Pigeon Post

2020 Volume 4 Issue 8

Acknowledgement of Country...

Connect with Balmain PS...Wonder what's goes on at our school? Follow us on Instagram for daily content, both through posts and stories...

Follow us on Instagram

Keep up with what's happening @ Balmain Public School


IF YOU SEE A COLOURED CIRCLE AROUND OUR EMBLEM, DON'T FORGET TO TAP ON IT, FOR OUR LATEST STORY...you've got to get in quickly, as it disappears after 24 hours!


Enrolling NOW for Kindergarten 2021

Visit our website for more information:


Check here to see if you are in our catchment area:


Our new online enrolment process makes it easier and faster to enrol your child at your local school. To apply online, you must:

  • be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
  • live in the local enrolment area of this school

Apply online here

If you are not eligible to use the online form, or prefer not to, you can download an application to enrol.

Are you leaving us?

Will your child/ren be leaving us at the end of the school year (apart from current Year 6 students)?

If so, please contact the school via balmainps@gmail.com or balmain-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au with Att: Leaving School end 2020, child/'s full name and class. Please also include the name of the new school for administration purposes.

This information will assist us with planning for next year's classes. 

Thank you.

From the Principal

The latest additions to our Balmain family...

When you're 4-and-a-half or just turned 5 years old and expected to go into an unknown place (for the majority), without the support of a known trusted adult, it can be pretty daunting! Evidence shows that it's not so for us!

Balmain Public School prides itself on a transition to school program that will build trust, in a safe and nurturing environment. Normally, groups of 20 of our future Kindergarten students get to immerse themselves in a 5-morning, across one week transition program.

As with much of this year, we've needed to look at the seemingly upside-down world around us through a different lens. Our transition program is no different...we continue to follow the advice from both NSW Health and the NSW Department of Education.

In keeping within the current guidelines, our new-look program now involves a a group of no more than 10 children per day, a check-in via QR code at the gate, a temperature check for the children (that they all admittedly do quite happily, as it's a pre-requisite at preschool), a kiss and a hug from the dropping off grown up, a deep breath and away they go for the next hour or so!

This week has seen the second of a 3-week, 3-session program at our school. It's so impressive to see that our 2021 Kindergarten students are already feeling like they're at home...they have happily entered our gates to experience the wonderful life of kindy at Balmain!

You can check out the post and story highlight on our Insta account:


Maria Lambos - Principal

Our Insta account - 2021 Kindergarten...

Head over to our Insta account...

Important message

End-of-year events and COVID-19 (repeat)

 As you know, we continue to follow the guidelines determined by NSW Health and the NSW Department of Education.

All end-of-year events MUST follow the 4 square metre rule, per the DoE guidelines, ‘...guests will be invited based on the total number of people (this includes staff, students, parents & carer or visitors) who are able to be accommodated under the 4 square metre rule’,  as per https://education.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/advice-for-families#Graduation4

This requirement means we become quite limited with our options:

  • Balmain Town Hall - (traditionally used for our Year 6 Graduation and Celebration of Learning events) - has a capacity of 70 seated
  • School Hall - only has capacity of 28 on floor + 7 on the stage - NOT an option for any event
  • Newly-completed COLA (Covered Outdoor Learning Area) in playground - capacity of 47 undercover 

As there is no local venue, including the school, that can accommodate the various combinations for either the graduation, or Celebration of Learning, the school has had to make adjustments, whilst adhering to the guidelines:

  • Year 6 Graduation - Monday 14 December - students only
  • Celebration of Learning - via special edition eNewsletter, to be published Wednesday 16 December

We would like to acknowledge that this is not, by any means, our preference on how we had envisioned the celebration of our students and their achievements, however, our main priority is to celebrate our students as a school, whilst adhering to the DoE’s mandatory guidelines.

Thank you for your ongoing understanding and support during unprecedented times.


Repeat message...

We are so grateful to our fabulous community for your ongoing support of our students, staff and school!

We are reaching the time year where many of our students and families like to show a token of their appreciation, by giving teachers and staff an end-of-year ‘thank you’ gift. Please know that this kind gesture is neither necessary, nor expected.

The staff are very appreciative of your generosity, however, as per the Department of Education’s ‘Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Procedures’, the token of appreciation must adhere to the following:

  • Value – up to $50 ONLY per student
  • NO cash or negotiable instruments such as cash vouchers, ‘pre-paid cash’ and ‘EFTPOS’ cards, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), shares or money orders
  • Gift cards are acceptable as a gift of gratitude, as they considered non-cash vouchers that must be used at specific retailers and cannot be converted to cash – a gift card cannot exceed $50 per student
  • Alcohol – MUST NOT exceed a value of $50

From the Office

How can we be of assistance today?

