Pigeon Post

2021 Volume 1 Issue 2

Acknowledgement of Country...

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From the Principal


The BIG DAY FINALLY ARRIVED for all of us, after what seemed like too many sleeps to go!

On Wednesday, Balmain Public School officially welcomed our youngest cohort, Kindergarten, through the Gladstone Park gates!

In one way, the current COVID-19 restrictions created an extra special, memorable morning for our Kindy students and families, as we had organised a staggered start for each of the 3 classes, in order to comply with the current DoE guidelines.

Our newest family members had ample photo opportunities with the Instagram selfie frame, as well as in front of our 'Welcome' balloon arch! Some children even had a little play on The Cube!

The children appeared very calm and happy to start their educational journey. The grown-ups were mostly very brave, too...we did have a box of tissues, just in case.

Such a special day...we may continue this #FirstDay experience into the future (but hopefully without COVID-19)!

#FirstDay2021 has been captured on our Instagram page, both on the grid/feed, as well as highlights.

Maria Lambos - Principal



Video: #SiblingsFirstDay

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Important messages...

Kiss & Drop continues...

‘Kiss & Drop’ will  continue at both Gladstone Park and Eaton St gates from 8:30am. Kindergarten students commence 'Kiss & Drop' from Monday 8 February.

Staggered pick-up in the afternoon, from Gladstone Park gate only, will also occur:

  • 2:30pm - Kindergarten
  • 2:45pm & 2:50pm - Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) - 2 classes at each time slot
  • 2:55pm - Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4) & students catching buses
  • 3:00pm - Stage 3 (Years 5 and 6)

Please maintain physical distancing at all times.

Current COVID-19 advice

Feeling unwell?

As per the current NSW Health and DoE guidelines, Students and staff with flu-like symptoms will need to provide a copy of a negative COVID-19 test result before being permitted to return to school.

Symptoms can include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Sore/scratchy throat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Loss of taste
  • Loss of smell

Other reported symptoms can include:

  • Fatigue
  • Runny nose
  • Muscle pain
  • Joint pain
  • Diarrhoea
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Loss of appetite

Should your child present with any of the above symptoms, please arrange for a COVID-19 test. A 24-hour home pick-up COVID-19 test can be organised by going to the following link:


Once you have received your negative COVID-19 test results, please send a copy to the school via email.


We have a number of students at Balmain Public School that have severe allergies/anaphylactic reactions to different foods; in particular, nuts.

Anaphylaxis is a potentially life threatening, severe allergic reaction and should always be treated as a medical emergency. Anaphylaxis occurs after exposure to an allergen (usually to foods, insects or medicines), to which a person is allergic. Not all people with allergies are at risk of anaphylaxis.

We ask, on behalf of our students who are at risk, that you please refrain from supplying your child/ren with nuts or nut products in their lunch boxes, or for school activities, such as birthday cakes, end-of-term/year parties or cupcakes for fundraising.

All parents/carers can encourage their child to avoid sharing or trading food and eating utensils. Encouraging children to wash their hands after eating may also be helpful to avoid mild allergy symptoms such as a skin rash. It is also helpful to tell children to get help from a teacher or other adult if another child looks unwell, even if they do not know what is wrong with them. Older children can be taught about food allergies and anaphylaxis at appropriate times and of ways they can support their peers to avoid risk foods and to be safe. Our staff will reiterate this.

We thank you in advance for your understanding and assistance in supporting these children at risk of anaphylactic reactions.

Classes 2021

International Year of Peace and Trust

Our class names, in line with the theme of 'Peace & Trust'...

KG - K Gentle

KJ - K Joyful

KM - K Mellow

1/2A - 1/2 Altruism

1/2C - 1/2 Compassion

1/2F - 1/2 Friendship

1/2K - 1/2 Kind Kids

3/4H - 3/4 Harmony

3/4L - 3/4 Leopards

symbol reminding you to accept your spots and use them as your strengths

3/4P - 3/4 Phoenix

symbolizes rebirth and eternity and is also representative of hope

5/4R - 5/4 Rainbow

5/6B - 5/6 Belong

5/6C - 5/6 Calm

5/6P - 5/6 Poppies

5/6Y - 5/6 Yin & Yang

Balmain Public School Staff

Executive Team...

