Lismore South Public School Newsletter

Week 1 Term 3

Principal Message

 Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to Term 3. This term has certainly not started out the way we had anticipated.  As a regional school we will remain on Level 2 Restrictions up until 30th July, 2021 where this advice will be revised and updated. It will be important that we are vigilant and work together, following the Department of Health advice and DoE guidelines. 

  • Regional NSW schools are asked to restrict non-essential visitor (parents and carers) access to school sites and make adjustments to activities.
  • If entering school grounds for emergency purposes or for an arranged meeting, please sign in with the QR code and present at the office wearing a mask.  Alternatively you can ring or e-mail the school. 
  • Do not assemble or gather at the front gate entrances at pick up time, please wait in your car. 
  • Any student or staff member with any symptoms, or who is feeling unwell, is instructed not to attend school and to take a COVID test immediately or isolate for 10 days with a doctor certificate until symptom free.
  • Students and staff who have attended any venue of concern identified by NSW Health should follow NSW Health advice.
  • Hygiene supplies have been issued to schools and enhanced cleaning will continue to be provided.
  • LSPS staff will follow Public Health Orders in line with practices for all workplaces across NSW.
  • All excursions outside the local government area (2480 postcode) have been postponed.

I will continue to provide you with updates in the school newsletter and  via Skoolbag. You can also visit: for further information. Thank you to all members of our school community for their patience and understanding as this situation unfolds.  

Kind regards,

Larissa Polak 

Vale Ms Justine Coyle

It is with great sadness that we share the news of the passing of Ms Justine Coyle, a former Lismore South PS Assistant Principal and Relieving Principal. Ms Coyle worked at South from 2010-2015. She passed away on June 18, 2021 after a short battle with a serious illness relapse. Lismore South had a special place in Ms Coyle’s heart and she will always be remembered as a passionate educator, supportive colleague and loving friend.  On behalf of our school community we pass on our sincere condolences to her son Caleb.  


Our Aboriginal Education Team organised a series of engaging activities for NAIDOC Week. We missed having our parents on site but hope you enjoy the photos. Our children enjoyed Johnny Cakes for breakfast on Wednesday, Peer Support Indigenous games on Thursday and a NAIDOC Assembly on Friday with Uncle Gilbert leading a special smoking ceremony. 

Staff Changes

Congratulations to Miss Kellie Keed on gaining a promotion with the DoE working as a Learning and Wellbeing Officer. While Miss Keed will be greatly missed, we do know she is looking forward to the opportunities that lie ahead supporting schools across the state. 

This week we welcome Miss Hannah Elliott to the Lismore South teaching team. Miss Elliot is excited to be working with 4/5 Junbung class and has thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the children.

Attendance - Every Day Counts

On Friday, we congratulated 31 students on having the highest attendance for Term 2. Students enjoyed a special morning tea with Mrs Polak and Mrs Smith. At the end of last term the two top classes with the most improved attendance also enjoyed a special pizza party. Congratulations to 2/3 Binging and 3/4 Wajung class on having the most improved attendance in Term 2.

While sickness and the added pressure of Covid testing means your child may need to take time off school this term, it is still important that they attend school every other day possible.  

Multicultural Public Speaking

Congratulations to Jacqueline, Seth, Natasha and Alyssa on representing the school in the local schools Multicultural Public Speaking competition  at the end of last term. All four students managed their nerves and should be very proud of their achievements. It takes wonderful courage to speak in front of a large audience and they all did an exceptional job!  

Bus Safety

This week one of our South family  (ex-student at RRHS) was hit by a car while disembarking from the school bus in Kyogle Street. He was very lucky to only sustain minor injuries. It is a timely reminder for all cars to slow down around buses and look out for children crossing. It is also important to have that important conversation with your child if they catch the bus.  Children should wait until the bus has gone, then use a safe place to cross the road. 

Got It

We would like to thank all of the parents and carers who took the time to complete and return the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire that was distributed to all Kindergarten-Year 2 students last term. The results of the questionnaires have helped identify children who would benefit from being included in the Exploring Together program (part of Got It!), running in our school in Term 3. By completing the questionnaire, you have also helped us gain a better understanding of the needs of the children and their families at Lismore South Public School. Those families selected for involvement in the group program have now been contacted.

If you have not been contacted for the group and have ongoing concerns about your child’s behaviour or social emotional wellbeing, please contact your child’s class teacher to discuss a referral to the school counsellor. You may also wish to contact your child’s GP for support and referral options. Alternatively, the Family Connect and Support Service can provide access to a broad range of support services to help your family cope better. You may wish to contact them on 1800 327 679.

2022 Enrolments

Do you have a child who turns five years of age before 31 July 2022 and will be ready to start school? Now is the time to complete an Enrolment application. This can be done online at the following link:  enrol now. Please spread the word to other local families interested in enrolling at our school that it is the time to start working through the process. 

