Nhill College Newsletter

October 11th, 2019 - Number 31

School Council

Principal: Mark Zimmermann

President: Michelle Marshall, Vice President: Peta Foster

Parent Reps: Tarrah Dodds, Emily Donnell, Simon Dufty, Carlee Kennedy, Bree Lowe, Megan Nossack

Student Reps: Solly Marshall, Ellie Murden

DET Reps: Amanda Cole, Felix Cunningham, Alannah King, Kim Magrath

Nhill College is a Child Safe School

Our School Values:

  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Teamwork
  • Confidence
  • Excellence
  • Endeavour

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Program

The School Wide Positive Behaviour Support program is designed to bring together school communities to develop positive, safe and supportive learning cultures by helping to foster an environment that assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children.  As part of the SWPBS program, a rewards system has been developed to encourage students to always:

  • Be Safe
  • Be Respectful
  • Be a Learner

From The Principal: Mark Zimmermann

Welcome to Term 4

I hope all students and staff enjoyed a peaceful and relaxing holiday and have returned to school refreshed and ready for what promises to be a very busy final term.  Our Unit 3-4 students spent some time at school during the holidays completing practice exams and hopefully allocated a fair proportion of their break to preparing other revision and exam preparation.  I would like to thank all those teachers who gave up their time to supervise those exams and ensure that our students get the best preparation possible.  I would also like to thank those teachers who have - and will be - supervising students on exam revision seminars. 

BYOD Program Update

Nhill College has signed on with Edunet to help give more variety and cost effectiveness to our BYOD program, including delivery and finance. Parents/guardians are still welcome to purchase a BYOD from Bi-Rite, Wimmera Office Equipment, or elsewhere if you would prefer – however, there may be a preference for using the streamlined Edunet portal. By using Edunet, families can have their BYODs delivered directly to the school and arrange accessories, finance and insurance if required. However, before paying extra for insurance we strongly recommend checking if your own home and contents insurance may already have you covered. The Edunet portal can also be used to log warranty jobs or an insurance claim if (if purchased). Brochures for Wimmera Office Equipment, Bi-Rite and Edunet will continue to appear on our website and on Compass.

We encourage students from Years 4 through to 12 to take up the BYOD program for class use. This allows students to install Microsoft Office and Adobe products on their own device to take home, as well as access the school’s internet, server and printing while at the college. Students can also access Compass as required, as well as other online programs when directed by staff.

Should you wish to order a new BYOD via Edunet before Christmas, the cut-off date for guaranteed arrival is Wednesday,  30th of October. To guarantee you receive your device before the start of Term 1 2020 the cut-off date is Wednesday, 4th of December. Please note that devices can be ordered via the portal at any time; these are simply the dates which must be met if you would like to receive your device before Christmas or Term 1. 

When students receive their new device, they will need to set it up as per the BYOD instructions found on Compass and on our website. College staff are not involved in the initial setup, but they will help students troubleshoot their device if they run into issues.

Please view the attached PDF for full instructions and device specifications for the portal. To access the portal parents/guardians need to visit https://nhillcollege.technologyportal.com.au and use the code NC2020.

If you have questions about the college’s BYOD program, or if you would like to talk about suitable devices, Mr Shrive can be emailed any time at shrive.joshua.w@edumail.vic.gov.au

2019-2020 Edunet BYOD Parent Spec Sheet

Open the attachment below for details about Edunet and the range of devices and services they offer as part of the Nhill College BYOD program.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Secondary interviews are scheduled to take place on Monday 14th October.  Bookings for these interviews opened on Compass last term, and will remain open until 9.00am on the day of the interviews.  Once again, we would like to encourage as many parents as possible to take advantage of this opportunity to meet with staff so they can be kept up to date with the progress of their child(ren).  

2019 School Year - Important Dates

  • Unit 3/4 VCDesign Revision lecture: Friday 11th - Saturday 12th October
  • Nhill Show Day: PUPIL FREE Thursday 17th October
  • VCE Revision lectures in Bendigo: Friday 18th - Sunday 20th October
  • Secondary Parent/Teacher Interviews: Monday 14th October
  • Year 6 to Year 7 Information Evening: Monday 21st October
  • Year 3 Roses Gap Camp: Tuesday 22nd: Wednesday 23rd October
  • Foundation Extended Day: Wednesday 23rd October
  • Nhill College School Fete: Friday 1st November
  • Year 9/10 Indo students - Indonesian Immersion Excursion: Sunday 3rd - Tuesday 5th November
  • Primary House Public Speaking finals - 8th November
  • Primary Interschool House Public Soeaking finals - 14th November
  • Year 12 Dinner: Thursday 28th November