Stage Coordinators

Class Teachers

Specialist Teachers

Support Staff

Administration Staff

Maintenance Staff


Prime Ministers


House Captains & Vice Captains...

Congratulations to the following people, who have been voted in as the 2021 House Captains and Vice Captains:


  • Captains: Alesha S-D and James C
  • Vice Captains: Ben S and Liam T


  • Captains: Eamon W and Elise G
  • Vice Captains: Lucas Y and Frankie H


  • Captains: Lauren H and Ed S
  • Vice Captains: Henry J and Marium S


  • Captains: Johnny McC and Jonah J
  • Vice Captains: Henry C and Ruby T

From the Office

***Have you completed the 'Permissions to Publish' Google Form yet?***

***Updating Emails for SkoolBag***

As you are aware, SkoolBag is the main form of communication at Balmain Public School. We are currently updating our email contacts, as some families seem to have multiple emails, whilst others have only 1. The school disseminates important information, via the SkoolBag app and email, so we want to ensure that we have all your up-to-date details.

If you have been receiving SkoolBag notifications to particular email addresses which you wish to change, or add to, please complete below. If there is no change to your current email addresses that SkoolBag has on file, please disregard.


Thank you.

How can we be of assistance today?


If you are coming to the school for collections or information, please use the office window on Eaton Street where we have our friendly Duck, named “Bill”, hanging out the window. Bill can alert us to your presence and help us to help you with your requests.

If your family details, circumstances have changed, ie: address, mobile numbers, separations, court orders etc, could you kindly email the school so records can be updated. This will ensure correct people are contacted and all relevant information is passed on correctly.

Please remember that if you are collecting your child early for an appointment or dropping them off, please ensure you allow extra time for your child to be located and brought down to the office.

If you are experiencing financial difficulty, please contact the office, or Mrs Lambos, to arrange alternate options.



Go to www.flexischools.com.au to place your order

For any food/menu queries please feel free to contact us directly via email :


Alternatively, you can call Kirsty on 0416 786 603 and we will be happy to assist.

Kirsty and Jason Feliciotto – The School Canteen

Wednesday 3 February - Kindergarten starts today!

Staggered start and finish times, as per SkoolBag notification on 29/01/21

Friday 5 February - Tuesday 30 March - Footsteps

K-6 Dance Program

Wednesday 10 February - Years 3-6 Swimming Carnival

including Year 2 students turning 8 years in 2021

Wednesday 10 February - P&C Meeting - 7pm

Bald Rock Hotel

15 Mansfield St, Rozelle NSW 2039

Friday 12 February - Chinese New Year

Tuesday 16 & Wednesday 17 February - School Photos

Wednesday 3 March - P&C Meeting via Zoom - 7pm

Venue to be confirmed...

Monday 8 March - International Women's Day

International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Significant activity is witnessed worldwide as groups come together to celebrate women's achievements or rally for women's equality. 

Marked annually on March 8th, International Women's Day (IWD) is one of the most important days of the year to:

  • celebrate women's achievements
  • raise awareness about women's equality
  • lobby for accelerated gender parity
  • fundraise for female-focused charities


Friday 19 March - National Ride 2 School Day

Thursday 25 March - Years 3-6 X-Country Carnival

including Year 2 students turning 8 years in 2021

Thursday 1 April - Last Day of School for Term 1


Update from the P&C...

Hi and happy new year!

I hope you’ve had a wonderful break and are ready for what is shaping up to be an exciting new school year.

Welcome to all our new families, especially our littlest cohorts! My last baby started kindy last year, so I understand how bittersweet that first day can be. Hang in there, they’ve joined the absolute best school with an amazing community to support them and you!

Despite the weirdness of 2020, the P&C managed to score a number of wins for the school including:

  • Endorsing a new Climate and Sustainability action plan;
  • Winning a $5,500 grant for new solar panels as part of the 2020 Community Building Partnership program;
  • Encouraging a statewide change to allow zoom as an option for P&C meetings;
  • Funding new bike racks;
  • Organising free local coffee for teachers during remote learning;
  • Funding in classroom resources worth $15,000, reading aid support worth $15,000, IT/Steam contributions over and above the IT levy worth $20,000 and readers as well as library and maths resources worth $10,000; and
  • Raising $21,200 during the fantastic Virtual Trivia Night in November.    

