Pigeon Post

2021 Volume 1 Issue 8

Acknowledgement of Country...

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From the Principal

Everyone belongs...

Harmony Week celebrates Australia's cultural diversity, reinforcing the importance of inclusiveness for all Australians and focusing on the message that 'everyone belongs'.

In Australia, Harmony Day is celebrated on 21 March, which coincides with the United Nation's International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

What a perfect way for Balmain Public School to celebrate Harmony Week, coinciding with our first Community Assembly since being able to welcome parents and carers back on site. 

Although forecast for rain, it managed to hold off on Wednesday and we were able to celebrate together.  For those of you who weren't at school on Wednesday morning, head over to our Instagram account for highlights and posts of the day.

#HarmonyWeek #EveryoneBelongs #? 

Maria Lambos - Principal

Have you got your tickets yet?

2021 Balmain P&C Welcome Drinks

You only have a few more days to buy tickets to the 2021 Balmain P&C Welcome Drinks.

Tickets are available at www.flexischools.com.au - look under the Events tab. The event will be held at the Gladstone Park Bowling Club (the bowlo next to the school) from 7pm.

This is an event for all parents, carers and teachers at the school. We especially hope to see many of our stage 2 and 3 parents there, as well as our newer parents.

As you all know, the best thing about our school is the community behind it and this event is one of the best events of the year.

You can expect raffles, some surprise games and lots of fun.

While some people may be getting dressed for the theme, that’s certainly not compulsory.

All proceeds from the night go to making our school a better place for all our children. After last year, the events and fundraising opportunities in 2021 have now become critical - so please join us as we work to bring a little normalcy and fun back to our community and school.

Tickets are $45 per adult which includes two drinks, canapés & live music. Bring cash for raffle tickets and to win some awesome prizes.

This is an adults only event and it will be ticketed so please buy your tickets before it’s too late!

Don’t be the parents who miss out and have to spend the rest of the year hearing about what a fun night you missed ?

Please email balmainpspc@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Thanks and see you there!

P&C Exec

Important messages...



Current COVID-19 advice

Feeling unwell?

As per the current NSW Health and DoE guidelines, Students and staff with flu-like symptoms will need to provide a copy of a negative COVID-19 test result before being permitted to return to school.

Symptoms can include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Sore/scratchy throat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Loss of taste
  • Loss of smell

Other reported symptoms can include:

  • Fatigue
  • Runny nose
  • Muscle pain
  • Joint pain
  • Diarrhoea
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Loss of appetite

Should your child present with any of the above symptoms, please arrange for a COVID-19 test. A 24-hour home pick-up COVID-19 test can be organised by going to the following link:


Once you have received your negative COVID-19 test results, please send a copy to the school via email.

From the Office

How can we be of assistance today?

If your family details, circumstances have changed, ie: address, mobile numbers, separations, court orders etc, could you kindly email the school so records can be updated. This will ensure correct people are contacted and all relevant information is passed on correctly.

Please remember that if you are collecting your child early for an appointment or dropping them off, please ensure you allow extra time for your child to be located and brought down to the office.

If you are experiencing financial difficulty, please contact the office, or Mrs Lambos, to arrange alternate options.



Go to www.flexischools.com.au to place your order

For any food/menu queries please feel free to contact us directly via email :


Alternatively, you can call Kirsty on 0416 786 603 and we will be happy to assist.

Kirsty and Jason Feliciotto – The School Canteen


Every WEDNESDAY (weather permitting) - COMMUNITY ASSEMBLY

Every FRIDAY (weather permitting) - AWARDS ASSEMBLY

Thursday 25 March - Years 3-6 X-Country Carnival

including Year 2 students turning 8 years in 2021

29-31 March - EASTER HAT PARADE/S (weather permitting)

Announcement from Mr E. Bunny & Ms Bowman

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

It is with great excitement that Mr E. Bunny and I would like to inform you that we will be able to proceed with our 2021 BPS Easter Hat Parade. This is an annual celebration where students are invited to create their own hat at home, inspired by the season and their family celebrations during this time of year.

Usually, this is a whole school event, but as we are still bound by the Department of Education regulations around COVID-19 safety restrictions and events, in order for the event to go ahead, it must be conducted as follows:

