5 November | Pupil Free Day (no OSHC available) |
5 November – 7 November | Asbestos Removal |
11 November | Remembrance Day |
12 November | Japanese Sports Day & Colour Fun Run |
15 November – 19 November | Year 3/4/5 Swimming |
22 November – 24 November | Year 4/5 Camp |
29 November – 3 December | Year R/1 Swimming |
6 December | Year 6 Graduation |
8 December | Year 7 Graduation |
Parents and Carers on Site Again
It has been a joy to welcome back families and volunteers onto our school grounds. We have very much missed your presence. When you go into a classroom or front office we ask that you QR Code and wear a mask. Thank you.
Japanese Day and Colour Fun Run
On Friday 12 November we are celebrating Japanese Day in the morning, with parents invited to attend from 11:00am. Please join your child for lunch. At 2:00pm we are holding the major fundraiser for the year, the Colour Fun Run. We encourage children to wear a white Tshirt. I have been informed that the colours do wash out, however do not send your child’s favourite Tshirt. I have never been to a Colour Fun Run in all my years as a principal and am very much looking forward to both Japanese Day and the Colour Fun Run. I have purchased a very inexpensive white Tshirt…just in case!! The money raised by the Colour Fun Run will go towards a shade structure over the new playground. Please could you support your child and the school in fundraising for the shade. This would be very much appreciated.
Asbestos Removal
A reminder that no one can be on site on this Friday 5 November, Saturday 6 November or Sunday 7 November while the asbestos removal is occurring. We are all so pleased that this finally occurring. Without any unforeseen and uncontrollable events arising, the installation process for the new playground will commence in the week of 29 November. Exciting times.
New Receptions
We had 41 new receptions begin their transition program this week. They were keen to visit their new school. They will have 3 visits to school. We will be holding parent meetings over the next two transition visits.