St Joseph's Newsletter

Hindmarsh Edition: Term 1 Week 4

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Community Members,

Last week we came together as a school community to celebrate Mass, giving thanks for the holidays and gratitude for a wonderful beginning to the school year.  As outlined in the Living Learning Leading Framework our aim is to work together in partnership as


Student Leadership

School Captains, House Captains and Student Representative Council members were presented with their badges and prayed:

We ask God’s blessing on us,

as we undertake the role of School leaders.

May we follow in the footsteps of Jesus,

as we use our time and talents

for the good of our school.

We will lead by good example.

We will listen to other’s needs and concerns.

We will do our best to

help create a safe and caring school.

We will support each other

in our role as school leaders

2021 House Captains and Vice Captains

SRC Representatives

Staff's Commissioning Prayer

Dearest Lord,

We the staff of St Joseph’s, are gathered here in prayer for our work as we educate the young lives trusted to our care.

We thank you, Father, for the calling bestowed on us to educate children in the name of Your Son, Jesus, on behalf of Your Church.

May we act toward all members of our school community with justice and integrity and reflect for them the love of Christ which surpasses all things.

We pray that we keep this Catholic school true to its mission. We make our prayer through Christ the teacher and our Lord. Amen

Positive Relationships

Positive Relationships are key to fulfilling our mission.  St Joseph’s Staff pride themselves, and are committed, to working in partnership and nurturing respectful relationships with all parents and carers.  We use Restorative Practices to help build personal and social capability (being self-aware, collaborative, and socially adept).

 Our Respectful Relationship policy can be found below.

Download: Respectful Relationships Policy


Problem Resolution Procedure

We do our best to address and satisfactorily resolve problems which come to our attention. However, there may be occasions when it is felt that a problem has not been resolved in the most appropriate manner. In such situations the following procedure is used:

Problem Resolution Procedure  

On no account is any parent to confront someone else’s child. 

Parents are asked not to talk to other parents and/or other children, i.e. other non-involved parties, to gather information. 

It is not appropriate to want to talk to a teacher to resolve an issue while a class is in progress or while a teacher is supervising children.


 If a problem relates to your child, then you are asked to:

  • Keep an open mind. The first task is to seek clarification, as you may not have all the facts.
  • We ask that you make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher or staff member concerned.  Finding an appropriate time is important, such as when a teacher is free from supervising children.
  • Adopt an attitude that clarification is needed and that together the problem will be resolved.
  • Work together to solve the problem/conflict for the benefit of the particular child/children involved.
  • Advise the parties involved that, if after going through this process the problem is not resolved, you will speak with the Principal or a member of the leadership team.
  • Arrange a suitable time to speak with the Principal or member of the leadership team.
  • Plant the seeds of hope and friendliness.

The Grievance procedure flow chart is included for your information.

It is important that ALL in our community uphold our school motto in all our interactions – “In all things love.”

“All will be right with time and a little patience.”
Mary MacKillop 1873

Welcome to our New Students

A very special welcome to our new students Tia and Eyob who started this week.


Please note that the school gates are open at 8:30 am.  Formal supervision begins at 8:30 am.  Children who arrive before 8:30 am will be directed to Before School Care.  Fees Apply.

Supervision is provided after school from 3:10 until 3:30 pm.  Children not collected from either Bertie or Albemarle Street will be taken to After school care in the school hall.  Fees Apply.

 OHSC has a licence for 60 students.  It is important to book as we can not exceed this limit.

School Crossing

It is pleasing to see so many children and families using the crossing to walk safely across the street.  It is concerning to see parents and carers continuing to perform ‘u turns‘ or ‘3 point turns’ so close to the crossing.  Please DO NOT undertake ‘3 point’ turns or ‘U’ turns near the kiss and drop area.  Please note that council infringement officers will be patrolling the area regularly and infringement notices will be issued when vehicles are not following the rules.

School Board

Please come and meet all Board Members on February 17. 

The School Board will meet on 17 February directly after the AGM to decide on office bearers’ positions.  If you wish to raise any matter with the school board at any time throughout the year, you can approach any member of the board personally or send an email to and the matter will be tabled and discussed at meetings which are held monthly.

