Liverpool Boys High School Newsletter

Week 11 Term 4 2021

Important Dates to Remember

College 2 Graduation- Tuesday 14th December 2021

UTS U@UNI Graduation- Wednesday 15th December 2021

Big Picture Graduation- Wednesday 15th December 2021

Last day of Term 4-  Thursday 16th December 2021 

Start of Term 1 2022- Tuesday 1st February 2022


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Bring Your Own Device 2021

BYOD is compulsory for year 7 to College 2. A device is a small laptop, tablet or Chromebook – not a phone! Every student from Year 7 to College 2 is required to bring a device to school every day. We don't encourage expensive devices. This link to our website provides info on suggested affordable devices: LBHS BYOD Website

We understand that it can be difficult to afford devices, especially if there are multiple children in the family. Please feel free to contact our CLO Ms Rosa-Maria Hormis to discuss this confidentially. Ms Hormis can offer information and assistance regarding loans, financial assistance and affordable devices.

Contact: Community Liaison Officer Rosa-Maria Hormis- 0434 701 898. 

Newsletter items


Year 8, Year Advisor Message

2021 was a truly wild ride for us all, and year 8 navigated their way through it with maturity and resilience! Year 8 started off 2021 as normal and they settled into their year 8 classes well. I heard nothing but positive reports about them and I had the absolute pleasure of teaching across all three Humanities classes for literacy. I enjoyed teaching the boys and I got to understand how they learn and what works best for them. In addition, Big Picture boys worked extremely well, and I was lucky enough to attend exhibitions both online and in person.

Covid took a hit and we worked online for a term and a half, while it was challenging for us all, year 8 did an amazing job and engaged well with their online learning. It was lovely to welcome them back after so long and since then, the boys have rolled over into their year 9 classes.

I am extremely proud of them and how well they handled 2021 and its challenges. I look forward to a better year in 2022 and I can’t wait to see what wonderful things they will accomplish!

Ms Brogan – Year 8 Advisor.

Year 8

Wild Writing Competition

This year Taronga Park Zoo tasked NSW students with writing a short imaginative writing piece using a stimulus photograph of a tree as their inspiration. As part of the Literacy focus for years 7 and 8, we ran this competition at Liverpool Boys High School. Students were marked according to their ability to use narrative devices, structuring the text, and using effective imaginative, descriptive, and evaluative language.

27 boys in year 8 entered the competition with excellent stories such as, The Village People, A very big tree, The Abandoned Tree and ‘A Journey through the Deep Forest’. Our winner was Yahya Hadeeth with his imaginative story, ‘The Magical Forest of Algana’.

Thanks to the English Department for sponsoring our prizes.

- Ms Morris 

During Online Learning, Year 8 Project C classes rose to the challenge of demonstrating their practical cooking skills from home by filming and editing a recipe tutorial video.I’d like to share an outstanding submission from Yilmaz Erkan 8CJ3 who made a Thai Popcorn Chicken recipe tutorial.

- Ms Patradoon 

We all love doing experiments, but being at home doesn't mean you can't test some out for yourselves! The video below shows a bunch of examples of experiments that you can do. Check them out, or make one for yourself. 

Also make sure to take some pics or videos of yourself doing them to win some prizes! You can send these videos to any of the science teachers by email or through Google Classroom.

Have fun and stay safe! - Mr Harris 

From the Library

Morning and Recess Activities

The library was a very busy place throughout 2021, especially at recess time. Students visited to borrow books, read quietly, do the AR quizzes, finish school work, study for exams, print school work, do research and play chess games. They could also use their electronic devices and just sit and chat quietly with their friends.

New Books

We have added fantastic new reading resources on our shelves this year, including fiction, non-fiction, quick reads , Manga and graphic novels . Students have been also encouraged to request books that they would like to have in our library. In addition, we have subscribed to myON Digital Platform to give the opportunity to our students to continue to read especially during the lockdown.

Renaissance Accelerated Reader Program

All students in years 7, 8 and 9 participated in the Renaissance Accelerated Reading Program. It is an individualised reading program that aims at assisting students to improve their reading skills and comprehension. The students were expected to engage in daily sustained reading during Home Room and at home for at least 30 minutes and complete Renaissance Reading quiz Once they finish reading their book. Many students showed big improvement in their reading age and levels. Well done everyone and keep up the reading in the school holidays.

The LBHS Library staff (Ms Chalhoub and Mrs Peachey) would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! Enjoy the summer holidays and stay safe!!

Glimpse into Library life

From the Careers Room


Liverpool Boys High School have run 3 Construction White Card Courses this year. Congratulations to the 60 students who have successfully completed this course. We look forward to 2 more courses being ran in 2022. If you have any questions, come down and see us in the Career’s Room.


As a result of a Group Training Organisation virtual event students will be participating in Work Experience in 2022. Congratulations to those students, what valuable experience with the interview process.


Well done to our College 2 School Based Apprentices we wish you every success in the future. Also congratulations to our first year SBATs! We look forward to more success during 2022 from our SBATs.

The Career’s Department is working closely with industry, and we have lots of events coming up in 2022, students keep reading your emails. If students have any questions about their Career Pathway please make yourself known to the Career’s Room.

- Ms Tucker and Ms Bertoia 

Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot) Congratulations to the clever students below who completed the Drone Course taking 1 year to complete: -

Big Picture Academy

2021 Big Picture Academy Graduates!

Library Internship 2021

A special "Thank You" to the following students in Big Picture 2 class for their commitment to the Library Internship in 2021: Suhayl, Vincent, Imran and Zion. Congratulations on an amazing effort and looking forward to celebrating your commitment in term 1 2022. 

- Ms Chalhoub 

Library Internships


Liverpool is a 30km speed zone

Return and Earn 2021- USE THE YELLOW BINS

We are still collecting containers. Please continue to bring them in and dispose of them in the correct bins- YELLOW BINS.

See below to identify the correct bin and what containers can be disposed in them. 

* Remember to keep lid and labels on and to not crush the containers. 

For more information please see Mrs Tucker. 

Are you interested in joining our P & C?

This year Liverpool Boys High School would like to set up a Parent and Citizen Committee (P&C). We are asking for expressions of interest from our parents. 

If you are interested in joining his fantastic committee please contact our CLO Rosa-Maria Hormis on 0437 701 898. 

Skool Bag App

Ensure you have downloaded the Liverpool Boys High School Skool Bag app. This will be regularly updated with news, events and announcements. We encourage all parents students and staff to have the app. 

Newsletters will also be created and sent through Skool Bag App.

This app is available on iTunes and Google Play for free.

Instructions here: 

Contact Us

We encourage everyone to follow our social media accounts to obtain important information and communicate with us. Also ensure you have the SkoolBag app as this another form of direct communication.