Dear Parents/Carers,
Week 9 is upon us already and we have had such a productive term. The NSW Department of Education has many great resources and has recently created resources to support mathematics learning at school and at home. The links below take you to a PDF with some fun mathematics activities you can do with your child at home. The website link provides some digital resources. Enjoy sharing the love of mathematics with your children over the holidays.
Everyday Maths Hub - PDF resources
New Procedures -Digital Devices, Seesaw, PBL
Thank you for the parent feedback regarding our new procedure documents. We would really like all of these procedures finalised for implementation in Semester 2. If you have any further comment or would like to discuss these procedures further please contact me at school.
We have recently purchased a significant number of resources to support the teaching of reading in K-2. These resources are called decodable readers and they support students to use phonics code to be able to read. These books differ from the usual predictable texts that we have used in the past. Please keep your eye out for information sessions and resources that we will provide to parents in early term 3 to support the effective use of these decodable readers at school and at home.
Our New Acknowledgment of Country
Students, staff and the local community have reviewed the Acknowledgement of Country with the support of the Tharawal Land Council and Department of Education staff. We will be providing new signs in the coming weeks at the entry of the school to share this with the community.
Sporting Success
Congratulations again to Myles for his amazing achievement at the SSW Regional Cross Country Championships. We wish him every success at the State Championships. Well done, Myles!
A huge thank you to all for your support and effort with the Athletics Carnival. What a wonderful community day where staff, students and parents enjoyed each other’s company. Thank you to Mrs Ormerod and the wonderful parents who assisted with the canteen. Mrs Grieve, Mrs Fowler and Mrs Vella did a marvellous job in organising the day. We thank each and every one of you for making the day a huge success.
Student reports will go home next Wednesday. Parent/teacher interviews will follow early next term. Information will be sent home soon regarding these interviews.
Have a great fortnight.
Suzanne Bowyer