  • ​The students will be broken up into mixed year groups and will parade over three days in Week 10 (weather permitting for each event)
    • Monday 29 March - Kindergarten & Year 6 buddies
    • Tuesday 30 March - Year 1 & Year 5 buddies (as our 2020 Kindies missed out on buddies due to COVID)
    • Wednesday 31 March - Years 2, 3 & 4 (Year 4 students in 5/4R will parade on Tuesday)
  • A pathway will be created by the our parliament ministers, which students will walk around, to ensure that all spectators will be able to see - spectators are to remain behind cordoned-off areas and maintain physical distancing 
  • Each student is allowed to invite a MAXIMUM OF TWO SPECTATORS to be part of our audience on the day they are parading. Unfortunately, we must limit it to 2, in order to meet the number restrictions and physical distancing requirements for each cohort
  • No pets allowed on parade days - please leave your furry friends at home
  • ​Secondly, for Week 10 parade days only, we will return to a morning 'Kiss & Drop' for non-parade day students only, as we need to ensure only the spectators enter the school grounds
  • If you are coming to watch your child's parade, please allow plenty of time in the morning to check in prior to 9am. At the gates, each spectator will have to check-in twice:
    • via the Service NSW QR code (ensuring you have the Service NSW app on your phone will ensure we can streamline this process), as well as
    • our own BPS check-in using a QR code
  • After you have checked in, you will be welcomed onto the school grounds and will remain inside when the gates are closed at 9:00am and the students either head to class or prepare for their parade day.

​​​We are acutely aware that all of this management of your movement is frustrating, but we are very excited to have our community back on campus and, if we want this to continue, we need to abide by the given rules. Your patience and cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Photos will be taken during the parade so we can provide a virtual snapshot via our newsletter for those parents and caregivers who are unable to attend.

It is an exciting time for the students to share their creations and we look forward to welcoming you to be part of our special days.

Keeping our fingers crossed for sunshine, as the parade/s will NOT be able to go ahead if it is raining.

Felicitations from the Marquis of Mirth and Easter Celebrations,

Felicity Bowman - Visual Arts teacher & Event Coordinator Extraordinaire

Friday 26 March - P and C Welcome Drinks - 7-10pm

Thursday 1 April - Last Day of School for Term 1

Monday 19 April - Staff Development Day - NO STUDENTS

Tuesday 20 April - TERM 2 - Students Return to School!

SAVE THE DATE - Stage 3 Camp - 23-25 June

Friday 25 June - LAST DAY OF TERM 2


Action required: Contact Details

Thanks to the parents/carers who volunteered to be the Class Reps for each class this year.

The Class Reps' first task is to collect your contact details for disseminating relevant information throughout the year. The school and class teachers are unable to provide this information to the reps, due to privacy reasons.

Thank you to those of you who have already completed the Google Form. If you have yet to do so, please click on and complete the relevant short Google Forms for your child/ren's class/es, at your earliest convenience:

KG - Gemma Puplett (George McG's Mum) & Nicola Stephenson (Leo's Mum)


KM - Janelle Barnes (Dot & Molly W's Mum) & Jean Mostyn (Cicely C's's Mum)


1/2A - Arabella Futcher (Henry Yr2) & Claudine Keskin (Emily Yr1)


1/2C - Olga Voronina (Anna Yr2) & Tara Smith (Harrison Yr2)


1/2F - Felicity Bowman (Lola Yr1) & Jason Ockerby (Hamish Yr2)


1/2K - Kirsty Galpin (Jasper Yr1) & Veronica Collins (Cooper H Yr2)


3/4H - Renate Harris (Lachlan Yr3) & Mamata Phadke (Vivan N Yr3)


3/4L - Jenifer Finucane (Mila Yr3) & Lauren Rutherford (Zara Yr4)


3/4P - Muriel Chen (Odin S Yr3) & Dimity Brown (Thomas M Yr3)


5/4R - Cindy Scheule (Lina Yr5) & Kristenne Pickles (Alfred V Yr5)


5/6B - Clare Rumboll (Emily Yr6) & Cliff Philipiah (Logan Yr6)


5/6C - Jacqueline Roberts (Drew K Yr6) & Vanessa Thompson (Ruby Yr6)


5/6P - Aly McCarthy (Johnny Yr6) & Cressida Griffith (Clara N Yr5)


5/6Y - Peta Joyce (Henry Yr6) & Becky Zhou (Eamon W Yr6)


School Uniforms

Order uniform items here

For any size exchanges, please:

1. Email the uniform stall with the details of the exchange, at: balmainpsuniforms@gmail.com

2. Return the items to be exchanged to the school office, clearly marked with Student name, Class and EXCHANGE

3. Replacement items will be packed and re-delivered to your child's classroom

Orders will continue to be packed and delivered for collection each week, until we are able to reopen the stall.

Thank you!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Our uniform stall is a P&C initiative, run entirely by parent volunteers, to benefit our school community!

Ordering: Orders are being packed and delivered to classrooms weekly.

  • Please include your child's name and class for delivery
  • Secondhand items can be ordered through the online store
  • There is no order pickup from the stall or the office, unless by prior arrangement
  • Appointments can be made to visit the stall in order to try on items for size. Details can be found on the school website.

Orders can be placed online at the following link:


Stock levels: Due to COVID-related delays continuing to affect our suppliers, a small number of items are out of stock. We are receiving deliveries each week, and this stock is quickly being added online. Outstanding items are being packed and delivered to class as they are received. If a longer delay is anticipated for an item, we are moving quickly to source an alternative through a second supplier where possible, to minimise the impact on the school. If you cannot see an item you need, please email the stall volunteers to enquire: balmainpsuniforms@gmail.com

Thank you for your patience and understanding. If you would like to volunteer to help at the stall, please email us!