Just before Christmas, we also organised the wonderful Salvation Army Giving Ceremony. We were blown away by how generous our school community was and want to thank everyone who got involved. Not only did parents donate a van full of gifts, but we were also the only school on the Peninsula who made a donation to the Salvos at that time. They were incredibly thankful and moved. We are keen to see this event become a permanent fixture in the school calendar.

This year, we want to prioritise hosting our much-loved events, pandemic pending. The school is likely to remain off limits for a while so we’re looking at alternate venues. Our first event for the year is always our Welcome Drinks and more information about that will be coming out shortly.

We are also moving our P&C meetings to our local pubs. Zoom will still be an option if you can’t attend in person. Our first meeting for this year is at 7pm on Wed 10 Feb at the Bald Rock, so please mark that in your diary.

One of the first actions the P&C took in 2020 was endorsing our Climate and Sustainability plan but then COVID happened! So, while our progress in implementing actions has been slower than we’d like, we are ready to get going again in 2021 and looking for your help to do so. If you are keen to be part of a Climate and Sustainability Subcommittee of the P&C please email us at balmainpspc@gmail.com. Our target is to become the most sustainable school in the Inner West by 2025.

We are also ready to move forward with our work on a 2021 to 2024 P&C strategy and will be seeking your feedback soon before it is finalised. The strategy will make clear what the priorities are for the P&C and help us answer questions such as ‘what resources do we want to invest in and how do we want to raise those funds? Which are the events that people want to see continue and the level of commitment/ volunteering we need to make it all happen?' etc.

Finally, research shows that the more a parent is involved in their child’s education, the more the child benefits and best of all, your volunteering will make your child proud. Children absolutely love seeing their parents at their school or at school events.

We really want to encourage you to get involved this year - come to P&C meetings and have your say on future policies and priorities for the school, give us your feedback and please volunteer for different events or projects.

If you have any questions/ ideas/ feedback for us, please email balmainpspc@gmail.com


The P&C Executive - Shehana Darda-Teixeira (Luca in Yr 6 & Sunny in Yr 1), Victoria Lush (Harry in Yr 6), Cliff Philipah (Logan in Yr 6) & Paul Galpin (Jasper in Yr 1)

School Uniforms

Order uniform items here

For any size exchanges, please:

1. Email the uniform stall with the details of the exchange, at: balmainpsuniforms@gmail.com

2. Return the items to be exchanged to the school office, clearly marked with Student name, Class and EXCHANGE

3. Replacement items will be packed and re-delivered to your child's classroom

Orders will continue to be packed and delivered for collection each week, until we are able to reopen the stall.

Thank you!

Uniform Stall Update...

Our uniform stall is a P&C initiative, run entirely by parent volunteers, to benefit our school community!

Ordering: Orders are being packed and delivered to classrooms weekly.

  • Please include your child's name and class for delivery
  • Secondhand items can be ordered through the online store
  • There is no order pickup from the stall or the office, unless by prior arrangement
  • Appointments can be made to visit the stall in order to try on items for size. Details can be found on the school website.

Orders can be placed online at the following link:


Stock levels: Due to COVID-related delays continuing to affect our suppliers, a small number of items are out of stock. We are receiving deliveries each week, and this stock is quickly being added online. Outstanding items are being packed and delivered to class as they are received. If a longer delay is anticipated for an item, we are moving quickly to source an alternative through a second supplier where possible, to minimise the impact on the school. If you cannot see an item you need, please email the stall volunteers to enquire: balmainpsuniforms@gmail.com

Thank you for your patience and understanding. If you would like to volunteer to help at the stall, please email us!



