Virginia Primary School Newsletter

Issue 3, 17/03/2021

From the Principal

Dear Families,

We are nearing the end of term 1, however, there is still a great deal of work and learning to be done. At assembly several weeks back, classes showcased some of the learning taking place in their classrooms. I challenged our students to continue to raise the bar in terms of their effort towards their learning. At the assembly, and over the last few days through class visits, I have seen evidence of students rising to the challenge. Some examples have been; some detailed narratives, examples of  persuasive exposition writing through explicit intentional teaching, quality bookmaking, self-directed guided reading groups, modelled reading  students gaining a depth of understanding within number sense, students presenting oral presentations 'teach the teacher' and students giving other students quality feedback with their writing tasks and oral presentations.

As a famous quote, "Good is the evil of Great", our focus at Virginia is not to be 'good', it's about continually working hard and supporting one another to achieve GREAT things. 

Harmony Day Assembly

This Friday we will be hosting our Annual Harmony Day and National Day of Action Against Bullying assembly. Families are welcome to join us on this special day and I'm sure our students and teachers would love to have you celebrate with us. Unfortunately I will be attending the Annual Leaders' Day conference and won't be able to be present, however I have been visiting classrooms and hearing all about the work taking place. 

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Jessica Nguyen (our Wellbeing Advisor), Tina (parent volunteer) and our Student Voice Committee for all their efforts with icing cookies that will be distributed on the day. 

A huge shout out to Virginia Woolworths for their ongoing support each year by providing us with  oranges. We are  grateful for all your donations throughout the year and on behalf of VPS would like to 'thank you' once again.

Sports Day - last day of Term 1

Preparations for our Annual Sports Day have begun with students being placed into House Teams and House Captains being organised. Even though more information will be shared with families, I wanted to take this opportunity to remind our families that we will need to follow both SA Health's and and the Department's COVID directions around social gatherings.

We want our families to be part of this Community Event, and like last year, parents/grandparents are welcome to attend however former school students won't be able to due to social distancing requirements and limiting the numbers.

We will be asking for numbers of people attending to ensure we have a record of attendees and processes will be put in place (QR codes) as per government requirement.

Book Marks

As shared in previous school newsletters over the years, our school has had a deep and narrow focus on reading whereby we aim for EVERY child to become a 'balanced reader'. Due to COVID last year, we were unable to provide parent workshops around some of our literacy work, however, we are looking forward to being able to offer some of these sessions some time this year.   

We have waited a considerable amount of time to be able to share with you some 'take home reading bookmarks' from Stephen Graham whom we have and continue to work closely with.

The bookmarks will assist students and parents with the three components of a balanced reader which are decoding, fluency and phrasing, and comprehension. Students are expected to utilise these three components when reading a wide range of text types and genres. The bookmarks focus on particular components within each reading level needed to build the balanced reader.

We hope that the bookmarks will help parents support their children when listening to them read.

Decoding: Phonological development is an important part of becoming a balanced reader. Students need to understand the sounds found in words and be able to decode texts.

Fluency and Phrasing: Students need to break text into meaningful sentences and understand the conventions of text, including syntax and punctuation and complex sentence structures.

Comprehension: A balanced reader can not only read, but comprehend the text. This is determined through literal, inferential and response questioning. 

I have some examples of the bookmarks down below that will begin to be sent home with your child/ren's readers. We look forward to receiving some feedback on how the bookmarks are being utilised at home.

If you are free this Friday, we would love for you to join us celebrate Harmony Day!


Learning Together, Learning For Our Future.

Warmest Regards,

Voula Pounendis

Book Marks

Assembly Awards Tm 1 wk 6

Harmony Day assembly – Friday week 8 (19/3/21) 9:15am.

This time last year we were riding the initial rollercoaster of the Coronavirus; putting us in the face of cancelations, restrictions, and lockdowns. Unfortunately, this required us to cancel our 2020 Harmony Day assembly and community morning tea celebration. However, this year we have come a long way and we are pleased that the current conditions for 2021 allow for parents and families to attend school assemblies and enter to school grounds while practicing social distancing, using hand sanitiser, and checking-in via QR codes.

Our next assembly will be dedicated to Harmony Day and the National Day of Action against Bullying Day. To further promote these causes, the theme for this assembly will be orange! Students, families, and friends are welcome to attend and wear orange on the day in support for these two important awareness days. Unlike regular casual days, students do not need to provide a gold coin donation for wearing orange.