2021 School Board Members
Thank you to all members of the community who voted.
The newly elected members of our School Board are: 

2021 School Board Members

2021 Annual Improvement Plan


COVID Update

Personal hygiene and the hygiene standards in our school are critical to reducing the risk of infection.

All children and staff will need to continue to:

    • wash their hands regularly, particularly after using the toilet and before eating
    • avoid spreading infections to others by staying home if they are unwell
    • cover a cough or sneeze with a tissue

SA Health encourages parents to provide children with their own personal, labelled and named drink water bottles. These can then be refilled at the drink fountains or water taps, rather than children drinking directly from the taps.

Parents will need to maintain social distancing when in the school yard or in classrooms. This is subject to change as we follow SA Health regulations.

Medical Conditions/Allergies/Intolerances

As there is a greater number of students who have medical conditions, are anaphylactic or have allergies and food intolerances that are very serious, as well as, the need to maintain safe practices regarding COVID,  children are not permitted to share food. Therefore, cakes, lollies or other treats for birthday or other celebrations can not be brought to school. Your cooperation and understanding is very much appreciated.  Every child matters!  No nut products please. 

We are a NUT AWARE preschool and school.

2021 School Fees

Accounts will be posted via mail to families commencing from Week 3 of this term. The account will reflect the annual charge for Tuition Fees. Extracurricular activities such as school sport, choir, camp etc will be invoiced as the cost is incurred and will be in addition to the annual tuition fee.

Payment Deductions
Authority forms are available from the Front Office or on our website if you wish to pay your account by regular deduction rather than by the due date each term. Payment authorities continue to be processed during holiday periods, when calculating the deduction cycle please allow for these amounts.

Families who have an existing bank account direct debit or credit card payment authority in place will have the deduction amount varied from the next available deduction after 31 January each year, as per our fee structure information. This allows for students who are new or who have left. Deduction amounts will also vary in line with our reduced fee structure for 2021.

2021 School Card Application
Forms are available from the Front Office. Please note in order to receive the school card discounted rate, an application must be completed and submitted to the school for processing to be submitted to the Department of Education for approval.

Please contact our Bursar, Karyn Burlow via email if you require further information regarding school fees.

Annual School & Preschool Fees


Fruit Fly: Restrictions

We are in the Red Zone

Much of metropolitan Adelaide and some areas of the Riverland are currently in fruit fly outbreak or suspension areas.

To help South Australia fight fruit fly becoming an established pest, the following movement restrictions apply until at least Thursday 15 April 2021.

If you live in an outbreak or suspension area to Fruit and fruiting vegetables that can be infected by fruit fly (visit must not be packed into lunch boxes or otherwise moved around while restrictions are in place.

You must keep your fresh home-grown fruit or fruiting vegetables on your property. You can eat, cook or preserve your own home-grown produce.

Shop-bought fruit and fruiting vegetables that can be infected by fruit fly must be kept secure when taken home – this means in a sealed bag or container – and it must then be consumed at home.

What fruit and fruiting vegetables can be infected by fruit fly?
You can view the complete list of what you must not pack into lunch boxes at

What fruit or fruiting vegetables can I pack in lunchboxes as an alternative?
Fresh alternatives include  pineapple, melons ( watermelon, rockmelon, and honeydew),  cucumber,  carrots, lettuce,  broccoli, celery, mushrooms, and asparagus.

Other options include cooked fruit, processed fruit (such as fruit straps), fruit puree, canned fruit or frozen fruit.If parents have any queries as to which fruit or fruiting vegetable are affected, please visit:

Learn more about the Fruit Fly Outbreak


Volunteers Needed

Chess Club

We would like to set up a CHESS CLUB.  We are looking for any interested parents who may like to be involved with our students at lunchtime or after school coaching and assisting with the games.  If you would like to be involved can you please let us know at the front office.

Day/Time: During lunch or after school (can be negotiated to suit you)

Tuckshop Information

Volunteers are needed to help prep lunch orders and serve during recess and lunch. If you're interested please let the front office know.

Days Available:

  • Thursday
  • Friday
Shifts Available:
  • Recess Shift: 9.00am - 10.30am
  • Lunch Shift: 11.00am - 1.30pm

Breakfast Club

Parent volunteers are needed to help run Breakfast Club in the Community Kitchen. If you're interested please let the front office know.

Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (select a day that suits you)

Time: 8.30am - 9.00am

Where: in the Community kitchen (in the Hall)

Shrove Tuesday

Lent - Project Compassion 2021

“Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (St Oscar Romero)

We begin the time of Lent with Ash Wednesday. On Ash Wednesday we are marked with ashes as a sign to remind us to live the way Jesus wants. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Church season of Lent. Lent is a 40 day period of fasting and reflection in preparation for Easter. During this time we focus on the promises made at baptism. All of this prepares us for celebrating Christ’s death and resurrection at Easter.

The colours of linens and vestments are purple as a sign of penance. On the fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare) the colour is rose or violet. On Ash Wednesday, ashes from the burnt leaves from Palm Sunday the year before are placed on people’s foreheads in the sign of the cross, our ashes also included our promises of how we can ‘be more’ this Lent. The ashes show that we are sorry for our sins and reminds us that Lent has begun.

Lent is a special time when we stop and think about how we can play our part in God’s hope for a world that is fair, just and peaceful. We think about our relationship with God, and how through serving others we can grow closer to him. We also think about the changes we can make in our lives, to be God’s hands, God’s love and God’s mercy in our world, ensuring all people have a just future.

Ash Wednesday – 17th February 2021

Ash Wednesday also marks the beginning of the annual Caritas Australia Project Compassion Appeal. Donations to Project Compassion allows Caritas Australia, the Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development, to work with local communities around the world to alleviate poverty, hunger, oppression and injustice.

As a school, during Lent, we raise funds for Caritas Project Compassion. Our first fundraiser, pancakes was held today. Thank you to the families who donated pancake mix and toppers. Thank you also to the parents who gave up their time to cook and serve pancakes today.

We encourage you to put your compassion into action this Lent through your prayer, fasting and almsgiving by supporting Project Compassion. Each family will receive a Project Compassion box for their donations or you can donate online via the Caritas Australia website at:  

First Week of Lent

We begin our annual Lenten Project Compassion journey by learning about the story of Jamila and her family. Jamila, 22, is a Rohingya woman, living in the world’s largest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. A single mother, she fled armed conflict in Myanmar to save herself, her elderly mother and eight-month-old baby. 

With the support of Caritas Australia, through Caritas Bangladesh, Jamila was able to access emergency food and shelter. She also received counselling, emotional support and learnt sewing skills, to help her earn an income.  Jamila now feels less alone, with a sense of community around her. She is able to ‘Be More’ to her little family.  

  • 860,494 people remain in the densely populated camps, in desperate need of humanitarian assistance, especially due to COVID-19. (UNHCR)

Watch a short film about Jamila’s story here.

Sacramental Program 2021

Information and registration forms regarding the 2021 Hindmarsh-Findon Parish Sacramental Program will be distributed this week.

Children who are baptised in the Catholic faith and are in Year 3 or above are eligible to register and be involved in this program.

The sacrament of Reconciliation preparation will be undertaken in Term 1, with children receiving this Sacrament after our School Mass in Week 7.

Upcoming Masses and Assemblies

Classroom Highlight


Year 2R are working on the Image of the child.
Our focus has been the HEART. What do we love?

The children had to illustrate what love means to them. We also had a discussion about what shape our heart is. The children drew their own hearts and how they work. We linked our conversation about the heart to the Scared Heart of Jesus. The children agreed that our Heart was created by Jesus. You are born with Love in your heart and it never dies. We learnt the meaning of the Sacred Heart and then using our Art Journals and our artist eye, drew a sketch of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Parish Bulletin

Medals from 2020

Students who played After School Sport in 2020 will be presented with their participation medals on Wednesday 24th February at the Yr 5/6 Unit Assembly.

School Basketball & Netball

All games are at St Clair Recreation Centre, 108 Woodville Rd, Woodville. Games commence in Week 5.

Fixtures can be found at

(We currently have 3 players interested in this team. Please email if you have a Reception or Year 1 child who is interested in playing so this team can commence!)

Students will be provided with a school Netball/Basketball top which is to be worn with school shorts. Bring your own drink bottle. Parents will need to collect their child’s top from the school office when they pay their fees which must be done prior to the first game.

We currently have teams in the following competitions:

School Basketball and Netball Days/Times


R-2 Cricket Clinic Registrations are now open!