If you are coming to the school for collections or information, please use the office window on Eaton Street where we have our friendly Duck, named “Bill”, hanging out the window. Bill can alert us to your presence and help us to help you with your requests.

If your family details, circumstances have changed, ie: address, mobile numbers, separations, court orders etc, could you kindly email the school so records can be updated. This will ensure correct people are contacted and all relevant information is passed on correctly.

Please remember that if you are collecting your child early for an appointment or dropping them off, please ensure you allow extra time for your child to be located and brought down to the office.

If you are experiencing financial difficulty, please contact the office, or Mrs Lambos, to arrange alternate options.



Go to www.flexischools.com.au to place your order

For any food/menu queries please feel free to contact us directly via email :


Alternatively, you can call Kirsty on 0416 786 603 and we will be happy to assist.

Kirsty and Jason Feliciotto – The School Canteen

Friday 11 Dec - Year 6 Day Out

Monday 14 Dec - Salvation Army Giving Assembly

In line with NSW Health and NSW Department of Education guidelines, the 2 senator representatives form each class will attend the Salvation Army Giving Assembly.

Monday 14 Dec - Year 6 Graduation - 10am

Year 6 students only

Monday 14 Dec - Semester 2 Reports go home

Wednesday 16 Dec - Celebration of Learning


Wednesday 16 Dec - LAST DAY OF TERM/YEAR

2021 DATES

Friday 29 January 2021 - Students in Years 1-6 return

ALL students in Years 1-6 return today.

2021 Kindergarten students - 'Best Start' Assessment sessions commence today, run over 3 days. Bookings required...information to follow.

Wednesday 3 February 2021 - Kindergarten starts today!

For a good cause...

Odin Cares...

Are you able to support Odin with his mission?

Pyrmont Cares Inc...

Pyrmont Cares Inc. (PCI) is a registered charity with deductible gift recipient status, that aims to help relieve poverty across greater Sydney by providing household goods, furniture and whitegoods to those in greatest need. We focus on the sustainability and environmental impact of our activities.

Fore more information, visit:


Hair one day, gone the next...

$2530 raised for Pancreatic Cancer - well done, Mac...your Grandfather would be so proud!


Balmain P&C Welcomes 2021 Families...

Our P&C have created a Facebook group for our new families...here's the link:


School Uniforms

Order uniform items here

For any size exchanges, please:

1. Email the uniform stall with the details of the exchange, at: balmainpsuniforms@gmail.com

2. Return the items to be exchanged to the school office, clearly marked with Student name, Class and EXCHANGE

3. Replacement items will be packed and re-delivered to your child's classroom

Orders will continue to be packed and delivered for collection each week, until we are able to reopen the stall.

Thank you!



K GumnutPoppy Bbeing a fabulous reader!
K JasmineGabriel Rhis enthusiasm and love of learning, designing, constructing and painting a volcano!
K KaleSophie Gworking incredibly hard on her cloze passage during Literacy groups!
1/2 Banana PalmTom Rhis impressive focus and engagement in our persuasive writing activity
1/2 CactaceaeSaoirse McCworking her hardest every single day
1/2 LavenderAlex Salways being supportive and thoughtful to all his peers
1/2 MangroveMatthew Xhis patience and kindness when working with peers during group tasks
3/4 BambooHugo H-Scontinuously outstanding effort in class and his learning
3/4 MagnoliaZac Shis perseverance across all learning areas and an enthusiastic attitude
3/4 RainforestCormac Khis enthusiastic and diligent approach to learning
5/4 MarigoldGiuditta Bdisplaying incredible confidence during Reader's Theatre
5/6 Cherry BlossomMac Fhis improved focus and attention in class
5/6 FrangipaniLucas Yhis attentiveness and high levels of effort
5/6 WillowTim Whis steady, focused approach to any and all tasks
5/6 YautiaWairua Sshowing initiative and effectively using his time, during our 'Hack the Crisis' challenge
STEAM K-2 - Ms BarcenillaArwen J 1/2Mher consistent high efforts during group learning
STEAM 3-6 - Ms BarcenillaMatilda R 5/6Cbeautifully executing her designs into 3D digital models