K Joyful - Ms JennettN/Ano award this week
K Gentle - Mrs GoodridgeN/Ano award this week
K Mellow - Mrs Mikhail BryantN/Ano award this week
1/2 Altruism - Ms CooperMilla Ba fun and engaging start to the year
1/2 Compassion - Ms ChiangFelix Jmaking good decisions about classroom friends who help him learn
1/2 Friendship - Ms FergusonHamish Obeing respectful towards his teachers and peers
1/2 Kind Kids - Ms KarstromAnna Sher positive 'can do' attitude and big smile towards all learning experiences
3/4 Harmony - Ms HoltAnnita Zbeautiful bookwork. Using a ruler for the margin, writing headings and neat writing
3/4 Leopards - Mrs LoxtonNina Bhelping her peers when in need
3/4 Phoenix - Ms ParkesGeorgie Ca diligent and enthusiastic start to Stage 2 learning
5/4 Rainbow - Ms ReedyRoman Sshowing responsibility and pride in keeping our classroom organised. You are a gem!
5/6 Belong - Mr BaumannNia Sher mature and responsible approach towards her own learning
5/6 Calm - Mr CarltonTheo Rhis enthusiasm in all of aspects of his learning
5/6 Poppies - Ms PitmanMax Shaving an enthusiastic, positive start to his time at BPS
5/6 Yin & Yang - Ms YauOwen This sustained focus and active listening skills during learning tasks
LIBRARY K-2 - Ms WhelanSophie W 1/2Cbeing a respectful learner

LIBRARY 3-6 - Ms Whelan

Aitan M 3/4Lgreat use of the library
STEAM K-2 - Ms BarcenillaHarry S 1/2Chis thoughtful contributions to class discussions
STEAM 3-6 - Ms BarcenillaHenry C 5/6Chis determination and success in his introduction to binary code
ART K-2 - Mrs BowmanNate J 1/2Abeing confident and ready to 'give it a go' in Art!
ART 3-6 - Mrs BowmanMadeleine C 3/4Pfabulous directed drawing work
MUSIC K-2 - Ms BigginsMiles L-R 1/2Khis infectious enthusiasm and application in music
MUSIC 3-6 - Ms BigginsDennis Z 5/6Yhis courteous manner and lovely musicality


K Joyful - Ms JennettN/Ano award this week
K Gentle - Mrs GoodridgeN/Ano award this week
K Mellow - Mrs Mikhail BryantN/Ano award this week
1/2 Altruism - Ms CooperNico Hsupporting new friends in the classroom
1/2 Compassion - Ms ChiangLennon Lshowing his calming kindness to classmates and for being inclusive
1/2 Friendship - Ms FergusonJames Cshowing that he cares about others
1/2 Kind Kids - Ms KarstromElodie Wbeing a caring and supportive friend to all in 1/2 Kind Kids
3/4 Harmony - Ms HoltPatrick Fassisting his classmate with unfamiliar routines
3/4 Leopards - Mrs LoxtonAlexandre Svolunteering to help a student feeling nervous about beginning the new year
3/4 Phoenix - Ms ParkesImogen Rgoing out of her way to help a friend settle in to the new school year
5/4 Rainbow - Ms ReedyLucy Oher kindness towards others in the playground
5/6 Belong - Mr BaumannLucy Ohis consistent kind and selfless acts towards his peers
5/6 Calm - Mr CarltonAlexander Lhis consistent kind and selfless acts towards his peers
5/6 Poppies - Ms PitmanLauren Hshowing kindness and including others in discussions
5/6 Yin & Yang - Ms YauShuhan Lbeing a kind and friendly Year 6 mentor, to her Year 5 mentee


Thanks to Ms Karstrom, who organises the collection and distribution of the Gelatissimo ice-creams, as well as takes the fab photos!

PHOTO GALLERY: This Week's Positive Pete Winners

Spotlight on...

5/6 BELONG!!!!



Giuditta BThis year I'm excited for the swimming carnival! I’m also excited for the year six bizarre if it is to happen. I'm also excited for my friends getting buddies, hoping that would happen too.

A goal I wanted to achieve this year is maths example, division both short and long I also want to be just a tad better with reading out loud so i can have a louder voice 

I’d also like to be better at typing. Last but not least i want to improve my vocabulary.

William B

I am looking forward to doing sport because my teacher this year is one of the sports coordinators of the school, I am also looking forward to the buddies in kindy and I can't wait until I learn new things in my new class.

I want to learn how to be a better handwriter because right now I am not that good at handwriting.

Lexie B

I am looking forward to getting a buddy and and leading the school in 2021

The goal I wish to achieve is to be a good Prime Minister this year.

Arkie E Mabsentabsent
Caleb G

Since I am Year 6 this year and students who are in year 6 get the chance to have buddies so I’m excited about getting to be with the buddies the most which is being with students who are kindergarten students.

