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Under updated regulations as of 11:59 February 3rd 2021, masks MUST now be worn in all indoor settings. This includes all inside school areas. Primary School children and any child under 12 is NOT required to wear a mask.
Thank you for assisting us in keeping our community safe.
Congratulations to 2021 School Leaders.
School Captains:
Jade Davis & Nathan Mathew
Catholic Identity-Religious Education, Stewardship & Social Justice Leaders
Anne Buchan & Aleia Di Scala
Sport, Health and Wellbeing Leaders
Gold: Liesel Clayburn
Red: Hannah Hall
Blue: Leah Savage & Jack Cavell
Green: Lily Kelzi
This weekend Saturday 6th February, we celebrate our Beginning of the School Year School and Parish Mass at 6pm. Year 6 leaders will receive their badges and our new Preps and their families will be welcomed into our community. It is a commissioning mass for all children. Unfortunately numbers are still limited due to COVID regulations but we thank you for indicating your intentions for attendance. Looking forward to seeing families celebrating the beginning of a new year. Please wear a mask!
Sunday 28th March
for our Annual School Sports and Family Picnic
A great afternoon of competitive and fun sporting activities for children, siblings and parents. Bring along a picnic and join in the fun of our very special community. Don't forget to wear your 'colours' to support your child/children's team!
Prep children will be allocated their team shortly.
Our Year 5/6 camp to Sovereign Hill is fast approaching on the 17th, 18th & 19th February . It will be slip, slop and slap rather than rugging up this year. However it is Melbourne so raincoats and warm night gear will also be required. We look forward to an exciting academic and social learning experience.
Our teachers are always happy to talk to parents about their child. You can email, phone and organize a face to face with teachers if you have any concerns.
If you have important information that you would like to share with your child's new teacher please make an appointment.
At the end of Term 1 and Term 3 we hold Parent Teacher chats to keep parents updated in regards to their child's progress. In Term 2 and 4 reports are sent home.
Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on Tuesday 23rd March from 2:30-8pm. We encourage all parents to attend. A booking system will be set up a few weeks before via School interviews and Skoolbag.
School Assemblies will be held each Friday at 9 am beginning Friday 26th February. Assemblies are led by our Year 6 children. Parents are welcome but we do require you to check in via the office. Any visitor who is on site for longer than 15 minutes MUST record attendance under COVID regulations. We appreciate your support in this safety compliance.
Our Sacrament of Reconciliation for Year 5 and Year 4 students will be held on Tuesday 30th March. This will include both 2020 students who prepared but were unable to make their Sacrament due to Covid and current Year 4 students. More information to follow.
A huge THANK YOU to our volunteer garden watering team that took such fabulous care of our garden spaces over the Christmas break.
Thanks to the Hansen, Haig, Rodwell, Lander, Kearney and Cresswell families for all their diligence for keeping our grounds well watered . It was lovely to return to school and seeing our plants thriving.
Classroom Cuisine is Back!.
Our 'Lunch Day' is Wednesday.
Orders are made online ( link below)
A reminder that although you can order 2 or 3 items , it is delivered after recess so children need to bring a snack for morning tea.
Orders must be placed before 8:30 on Wednesdays and if ordered correctly you receive a confirmation email. Classroom Cuisine