YOU CAN DO IT! awards - Persistence

K GumnutEmily Kher excellent effort and concentration in all subject areas
K JasmineOscar Lalways working collaboratively during investigations
K KaleNicholas Mhis rockstar effort and control of his letter heights during handwriting
1/2 Banana PalmRose Wher persistence in Maths when taking on feedback to complete her graphing activity
1/2 CactaceaeHarvey This dedication to all learning tasks
1/2 LavenderEllie Sher hard work and persistence during challenging tasks
1/2 MangroveLachlan Halways contributing interesting ideas about texts when reading with the teacher
3/4 BambooKerttu Jpersistence and fearlessness in her approach to learning
3/4 MagnoliaZara Rworking effectively in a team during Geography
3/4 RainforestLiya Gpersistently giving school her very best
5/4 MarigoldKyann Rhis improved persistence in applying himself at school
5/6 Cherry BlossomZoe Aher persistence and tenacity to overcome challenges
5/6 FrangipaniHayley McFher dedication and willingness to ignore distractions
5/6 WillowSylvie Dher focus and dedication during our Hack Day Challenge
5/6 YautiaOliver Hhis persistent effort and improved confidence, throughout the gymnastics program


Thanks to Ms Karstrom, who organises the collection and distribution of the Gelatissimo ice-creams, as well as takes the fab photos!

PHOTO GALLERY: This Week's Positive Pete Winners

And the winner is...(drumroll please!)

Spotlight on...


Welcome to a week in K Jasmine!

Over the last few days we have been writers imagining adventure stories and scientists developing procedures to erupt volcanos.

We have been architects building giant marble runs, and inventors designing ways to help our new friend from the North Pole (Keep reading for more information!)

This week Kindergarten were startled to discover an uninvited visitor!

Our new elf friend ‘Starlight’ was en route from the North Pole when a roof hanging left her in a ‘knot’.

Kindergarten evaluated Starlight’s circumstances and invented a variety of ways to help set her free!

Creations included a lasso from Amber, a fireman pole from James and even a set of tiny stairs from Oscar!

Some friends thought Starlight may require cheering up after her less than perfect landing. Cara, Skye and Macy welcomed Starlight with some kind letters. While Maylea used her creative talents to paint our new friend a watercolour picture.

Our classroom architects Alec, William and Oli N worked collaboratively to measure and create a giant marble run which Starlight may like to use while she is visiting.

Our friend’s visit started conversations and our imaginations began to run wild. We daydreamed all of the mysterious places an elf might visit. Oli H wrote an adventure story about all of the animals in the North Pole which Starlight would look after. Rayson wrote about a magic place with dinosaurs, elves and huge green Christmas trees. Both Julie and Ivy envisioned Starlight in a princess kingdom with sparkles and flowers!

PHOTO GALLERY - Introducing Starlight!


In Kindergarten, we love to take on and follow the interests of our students. When our friend Gabe brought in a model volcano that he made with his family, we knew we would have some exciting work ahead of us!

After our volcano had erupted we discussed what we knew about volcanos, we googled live volcanos around the world and then created procedures on how to create a volcano at home!



Learning in motion! The marvellous Ms Barcenilla has been teaching us all about robots. During our STEAM sessions, we have been learning how to add instructions, and direct our small Beebot robots around the classroom.


Giving Tree...

This festive season, K Jasmine have been speaking about how we can lift each other up. We’ve been reading books such as, “All the ways to be smart” by Davina Bell and are enjoying doing small acts of kindness wherever possible. Decorating our “Giving Tree” box with beautiful memories of our own family Christmases has been a huge hit!

Nico in KG explains how he's going to get Starlight the Elf down...

Head over to Insta (and make sure your sound is on)...


Directions in Music...


The Balmain PS Instrumental Program is a vibrant and fun program, where every student has an opportunity to learn an instrument in a supportive and collaborative setting. Our experienced music teachers from Directions In Music specialise in teaching primary school instrumental music programs, and we are excited to be welcoming our newest young musicians to join our program in 2021!

Learning a musical instrument is a wonderful skill for young people to have, and provides many rewarding benefits to a child’s development. Most importantly, playing music with our friends is fun!

If you are interested in enrolling your child in the 2021 Balmain PS Music Program, please use the QR code or link below to register online.


Alternatively, please call the Directions in Music team to enrol on 9662 2211.

2021 Band & Strings Enrolment Form...


Top Note Music...


Contact us

Celebrating 160 years of quality public education in 2020!