Term 1 - Week 6

Dates to Remember

  • 10 March- Meet the Teacher

Early Stage 1-Kindergarten  at 3.00 to 3.30 pm  

    Stage 1-Years 1 & 2 at 3.30 pm-4 pm  

    Stage 2-Years 3 & 4 at  4 pm -4.30 pm  

    Stage 3-Years 5 & 6 at 4.30- 5.00 pm 

    • 24 March - Year 6 Leaders Day at Biddabah Public School 
    • 2 June - Years 5 & 6 Canberra Excursion Deposit due 19/3

    From the Principal's desk

    Dear Parents/Carers and Friends of Edgeworth Heights PS 

    We are past the halfway mark of Term 1. By now each family would have received a term letter from your child’s teacher. Class teachers have reported that students have settled in well into their new classes and for many students, they are showing great resilience in extending their friendship groups. 

    I would like to thank the students for their wonderful support when Epé has come to school. She has visited many of the classrooms and has made lots of new friends. I would like to thank Monique and Indi from 4/5Z who have been reporting on Epé at school. You can read their reports below. Epé has also inspired 5/6 H to write some great descriptive recounts of her visit to their class. 

    We have been lucky enough to have our  mentors from Kids Hope return this year to work with some of our students. It is always wonderful to have community support in our local schools.

    I look forward to seeing parents next week at the P&C meeting on Tuesday  9th and the Meet the Teacher on Wednesday 10th . 

    Make the most of the awesome moments 

    Mrs Duncan 

    Reports and Photographs by Monique and Indi

    Student's Who Shine!

    4/5 Z's art work has brightened up our foyer.

    Thank you to the students of 4/5Z  for sharing their art work with us. They have appreciated the use of line, colour and surrealism shown in some artworks by Picasso. They then created their own artworks as self portraits to represent themselves using a single line and vibrant surrealist colour.

    Students in 4H showing how easy it is to follow a writing process.

    Eli and Lucas brought up the work they had been doing in class. It was wonderful to see the planning page they had completed before they wrote their stories. Well done boys!

    Exciting learning happening 1/2 W.

    Classroom News 1/2F

    Story by Mia 5/6H

    Story by Rhianna 5/6H

    West Wallsend High School (GATS) Applications for 2022

    Applications for WWHS 2022, Year 7 (GATS Class) – now called the High Potential and Gifted Education Program, have been sent home with those Year 6 students who expressed an interest in applying for this class.

    Section A of the application is to be completed by parents, please provide a display folder containing a title page, previous reports and awards.  This needs to be returned to EHPS office by 9.00 am on Thursday, 18th March.

    Work samples will be completed at school.  If your child did not receive an application and is interested, please contact the office ASAP.

    Thank you

    Therese Hammond, Anna Gadowsky, Jo Connolly, Kathryn Foster & Serena Carney

    Year 6 Teachers

    Yarn Up


    Term 1 Week 3


    Go 4 Fun

    Head Space Flyer

    Active OOSH Cameron Park Vacation Care

    Traditional Taekwondo at EHPS

    Child Care Subsidy Fair Play OOSH

    The Athlete's Foot School Rewards

    Air League

    Tahira's Family Day Care

    Edgeworth Heights Public School

    Respect, Responsibility, Strive, Everyone, Everywhere, Every Time