K Gentle - Mrs GoodridgeSophie Rworking hard in English and improvement in hearing sounds in words
K Mellow - Mrs Mikhail BryantMolly Wworking hard to write words. Well done!
1/2 Altruism - Ms CooperMacy Wdemonstrating excellent habits, completing her work and doing it with a smile. Well done Macy!
1/2 Compassion - Ms ChiangGabriel Rfor trying his best at writing his recount
1/2 Friendship - Ms FergusonAmber Zshowing bravery in making new friends!
1/2 Kind Kids - Ms KarstromGriffin S-Wcreating a fabulous picture graph, after collecting and recording data to answer the question, 'What is your favourite Star Wars character?'
3/4 Harmony - Ms HoltBonnie Dher maturity and dedication to learning
3/4 Leopards - Mrs LoxtonZoe Pher enthusiasm towards writing and revising her fantastic narrative about a sandstorm
3/4 Phoenix - Ms ParkesMilly Hher consistent effort, exemplary bookwork and her astute, empathic nature
5/4 Rainbow - Ms ReedyHugo H-Shis determination and effort in achieving his writing goals. Well done!
5/6 Belong - Mr BaumannCorey Mhis continually impressive effort in taking responsibility for his learning
5/6 Calm - Mr CarltonRuby Ther great determination in improving her writing
5/6 Poppies - Ms PitmanRupert Hindependently and enthusiastically solving the problem of the day
5/6 Yin & Yang - Ms YauSophia Ther sustained focus and engagement towards learning
LIBRARY K-2 - Ms WhelanHarrison S 1/2Chis continued interest in reading

LIBRARY 3-6 - Ms Whelan

Skye G 5/6Yher passion for reading
STEAM K-2 - Ms BarcenillaVictoria G 1/2Fsuccessfully classifying living things according to their features
STEAM 3-6 - Ms BarcenillaLuca L 3/4Pconsistently producing quality work in STEAM!
ART K-2 - Mrs BowmanSaxon R 1/2Fproducing a creative and detailed castle drawing
ART 3-6 - Mrs BowmanMischka A 5/6Pimpressive mixed media work. Well Done!
MUSIC K-2 - Ms BigginsHalle N-W 1/2Aher terrific ability to read rhythm patterns
MUSIC 3-6 - Ms BigginsFreddie B 5/6Chis excellent musicality and creativity


K Gentle - Mrs GoodridgeBea Hher participation in class discussions about things she is thankful for
K Mellow - Mrs Mikhail BryantLachlan Sbeing thoughtful of others
1/2 Altruism - Ms CooperPoppy Bshowing her appreciation for her classmates (including her teacher!)
1/2 Compassion - Ms ChiangEthan Rsharing with the class all that he is grateful for in his life
1/2 Friendship - Ms FergusonAri Tfinding the good in her everyday life
1/2 Kind Kids - Ms KarstromCamilla Kalways showing great appreciation and awareness for others
3/4 Harmony - Ms HoltBenjamin Salways using his manners and sincerely thanking me for helping him with class work
3/4 Leopards - Mrs LoxtonRemi O'Balways showing gratitude and appreciation in the classroom through her kindness, dedication to hard work and fabulous smile
3/4 Phoenix - Ms ParkesOscar Fharnessing the power of 'dolphin thoughts' and expressing gratitude with ease
5/4 Rainbow - Ms ReedyLauren Bher thankful and kind approach to learning everyday!
5/6 Belong - Mr BaumannArkie E Mher gratitude and positive outlook when faced with challenges
5/6 Calm - Mr CarltonDrew KInvolving ideas of his group and valuing them
5/6 Poppies - Ms PitmanJames Cbringing positivity and manners to class every day
5/6 Yin & Yang - Ms YauSophia Lshowing kindness and polite manners to her teachers and peers


Thanks to Ms Karstrom, who organises the collection and distribution of the Gelatissimo ice-creams, as well as takes the fab photos!

PHOTO GALLERY: This Week's Positive Pete Winners

And the winner is...(drumroll please!)

Spotlight on...


This week, 1/2 Compassion has been building on skills and knowledge that they have been learning this term. In English, we have been working hard on making our personal recounts interesting and sequential, and in Maths, we have been practising our skill at combining numbers to help us add. We have also been learning about and practising assertive behaviour in difficult situations, as opposed to non-assertive or aggressive behaviour. I am so proud of the class and here is a little peak into our week:

Charlotte and Lennon with their personal recounts

Aidan, Rose and Jack with their Maths work - combining numbers to make friends of 10 and 20

Lily J, Lily O and Ben​ show us how they would use assertive behaviour to combat a difficult friendship situation