Kotara South Public School Newsletter

Wednesday 17th November 2021 | Week 7 | Term 4

From the Principal

Our students are very engaged in learning. We are heavily focusing on literacy and numeracy subjects as we busily prepare for the of end of year reporting to parents. Student reports will be available through the Sentral Parent Portal on Friday 10 December. The Reports will reflect your child’s achievements in English, Mathematics and other subject areas - this is a different format to our regular reports due to the Learning From Home time. This will also be reflected in the comments. There is no A-E grade achievement as per the Dept of Educations (DoE) and NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) policy for reporting in Semester 2 2021. If your child is in year 6, or you are leaving KSPS, please be sure to download and save all reports as once you leave our school there is no access via the Sentral Parent Portal.


In the past three weeks, our whole school have been focusing on who their Go2 teacher is in our school. The Go2 strategy is part of School Improvement Plan Strategic direction #3- Wellbeing. ‘Go2’ is the prompt we use to remind students to ask for help, go to a teacher/adult and share a problem, discuss solutions, check -in and let them know how you feel. We want every child in our school to know that there are at least 3 adults that they can Go2 each day if they need help. Our KSPS kids are known, valued, and cared for in our school. 


Leadership speeches for 2022 Leadership team are being delivered on Thursday. We are very proud of our candidates, and we wish them the very best of luck as they deliver their speeches. Once finished, each child and staff member cast 1 vote for 3 girls and 3 boys. The positions they are voting for are: boy and girl School Captain, boy and girl Vice Captain and boy and girl Prefect. We wish them the very best of luck to all candidates.


Last Friday on our webinar assembly Mrs Ward announced some very exciting news. This was that each child in our school will be attending and end of year stage excursion.

This excursion is free of charge for all students as a thank you and end of year fun activity displaying our gratitude  for all the hard work and resilience throughout 2021.  I do remind boys and girls that this is a privilege to attend, and their behaviour must continue to be of a high standard. Students will be given 2 warnings, then parents will be called to notify them of the circumstances. On the third warning the child will not attend the excursion. A 3 strike rule ensures that the students who attend the excursion have a happy and safe day. Self-control, self-regulation and following rules and routines on a daily basis is how to stay on track and enjoy the end of year fun.

Each of these excursions have an electronic permission note. Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 permission is through the Sentral parent portal, Stage 2, Stage 3 and Year 6 fun day permission is through a Microsoft Form. Please make sure you read all information carefully. A Skoolbag post will be sent today with the links and with the information at the top of the form, the date, time, what they need to bring etc and at the bottom of the form is where you fill in the details and press submit. By submitting you give permission for your child to attend the excursion. We understand parents are busy people, so click and sign permissions straight away so you don’t forget.  We cannot ring parents individually the day of the excursion to get permissions.  Teachers do not want student to miss out, but the responsibility is to the parents to ensure permissions are submitted online. We will not be accepting written or verbal permission and if we have not received permission by the due date your child will remain at school on excursion day. 


Recently, we have had several students who are arriving at school late- that is, after the 8:55am bell. Lateness is recorded on your child absences via Sentral. This can be viewed in the Parent Portal. When students are late to school of a morning, this prohibits boys and girls following the morning routines of putting their bag up, putting a lunch order in, meeting up with friends and making connections with other children for the day. Coming into school late, the classes are already at their desks learning and it is an awkward situation for your child to enter the class late. The school gates are open from 8:30 onwards and we remind parents that being at school on time every day is a very important way for students to connect with learning, friends and reach their potential.


Last Wednesday evening I attended the P & C meeting where many items were discussed. Since then our P & C have received some wonderful news with a successful grant application. More information will be shared once the finer details are confirmed.  A big congratulations to the team of grant writers. In 2022, I urge all parents in our school to become part of the P & C, even if it is to just to attend a meeting once a term and be informed. Making connections to other parents and carers is a wonderful way to have a broader knowledge of what is happening in your child’s school.


Air conditioning:  as we come into the summer months, it is with great pleasure that I announce our classrooms air conditioners are now working in rooms. These air conditioners operate via room sensors, keeping the room at 22deg. They can both cool and heat the room and have a ‘one button’ 2 hr on/off mechanism that are quietly run in the rooms. Window exhaust fans pull fresh air into rooms continually throughout the operation time. During the remainder of the year, we will continue to have our windows and doors open for air flow to meet the COVID health recommendations for school


Check the website, a lot of items coming up in a short time.


