West Lakes Shore School Newsletter

Term 4, Week 7 - 26 November 2021


On Thursday, 11 November the whole school showed their respect for those that have served and who are still serving Australia in the various Defence Forces.

All classes attended a ceremony in the gym, where Shanti L read 'In Flander's Field', and our Year 6 Senior Leaders reinforced this historic moment in time.

 The Last Post was played and the whole school observed a minutes silence to honour our fallen soldiers. The children's respect and impeccable listening skills were acknowledged and commented on by visiting guests. A huge thanks to Ms Cook, Lynn and Shaun for their organisation and planning of this.

The term is progressing well and we have celebrated a number of key events, most recently our SD3 and SD4 Graduation, which was a spectacular showcase of the achievements and dreams of each of our individual students going on to High School. We wish them all well. We have many other events to come, such as our 'End of Year Christmas Concert’, ‘Year 6 Graduation’, ‘Teacher versus Student Basketball Finale' and visits to 2022 classes!

Students will get the opportunity to visit their new class and, wherever possible, meet their teacher in week 9 of Term 4. Class placement information will come home with end of year reports on Wednesday in week 9.

Class Structures 2022

In 2022 West Lakes Shore School will have around 530 students of varying year levels to organise into classes. Funding allocation for staffing these classes is based on a set figure per student. The school Personal Advisory Committee (PAC), consisting of the Principal and voted staff representatives, work to align the number of students and our staffing funding to determine future class structures. This work is guided by agreements around class sizes in each year level. As West Lakes Shore School is a category 6 school we work within the guidelines of around 22-24 students in each Reception to Year 2 class. In Year 3 we have around 26 students per class and in Years 4-6 around 28 -30 students per class. As the number of students in each year level changes this means we identify across the whole-school a class structure that incorporates both straight and composite classes.

In all of these classes students have a wide range of abilities; research shows that teachers can be planning to support students who are performing with learning abilities of up to 7 years difference. What makes a quality learning program for every child is the teacher’s ability to differentiate for each learner; the teacher’s skill and quality approach to engage learners; and the feedback teachers provide to learners to support them to progress and improve their learning.

At West Lakes Shore School, composite classes are created with a range of abilities of children in both year levels i.e. a Year 2/3 class would have students of all abilities in Year 2 and students of all abilities in Year 3. Composite classes are created with less complexity in terms of need and have teachers who are skilled in differentiating for each learner. At some point in your child’s time at West Lakes Shore School they are likely to be placed in a composite class. We will endeavour to ensure, wherever possible, that this does not occur for two consecutive years should class structures enable this. 

SHIP 2022

Testing is underway to identify students for our 2022 targeted SHIP programs. Students allocated a slot in identified programs will receive slips in class placement letters identifying the small group targeted SHIP opportunities. Families are asked to sign and return skips so programs can be planned and organised to commence in 2022. Helen Grant will coordinate additional opportunities for our gifted students to compete in external competitions like the Maths Olympiad, Numerical Acumen Challenge, Maths Hub, as well as running small groups in the areas of Mathematics, STEM and Writing Workshops with visiting authors.

West Lakes Shore School Christmas Concert

Our end of year Christmas Concert takes place Tuesday 30th November and our students are enjoying practising their items. To ensure the concert can go ahead and meet the most recent COVID guidelines we require all family attendees to socially distance, recommend masks when queueing and we will have student Covid marshals reminding families. Masks are not required outdoors if adults can physical distance. This is consistent with community mask use requirements. Please can all families ensure younger siblings do not enter the stage area (or rear nature play area) during the performance items. With the weather looking warm it should be a lovely evening. Class teachers will have informed families of any dress requirements for your child via their class communication apps.

 Carol, Helen and Fay

URGENT - Students Leaving WLSS at the end of 2021

STUDENTS LEAVING END 2021 - We urgently require families to inform us if their child will be leaving WLSS before or at the end of 2021 (Reception to Year 5 children). 

We are in the final stages of class placements for 2022 and fluctuating enrolment numbers have a significant impact on this process . 

Please forward any information to Janet Massey - janet.massey644@schools.sa.edu.au or via phone 08 8445 7255





In design and technology this semester, P4 students played the role of the designer, engineer, artist and the technology!

They followed the design and production process to make a toy.

Students then had the opportunity to share their toys with their little buddies from SS2.


Netball and Basketball End of Year Celebrations

The After School Basketball and Netball end of year presentations were held today in the gym during lunch time.  All the children that represented their respective sport during the school year were able to receive participation awards and celebrate with their team mates.

We are thankfully and grateful that the team coaches and some of the parents were able to attend this great celebration.

We have attached a few photos of todays festivities and also a photo of the Year 4/5 school netball team.

NETBALL - Year 4/5  final report

The girls have come so far this year, with some players never having played netball before. They end up finishing second on the ladder at the end of the year, and amazing achievement for all of them. The girls have made great friendships and have learnt some invaluable teamwork and sportsmanship skills.  A big thanks to their wonderful coaches Amanda and Carly!

West Lakes Shore School would like to give a massive THANK YOU to all the wonderful after school sport coaches who volunteer their time each week to make it possible for the kids to have a team!




Every year the Lee and Thomas families and another family hold an annual Charity Bake sale.

'We do this with one other mum friend from another school and all the kids are heavily involved in helping on the day . This is our 4th year running now.  Each year we choose a different charity . This year was the Royal Flying Doctors.  Today we got invited to go there to present them with a cheque for $2035.  It was a very successful bake sale !!!!!!!' 

We would like to say thank you to all the WLSS families that came and supported our fundraising effort, and to Ms Pojer for popping along too.

Jess L, Amelia T, Elijah T 



Spring has sprung, and the school holidays are just around the corner! Start planning your summer holidays with our VACSWIM 2021/22 program, heavily subsidised by the Government of South Australia.

For more information, Visit our website below!https://www.vacswimsa.com.au/




  • END OF YEAR CHRISTMAS CONCERT - Tuesday, 30 November 2021
  • SEA DRAGON UNIT EXCURSION - Wednesday, 1 December 2021
  • OCTOPUS / PELICAN INCURSION - Thursday, 2 December 2021
  • YEAR 1 & 2 EXCURSIONS - Monday, 6 December 2021
  • YEAR 6 GRADUATION (SD6,7 & 8) - Thursday, 9 December 2021
  • LAST DAY OF SCHOOL 2021 - Friday, 10 December 2021 - EARLY DISMISSAL 2:00 PM



  • EXTENDED HOLIDAYS - If your child/ren is going to be absent from school for the last week of Term 4, 2021 or the first week/s of Term 1, 2022 we need to know asap.  We will require you to fill out an Exemption Form for any absence over 3 days for Department requirements.  Please see the front office staff for a form.  This is also a requirement throughout the school year.  Any family absence over 3 days requires an Exemption Form, and any illness over 3 days requires a medical certificate from a doctor.
  • SKOOLBAG APP for ABSENCES - Please remember that you can put your child/rens absences in through the Absence EForm part of SkoolBag.  It can be for one or two days of absence and gives you the option of Family or Illness. This is a quick and easy way of informing us.