Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to Term 3. This term has certainly not started out the way we had anticipated. As a regional school we will remain on Level 2 Restrictions up until 30th July, 2021 where this advice will be revised and updated. It will be important that we are vigilant and work together, following the Department of Health advice and DoE guidelines.
- Regional NSW schools are asked to restrict non-essential visitor (parents and carers) access to school sites and make adjustments to activities.
- If entering school grounds for emergency purposes or for an arranged meeting, please sign in with the QR code and present at the office wearing a mask. Alternatively you can ring or e-mail the school.
- Do not assemble or gather at the front gate entrances at pick up time, please wait in your car.
- Any student or staff member with any symptoms, or who is feeling unwell, is instructed not to attend school and to take a COVID test immediately or isolate for 10 days with a doctor certificate until symptom free.
- Students and staff who have attended any venue of concern identified by NSW Health should follow NSW Health advice.
- Hygiene supplies have been issued to schools and enhanced cleaning will continue to be provided.
- LSPS staff will follow Public Health Orders in line with practices for all workplaces across NSW.
- All excursions outside the local government area (2480 postcode) have been postponed.
I will continue to provide you with updates in the school newsletter and via Skoolbag. You can also visit: for further information. Thank you to all members of our school community for their patience and understanding as this situation unfolds.
Kind regards,
Larissa Polak