Kindergarten Orientation was held today, and it was such a pleasure to see our incoming Kinders for 2022 meet their buddies, play and explore our school. Can I say a big congratulations to all parents /carers on the happy and confident manner in which the children entered the school, went with their teachers and played with new friends. This builds such resilience and confidence when they have a safe and known environment to grow and learn. Our Kinder orientation and playgroup sessions will continue for week 7,8 and 9 with Orientation Wednesdays and Playgroup on Fridays. Coming twice a week will be such a confidence builder and our new Kinders will be ready to go on 2 February 2022. Thanks again parents. Please keep an eye on the Skoolbag notices for further information about our Kinder programs for 2022.


Our year 6 students continue to have transition programs running. On Thursday, teachers from KHS will again come to KSPS to meet and greet with students and teachers and delver the teaching modules of G.E.M: gratitude, empathy and mindfulness.  This is part of KHS well being program for all students.  The 6 to 7 high school Transition Day has been set for students. Our year 6 students will attend KHS on Friday 10 December all day. All year 6 parents are strongly encouraged to monitor Skoolbag notices for further information regarding this day.


This week, all classes have been having a ‘hat blitz’. We are now in the warmer months of the year and fully back into the swing of school life. Wearing a hat is part of our school uniform and every child must have a school hat for play and outdoor learning. If your child needs a new hat, please place and uniform order with our P & C unfirm shop. No hat, no play- your child will have to be in a shaded area.

Sue Maxworthy | PRINCIPAL

Kindergarten Orientation Play Session #1

We had a wonderful morning at the first Kindergarten Orientation Play Session this morning.  Our 2022 Kindy students met their teachers as well as the office staff.  They also played with blocks and puppets, read books and met their buddies!  It was a wonderful morning and we look forward to seeing them again on Friday for our weekly playgroup session.


Stage 3 News


Our 12 candidates for the executive during 2022 will present their speeches tomorrow. Classes will watch from their classrooms, with our Year 5 students as the live audience. Voting will take place throughout the day and we wish all of our candidates the very best, we are proud of you. 


The 2022 Year 7 advisor (Ms Johnson) and assistant advisor (Mr Goodwin) will be visiting our school to lead a workshop linked to the KHS GEM program. This is yet another opportunity for students to continue get to know the staff at KHS.


Please send your RSVP through SkoolBag if your child will be attending the Year 6 Farewell on Thursday 2nd December. This event will be hosted at the school.


Learning & Support @KSPS


All teachers and staff at KSPS are very aware of the particular challenges facing our students and community, not only during the lock downs but also throughout the transition back to a ‘new normal’. At KSPS we are supporting students and each other with a common focus and emphasis on building resilience. This resilience focus includes a common vocabulary which promotes the following;

  • Forming supportive relationships
  • Displaying Independence and responsibility
  • Regulating emotions
  • Accepting challenges

Encouraging positive friendships with peers and teacher’s developing a rapport with students are key to forming supportive relationships. Independence and responsibility are promoted through our class agreements which were signed by students and parents at the beginning of the year and are regularly referred to in the classroom and playground. Students are provided with strategies to develop their skills in regulating emotions and we often refer to these strategies as the student’s ‘Tool Kit’. Having high expectations of our students and encouraging them to accept challenges occurs on a daily basis and includes encouraging them to walk into school independently, challenging their personal learning goals and using strategies to problem solve.

Learning for children is strengthened when it is consistent between home and school - this is no different for the development of the skills of resilience. Students will benefit from a consistent approach at home where the focus is on supportive relationships, independence and responsibility, regulating emotions and accepting challenges.

Source: Beyond Blue Support Service SUPPORT. ACTION. ADVICE.



Parents/ Carers who are accessing support for their child from external professionals including; psychologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, vision and hearing are strongly encouraged to email reports to the Learning and Support Team via the school email address. These reports often contain valuable suggestions for support and adjustments which can form the basis of a consistent approach between home and school.

These reports are treated with confidentiality and are made available to relevant stakeholders only. If you are unsure of whether or not you have already provided reports to the school, please contact your child’s class teacher who can advise you of this. Please also be aware that in order for the school to directly contact your external provider, we must have an exchange of information permission note signed by the parent/carer.

Sometimes external providers request that an assessment or checklist be completed by the classroom teacher - please provide these requests in writing to the school email address (attention: Learning and Support Team) and allow up to 14 days for the assessment to be completed. If you are considering accessing external provider support during school hours, please contact me to set up a time to discuss this with Mrs Maxworthy. Please see further information about our procedures for external providers on our website - Supporting our students -- Wellbeing -- External Providers. 


A Girl's Guide to Starting High School

Are you worried about your daughter starting high school?​

​Do you want to give her tools that will help her become more confident and resilient when things are tough?


Counsellor Corner

How to help manage big emotions

Being able to manage our own emotions may seem like a simple task at first glance, but it’s actually quite complex for young people. It involves understanding your feelings, managing stress, using coping strategies at the appropriate times, problem-solving through challenges, and knowing when to ask for help. Young people don’t always know exactly how to manage those feelings, which is why it is important for adults to provide support along the way.


Big Emotions, Big Behaviours

Anger, worry, fear, shame, frustration, embarrassment, confusion, and even excitement. These are just a few big feelings that young people might need to cope with on any given day.

When a young person is struggling, we usually don’t see the emotion at first. We see the challenging behaviours. This might include acting in aggressive ways such as yelling, pushing, kicking or biting. Other times this might look like work refusal, avoidance and refusing to follow directions. We might also see withdrawal or irritability. When we see a young person acting out in negative ways, this could be a cue that they need some support.

Teach Skills When Calm

Everyone is going to struggle with managing emotions from time to time. It’s normal and healthy. With that said, some young people are going to need a bit more support than others. It is important to teach these skills proactively when they are calm.



The most important technique when a young person is struggling with emotions is to actively listen to them. This means giving distraction-free attention to them and really hearing them out. It helps to remain judgement free while they are expressing their emotions. Try to avoid taking over the conversation. Instead, ask prompting questions that might help them share more information about how they are feeling and what they need. Sometimes, this can take a while, but if you chat long enough, valuable information is almost always given. Sometimes, we all just need to be heard. A few prompts for starting the conversation might include:

  • “What’s going on?”
  • “I noticed you’re struggling with ______ today. What’s up?”
  • “Talk to me. How are you feeling?”
  • “Let’s chat”
  • “How would you rate how you’re feeling from 0-10?”


Co-regulation is the process of sitting with someone to calm down together. It’s helpful if these strategies and techniques have already been practiced ahead of time. When young people are overwhelmed, they don’t think as clearly and it’s difficult for them to pick up a new coping skill when heightened. If we want them to use these strategies when they are overwhelmed, we need to teach them before.

Sometimes in the moment it can be difficult to embrace the idea of calming strategies. This is why co-regulation can be so powerful. Adults are modelling the skills they want young people to do.

You can start by offering or suggesting a strategy. For example, you might say, “Let’s take a few minutes and colour together.” Another idea is to offer a choice between two activities. If neither of those seem to work, just choose a calm down strategy and do it on your own near the young person. Quite often, they will pick it up and try too.


Give Space

An overwhelmed young person can sometimes become more overwhelmed if they don’t have the time and space they need to get back on track. Give supports, but it’s also okay to walk away. Some helpful phrases to give some space include:

  • “I’m here when you need me”
  • “If you want to talk about that later, let me know, and I’ll be here to listen”
  • “Let’s talk about that later”
  • “Take a break and I’ll check back in with you in a few minutes, okay?”


Positive Self-Talk

Whether we realise it or not, self-talk is almost always going on inside our heads. This is the voice that encourages us to work through a problem that seems too challenging in the moment. It’s the voice that calms us down when we’re upset. It’s even the voice that reminds us to continue loving ourselves despite of our biggest mistakes.

Positive self-talk is the perfect opportunity for young people to remind themselves that they’re worthy of love, able to learn from mistakes and capable of achieving their goals. There is no better way than teaching a young person to be the one that reminds themself, rather than it coming from an adult. If we want to empower young people, we need to teach, practice, and model positive self-talk:

  • Every day is a fresh start
  • I am a work in progress
  • Challenges help me grow
  • It’s okay to feel how I feel
  • I’m in charge of my choices
  • I am grateful for what I have
  • I am enough
  • My voice matters
  • I am resilient
  • I can do tough things with hard work 

Draw or Write

Not all young people are capable of verbalising how they are feeling and what they need. This is where drawing and writing can be helpful, giving a young person a chance to share their emotions in a non-threatening way. Some strategies to help a young person express feelings include:

  • Write a letter about how they are feeling
  • Draw a picture that shows their emotions
  • List out all the feelings they feel
  • Give free journal writing time
  • Journal or draw to music 


When a young person is calm, one of the most powerful ways to help them manage emotions is through problem-solving. When problem-solving, it’s important to not solve for them but with them. It is critical that young people know they have the power to solve their own problems, even if they need help sometimes.

Some ways to problem-solve together include:

  • Come up with a list of possible solutions
  • Draw a picture of the perfect way to solve the problem
  • Act out different ways to solve the problem

[Source: https://www.thepathway2success.com/6-simple-ways-to-help-kids-manage-big-emotions/]

If you are concerned about your child and would like to speak with me, I am at KSPS on Mondays and Thursdays and I can be contacted through the front office, phone 4957 5319.