Junior Cricket Blast is a Cricket Skills program for R-2 students.Cricket Blast will run on Wednesday afternoons at school from 3:15-4:00pm commencing in Week 6. The six week program costs $99. Parents will need to register their child at the following link:

Play cricket at St Joseph's School - Hindmarsh Please note: this program will only run if minimum numbers are reached.

Yr 2/3 School Cricket
Cricket games are held Saturday mornings at 8:30am Woodville South, with some games held on Friday evenings at Port Adelaide.

Schedules for games can be found at

There is still room for 2-3 more players in Yr 2/3 cricket. Please contact Mrs Keller if you are interested in joining!

We have two teams in this competition:

School Cricket Times/Days


At St Joseph’s WE LOVE LACROSSE! Some of our past students commenced playing for St Joseph’s when they were aged 8-10 and are now playing for local clubs and even for South Australia! We would love to continue to develop our lacrosse program at St Joseph’s and hope to enter a team this season. Lacrosse is open to students of all ages.

If you are interested please nominate using the following link:


Soccer  - Nominations Closing 19th February 2021

If you have not yet nominated for Term 2-3 Soccer it’s not too late! Soccer games are held on Saturday mornings at St Clair and West Lakes. Please nominate for soccer at the following link


SAPSASA Softball
Western SAPSASA is hoping to enter a team into the state carnival and is seeking interest from boys and girls to attend trials commencing on Friday February 19th. Students do not need to have softball experience. If you are interested, please contact Nomination Manager John Merrett 0419670266.

Softball Clinics
We have commenced clinics during PE lessons with two coaches from Softball SA! The students have been learning a range of ball skills, including using softball gloves. The students have thoroughly enjoyed working with Mary-Kate and Jesse. Keep an eye on SeeSaw for photos of the students in action!


Year 3-6 Swimming Carnivals
This year our school will be entering a team into the SACPSSA Swimming Carnival. The SACPSSA Carnival is being held at SA Aquatic Centre on 18th March at 1:00pm. Students wishing to compete at this carnival will need to attend trials at the Thebarton Pool on Thursday February 25th from 7:30am-8:15am. For more information please see the form which is now live on the SkoolBag app.

SAPSASA Swimming
Students wishing to attend the SAPSASA Swimming trials for selection in the Western SAPSASA Swimming Team will need to attend trials at Immanuel Pool on March 5. Our school will not be sending a staff member to this event so students wishing to trial will need to attend with a parent. Please contact Western SAPSASA Convenor Trevor Hall for more information.

Last week at Preschool

This week the blue group read the book 'I’m Special' that features children explaining their special gifts and talents. After reading the book at the library, the children were asked to share why they are special……… “Soccer, drawing lovely pictures, eating donuts, playing with trains, doing the splits, painting, making with Lego, listening to stories, playing with dolls, climbing on the playground”.

Last week at Preschool

Lunar New Year!

Asian communities throughout the world and here in Adelaide are celebrating the year of the Ox. On Friday, Alina wore her traditional Vietnamese dress to Preschool and Nanaati came along with a sarong featuring a large dragon. Along with the rest of the group, we paraded around the school to share our new year greetings!

After parading with Ms Halbert’s Lion costume and other props, the children worked together and made a lion for the Preschool using a large box and other art materials. At Preschool, children connect with and contribute to their world when they show increasing respect for diversity.

Celebrating Lunar New Year at Preschool

Did you know?

In Chinese culture, the lion symbolizes power, wisdom, and superiority. People perform lion dances at Chinese festivals or big occasions to bring good fortune and chase away evil spirits. ... It is performed to bring prosperity and good luck for the upcoming year.

Book Club 2021

 Welcome back to another year of Book Club. Orders are placed directly with Scholastic using the very easy to use ‘Loop’ payment system. Orders are processed after the closing date, then posted to the school, being distributed through the classes. 

Order you Lucky Book Club here:

Issue 1 of ‘Book Club’ have been given out today and will close at 9am Monday 22nd February, 2021. 

Any queries please see Ms Carmody 

Credit Union SA's School Community Rewards Program

Did you know St Joseph’s School Hindmarsh has been part of Credit Union SA’s School Community Rewards program since 2018?
The program brings a direct financial benefit to our school and is available for you to participate in at any time.

