The Randwick Buzz

Term 4, Week 4

From the Principal

It's hard to believe that we're almost through Term 4 and the conclusion of 2020. It has certainly been a momentous year, although not necessarily in the ways we would have predicted.  The term has continued to flow smoothly so thank you so much to parents, students and teachers for keeping us safe and operating.  Keep up the social distance and the rigorous hand washing. 

A huge thank you to the P&C and RPS Parent Community for the  delicious lunch provided in celebration of World Teachers Day, it was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

We've had a great response to our first Colour Fun-run, students are looking forward to the event.  You have until Friday 6th November to register or fundraise.  All students are welcome to participate, but if you haven't registered and created a profile for your children we will need to seek a separate permission for participation via Operoo.  Please help us out and ensure your child can participate,  registration link and details below.  All children will need to wear suitable/older clothes for running and a non school hat, although colour does wash out in time.  The greatest  visual effect comes from white clothes!  Students are also welcome to bring a mask if you are concerned.  Get in quickly!   My grandson is backing up for the colour run at his school after having a great time in 2019! 

During the year our teachers have implemented the Positive Behaviour for Learning Program, teaching weekly lessons in the classroom to reinforce our agreed values of;  Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be a Learner.   A wonderful mural painted by artist Cat Egan now adorns the Block A wall, adjacent to the playground to reinforce this.  (See photo below).  We've been so inspired by the mural that we plan to have a go ourselves.  Miss Butler, the Year 6 students and class teachers will paint a mural of the animal emblems of our 6 new sports houses, on the back of the parents room that adjoins the new netball court.

The implementation of 6 houses instead of the current 4 means smaller house groups, which will become part of our PBL plan to reinforce the values and behaviours.

A new sports shirt has been designed for all Year 3 - 6 students which is  to be worn for either PSSA or school sport day from 2021.  The cost of $35 will be offset from any credit relating to sport or excursion fees paid earlier in the year.  This will be accounted for on Invoices to be issued shortly.  This will clearly identify to parents where fees are in advance due to cancelled activities or where funds are owing.  The balance of any funds will then be carried over into 2021 and offset any fees for next year's activities.  If you have any concerns or do not understand your invoice, please contact the office.  As always any financial hardship  can be addressed to the Principal. 


Susan Allen, Principal

New School Sport Shirts

Information for parents and carers about the changes to school operations because of COVID-19 health advice current from 17 August 2020 is available.

    School Fun Run


    The online fundraising campaign closes at midnight on FRIDAY 6th NOVEMBER

    Fundraising is optional.   Absolutely everyone will participate equally, regardless of whether they fundraise.

    We will send out a Operoo note to seek permission for those children who have not created an online profile, to ensure they can participate in the Colour Run.

    • Online is the only way to fundraise and claim prizes.
    • It’s easy just go to and create a student profile page.
    • Easily share their profile with friends and family via email, SMS and Social media if you are collecting donations from others.
    • 6-13 NOVEMBER is the ONLY time to claim your prizes.
    • Create / log into your Profile Page at between these dates, click on the ‘CLAIM YOUR PRIZE’ button and follow the prompts.

    If you have any questions, please contact the School Fun-Run team on 1800 FUN RUN, and they will gladly assist! 

    • There is the option to donate your prizes to a local charity
    • Keeping your prizes is absolutely fine.
    • IF you would like to donate your prizes to charity, we have teamed with Daniel Pozarik and the Social Justice Club  and we will arrange for all the donated ‘prizes’ to go to the WAGEC Goods Drive supporting women, children and families experiencing or at risk of homelessness and/or domestic violence.

    About the Day

    The Colour Run which is happening on Thursday the 10th December is our way of giving our kids a super fun day, particularly with the End of Year BBQ not able to happen this year due to COVID.

    The School Fun-Run BIG SHOW is all about Fun! There will be huge inflatables, and lots of COLOUR POWDER. Think of it as a Fun Run carnival! This will be one of the most exciting days on our school’s calendar.

    The event will be fully COVID compliant. The event will be run during the school day by School Fun Run staff and teachers. As with most events this year, it will likely be run in year groups to reduce interaction between grades.

    It is unlikely the Department will allow parents onto school premises so, sorry, no spectators.

    If you have any further questions, please email

    Growing Up Digital Survey

    Click here to access;

    This Phase 2 survey has been extended and is now open until 20 November 2020 

    Randwick Public School P&C Association

    A Message from the P&C

    Dear Randwick families,

    The year is counting down, fast.  This very odd year that we will all remember for different reasons.

    I don’t know about you, but I have missed that special sense of community that we get when we can have events and be on school grounds, even just the incidental chat and a wave at drop off and pick up. Fingers crossed that the ‘doughnuts’ continue and we get to return to life in the playground next year.

    No matter what 2021 holds, we need a P&C team in place to keep working behind the scenes, planning, running events and fundraising when we can, managing the P&C funds and working with the school on the wide range of issues that arise from time to time. 