Assembly Awards



Marcus Bruton

Beckett Crowe

Louis Summerville

Amber Brock

Coby Sheldon

Edward King


Conor Tynan

Sophia Askew

Lennox McDermott


Tom Forrester

Ashley Googe

Oliver Grant


Piper Abel

Connor Mitchison

Jasper Roberts


Saxon Tyrie

Marcus Lee

Flynn McDermott


Agatha Joya

Blake Mitchison

Cohen Capriotti


Evie Hutchison

Rasbani Kaur

Mathew Zerndt 


Xan Dwyer

Connor Regan

Brock Van der Zanden


Hugo French

Caius Pendlebury

Silas Dorman


Colby Wilson

Madie Tsker

Vivienne Bencke 


Eli Lewis

Elsie Wood

Sonny Hilsman


Edie Kavanagh

Yusra Omari


Elke Hirneth

Emily Furner

Bobby Mckee


Christian Moyle

Rio Cristaudo

Amber Sharpe




Jeronimo Gentle-Torres

Abigail John

Ivory Nathan


Makai Green

Ayda Solis

Charlotte Burton 


Luca Bridges

Sienna Hain

Rory Fenwick- Mulcahy


Daniel West-Sooby

Jessica Kelly

Lily O'Brien

Dylan Googe

Kaynen Furner

Reed Hoskins


Maddie Pring

Elsie Wilson

Brandon Moyle


Mia Cameron

 Rosie Nikolic

Zayed Amanat


Tygah Green

Sophie Bland

Jacob Gundry


Rose King

Genevieve Postol

Evelyn Hutchison

Oscar Toole


Savannah Vizer

Jamie Henderson

Aiden Everson


Leonardo Stormon

Paige Cutro

Caden Densham


Juliette Creamer

Harper Edgington

Cooper Hill


Xavier Cowie

Sebastian Smith

Yulanda Thompson 


Kian Thompson

Kiele Lane


Emily Roberts

Levi Rigby

Will Maddern Richards


Hugo Evans

Linkin Taylar

Bronte Rippon


Upcoming Events

Keep track of school events by signing up for notifications on the Skoolbag app. ‘What’s On’ reminders are posted each Sunday evening. Or, please check the Events page of the KSPS Website for upcoming dates and details.

P&C Association


Our second-hand uniforms and unclaimed/unnamed items are overflowing!  All have been washed and ready to give away.  Over the next few weeks we will be putting some uniforms at the main gate - these are yours to take for free if you would like them.


Our Christmas Raffle is here! Tickets are $2 each and are available via Rafflelink: https://rafflelink.com.au/kspsxmas2021

Please buy tickets if you can, share the link (or our Facebook post), and encourage local family, friends, and our school community to support our fundraising for a new nature playground.

Thank you to the following businesses who have contributed fabulous prizes to make our raffle a great one:

  • Bunnings Warehouse Australia
  • Taronga Zoo
  • Blackbutt Reserve
  • Irukandji Shark & Ray Encounters
  • Oakvale Wildlife Park
  • Bliss Beauty & Body New Lambton
  • Young People's Theatre Newcastle
  • Casey's Toys Charlestown
  • Shania’s Soaps and Candles
  • I Hate Cooking (Newcastle/Lake Macquarie)
  • Newcastle Jets
  • Woolworths Kotara


While we still welcome payment by cash for canteen lunch orders and counter sales, online orders via the Qkr! app are preferred as it allows for streamlined preparation of orders and reduces cash handling.

Volunteers are needed to fill out our roster – please sign up here. We particularly need helpers for Thursdays and Fridays. Please note that the Department of Education requires all volunteers to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination to the school office staff, sign in to both the school and the canteen using QR codes, and to wear a mask at all times whilst on school grounds.


Online orders placed before 8.30am Wednesday mornings are sent home with students that day. If you are placing an order for a new kindy student, you will be able to pick it up from the school office (please call first to make sure it is ready for you to pick up). Please remember to provide your child’s name and class in the “notes to seller” during the checkout process.

Online store: https://kotara-south-public-school-pc-association.square.site/

Don’t forget Presentation Day is coming up on Monday 29 November. If you need a new shirt for your child so they are looking their best on the day, please be sure to place an order by Wednesday morning 24 November (next week) at the latest.

We plan to open the uniform shop on three occasions during the last two weeks of the January school holidays for order pick ups and in-person orders (pending restrictions). Dates will be published in the next newsletter and on Skoolbag and Facebook.


Thank you for supporting KSPS P&C!

Email: kspspandc@gmail.com

Facebook: Kotara South Public School P&C

Next meeting: Wednesday 8 December, 7pm under the A Block COLA (Christmas Party) – members please RSVP!

Contact information

Kotara South Public School provides a supportive learning community where students are valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.

Strive to Achieve