Scotts Head Public School Newsletter

Term 4 | Week 5 | 3 November 2021

Principals Column

Dear Parents and Carers

This week our local Nambucca Valley LGA has reported positive Covid cases which may indirectly impact some of our families.

If there is any urgent Covid 19 information for parents and carers regarding our school and events of positive exposure the news will be distributed to parents by email and on Class Dojo. Could I please remind all families to ensure their current email address provided to the school is accurate. You can email the school with an updated email address or send a message to a teacher via Class Dojo. Thanks in advance for your vigilance.

Please follow the link below to access is the most recent Covid information from NSW Health. This is an informative guide for parents and carers in the event there is a close contact of COVID-19 occurring and differing scenarios depending on your individual circumstances.

Gumbaynggirr Language Virtual Return

On Monday our students were able to access their Gumbaynggirr Language class online. Students were able to work with expert Gumbaynggirr Language teacher Ricky Buchanan through Microsoft Teams via the Comm Box and interact with Ricky in real time. Ricky shared an informative Gumbaynggirr animal name powerpoint and students welcomed this virtual return of Gumbaynggirr language. This way of provision will continue every Monday lunchtime until the end of term. Our students are privileged to connect with Ricky and continue to access education that celebrates and recognises the oldest living culture of humanity while gaining a deeper understanding of Aboriginal ways of being, knowing, thinking and doing.

Daily Fitness

Our whole school continues to enthusiastically complete fitness stations in their peer groups for 15 minutes first thing each morning changing activities daily. Every student is displaying self-motivation to progress on their personal fitness levels while connecting each morning to our outdoor learning environment. These circuits are an efficient way to get students active in a limited time. Five different stations combine fitness with muscular endurance and flexibility, which provide space for children to try new moves and activities and allowing them to discover personal strengths and areas of growth. All students are supported within their Peer Group combining social and emotional motivation to branch out and participate in new activities while developing greater self-confidence.

Colour Fun Run

It’s just two weeks until our School Fun Run - Crazy Colour Day! We have raised $4,506.70 so far which is incredible, so please keep up all the amazing fundraising.

To everyone that has raised funds – THANK YOU. For anyone that has not yet, we would love for you to consider doing so before time runs out. To create a fundraising profile page, simply go to Your child will be bringing home a letter with more details regarding the day later this week, so please keep an eye out for it.

Check out this crazy Colour Fun Run video

Community Sports Award

We are asking for nominations from any senior students who would like to be considered for our end of year "Community Sports Award". Nomination forms are available from the office which will provide an opportunity for students to highlight their achievements in sport. All student nominations will then be put before a panel to be assessed.

Farewell Santai

Last Thursday afternoon our whole school celebrated Santai’s last day at our school in Year 6 by forming an arch of honour with Santai proudly exiting. Santai has been at Scotts Head Public School since Kindergarten, and he will be missed by all students especially his Buddy Ezekiel.

Santai and Inaya have been selected to be part of the cast for a new movie “Ticket to Paradise”, which will be filmed in North Queensland. We wish them both well and can’t wait to watch our Scotts Head superstars on the big screen.

Mrs B - Relieving Principal

Our School Values

School News

This Week's Award Winners

Spotlight on Indonesian

This term Pak Mur is starting up his performance groups again! Over the next few weeks, he will be running rehearsals on Wednesdays from 2-3pm for a girls dance, a boys dance and a singing group. It is great to see the focus and teamwork involved as the more experienced students help teach the newer students. This is a great opportunity for students to participate in an engaging cultural activity in small groups and prepare for future performances. Meanwhile every class will also be learning a new dance routine from Pak Mur which will be used for a whole-school flash mob to appear sometime soon…

In class with Bu Emi, Stage 2 students are developing their awareness of environmental issues and Indonesian language at the same time through an integrated unit about plastic pollution. So far, they have discussed the 3 Rs, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and also looked at how long it takes for different items of waste to break down in the environment. They even got their hands ‘dirty’ playing ‘rubbish races’, where teams competed to sort real items for re-use, recycling, compost and rubbish.  Students selected their 3 top tips to reduce plastic waste and designed a poster in Indonesian to share their tips. Later in the term we hope to put our learning into action and make a positive difference to reduce plastic pollution in our local community.

Bu Emi

NAILA People's Choice Award 2021

Bu Emi has entered  the NAILA Competition, go to the following link to show your support. Voting closes on 26 November 2021.

World Teacher's Day

World Teacher's Day was celebrated on Friday 29 October. Students from Year 3/4 wrote some acrostic poems to celebrate the teachers at Scotts Head Public School.  

Parent Information

Upcoming Events:

Term 4

Monday 8 Nov: Little Whales (Drop off at Back Gate)

Friday 12 Nov: School Fun Run - Crazy Colour Day!

Thursday 16 Dec: Last day of Term

Scotts Head Junior Cricket

Little Athletics!

We’re Back!!!!!

Little A’s will commence on Friday 5 November at Scotts Head oval.

Unfortunately, we do have to follow NSW Health orders so only Tiny Tots to 15’s whose parents/guardians are Double Vaccinated and those 16+ who are Double Vaccinated may attend to start with. We are so sorry for the split start. Hopefully from 1 December all will be allowed to attend!!!

Pinned to the top of our Facebook Page is the new registration link, please ring me if you have any problems!!

Remember, if this is your first try of Little Athletics you may come and try for 2 x nights before you need to register!!!

Our season is going to be shortened rather dramatically (we would normally start in August and finish in February), however due to such a late start we will hopefully continue through to March (weather pending!) but that still means we don’t have as many competition nights as usual.

If you would like to talk to me about any of this please call me - Sam 0432 337 301!


NSW Health - Go4Fun

Our Murals

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