Following our assembly in the community centre we would like to extend an invitation to families and guests to join us on the asphalt for a Harmony Day morning tea of refreshing orange wedges and orange decorated biscuits until recess.

We look forward to seeing families and friends join us for the celebrations!

Dental For Schools

Pupil Free Day and Public Holidays

Term 1 2021

  • Friday 2nd April Public Holiday - Good Friday - NO OSHC available
  • Monday 5th April public Holiday - Easter Monday - NO OSHC available

Term 2 2021

  • Monday 26th April Public Holiday -  ANZAC Day - NO OSHC available
  • Tuesday 27th April Pupil Free Day - OSHC Available -must book  
  • Monday 14th June Public Holiday - NO OSHC available

Red Cross Visit

Our year 6/7 students recently had a visit from the Red Cross.

They discussed asylum seekers, refugees and voluntary migrants. Shanti is a voluntary migrant whereas Abbass is an asylum seeker from Iraq. He shared his story with the students. It was quite emotional. It takes on average 17 years for people to be granted asylum.

Student Shout-outs!

We have had so many shout-outs during the last few weeks! Although we cannot share them all, I would like to share a few high lights...

Virat K (room 4) 

-Shout out to Virat K for helping Ashton with his shoe at lunch time. Ashton was heading back to class from the playground but his shoe fell off! Ashton hopped to the nearest tree for balance. Virat did the kind thing by collecting Ashton's shoe and bringing it to him so that Ashton didn't have to walk across the bark to get it. What a wonderful demonstration of using initiative to be helpful and kind to someone in need! Well done Virat!

Kevin B (Room12)

-While the year 6/7s were on camp, Kevin spent 3 days with room 9. Miss Jenna was very impressed with how helpful Kevin was to the students of room 9! He was an absolute super star with answering student’s questions, marking and even helping run a few lessons! We will definitely miss having you in the class, thank you again Kevin and well done!!

 Georgia K (room 11)

-Before the new recycle bins came, Georgia was teaching her class during her oral language about RedCycle and the importance of recycling plastics. Since the bins have arrived, Georgia has taken on the expert role in the classroom and is their plastics and recycling expert. Georgia has taught room 11 so much during her morning talk about what can and can’t go in the plastic recycling bins and even brought in examples to show. Room 11 created a display in the classroom with the items Georgia showed them! Room 11 are all becoming very good with the scrunch test now! Well done Georgia!

JP Students enjoying the new blackboards

Health Reminders

To reduce the spread of infection at school, if your child is unwell, can you please keep them at home and check with their GP regarding their symptoms before returning to school. If you are contacted to pick your child up from school because they are unwell please do so in a timely manner.

If your child has been vomiting or diarrhea they need to stay home at home for 24 hours after their last vomit or motion before returning to school as per SA Health Guidelines.

Thank you for your cooperation. Please click through the attached photos for more exclusion period information. 

Scroll through for health exclusion periods

School Card Applications 2021

Invoices for the 2021 Materials & Services Charges have been mailed home.  If you haven’t received an invoice, please contact our Front Office.  The last day to pay your charges is Thursday the 8th of April 2021 – the last Thursday of term 1.  The Materials & Services Charge for 2021 is $246.

If you are a low income earner, please apply for School Card online at This needs to be applied for every year as the assessment of your income is based on the previous financial year.

You can access the online forms from any device that has internet access including mobile devices, such as tablets and smart phones, as well as laptops and computers.  Applying online is easy – simply follow the steps below.

1.   Visit

2.   Select the type of School Card you would like to apply for (for example ‘Type A’) and follow the prompts

3.   Complete all mandatory fields (please note you cannot proceed to the next page unless all mandatory fields are complete)

4.   Once you have completed a page click on the ‘NEXT’ button

5.   Once you have filled out all pages click the ‘SUBMIT’ button (please note if you exit the form without clicking ‘SUBMIT’ your details will be lost)

6.   You can save the form and return to complete it at another time by clicking on the ‘SAVE’ button.…/financial-help-s…/school-card-scheme

If you require further help please see our Front Office staff who are happy to help.

Parenting Ideas 2021- Helping your child become the best student they can be

Parents and teachers influence children most during their first twelve years of life. We have less influence over teens as they become increasingly independent and look to their peers for guidance and approval.

Read more on the attached article by Dr Justin Coulson, who is one of Australia's leading parenting and educational writes and speakers.


Term 1 Calendar 2021


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