Who is Credit Union SA?
Credit Union SA is South Australia's third largest credit union, with over 50,000 members, and unlike the major banks, Credit Union SA’s profits go back to their members and the communities they live in.

How does School Community Rewards work?
 The School Community Rewards program allows you to nominate our school to receive a financial benefit for every product you have with Credit Union SA. So every home loan, car loan, insurance or savings account held by you will generate an ongoing annual benefit for our school.

You’ll get the benefits of Credit Union SA’s great rates and products, while also raising funds for our school without having to donate your time or money!

How will it help our school?
Funds generated through the School Community Rewards program will help us develop and upgrade our facilities, allowing us to further create a fantastic learning environment for all students. 
We have already raised over $2,000 through the program.  We are using this money towards the school grounds redevelopment. So just imagine what we could achieve with greater involvement from our School community.

Where can I find more information?
To find out more about how School Community Rewards benefits our school please talk to our School Community Rewards representative, Lucy Brooks on 0428 787 230.


All members of the school community must consider their own circumstances and obtain their own advice before joining School Community Rewards. The school takes no responsibility for any advice or product offered by Credit Union SA Ltd. This information is general in nature and does not take into account your own personal circumstances. It is important for you to consider the terms and conditions or Product Disclosure Statement before acquiring any of our products or services to help you decide whether they are suitable for you. Conditions and fees apply. Lending criteria apply to all.

Student Supervision

Children are supervised until 3.30pm at the end of the day by the teachers on duty. If they are not collected by this time, children will be taken to OSHC. 

Please note, the OSHC service is licensed for 60 children. Bookings are essential to avoid disappointment. Fees apply.

Parenting Insights

Article: Helping your child become the best student they can be

The new school year is full of excitement and possibility for students and parents. Regardless of how a child or young person has previously performed, this year offers a chance to set a new course.
Daily lessons in resilience for students are everywhere. Parents and teachers need to be ready to make the most of these valuable lessons when they come their way.
Here are five practical parenting strategies each backed by a webinar to ensure that parents in your school stay up to date and meet the children's needs.

The Federation of Catholic School Parent Communities SA Presents

February Webinars for Parents and Caregivers with Kirrilie Smout

A Parents Guide: The Challenges and Adventures of Starting Primary School

To join the Webinar on the night you need to ensure you have downloaded Zoom.

Zoom Meeting Link;

Meeting ID: 874 8611 4180    Passcode: 819527

In this free webinar, psychologist and author Kirrilie Smout will cover:

  • The 6 emotional and social learning challenges and needs for children as they start school.
  • Helping children tell us more about their school days and experiences (without pressuring them).
  • Helping children manage friendships and social relationships.
  • Helping children become independent and responsible learners.
  • Helping children manage worry and frustration about school experiences.
  • Working together with teachers and other school staff. 

Wellbeing & Success from the Start of Secondary School

To Join the Webinar on the night you need to ensure you have downloaded Zoom Meetings.

Join Zoom Meeting ID: 892 2635 6975     Passcode: 991465

In this free webinar, psychologist and author Kirrilie Smout will cover:

  • The factors associated with higher well-being and academic achievement of students in secondary school.
  • Knowing how to talk with teens (including those who are reluctant to communicate).
  • Knowing how to support teens to get enough sleep and use devices wisely.
  • Helping teens to navigate friendships and interactions with their peers.
  • Knowing how to set boundaries in ways which are respectful and empowering for young people.


Kirrilie Smout is the founder of Developing Minds, a large child and adolescent psychology clinic in Adelaide and Calm Kid Central which provides online support for children who are struggling with worry, frustration or challenging behaviour. She has worked with young people, their families and teachers for 24 years, presented thousands of workshops to school students and authored three books: When Life Sucks, When Life Sucks for Kids and The Years that Count.

March Webinars for Parents and Educators

Webinar: Students who shut down and disengage - What do I do?

Webinar: Children and young people who shut down and avoid talking - What do I do?

Presented by the LBI Foundation in Partnership with the Federation of Catholic School Parent Communities

Ms Kylie Agnew
Registered Psychologist and Teacher

Dr Ivan Raymond
Clinical Psychologist, PhD

We've been asked to advertise the following: