Spring Farm Public School

2021 Newsletter Term 4 Week 4

Principals Report

Please download the Sentral for paretns app for all school information: https://www.sentral.com.au/parents

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome Back Everyone!

It has been absolutely wonderful to see all the students back at school in their classes. Thank you to the parents/carers who have adjusted to the staggered start and dismissal times. Due to changing break times, all students will still learn for the required 4 hours and 45 minutes each day. Congratulations to our Year 2 to Year 6 students who arrived settled on Monday. Detailed information for parents/carers of various changes will be sent via our Sentral app. Please keep updated with the changing information.  


I want to let you know that we are following the NSW Public Health Order’s mandate for all school-based staff to be fully vaccinated by 8 November 2021.

There may be some staff members who are not yet fully vaccinated or who have an approved medical exemption to not be vaccinated that we are still undertaking a risk assessment around. For this reason some classes may be covered by another teacher. We appreciate your understanding and the need to ensure staff privacy is protected.”

Aboriginal Student Achievement Award

Congratulations to Summer from Year 2 Majestic who was awarded the Culture, Courage and Commitment Award. This is a well deserved recognition for Summer who proudly demonstrates her Aboriginal heritage throughout the school community. Thank you to Miss Munro and the school’s Aboriginal Educational Committee for working on the successful applications. The award ceremony will be held via zoom on Thursday 18 November 2021. 

Springs Road

The school and P&C are working together with Camden Council and RMS to find ways in which to reduce the speed zone in Springs Road, thereby prioritising safety for students and community and enabling the school to safely utilise the side gate for students.

Cobbitty Markets

Thank you to Cobbity markets who annually donate $100 towards Presentation Day certificates.

The Cobbitty Markets are a fantastic community event that has been running for 37 years. Their next market is to be held 4th December, 2021.

Stage 3 - End of Year Celebrations Update

The end of the school year, particularly for our Year 6 students, traditionally involves end of year celebrations such as Stage 3 Camp, Year 6 Farewell and Presentation Day, to celebrate their journey throughout primary school. 

As previously communicated, our Stage 3 Camp has been cancelled. However, Year 6 farewell is able to go ahead, due to the updated NSW Department of Education COVID-19 guidelines. 

Despite the easing of restrictions across NSW, our school are still under Level 3+ restrictions. We continue to monitor these restrictions and seek updated advice from the NSW Department of Education, however, under these restrictions, overnight activities and some other activities are prohibited. Schools have been advised to await further advice, from NSW Health and the NSW Department of Education, to indicate whether our Year 6 Presentation Day will be able to go ahead. 

 We understand and appreciate the excitement and preparations that our students and families share for our end of year celebrations, however we are unable to provide any set plans for some events until we receive further advice. 

Our Stage 3 teachers have been continuously seeking alternative options that comply with NSW Department of Education COVID-19 guidelines to ensure that our students are given an opportunity to celebrate their time at Spring Farm Public School. We are currently investigating the possibility of alternatives for a Stage 3 Fun Day. 

Please be assured that once we receive any advice regarding our end of year celebrations, we will endeavour to update our school community as soon as possible.  

Please see the NSW Department of Education Advice for Families page for more information - https://education.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/advice-for-families/level-3-plus-schools 

We thank you for your support and understanding and truly appreciate your patience and flexibility during this time.

Year 6 Farewell

Intention to Apply for Year 7 Placement in a Selective High School 2023

Selective high schools cater for academically gifted students with high potential. Selective high schools help these students to learn by grouping them with students of similar ability, and by using specialised teaching methods.

If you would like to have your child considered for Year 7 selective high school entry in 2023, you need to apply on the internet using a valid email address (not the student’s email address).

The Selective High School Placement Test will be held on Thursday 10 March 2022.

Detailed instructions on how to apply and the link to the online form will be available in early-October 2021 at 


Applications open on 19 October 2021 and close on 17 November 2021. You must apply before the closing date.

Enrolling for 2022

If you have a child who will be starting at Spring Farm Public School next year and have NOT already enrolled, please:

1. Commence the online enrolment process, by clicking on the link below:https://enrol.education.nsw.gov.au/#/?schoolCode=4657

2. Collect an additional enrollment pack from the office to complete your child’s enrollment 

Also, if you know of any neighbours that have a child starting school next year, please share the enrolment links with them.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

Spring Farm Public School is an official member of the Positive Behaviour for Learning. Please visit the PBL site to access more information https://pbl.schools.nsw.gov.au/

Spring Farm Public School’s focus: 

Week 9: Kindness and respect

Week 10: Reflecting on your own learning 

Sentral for Parents

Dear Parents and Carers, 

We have taken on the community feedback, and are working to refine our methods of communication between school and home. We are beginning a transitional period of moving to a new system which should allow for most communication to occur through the one platform. This transition will take place over the remainder of 2021. 

The platform is Sentral for Parents and will include:

  • Absentee notifications

  • School information / notifications

  • Permission notes

  • Academic reports

We encourage our parents and carers to download the following app from the App Store or Google Play Store on your mobile. We will then send home access keys for your child/ren sometime this term.

Once you have downloaded the App, you will require a family/student key, these will be emailed home later this week or early Week 10.

During the transitional period to this platform we will remain using some of our current platforms, including Operoo and Skoolbag, before phasing them out over the remainder of the year. We will begin using the absentee notifications and reason for absence from day 1, Term 3.

From 2022, the platforms we will use will include:

  • Sentral for Parents - absentee notification, permission notes, notifications etc

  • Seesaw - for celebrating student work and communication with the classroom teacher/s

  • Facebook - celebration of our school


P & C News

The next Spring Farm Public School P&C meeting will be on Monday 22nd November, 2021 at 7pm. It will be a zoom meeting.  All parents and carers are welcome to attend.  More information about Spring Farm P&C can be found on


School Travel for 2022

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