You only have a few more days to buy tickets to the 2021 Balmain P&C Welcome Drinks.
Tickets are available at - look under the Events tab. The event will be held at the Gladstone Park Bowling Club (the bowlo next to the school) from 7pm.
This is an event for all parents, carers and teachers at the school. We especially hope to see many of our stage 2 and 3 parents there, as well as our newer parents.
As you all know, the best thing about our school is the community behind it and this event is one of the best events of the year.
You can expect raffles, some surprise games and lots of fun.
While some people may be getting dressed for the theme, that’s certainly not compulsory.
All proceeds from the night go to making our school a better place for all our children. After last year, the events and fundraising opportunities in 2021 have now become critical - so please join us as we work to bring a little normalcy and fun back to our community and school.
Tickets are $45 per adult which includes two drinks, canapés & live music. Bring cash for raffle tickets and to win some awesome prizes.
This is an adults only event and it will be ticketed so please buy your tickets before it’s too late!
Don’t be the parents who miss out and have to spend the rest of the year hearing about what a fun night you missed ?
Please email if you have any questions.
Thanks and see you there!
P&C Exec