The Pocket Public School Newsletter

Term 4, Week 6



Tuesday 17 November

Story Board Writing workshopsYear 4 and Year 5
Wednesday 18 NovemberHigh School TransitionYear 6
Monday 23 November - Friday 4 DecemberSwim SchemeWhole school
Tuesday 8 December

Awards Ceremony

Performance Evening

Week 10 (Date to be confirmed)Year 6 Fun Day (Venue to be confirmed)Year 6 + Ms Coburn, Mrs Glasson and Jasper.
Wednesday 16 DecemberLast Day SchoolAll


Awards Ceremony and Performance Night

The Department of Education released new guidelines last week outlining end of year events. I am very happy to let you know that we will be able to hold our end of year Awards Ceremony and Performance Evening with an audience!

There are still many guidelines that we have to meet during these events and we are working out the finer details. But for now, lock in the Award Ceremony (1:15 - 2:45pm) and the Performance Evening (5:00 - 7:00pm) on Tuesday 8 December.

A note with all the details regarding the events, and their guidelines, will be sent home early next week.

Colour run

The Colour Run was a success! Well done to all of our children and their families for the amazing fundraising event. We made approximately $3500!

Not only did we raise lots of money for the school, we also had a blast! Thanks again to our Year 6 children for their amazing efforts to bring this event together. A special shout out to those children who made some of the throwing powder over the school holidays and composed information reports on the origin of the colour run to teach to our classes.

Story Board

Our Year 4 and 5 children are lucky enough to be engaged in writing workshops with three amazing authors on Tuesday. Lucas Proudfoot, Tristan Banks and Zanni Louise will all be running workshops at Ocean Shores Public School with our children. We can't wait to hear what they produce. 

If you are in Year 4 or Year 5 make sure you have your notes returned to ensure you can go.

Last Day Presentation

Unfortunately, due to inside space restrictions, we will not be holding our usual end of year photo display. We will still be farewelling our Year 6 children in the afternoon though. As is tradition, our Year 6 children will sound the school bell for how many years they have been at The Pocket Public School before walking through a student tunnel (parents can continue this in the bus bay) before they jump on the bus for a final tour of The Pocket (catching the early bus towards Main Arm and then returning by 3:05). The bell ringing will be begin at about 2:50pm on the final school day of 2020.

Year 6 Fun Day

As is tradition at The Pocket, our Year 6 children will be having their fun day in Week 10 of this term. We are waiting to finalise our venues before sending out the information to our children. Thanks to Rhianna Coburn for checking into all the local venues to make sure they meet the Department of Education guidelines.

2021 Classes

In the Week 8 newsletter we will be outlining our 2021 classes and we are hoping to be able to let you now who the class teachers for 2021 will be by Thursday of Week 8.

Our Pocket Stars for Weeks 5 and 6

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