My goal for this year is being more confident and not too shy, because I haven’t really been that confident that much because I am pretty much quiet with some people and sometimes it won’t be very good to be shy or quiet because it won’t end up nicely sometimes.

Frankie H

I’m looking forward to not needing to do online learning at home.And I’m also looking forward to buddies if we do, do them.

A goal that I would like to achieve this year is either getting house captain but if I don’t get in I would like to run for minister.

Alexandra K

For the year 2021 i'm really hoping that Covid 19 wont impact too much of our fun school carnivals that i am looking forward to. When i say school carnivals i mean like the swimming carnival for example, and the cross country race, the balmain fun run and a few more. 

A goal for 2021 that I would love to achieve is to be able to become more confident with myself. For example, when the teacher asks a question and I raise my hand to answer, I am not the best at projecting my voice across the room for anyone to hear.  

Alexander L

I am most looking forward to buddies because kindies are very cute.

I want to get a 220 and above in the selective schools placement test in March.

Leo L

This year I’ll like to try in Athletics, cross country and the swimming carnival. 

This year I’ll like to go and represent the school in all the Athletic events and have an amazing 2’nd last year.   

Marco M

I am looking forward to being patient and when I’m reading, I have to slow down. My academic skill is to get better at trying to notice the author’s point of view and becoming faster at calculating percentages and ratios. I’m also looking forward to becoming a senator or a house captain so I can finish my year off with a great end.

I wish that I could make new friends across the whole school and become senator of my class. I hope that I can end my school year with me getting skilled at my academic and social skills.

Will M

The thing I'm looking forward to this year is PSSA. Im looking forward to PSSA because in PSSA i can do soccer,soccer is my favourite sport

The goal I would like to achieve is to get in the PSSA A team for soccer.

Harry M

I am looking forward to getting  a buddy this year. 

A few other things I'm looking forward to is year six day out, the balmain bizarre and using the year six area all year.

To the premiership for Rugby League and AFL!

Monika McBWhat I'm looking forward to the most this year is the year 6 bizarre and getting kindy buddies.

My goal this year is to have neat bookwork.

Jude McP

I am looking forward to the athletics carnival because I really love swimming carnival. It is my favorite event in the school.

To come first or second in a swimming carnival because the third time I did it I came third instead of last then the fourth time I did it I came second the third and now I really want to come first.

Luca M

I am looking forward to stage 3 camp because it sounds fun and a good way to make new friends. I am also looking forward to mock high school because it will help me when i finnish primary school.

My goal  this year is to get better at math because I kind of  struggle in math.

Joseph M

I’m looking forward to Year 6 privileges, I like how we can have our own little yr 6 area.

I wish to achieve to outdo myself and find myself being successful in school.

Corey M

I am looking forward to buddies this year because my friend's little brother is going to be my buddy.

Listening to the teachers is my goal this year.

Focusing in class is my other goal this year.

Maxi N-W

This year I am looking forward to doing the state championship for the under10 long jump.I also look forward to doing rugby. I also can’t wait to see what high school I get into.

At state or regionals I hope to jump 4 metres,  I want to get better at cooking, I will continue to write in cursive,  focus more in class and read more

Maxim P

I'm looking forward to getting all the responsibilities that year six gets like the year six area, year six bizarre, year six day out and buddys.

To get senator (Tick) 

Getting a buddy

And to have run writing

Logan P

I am looking forward to representing the school as a Minister, doing fundraisers and bringing ideas to parliament.

I wish to achieve making my book work really nice and neat.

Matilda P

I am most excited about the disco and the stage three camp, both will offer me a fun experience and memories to cherish.

I want to achieve any position of leadership in the school, e.g: Library monitor, house captain or any position of leadership I am offered, I know it's probably too late but I know an opportunity will come around. 

Matilda R

-The year six bizarre.

-Finishing and publishing my main narrative story. 

Alexander R

I am looking forward to the swimming carnival because  I like swimming and I think it will be fun.

I want to achieve mastering division because I am not too good at division but I still can do some.

Maximiliaan R

I'm looking forward to the running and the athletic carnivals this year because I love running and the different minigames like long jumps.

I want to get better at spelling this year because I'm from a different country. That's what I want to achieve this year.

Emily R

Being a year six open ups a lot of new privileges and responsibilities. I am really looking forward to having a buddy. I also am excited to be running the school with the rest of the ministry.

