Broken Hill North Public School

School Bulletin No. 35 2020

From the Principal

Our Kindergarten Orientation program kicked off last Thursday with the majority of our Little Northies turning up. Even though we’ve had to modify this year it was a great opportunity for staff, parents and kids to connect and get to know each other a little better.


Last week’s plan re the Cooler Classrooms Project didn’t quite go as scheduled so there’s still some tidying up and painting to be finalised. Fingers crossed this week will be the week. There will be minimal impact on our kids in classrooms as we’ve planned the work to take place while classes are in the library.


It is that time of the year where I’m spending time and focus on planning for 2021 to ensure a smooth start. We’ve decided to ruin with the following class structure for next year. This plan reflects an extra school funded class in mainstream to allow smaller class numbers and more options re placement of students.


Mainstream -         K      K/1       1           2          2/3      3/4      3/4      4/5      5/6      5/6


Special Education -    Early Intervention      MC     MC     IO        IM


We are proposing to the department that our IO support unit be reclassified to an IO/AU class. Given the decline in students coming through with moderate intellectual disabilities we feel the reclassification would be more reflective of community needs and enable us to maintain 5 classes.


In respect to planning for the future if any families’ circumstances are going to change for 2021 and you know your child/ren won’t be attending Paradise next year could you please let us know asap so we can make that consideration for next year’s class placements. Thank you.


COVID-19 Guidelines for parents & carers

Unfortunately, the advice remains and the expectation is that parents will drop the children off and go in the mornings and remain outside the school, maintaining social distancing, in the afternoons.


Parents/Carers are permitted to visit the school for the following purposes only:

  • essential parent and carer meetings with teachers and/or school executives to discuss disciplinary or welfare matters where a virtual meeting solution is not available
  • parents and carers who attend a school administration building or another defined location for the purpose of picking up their child if they are unwell or where they have been asked to arrange for a COVID-19 test after their child has displayed flu-like symptoms while at school

Note that all adults visiting a school must comply with the department’s COVID-safe requirements including personal hygiene, infection control and physical distancing guidelines. All visitors must sign the external visitors form each time they visit the school regardless of the frequency and duration of the visit.

Attendance Snapshot

Term 4 Week 3

Target 91%

Actual -87.94%

K FK-1MK-6 CK-6 DK-6 R1 F2 H

2 M3-4 K3-4 S3-6 H4-5 M5-6 G5-6 VW



Nice to see some improvement.  Every day counts!

Class of the Week

Raise Responsibility Class Points (>90%) - K F,  K-6 D, K-6 R, 1 F, 2 H, 2 M, 3-4 K, 3-4 S, 3-6 H, 4-5 M & 5-6 G 

100% Green Students -  K-6 R & 3-4 K

Attendance -  K-6 C

100% Attendees - 186 students attended ever day this week! 

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." Maya Angelou


     Fixed Mindset

 I need to prove myself

Change To

Growth Mindset

I try to improve myself

Which mindset is most likely to result in learning?  Change the words, change the mindset!

Levels Awards

Congratulations to the following students who achieved Gold Level last week 

K FGrace Cooper, Zac Johnston, Dean Murphy
K-1 MChris Kerwin, Freya Lloyde, Aston Reardon, Charlie Stephens
K-6 CMakayla Devlin
K-6 RAbby Donohue, Georgia Kennedy
1 FPatrick Aeschlimann, Kaden Balman, Amber Boyd, Toby McClure, Sterling Pascoe, Isabella Peduto, Edmund Schultz
2 HOlive Denley
2 MAubrie Calder, Harrison Druitt
3-4 KMontana Colley, Matt Molloy, Mason Pettitt, Elise Pollard, Bodhi Roser
3-4 SEvie Durrant, Jenna Mitchell, Liam Spencer,
3-6 HWenis Kennedy
5-6 GSherrill Curtis, Dakota Pettitt
5-6 VW     Joshua Austin, Leo Chavez Slater, Molly Molloy

The following students will be awarded their Silver Level certificates – Maliq King, Tyler Quayle and Hannah Stone

The certificates will be presented at our morning lines assembly on Friday.




This week’s Superstar is Tyler Pollard in 2 H. Tyler is a respectful, responsible and well mannered student.  He is eager to learn and always tries his best!  Keep making a difference and being a superstar in our school!



This week’s Legend is Maddie Mullins in 4-5 M. Maddie  for being a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards learning.

Class Awards

Merit AwardsLearning Power Awards
K-1 M
Zaiden Staker, Shazaree Williams
K-6 R
Jhamin Aeschlimann
1 FKaden Balman Whisper Dodd, Scarlett Fraser
2 H
Nevada Staker, Jett Gabellone, Cooper Rae
2 MAubrie Calder, Addyson Moyle, Elijah Mullins

3-4 K
Jensen RowbothamGrace Toohey, Eoin Simmons
3-4 SEli Ahearn, Eliot Shipp
MasonIsabella Miller, Traydee Mitchell-Bennett

Community News

Broken Hill North Public School

Our school prides itself on providing all students with a broad education and the ability to achieve.