat or just want a smiling face or be beaten at Uno! My door is always open. 

Shine bright little stars 

Nat x

Pastoral Care Worker


Thank you to those families that have paid the Materials & Services charge of $303 for 2022. The Materials and Services charges are due by 18th March 2022  to avoid debt recovery action by the  Department for Education. Applications for School Card assistance are still able to be made so please apply online at under the heading Education and Learning, Financial Assistance. Please contact the Front Office if you require any assistance.

Payment can be made:

·          via the school bank account BSB 105-021 Account number 104147940 - using your family code or invoice number as the reference.

·          via Cash, Cheque, Eftpos or Credit Card at the Front Office between 8.30 – 9.30am and 2.30- 3.30pm.

·          via Credit Card over the phone between 8.30-9.30 and 2.30-3.30pm.

Any current Direct Debit Payment Plans will continue.

Please contact Kim Oag on 85642215 if you require any further assistance.

School Card 2022

Income Limits School Card 2022

Income limits

The tables below list the income limits for applications lodged in 2022 – based on the family's gross income in 2020/2021.

To qualify for School Card, your family's gross income must be below a certain limit. This limit depends on how many dependent children you have and whether your child attends a government, independent, or Catholic school.

You will need to provide proof of income – such as payslips or Centrelink information.

Eligibility income limits for a student attending a government school. Number of dependent children.

Combined gross family income limit for the 2020/21 financial year                                                       

Gross weekly school card income limit

2$63,555                  $1,223
Each additional dependent child$1,115$22
Eligibility income limits for a student attending a non-government school

Eligibility School Card 2022


School Card is available to:

  • families with children aged four years and over who attend a school full-time
  • independent full-time students studying year 10, 11 or 12
  • adult re-entry students undertaking subjects to complete their SACE.
Applications for 2022 are open

School Card applications for the 2022 school year are now open.

School Card A

This is the most commonly used school card application. Use this form if you are liable for your child’s school fees and you're not:

  • self-employed
  • an independent youth
  • an adult re-entry student
  • a migrant who arrived in Australia after 1 July 2019
  • receiving Veteran’s Affairs benefits
  • applying for a foster child in your care.

School Card A – apply online

Front Office Money Collection

Payments and monies can only be received

Monday to Friday 8:30am - 9:30am

                                 2:30pm - 3:30pm

Credit Card payments by phone only during these times. No payments, monies or lunch envelopes can be received and/or processed at the Front Office outside of these times.

All class areas have money collection boxes and we recommend these be ulitised for all money collection.

Uniform Shop Opening Times

Uniforms are available for purchase Monday and Tuesday mornings between 8:45am - 9am and Thursday 2:45pm to 3pm.

School hats will only be sold during the above times.

Purchasing of uniforms outside of these times is not available. Order forms are available from the Front Office.



Mandatory notification training is now available. It is called Responding to Risks of Harm , Abuse and Neglect-Education and Care..

We call it RRHAN-EC for short.

Everyone needs to update their training by 31 December 2021.

When you have completed the new RAN , forward a copy to the school to update your details.

This is a requirement for all staff and volunteers.