I want to expand my vocabulary and just make the most of being a year six. Because I am a minister I would also like to help the school and make the students of this school happy.

Henry S

This year I’m really excited about being in Mr Bauman’s class. beaucase this is my first ever male teacher. I have also heard great things about Mr Bauman.

My goal is my math. I want to try to get better at my times tables and maybe even learn them off by heart. Because once you learn them they become really fun.

Nia S

I am looking forward to getting my buddy because I feel like it will be a privilege to have our buddies, and I want to help the kindy kids for their first year at Balmain public school.

The goal I want to achieve this year is the work on my spelling and handwriting. My spelling and handwriting are not the best so I want to improve.

Ben S

I am looking forward to the swimming carnival, and generally the whole year itself. Another reason is making more new friends, and Mr Baumann's activities and all the other activities itself. New people and I will try to achieve as many things as I can. And also the aboriginals coming to school, that's always fun.

My goal is to be a better typer,better at math,and more grammar in writing. The reasons I would like to achieve these goals because

1.being a better typer is because i would like to type faster so i can get work (on computers) done faster so i don't have to stress out. If you dont know it's because I can get stressed easily.

2.better at math is of course because i'm not the BEST at math, i would like to be faster at math this year for year 6, next year.

3.be a better writer, so i can sound better and smarter than i do right now when i'm writing this.

Quin S

I’m looking forward to a lot of things this year but some of the things that stand out are sport - carnivals such as the swimming carnivals and the athletics  carnival too. Also really want to play cricket and soccer (out of school). I must not forget about cross country. I would also like to make way more friends.

I wish to get into at least zoon for swimming and a 100m sprint in running..  I also wish to get better at sports.  I also want to get the end of year award.

Ian Y

I am looking forward to the swimming carnival this year because I like swimming and I have lots of time to chat with my friends.

A goal that I want to achieve this year is improving my handwriting because normally my writing is a little messy and big and I need to practice more cursive writing.


Raise youth mentoring - a rewarding experience that makes a real difference

Australian Youth Mentoring Foundation, Raise is currently recruiting volunteers from the local community to mentor young people at Balmain and Leichhardt Secondary Colleges. The program at Balmain SSC runs on a Tuesday between 11.20am-1.20pm and the program at Leichhardt SSC runs on a Thursday between 11.30am-1.30pm.

From vulnerable and at risk of disengagement to resilient and confident – our youth mentoring programs are proven to help young people thrive. Raise matches members from the local community with selected young people at Balmain and Leichhardt SSC for a supported one-to-one mentoring experience.

To become a Raise youth mentor, all you need is a desire to make a difference. Raise provides you with expert training and once matched with a student in your community, the program is structured, managed and supported by a qualified Raise counsellor. Could you, or someone you know volunteer your time to mentor at Balmain or Leichhardt SSC starting in April 2021? 

To ensure the best outcomes for our young people, Raise requires mentors to be:

  • 21+ years old
  • Available for 2 hours each week during school hours on a Tuesday or Thursday
  • Able to attend at the same time every week to mentor a young person between April and October (excluding school holidays)
  • Able to complete 6 online training modules (approx 3-4 hours) and 5 hours of group training
  • Provide a Working with Children Check and a Police Check

Head to www.raise.org.au/mentor to find out more and become a Raise mentor today.

NEW to Balmain PS - Junior Engineers...

Young at Art...


Supporting Girls' Wellbeing Through Sport

There are still some places in all our Girls teams from U8 - U16 but particularly in need of girls in the U9, U11, and U16 teams

Our club has a strong focus on building self confidence, fitness and skill in all individual players who then work together to build a team of players who play fairly and competitively. We offer a Junior Ref program as well - where teenage players can learn the ropes of reffing junior teams on a Saturday morning, school holiday clinics and a junior Summer football program, including a Mini Roos kick-off program for 4 to 7 year-olds.We have also thrice won the Canterbury district Fair Play Award in 2010, 2012 and 2018 which reflects the Saint’s approach to the values of good sportsmanship -  “Compete fiercely, win modestly, lose graciously”.

We all know how keeping our girls active and fit through their teenage years helps with every part of their lives - be it academically, socially, physically, emotionally and mentally - basically playing football ticks all the boxes.