St Bernadette's Primary School Dundas Valley

Newsletter 2021 Term 2 Week 10


Dear families of St Bernadette's

Welcome to week 10! 

Thank you for your continued support in our ever-changing covid requirements during this week. Our Parent Teacher interviews have run very smoothly and I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the teachers for their hard work in preparation for these meetings.

This last week has seen a number of covid restrictions put in place. We hope you have a lovely break with your children. I for one have some netflix bingeing and a good book on my list of things to do these holidays.

We look forward to seeing you all next term.

Mrs Lisa Gerrard (on behalf of all of the staff and students)

Attendance Rate: 88.1%  - To unpack this a little more, this means that 88.1%  of our students have an attendance rate of 90% -100%. 


The holidays are upon us again and, despite some new COVID restrictions returning, I am sure we are all looking forward to getting out and enjoying some winter sunshine.  While it is cold and windy outside, there is a temptation to huddle inside, all bundled up.  Unfortunately, this can mean increased screen and technology time for our kids.  Now, I am certainly not suggesting that you should shut off technology at home during the holidays! I have three teenagers myself and I know that an idea like that may cause World War III!  I am suggesting time off from technology, for a solid few hours every day. 

As technology is so prevalent these days, it can be hard for children’s brains to get a break from it.  Many parents report that the only time their child is focused is when they are watching the iPad.  This becomes an issue when they come back to the classroom to learn when iPads are not the norm. There has also been an increase in technology being used to subtly condition our children for more adult ideas such as gambling.  By giving our children screen-free time each day - meaning no screens at all, including the TV - we are encouraging their imaginations and fine- and gross-motor skills to develop. 

Lego is still a favourite in the library at lunchtime and younger children love a fresh batch of homemade playdough. Finding a new park or a new bushwalking track is a great way to get kids moving and older children might enjoy challenging you to a handball game, although you must be ready to surrender gracefully!

Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday!

Mrs Willard


Sunday 27 June 2021

REFLECTION by Dianne Bergant CSA

In the gospel, Jesus reaches deep into the world beyond life and rescues a young girl from the jaws of death.  Earlier, he was jostled by the crowd and felt healing power leave him in order to restore an afflicted woman.  Repeating the words of last week’s gospel: Who is this man?  Is this someone with whom we want to become involved?  On the other hand, can we afford not to get involved with him?  This is a man who can lead us to life even in the midst of death.  He is someone who is interested in the well-being of everyone, even those who may not be highly valued by society – women and children, the chronically ill, those who carry the seeds of death within them. 

God's graciousness toward us should prompt us to be generous toward others.  What we receive as life-enhancing gifts, we must share with those in need, those to whom life has not been kind.  As we have been favoured by the healing touch of God, so we must extend that same loving touch to others.  The love of Christ impels us to be openhanded as we approach those in need.  Following Jesus' lead, we must not only give to them, we must also allow them to take from us.  At times this will require that we share material resources; at other times it might mean that our energy will be drained in our service of them.  In all of this, Jesus has set the example for us to follow.

Year 2 Religion - Sacred Scripture

During Term 2, Year 2 students have looked at how the Sacred Scriptures are a ‘way of life’ inspired by the Word of God. Students have explored the purpose of Sacred Scripture and how it relates to their lives. They have considered how it influences their words and actions. Students have come to understand that it is God speaking through Sacred Scripture and inspiring us to build loving relationships. The following photos are in response to the question: How has Sacred Scripture inspired my words and actions?  Here, the children were able to choose their own scripture passage and reflect upon how it inspired them to think and act in their life.

Confirmation 2021

Confirmation this year is for students in year 6 and above who have received the other sacraments of initiation. Lessons begin on 24 June. Confirmation will be on 17 September.

For more information please contact Frances on 0401816389.

Altar Servers' Roster 16 July - 17 September 2021



TERM 3 - Dates for your diary

Important Term Dates 

12/7 - First Day of Term  

12/7 - 15/7 - Years 5 and 6 Parent Teacher Interviews

As a Community of Learners

This week our Stage 3 students have enjoyed a trip to the Great Aussie Bushcamp in Kincumber. Their activities include a mud run, raft building, canoeing and much more. From the reports I receive each day, there is a whole lot of fun being had!

Parent Committee Meeting

Thanks so much to all those who could attend last week. We had a great meeting and we look forward to a number of great events coming up. The minutes were published via skoolbag.

Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Survey

Sincere thanks to all parents who took the time to fill in the Tell Them From Me Survey. We look forward to seeing your feedback in the weeks to come. As we know it takes a village to raise a child. We hope that you consider us a part of your village, as we consider you a vital part of ours.

A New App

I have had a number of parents reporting some dangerous driving in the morning when children are being dropped off at the front of the school. Recently, I had a conversation with our school safety officer from CEDP and she suggested the app Snap, Send, Solve.  Within this app you can photograph and send evidence of these unsafe practises directly to the appropriate governing body. I have tried this a few times and it works!  This works for unsafe road, parking and dumping incidents. This cuts out the delayed reporting and alerts the various people who can assist us in keeping our children safe on their way to and from school.

Our Digital Sign

We would love to advertise events in our community so if you know of an upcoming event please email the details to

Farewell Mrs Sidoti

At the end of this term we say goodbye to Mrs Emma Sidoti. Emma has been studying teaching as you may be aware and as she has completed her course, she has accepted a position at St Madeleine’s Primary School in Kenthurst. This position begins next term. We thank her for all that she has done at St Bernadette’s and wish her all the best in the next part of her career journey.

Don't forget to collect your Bread Tags!

Enrolling now for 2022

We still have a small number of places left in our 2022 Kindergarten. Please send in all relevant information as soon as you can to secure your place.

Happy Birthday

13/6 - Eamon N

17/6 - Isabelle A

23/6 - Cameron B



Community Health Advice

St Bernadettes Primary School

St Bernadette's Primary, Dundas Valley is a community focused, Catholic parish school catering for boys and girls from Kindergarten to Year 6. The school strives to build a Christ-centred community where faith is integrated with daily life. We provide learning and teaching experiences which enable the children to deepen their faith understandings, investigate, solve problems and explore their learning. We recognise the importance of creating a learning environment that provides opportunities to develop 21st century learning. Technology is integrated into the learning at St Bernadette’s in all Key Learning Areas.