From Assistant Principal: Mrs Magrath

2020 School Captain Nominees 'Statement of Intention'

Statement of Intent ~ Kiara Drendel

My name is Kiara Drendel, I stand here before you to discuss the reason why I want to be part of the of the leadership team and hopefully become school captain for 2020. I realise that it is a privilege to have the honor, but I am confident that I will be a suitable candidate. I will  uphold and obey all the school rules and become the role model that you can look up to. I will assist the teachers and students in any way possible to the best of my abilities. A good leader always listens to others and they never judge about who the person is and what they have done, Leaders don’t just bark or boss people around, they listen to their team, their peers and teachers and their competitors because they know it is the best way to understand the situation so they can make the best decision possible. I will dedicate myself to serving the school and especially you, my fellow students.  Just remember I’m Not perfect but I do believe that this position as your 2020 School Captain  is perfect for me.

Thank you

Statement of Intent ~ Mikayla Farmers

My name is Mikayla Farmers and I would be honoured to represent Nhill College as school captain in 2020.

I would be great for this role because I am friendly, and very approachable, however, this alone is not enough to accomplish the tasks a successful school captain should be able to achieve. It takes hard work and determination to carry through ideas and achieve desired objectives. I have the work ethic, skill and experience required to make things happen. I am creative and have many ideas that would benefit the student body, whether it be helping to bridge the gap between primary and secondary, running lunch activities or just continuing the mentor program. However, as an advocate for the student body, I want to listen to their ideas and concerns, finding outcomes that will assist and support them so their time at Nhill College is as enjoyable and fulfilling as possible.

I love our school, and it would be my absolute pleasure to lead and strengthen Nhill College in 2020. 

Statement of Intent ~ Mu Yeh Htoo

Mu Yeh Htoo

I would be humbled if I am selected as School Captain for 2020. I am not perfect; what would be the point of that? Striving for perfection is what I believe will improve life. If we say we are perfect, we are saying that we can’t get any better, that that is the limit of our capabilities. Yes, achieving perfection if impossible and pointless. I am not perfect, but striving for it I hope that this opportunity will improved my capabilities.

I have had luckily many opportunities that pushed me out of my comfort zone. The most difficult situation that I had been in is when I had to make an impromptu speech in front of a lot of the rotary club presidents from all around Victoria, I believe it went well. I am a confident leader. But, where I excel most is in more chaotic situations. I am not really an active leader, but when something goes wrong, you can definitely rely on me.

With all these experiences, I will represent Nhill College to the best of my abilities.

Statement of Intent ~ Monique Wheaton

I, Monique, would be honoured to represent Nhill College if I am elected to be the School Captain for 2020. To me, I believe the role of a School Captain is more than a badge on your chest, popularity rating or a fancy title, but a chance to make a positive influence on the students and teachers and their time at Nhill College. I believe an efficient School Captain needs to be good at communicating, cooperative, encouraging, inclusive, a good role model and responsible. As well as, represent the six school values of respect, honestly, teamwork, confident, excellence and endeavour. I, not a stranger to leading, believe I possess these qualities. I have previously been elected form captain which also includes participating within the SCR. My current positions within the SCR is Treasurer. Also, I am the Batson House Vice-Captain, and Yanac Bus Captain within the school. However, I have also taken up roles outside of school and within the community. I have been a netball captain for the past two years within the Nhill and District Sporting club.

Should I be elected as School Captain of Nhill College in 2020, I will aspire to create a positive environment within the school.

Statement of Intent ~ Adam Zimmermann

Hi, I’m Adam Zimmermann and I am going for the role of school captain in 2020. As school captain, I aim to be 100% committed to the role, and hope to ensure that every student’s voice is heard. I am also aware of the responsibilities of being school captain due to having my brother previously take the role a few years back. As mentioned, I value student voice within the school very highly, and as school captain I will be open to any problems, opinions or anything fellow students would like to have heard, for I see myself as an approachable person who is more than happy to help out. Overall, I am excited for what is to come in the year 2020 and hope to make the most of my opportunities to make the school a better place.


Walk to School Month

October is the month students are encouraged to walk or ride to school. If you're a bus traveller, then consider an active way to get to your bus stop. There are some actiivties happening in the primary section through out the month.              

