Term 4 2021 | Week 6

Welcome to our E-Newsletter

Research shows that 80% of Newsletters are now read online so we would like to make accessing our Newsletter easier and kinder to the environment. Our new e-newsletter can be read on any device and can be translated into over 100 different languages - simply scroll to the bottom of the newsletter. We would welcome your feedback.

News from the Principal

During the past few weeks staff have been busy working on your child’s report. This is a busy time and I thank them for their hard work in ensuring you receive an informative report that outlines their academic, social and behavioural success. Reports will be sent home during week 9.

With the recent prolonged rain we have had I would like to congratulate students and staff for their resilience. Being cooped up inside for days on end can be very trying for all involved. Everyone worked together during this time and continued to engage in their school work.

Last week Governing Council met to discuss and make decisions on a number of school issues. The initial budget was developed by Raylene, Mrs Whyte and myself and was passed by Council. The budget now becomes the basis of what we will commit to in 2022. Our final budget will be passed early in Term 1, 2022.

I would like to wish our year 6 and year 7 students all the very best as they attend their new school for transition visits in week 7. Both groups of students will spend a full day getting to know staff and having a tour of the school. It is an exciting time but also a time when your child may face some mixed emotions and feelings of anxiousness. These feelings are normal, but may need support. We are here if your child needs support. On these days we also welcome our new Reception students for 2022. They will be here for over half a day on both Monday and Tuesday. We welcome our new students and their families to Long Street.

Our Year 6 and Year 7 students will soon participate in their formal graduation. It is a very special time for our students to graduate and be recognised for their achievements. We wish all students a great night.

Bryan Rotherham



Senior Leader

Well, it is that time of year again - awards and reports are busily being collated and finalised.  Our Awards Ceremony will be held during the day on Thursday November 25 in two separate assemblies.  One will be held for Rooms 1 - 6 and then another for Rooms 7 - 13.  This event will be student-only due to COVID restrictions.  We will take photos of the award winners and send these home free of charge to families.

Student reports will go home on Wednesday of Week 9 (December 8), please check your child’s bag if you do not receive their report on this day.  If you do not receive your child’s report please let us know and we will organise a copy.

The end of year is always a busy time, with transitions, Graduations, Aquatics, Christmas Concert and Awards Day, we are looking forward to celebrating these events with our students.

Jodie Turpin

Senior Leader

Student Wellbeing Leader News

Thanks to the staff and students who participated in ‘Dress like a Superhero Day’ we were able to raise $93 for the Ronald McDonald House.

Ronald McDonald House is an amazing charity that provides a home away from home for regional and rural families who have children who are in hospital.

I know many of our families in our own school community have used this amazing charity. I myself have used the facilities at Ronald McDonald House in Adelaide with my own child and they provide such an amazing service for both parents, siblings and the child receiving treatment.

If you would like to donate to Ronald McDonald please visit the website listed below:


Becc O’Neil 

Wellbeing Leader

Ronald McDonald House Charity

Diary Dates


Monday 22nd
  • Year 6 Whyalla Secondary College Transition
  • New Reception Transition
Tuesday 23rd
  • Year 7 Whyalla Secondary College Transition
  • New Reception Transition
Thursday 25thAwards Day (Student Only)
Tuesday 30thYear 6 Graduation
Wednesday 1stYear 7 Graduation
Tuesday 7thChristmas Concert (Student Only)
Thursday 9thYear 7 Aquatics
Friday 10th

End of Term 4

2.10pm Finish

What's Happening in ........

Room 6?

In room 6 this term we have been working really hard on developing our literacy skills. One of the games that we are playing every day is Common Word Jenga. There are 80 Jenga blocks with common words on them, a tower is built using half of the blocks and children take turns taking a block (without the tower falling down). Students then read the word. If they can read it they keep it. If they can’t yet read the word it goes back on top and the game continues. Once the tower falls, every one has to read all of their words out loud and make a sentence using them.

This game helps students to develop recognition of common words, to work cooperatively with their peers and to improve their skills with sentence structure and making sure of meaning.

‘Its really hard and you need to focus’ - Addison

‘When you play it you learn words that you find when you read’ -Mathew

‘You learn new words, and if you don’t know them you put them on top and get to try again - Ascha


Around our School

Dress as a Superhero Day

Lest We Forget

Room 1 take STEM outside!

Community Informaton

Year 7 to High School Update

Year 7 to High School Update