Our brilliant Traffic Warden on Pearson, Lyndsay, met with the school to congratulate the children on the way they show great respect and manners when using the crosswalk. He wanted to also reiterate the importance of ensuring the children continue to listen to his instructions and whistle so they are kept very safe when crossing this super busy road. Great to see the the children demonstrating the 'Churchland's Way'.
We are beginning to move closer to the development of stages 2 and 3 of our outdoor creative environments; 1 being the frog/bog pond near the library (extension to the Creative Play/learning Space) and 2 creative active play stations around the school oval. Mrs. Samsa has been the driving force with the Frog habitat and we have begun working with Mandy Bamford (Zoologist) and her team to begin the planning for this. Mandy has worked with the school for a number of years and helped the children with the design and understanding of frog habitats.
The parent/teacher focus group has met to begin research and drafting designs/costing for developing further our active play spaces around parts of the oval. This will help to expand play opportunities and support the building of gross and fine motor skills, balance skills, and increase their physical exercise opportunities. Children have begun to have an input with their ideas and designs, with the wish list of swimming pools, archery and skate parks very popular!! Once we have ideas and a general plan we will be seeking your feedback and offers of assistance for some aspects of the building of some areas.
None of this could happen without the amazing support of our P & C, families, and staff; it truly is a shared focus on providing greater opportunities for our children.
There has been an increase in children coming to school with flu-like symptoms. We encourage all parents to please keep your child home if they are unwell. This helps to reduce the spread of germs. We continue to educate the children about good hygiene; wash/disinfect their hands, cough into their sleeves, and avoid touching their face.
Reports will be going out on Monday 28 June electronically. Please let the administration office know if you have changed your email address or wish to add both parents onto our system if they are not on already. If you have any concerns or issues, please make an appointment with your child’s class teacher. If you would like to have a meeting with your child’s teacher at any time throughout the year, it would be appreciated if you could please contact your child’s teacher to arrange a meeting time. This allows the teacher to give you their full attention. Trying to discuss any issues or concerns at drop-off is very difficult.