It’s Cool To Be In School

Attendance is an important aspect of schooling at Nhill College. If you are not attending school it makes it difficult to learn. Class attendance will be celebrated each week, with classes being recognised for the best attendance in both primary and secondary classes. During the last week of Term 3, the classes with the most attendance were 10X, Yr 3 McDonald and Yr 1/2 Smith. The winner for Term 3’s pizza draw was Year 12 and Yr 3 McDonald. These classes enjoyed a pizza for lunch today to celebrate.               

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) ROARWARDS

Nhill College has implemented a new reward system called ROARWARDS. Students receive ROARWARDS by demonstrating Being Respectful, Being a Learner or Being Safe. Staff handed out 582 ROARWARD cards from F-12 last week in the last couple of weeks of term 3. At each assembly, all the students that have received a ROARWARD in the past week, will be placed in a draw to win a milkshake voucher in the secondary side and a prize in the primary side.  Students are randomly drawn by using an electronic spinning wheel. The winners from the end of Term 3 were: 

Secondary Section: Jenna, Cory, Nessa and Solly

Primary Section: Taite, James, Sarah, Charlie and Saskia


Primary Assembly

Primary assembly hosts this week were Aaron and Andrew.

Just a reminder that the primary assembly commences on a Monday afternoon at 2.50pm in the Wimmera building. All family members are welcome to attend each week.


Respectful Relationship Awards

The Respectful Relationship Value focus for the last week of Term 3 was Reliability. The weekly winners of this value were – F/1 Kerber - Zahra, 1/2 Smith – Rafferty, 3 McDonald - Addison, 4/5/6 Jones - Lucy B and 4/5/6 Crouch - Alissa

The winner of the weekly canteen voucher was Lucy D

Congratulations to all students who were nominated.


Primary GWR Athletics

Georgia, Dah Bu, Riley and Corey represented Nhill College in the GWR Athletics in Ballarat today. It was a wonderful day with our 4 students doing a fantastic job, not only competing but cheering on their friends. The official results will be published in next weeks newsletter. Thank you to all the parents that took the students to this great event.  Finally, a big thank must go to Mr McDonald for his organisation of the Athletcis in the primary section this year. Staff and students have appreciated it.                  


Last Term the Nhill College Wellbeing Team promoted the RU OK? Day to all Secondary students. The team handed out iced biscuits, stickers and wristbands which highlighted the messages of RU OK?  

The Wellbeing Team also ran a competition asking students from Years 7-12 to nominate their Fearless Friends. They were asked to nominate a friend who is always by their side, who is courageous and not afraid to step up and start what can be a difficult conversation. The team were thrilled to receive several nominations for Fearless Friends from each year level and these Fearless Friends were recognised and awarded a prize this week at assembly.

Congratulations to the following -

Yr 12 - Brooke was nominated because she is the most supportive person and she never leaves your side. She has my back no matter what the situation is. She makes me laugh and feel better when I feel like nothing is going right. And she is never afraid to stand up for what's right.

Yr 11 - Lucy was nominated because she is always there for me. No matter what I may be going through I can always talk to her about it and she will give me advice to help me out.

Yr 10 - Brock was nominatated because no matter what he is doing, he will stop and help you out.

Yr 9 - Jenna was nominated because she is always there for others with a positive attitude and always makes the most fun of things.

Yr 8 - Lani E was nominated because she is never afraid to give something a try and is always there when I need a friend.

Yr 7 - Aussie Paw was nominated because she is always by my side. She sticks up for me when I need and is not afraid to say her opinion. She is fearless. 

Thanks to everyone who nominated a fearless friend.

Wellbeing Team



  •                 Six young readers from Nhill College have won themselves a delicious lunch and book prize after exhibiting positive reading behaviours through bringing their novels consistently to class in Period 6 and making the most of their fifteen minute window to read.
    • Nhill College introduced the challenge for Year 7 – 10 students in order to maximise the many benefits gained when reading for 15 minutes or more each day. These include: significantly expanding vocabulary, strengthening thinking, improving memory and reducing stress. Added bonuses are better focus and concentration as well as an increase in knowledge. There is also a connection between reading and better writing skills.
    • On top of all that, reading enables you to travel freely, meet a variety of people and enjoy experiences limited only by the imagination – all possible while sitting in the confines of a classroom.
    • Our students are to be commended for the way they have participated so positively in the inaugural Nhill College Reading Challenge.  Hayden Pedie, Tamara Rowe, Ree Lay Paw, Brayden Purchase, Dylan Reynolds and April Van der Linden were lucky enough to have their names pulled out from all those entered. By the time this newsletter hits the press, they will have enjoyed their sumptuous meal from Amber’s Sweet Bliss.
    • The six students have also let us know their interests and a book which reflects their interests will be presented to them at Monday’s assembly.  Hope you all enjoy these!  ‘A book is a gift you can open again and again.’
    • Most importantly, they, and all our readers, have gained all the benefits mentioned above. We are looking forward to more reading this term. 

