Huskisson Public School

Husky Star Newsletter Week 8 Term 1 2021

Updates from Term 1 Week 8

Keep Australia Beautiful Awards

On March 12th-14th the Keep Australia Beautiful awards were hosted in Murrurundi, just past Singleton. Our school entered the 'School Environment Achievement Award Category A' section and were the successful winners. This comes as a result of our efforts at embedding Environmental Education - our Gardening for Sustainability program into our school curriculum. Last year, all children had the opportunity to learn skills and knowledge in growing and producing food at school, investigating compost and worms and exploring the benefits of creating pollinating habitats to improve biodiversity to name a few of our activities. Our environmental goals continue this year with the establishment of the H.E.A.T (Huskisson Environmental Action Team) group. Students across the school continue to be motivated to undertake sustainability actions including waste management or habitat improvements enabling them to contribute to the world as informed sustainable citizens.  

This award is something we are all very proud of and a huge "THANKYOU" to our wonderful Mrs Norris for traveling all the way to Murrurundi for the presentation and receiving this fantastic award!!


Harmony Day Celebrations - 17 March.

On Wednesday March 17, we celebrated Harmony Day. Today we shared our various cultural backgrounds and celebrated diversity. Students came to school  dressed in traditional cultural clothing or orange clothes . We completed a range of activities in classrooms to support how we can all make sure everyone belongs at our school.

Parents came along for a very short assembly to watch the students (and teachers) parade for Harmony Day. 

Harmony Day

Colour Run Update

Less than to weeks to go until the Colour Explosion Run for Fun hits Huskisson Public School.This will be an eventful day kicking off with the Easter Hat Parade in the morning session followed by an afternoon of fun rotations. There will be free ice-blocks, headbands and sunglasses for all participating students, an inflatable '13 metre obstacle course' and dry 'Supa Slide' and novelty games and races for all students to enjoy.The P&C will be hosting a canteen 'Meal Deal' for the day and notes will go out in week 9 as pre-ordering will be required. Congratulations to our leading students who are pushing further ahead and will be hard to catch. Well done to 3/4 White Sands who appear to be taking on the teamwork approach and taking top position on the 'Class Leader board'.Keep up the good work Huskisson! Not long now!

Colour Run Leader Board Week 8

Easter Hat Parade

It's that time of year to start planning, designing, gathering and creating a wonderful, wild or whacky Easter Hat for our annual Easter Hat Parade. 

Remember that we are looking for masterpieces that support our school values of being sustainable and environmentally friendly. How creative can you be?

Mrs Hanson and Mrs Norris are working hard on what the prizes will be this year. Make sure you remember to bring your masterpiece on the last day of Term 1 when we will celebrate in style!

Happy making!

Dates to Save

Term 1 Notes & Dates to Save, 2021

Monday 22 MarchOnline Naplan Practice available in schoolYrs 3 & 5
Thursday 25 MarchZone Soccer
Friday 26 MarchEarth Hour - Schools Dayeveryone
Weds 31 MarchNSWPSSA Swimming Championships
Thursday 1 April

HPS Extravaganza

Last Day Term 1

Monday 19 AprilTeachers return - Staff Development Day
Tuesday 20 AprilAll students Return to school K-6

School News

Money and Notes

This system has been working really well. We would also like to let families know that you can drop in your absence notes into this box in the main office too.

Classroom News

Moona Moona mixing Science and Art

The Year 1 students in Moona Moona have been exploring mixtures in science, and this week made their own paint mixtures out of natural materials found around the school. We used dirt, clay, strawberries and flowers to make these beautiful artworks below.

Beautiful Artworks


Regional and Zone Trials

Regional Trials

A huge congratulations to CJ. Yesterday CJ was selected into the South Coast Regional AFL team. He will now compete in the South Coast team at the State AFL Championships that will be held in Byron Bay. Exciting times ahead!

Zone Trials

Congratulations also goes to Maddy and Khloe who were both selected into the Zone Soccer team.

Ronnie and Taj were also selected in the Zone Rugby League team.

All four students will head to the Regional trials in an attempt to also be selected into the South Coast teams. We wish them well.

Gardening For Sustainability

Working Bee Saturday March 20 - POSTPONED

Due to the weather forecast for 100% chance of rain/thunderstorms we have had to POSTPONE our Working Bee until further notice - stay tuned!

P & C News

Easter raffle

HPS P & C would love to send a big thank you for all of the donations received for the Easter Raffle.


Easter Raffle tickets are available via the MySchoolConnect website

Easter Raffle

To Purchase tickets copy and paste link

Save the Date!

Canteen News


We are very excited to let you know that Canteen orders can now be done both manually (the way you are used to) and online with orders for lunch only ending at 9am on the day. 

To order online please go to ‘MY SCHOOL CONNECT and click on “My Tuck Shop” If you need assistance please call Aresha M: 0419 423 785

Purchasing at recess will remain the same requiring money to purchase things from the menu.

You can volunteer for the canteen by accessing my volunteer on my school connect. The shifts are now broken down into approximate 2 hour shifts and you can allocate your preference online. Also full day shifts are available and we would also love to see you there, just click on the morning and afternoon shifts to access this option. You don’t need to use this option though and can always just text or call Angela on 0418 644 915.

 We look forward to seeing you there and in the canteen!

 Kind Regards, 

 The P&C team. 

Canteen Menu

Watch our 5 minute video on creating healthy habits for life long learning, nutrition and physical activity HERE.

Community News

Jervis Bay Maritime Museum - PIRATES


Yaaaar! All aboard the pirate ship as we set sail to plunder and roam the seven seas!  

Search for hidden treasure and learn the truth about swash-buckling and fearsome pirates throughout history – from the notorious Blackbeard to William Douglas Campbell - a rogue who hid a ship in Jervis Bay! Not to mention a few rascally pirates like Madame Ching, Mary Reed and Anne Bonny. 

Come aboard to play on our Pirate ship and hunt for pirate treasure at the Jervis Bay Maritime Museum.  


Jervis Bay Maritme Museum, Woollamia Rd Huskisson

Open everyday 10am – 4pm. 

FREE ENTRY for children under 16 with an Adult.

Breast Screening Mobile van coming to Huskisson soon

Netball NSW

Sports News

Sports events for students with disability

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We Are Husky Stars

We are Safe - We are Tolerant - We are Achieving - We are Responsible

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