Once you have submitted your enrolment application and it has been accepted, Michelle or Arneeka from our school office will ring you to arrange an interview time. Interviews run for approximately 30 minutes. Please remember, the most important person attending the interview is your child.

Parents/carers who have submitted an enrolment application, had the enrolment application accepted and attend an interview will then receive direct communication about our Term 4 Transition program.


Lismore South Public School, along with all Australian schools,  is required to participate annually in the National Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) on students with a disability. This collection of data will assist us in ensuring all students take part in all school activities on the same basis as students without a disability. We are dedicated to ensuring all students have effective and differentiated learning programs to ensure all students have the ability to succeed at school.

By law, schools are required to make reasonable adjustments where needed to assist students with disability. These responsibilities are outlined in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005. At Lismore South Public School learning adjustments could be in the form of extra time to finish tasks, small group instructions, 1:1 support time, Learning and Support Teacher assistance or physical adjustments made to the environment to better support students. Students do not need to have a diagnosed disability to receive learning adjustments, however students receiving these do come under the National Consistent Collection of Data. These learning adjustments are significant to their learning program and assist their learning style. Should you wish to discuss adjustments that might benefit your child please talk to your child's class teacher.

The NSW Department of Education will provide data to the Australian Government from all NSW public schools in such a way that no individual student or school will be able to be identified. In this way, we will ensure the privacy and confidentiality of all students. The National Consistency Collection of Data (NCCD) will take place in Term 3 and will not affect your child in any way. They will not be required to undertake any additional testing. 


If you would like to purchase uniforms, please phone the school office for an appointment.

  • School polo shirts have arrived and we have all sizes in stock ($23.00). 
  • We are trialling the sale of bottle green microfibre track pants.  These pants are made from microfibre with a  polyester cotton lining and elastic drawstring waist.  They have side pockets, featuring a secure zip pocket and side leg zippers.   We have a limited stock in sizes 4 -16Y ($23.00).
  • We are also clearing out our old stock of  v-neck school  jumpers in sizes 4, 6, 16 & 20 for $5.00 each. So get in quick!

Ngulliboo Jarjums Preschool News

This week at Preschool

Welcome back to Term 3 jarjums. This week we continued our NAIDOC week celebrations which we started in the last week of term 2. We have collaboratively created a class set of clap sticks, decorated boomerangs, baked lemon myrtle biscuits, drawn inspiration from the 2021 Naidoc poster to create beautiful pictures using indigenous symbols and patterns, made friendship bracelets and gum leaf necklaces, and created a garden of hands as our promise to take action and heal our country. To support our learning we engaged with two quality indigenous texts: KooKoo Kookaburra and Benny Bungarra's Big bush clean up. Our first text explored the notion of kindness being like a boomerang 'if you throw it often, it comes back often' and our second text addressed the problem of litter being left in the natural environment and the animals that it impacts. Our children were very keen to share their solutions to heal our country and the need to teach others of it's importance as well.  

Welcome back Miss Roalfe

We would like to formally welcome Miss Emily Roalfe back to our teaching team for the remainder of 2021. Miss Roalfe will be teaching every Wednesday while Mrs Clemesha and Ms Guy work in an administrative role in quality improvement for our preschool. We look forward to Miss Roalfe bringing creative and engaging learning to our classrooms. 


At Ngulliboo Jarjums we are always looking at ways that we can reduce our environmental footprint and embed sustainable practices into our daily programs.  Teaching children to reuse items that are still functional but perhaps aren't as pretty as when first purchased is one way that we can achieve this. With that in mind we are calling out for donations of gumboots that are still in reasonable condition. 

We have a digging patch at preschool where our children have the opportunity to dig and explore the natural environment. Children develop gross motor skills and real world skills by using real tools. We would appreciate any donations of children's gum boots in reasonable condition to preschool. Any colours/patterns are ok and sizes 11-12 appreciated. 

Recycling Station

We are on the lookout for some recyclable materials to complete our upcoming projects with the children.

  • 600ml or 1.25L plastic bottles
  • bread bags & tags
  • cardboard cylinders (inside paper towels, baking paper etc.) No toilet tolls
  • Lids off jars and bottles

Please make sure all items are clean before bringing them into preschool. We will have a collection box set up near the sign in area. Thank you for helping us reduce, reuse and recycle. 

Our school canteen is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. All food needs to be pre-ordered by 9.00am. Food will be served in a paper bag supplied by the school. Canteen only operates for lunch, not recess.  

Canteen Price List


Stage 2 and Stage 3 Major Excursions

Please remember to make regular payments towards the excursions to finalise the balance by Thursday, 14th October.

School Calendar

What's On 
Thursday, 29th July

School Athletics Carnival

School Communication Guide 2021

DoE School Community Charter

Community News

Out of School Hours Care

How to book in for OSHC?

Please contact Myra for booking enquires on 0414 230 536. Alternatively, for any concerns or questions, contact the main office on 6621 6437 and ask for Paula.