Primary Music Students Local Excursion

On Monday 21st October, the primary musicians will be visiting Avonlea Aged Care to perform for the residents.  There will be performances from Junior Band and Junior Choir, as well as a selection of solo items.   Students will leave school at 10:30am, walking to Avonlea, before the performances commence at 11:00am.  We will finish at Avonlea around midday before walking back to school.  Students are to wear full school uniform and bring their music and instruments to school.  Instruments will be transported to Avonlea separately, so will need to be dropped off at the Music Shed at the start of the school day.

9/10 Photography Local Excursion

On Monday morning the Year 9 & 10 Art students will be out and about with their SLR Cameras as part of their 35mm photography unit. The student photographers will be in and around the town taking a range of photos for their final project, including Landscape, Architectural and hopefully capturing some shots of local wildlife.

Library News

Issue 7 of book club was handed out this week and is due back by Friday, October 18th.

Lists of overdue books were handed out today. Please search for these books and return them to the library.


Library staff.

Phones And Tablets Wanted

The College is looking for donations of any old smartphones, tablets or iPads which are still in working condition, as we need these devices to help run our new robotics gadgets. We do not require SIM cards as the devices use Bluetooth to communicate. Please send any smartphones or tablets to the front office if you are able to donate, including chargers if you have them.

MONASH UNIVERSITY – Monash Guarantee is an entry scheme that guarantees students a place in a Monash degree at a lower ATAR. To apply, students put their preferred Monash University course in their preferences and then submit through VTAC SEAS. There are also numerous scholarship opportunities available. Our school is considered an under-represented school at Monash University. For further information check the brochure in the Pathways Room or go to the University website.

NEW for 2020 - Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Advanced Honours) Scholars Program

Monash University have announced a new pharmaceutical science course offering for very high-achieving students - the Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Advanced Honours) Scholars Program. This program follows the structure of the four-year Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Advanced Honours) course, and includes exclusive invitations to the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences seminar series, and a Dean's function. Domestic students are also eligible for a $6,000 per year scholarship.

The indicative ATAR for the course for 2020 is 98.

Find out more about the Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science go to: www.monash.edu/pharm/future/courses/pharmaceutical-science

Applications for the 2020 Charles Hawker Scholarships open on Monday December 9th and close on January 8th 2020. An application form and further information about C.A.S. Hawker and the scholarship are available from www.hawkerscholarship.org or by contacting the secretary to the Trustees in Adelaide on 08 8127 1654.Hawker Scholarships are valued at up to $60,000.00 over three years and are amongst the most generous, privately funded, residential scholarships available to Australian undergraduate and postgraduate students. Joint Australian of the Year Dr. Richard Harris SC OAM recently presented 2019 C.A.S. Hawker Scholarships to four recipients at a function at St Mark's College in Adelaide.

There are a number of scholarships awarded each year. The Trustees offer them to capable students of principle and character who have demonstrated a commitment to the wider community. Selection is based on personal qualities as well as academic ability

Rural Chances Vocational Scholarship

Do you know young people that want to train but need help getting there?  Youthrive Rural Chances offers young people the chance to support their vocational training with scholarships for TAFE study or apprenticeships.  Rural Chances scholarships can assist young people that:

  • have to travel long distances or move away from home to gain qualifications
  • struggle with the many expenses associated with training or building skills
  • can see a skills gap in rural Victoria they can fill
  • and would enjoy mentoring and networking opportunities. 

There are 14 scholarships valued at $5000 to assist with long distance travel or moving out from home. Additionally there are 15 more scholarships for up to $2000, to cover specific items to support training. Rural Chances Scholarship applications are NOW OPEN and CLOSE 18th October 2019.  Applications can be submitted as either an easy online form or video.  We encourage aspiring young people in our community to apply! Nhill College students have successfully obtained this scholarship in the past. For more details visit www.ruralchances.org.au or email info@youthrivevic.org.au

Feel free to talk with Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Hedt or Mrs. Sampson if you need any assistance.

Secondary Parent/Teacher Interviews

Secondary Parent/Teacher interview bookings can be completed using Compass and are now open.

7-12 interviews are on Monday, 14th October.

If parents login to Compass using a computer, you can click on the Community (people) icon and select Conferences.  If you are logged in via the app, press the menu up the top left, select Conferences, and then follow the prompts.  In both cases, you should see a list of teachers, as well as their available times.

