Broken Hill North Public School

Newsletter No. 4 - 1 March 2021

From the Principal

Our first Adopt A Block drop occurred last Thursday and it was great to see our kids out and about touching base and connecting with our neighbours. It is our opportunity to spread some goodwill and it’s always nice to get positive feedback from our community through the phone calls and letters.


The weather gods definitely didn’t smile on us for our swimming carnival but we got through it very efficiently – thank you all. It was nice to be able to have our parents and families share in the event, albeit at a distance. Congratulations to Kobi Woods who broke 2 records on the day! Our small team of 6 will represent us on Tuesday at the Broken Hill/Barrier Carnival.


We are currently going through the process of developing our school’s strategic improvement plan which will drive our direction for the next 4 years. From our self- assessment processes and departmental expectations, we will be focussing on 3 strategic directions –


  • Student growth & attainment
  • Our well-being and
  • Teaching & learning

    Within each of these strategic directions there will be 2 major focus areas and ongoing activities to improve what we do and impact on our students learning and wellbeing.


    Current guidelines re COVID-19:  Keep an eye on this space as things are likely to change week by week, particularly with the Victorian lock down in place.


    COVID Safe Check-in

    Signage at each entry point explains the expectations and processes currently in place. 


    Please remain outside the school grounds during

    drop off and pick up times.

    Remember to practice social distancing at all times.

    Should you need to come in –

    1.                  Check in using QR code & then

    2.                  Sign into office.             


    Our student leadership groups have been elected and the SRC Induction assembly will be held this Friday 5 March from 10.25am. Many thanks to our patron, Mrs Gaiter for her support of this process. The student leadership group follows –

    School Captains -            Emmanuel Wild & Dakota Pettitt

    Vice Captains -                 Kobi Woods & Shreena Gajjar


    Class Representatives


    K-6 C             Cameron Fauser

    K-6 D             Abby Donohue

    K-6 R             Makayla Devlin

    2 M                 Olivia Hampton, Patrick Aeschlimann

    2-3 P              Cooper Pettitt, Lily-May Linnett

    3-4 K              Eva Wasley, Konnor Ali

    3-4 S              Eoin Simmons, Connor Druitt

    3-6 L              Blayze Devlin, Jensen Rowbotham

    4-5 M             Mylee Pettitt, Clementine Schultz

    5-6 G              Matt Molloy, Maddie Mullins

    5-6 VW         Siarn Brady, Eli Ahearn

    House Representatives


    Kalthi             Captains                  Joshua Austin, Samuel Harvey

                            Vice captains          Shaelee Calder, Georgia Kennedy


    Thalta            Captains                  Eliza Brooks, Marcus Spencer

                           Vice captains          Joshua Reardon, Maddison Pollard


    Parna            Captains                  Dylan Barlow, Addie Schultz

                           Vice captains          Isaac Chavez Slater, Mason Pettitt


    One of our major and ongoing professional learning activities we have in place is HOW2Learn which is a research-based package aimed at increasing our teaching skills and improving outcomes for our students. Each week I will endeavour to propose aspects of mindsets and challenge you to take it into consideration in your role as parents / carers.



    Fixed Mindset

    I need to prove myself

    Change to

    Growth Mindset

    I try to improve myself

    Which mindset is most likely to result in learning? Change the words, change the mindset!

    Attendance Snapshot

    Term 1 Week 5

    Target 91%

    Actual – 88.17%


    K FK-1 MK-6 CK-6 DK-6 R1 H2 M

    2-3 P3-4 K3-4 S3-6 L4-5 M5-6 G5-6 VW

     Pretty sure our swimming carnival impacted significantly on this week's data

    Classes of the Week

    Raise Responsibility Class Points ( > 90% ) – K F, K-1 M, K-6 C, K-6 D, K-6 R,1 H, 2 M, 2-3 P, 3-4 S, 3-6 L, 4-5 M, 5-6 G & 5-6 VW

    100% Green students – K-6 C, K-6 D,  3-4 K & 4-5 M

     Attendance – K-6 C another 100% week

     100% attendees – 165 students attended every day this week. 


    This week's Superstar is Patrick Aeschlimann in 2 M. Patrick is a considerate student who tries his best and loves to learn. 


    This week's Legend is Dakota Pettitt in 5-6 VW. Dakota is a delightful student who is always willing to step up and help in any way. 

    Class Awards


    Merit AwardLearning Power
    K FLucas O'Loughlin, Hannah Lingard, Maddison Staker
    K-1 MIna Schultz, Dean Murphy, Michael Hayward
    K-6 RDeklin Dawson
    1 HCooper Lingard, Zac Johnston, Phoenix Meadows
    2 MPatrick Aeschlimann, Brock Williams 
    2-3 PKatelynn Staker, Jemma Curtis, Aidan Corradini
    3-4 K
    Aspen Reid, Zane Powell, Montana Colley
    3-4 SScarlett Hayes, Eoin Simmons
    5-6 GKarl Etmanok, Maddie Mullins, Isaac Chavez Slater
    Cameron Fauser, Scarlett Fraser, Liam Dawson
    WilliamsTyrelle Harris

    Book Fair

    Our Book Fair will commence on Monday 8th March (next week) in the school library and conclude on Friday 12th March.

    Students will have an opportunity to view books and add titles to their wish list before bringing the list home.

    Library lesson viewing days are as follows

    Monday               K-6 D, K F, K-6C

    Tuesday              5-6 G, 4-5 M, 3-4 S, 3-4 K, 2-3 P

    Wednesday        5-6 VW, K-6 R, 3-6 L

    Thursday            2 M, 1 H, K-1 M

    Students may purchase books during these times

    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning                   8:30 – 9:00

    Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon                                3:00 – 3:30

    Parents may wish to make a credit card payment online, completing the back page of their child’s wish list and returning it with their child. The relevant books will then be supplied.

    Swimming Carnival

    Community Notices

    Broken Hill North Public School

    Our school prides itself on providing all students with a broad education and the ability to achieve.