TIDINGS - Term 1 Week 1 . 2022

You can only go so far without a tribe… Boba Fet

Welcome back!

It has been lovely to see everyone again and begin to reconnect this week. It is exciting to see the smiles of the students as they return to their friends and their school community, even the reluctant smiles of the older students who don’t want to admit that it is nice to be back!

The connection, identity and hope that belonging to a community brings is so important and seeing the joy in the students as they reconnect reinforces its importance. This connection to family and community is something we need to intentionally protect and perpetuate when we can. 

As the restrictions of the last two years evolve, though intentionally designed for our safety and protection, they have the potential to create lasting habits and comforts that, even when fully lifted, may impede people from connecting to their community again.


In a McCrindle Research seminar this week it was suggested that as a community during our COVID journey we initially moved from FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) into a sense of JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) and then onto JOGO (Joy of Going Out) as restrictions were initially lifted, only to possibly settle into HOGO (Hassle of Going Out) and, consequently, we may continue to disconnect.

The importance of community and connection is something that is not new though. The Bible is full of demonstrations of the power of community and family. The writers of the New Testament implored each other, despite possibly being in the habit of not meeting, to never cease gathering together in their homes and around meals so that they could grow in their faith and understanding and mature into the people that they were intentionally created to be (Hebrews 10).

At RCC, this understanding of community is critical. We are passionate about providing an education that fosters the power of community for everyone involved. Through collaborative learning experiences and an emphasis on partnering with parents, we are able to create an educational environment that empowers students to grow as individuals and understand their role in contributing to the growth of others.

Thus, it is critical that we recognise we can only grow so far without our tribe. We must value the purpose and power of community to make us stronger together and intentionally seek to connect with those around us, contributing and receiving in a way that helps others grow into the people we were made to be.

It is my prayer this year that we can continue to grow as a community, connecting and overcoming in a way that leads to a fresh hope for our kid’s future…

Good tidings…



Thank you Mr Simmons for modelling our new school swimming cap?


Swimming Carnival
Thursday 17 February



Friday 8 April



Wednesday 27 April 2022

Rapid Antigen Home Test Kits

We have received our second allocation of RAHT kits for distribution to families (two per student PK; four per student K-12).  The kits are available for collection by parents from the School Office. 


Welcome to all our students and new families this week. Our SRC leaders went the extra mile to welcome students in the rain!

Welcome to our New Pre-Kindy, Kindy and Year 7 Classes



Racecourse Café provides a lunch canteen Monday to Friday.

Bring your orders into the School Office before school or by 10.30am.

Please write the name and order on a bag or envelope and enclose the exact money. 

Note: No Change will be given as orders go straight to the Racecourse Café.