If you have difficulty making a booking, please contact the College for assistance.

Staff Room Allocations for Secondary Parent/Teacher Interviews

Room H1            Mrs J. Kube               

Room H2            Mrs. R. Clark              

Room H3            Miss C. Foulds             Mrs K. Winkler   

Room H4            Miss B. Roantree

Room H5            Miss V. Bonnell   

Room H6            Miss C. Bates     

Room H8            Miss L. Tink

Room H10          Mrs L. Coughlan

Room H11          Mr W. Pilgrim

Room H12          Mr A. Jokantas

Room H13          Mr F. Cunningham       

Front Office         Mrs A. Cole

Front Office        Mr J. Shrive

Front Office        Mr P. Hedt

Principal’s Office  Mr M. Zimmermann

A.P. Office          Mrs K. Magrath

  •  Please be aware that Mrs Toet, Miss Schneider, Miss King, Mrs Dufty, Mrs Trenery and Mrs Hedt are unavailable.

Access to Nhill College Newsletter

If you are reading this, you obviously have access to the school newsletter.  However, some families have asked how grandparents or community members can stay in touch with the school when they don't have access to Compass.  The answer is that anyone can access the school's newsletter through the College website: www.nhillcollege.vic.edu.au.  Please advise any family, friends or interested members of the wider community, that the newsletter is the main source of information from the school and that it is available to anyone who would like to read it.  Spread the word!

Student Absences

Regular attendance at school is extremely important to the social and academic development of all children.  It is a Department requirement that parents contact the school each day their child is absent.  Any unauthorised absences currently trigger an SMS via Compass at 9.45am each morning to notify parents that their child is not at school.  If a parent receives such an SMS, it is requested that they contact the school as soon as possible to provide a reason for their child’s absence.  This can be done by entering an explanation directly onto Compass via the app installed on your phone, or by calling the College on 53912111.  (Please note that the Skoolbag app is no longer being used by the school to communicate messages.)  In an effort to further reduce the rate of unauthorised absences being recorded at Nhill College, office staff will follow up with a phone call if a response to the SMS has not been received by 10.45am on the day of each absence. 

Canteen Menu Term 4 2019



Compass Parent Fact Sheet and FAQs


Secondary Basketball

It's that time of the year again.  Secondary basketball will start on Monday 14th October and registration night will be held on Monday 7th October at the stadium after school.  If you would like a basketball note please go to the front office or ask Jayson Brown, Ebony Rintoule, Adam Zimmermann or Dylan Cole for one.  Basketball notes need to be handed into the office or handed to Jayson, Ebony, Adam or Dylan by Friday 20th September 2019 (last day of school).

NICO (pictured left) guarding the fete prize of a 10KG block of chocolate. It's not too late to buy a ticket.

Community News and Events

NHILL SHOW DAY Thursday Oct 17th


The Nhill Drama Group, Piggery Lane Players, warmly invites friends and families from Nhill College to their upcoming pantomime, Captain Hook’s Revenge, a fun-filled play. in which Captain Hook plots his revenge on Peter Pan, with the help of a crocodile and a poisoned cake.

There is a special matinee performance at 2pm on Saturday 19th October with an evening show at 7.30pm. Tickets are available at Amber’s Sweet Bliss, or at the door. $15 adults; $10 students; pre-schoolers free.

Students from Nhill College will thoroughly enjoy seeing Miss Bates, Miss Smith and Bu Kube in their larger than life roles. Which one of these, do you think, is the punk fairy? And which one is the delightfully bossy Dotty Darling? Who is the old crone of the hill?

Not to be missed, our very own Zara Clark is making her debut as a Piggery Lane performer, on track to enchant the audience as Wendy, Dotty Darling’s daughter, and someone in whom Peter Pan takes a special interest.

A number of young performers will be paving the way for Act 2.  Hugo Dufty, Addison Mason, Matilda Prenzler, Imogene Hedt and Tori Dodds will steal hearts as they take the stage during the matinee performance.

Mrs McQueen has created and sourced amazing costumes, with the pirates and redskins ready to fire up the imaginations of both young and old. Mrs Grover has put together sound effects and Mrs King will be keeping everyone on track in her role as prompt.

Former students (some very former): Jessica Mason, Stephanie and Will Lynch, Lachie Wilde, Jake Gebert, Jack Crowhurst, Marlo Driscoll and Anna Higgins, are all playing key roles. The sets, designed by director, Matt Sherwell, are out of this world! They alone would be worth coming to see.

Check out the Piggery Lane Players Facebook page for updates and performer profiles. Can’t wait to see everyone there.