    The AGM is coming, Monday November 16, via Zoom. The notice and instructions are here in the newsletter - how to register and be financial to ensure you can vote on the night and how to nominate for positions on the executive or sub-committee.

    Please take a few minutes.Next year is going to require some creative thinking, energy and enthusiasm to reinvigorate and rebuild our special community vibe. If you would like to contribute your special something to the mix, please let us know.

    See you all at the AGM on the 16th.

    All the best,

    Noelle and the P&C team

    Notice of 2020 Randwick Public School P&C Annual General Meeting

    Notice of 2020 Randwick Public School P&C Annual General Meeting 

    Nominations for the positions within the P&C will close at the commencement of the meeting, where after nominations have closed and there are no or insufficient nominations, nominations may be made from the floor.

    1. Close of Nominations

    2.  Apologies

    3.  Confirmation of 2019 Minutes (

    4.  President’s Report (Noelle Phegan)

    5.  Receipt and Approval of Financial Statement (Naomi Dusheiko)

    6.  Elections of Office Bearers, i.e. Executive members;

      • President (nomination received)
      • Vice President (nomination sought)
      • Treasurer (nomination received)
      • Assistant Treasurer / VP (nomination received)
      • Secretary (nomination sought)

    7.  Nominations to non-executive positions.

    (All positions are available for anyone to nominate for.  We are particularly seeking nominations for a Vice President and a Secretary.  Currently we have nominations for all other Executive roles).

    Important Notes regarding meeting

    Eligibility and attendance: All members of the school community are welcome and encouraged to attend online and to participate in the operation and development of our wonderful school community.

    Venue: ONLINE VIA ZOOM - please register via Eventbrite:

    (You will be sent the Zoom meeting code at 3.30pm on the day). 

    At this meeting all officer and other positions will become vacant and then be filled by nomination, and where necessary by ballot of members. All nominees shall be members of the Association. All attendees wishing to vote must also be members.  If you are not already a financial member of the P&C for the 2019-2020 year, membership is by payment of the annual subscription of $1 which will need to be handed into the front office in a clearly labelled envelope marked with your name and '$1/P&C fees' or by bank transfer to the following account in advance of the meeting:

    Name:      Randwick PS P&C Association

    BSB:          032-056

    Acc No:     381718 

    Amount:   $1

    Nominations and Voting: 

    Non-executive positions will also be confirmed or appointed at the AGM. These include:

    • Communications coordinator (nomination sought)
    • Morning tea coordinator (nomination sought)
    • Fundraising coordinator (nominations received)
    • Sports coordinator (nomination received)
    • Working Bee coordinator (nomination received)
    • Music coordinator (nomination received)
    • OOSH liaison (nomination received)


    Nominations will close at the opening of the meeting, at 7.30pm.  While you may nominate on the night, if you are planning to nominate, it would be appreciated if you could please advise the Secretary ahead of the meeting via  

    Where more than one nomination is received for an Office Bearer position, an electronic ballot will be held of financial members present. 

    If you would like to know more about any position please email the secretary (as above) or speak to a current member of the Executive - Noelle Phegan (0402 052 396), Isabel Hesketh, David Allen, Naomi Dusheiko and Martin Considine.

    We look forward to seeing you on the night. 

    Kind regards, 



    AGM Agenda - Monday 16th November @ 7.30 pm


    Item #






    Report by


      • Welcome
      • Close of nominations
      • Attendance & apologies
      • Minutes of AGM 2019

    7:30 pm



      • President’s Annual Report

    7:35 pm



      • Treasurer's Annual Report
      • Receipt and Approval of Financial Statement
      • Review of Membership Fees 2021

    7:45 pm



      • Approval of 2021 Operating Budget

    7:55 pm

    President / Treasurer


      • Election of Office Bearers and non-executive positions


      • President
      • Vice President Treasurer
      • Assistant Treasurer / VP Secretary

    Non-executive positions:

      • Fundraising Coordinator
      • Sports Coordinator
      • Working Bee Coordinator
      • Communications Coordinator
      • Morning Tea Coordinator
      • Music Liaison
      • OOSH Liaison

    8:00 pm

    Returning Officer: Principal



    Please note that the AGM is immediately followed by a General Meeting

    8:10 pm


    What's on?

    Year 6 CPR Training

    Friday 6th November

    Year 4 Camp

    Wednesday 11th November - Thursday 12th November

    Year 5 Camp

    Monday 16th November - Wednesday 18th November

    Year 5 Student Body Vote

    Friday 20th November 

    Year 5 Prefect Elections

    Monday 23rd November

    Please provide your feedback by clicking on the link. We will direct the feedback to the appropriate people and/or share it in the newsletter!

    Thank you!

     Just wanted to say how much i love the new sports shirts...fantastic! Awesome job Randwick Public School. ?

     Just a note that the Google translate application works reasonably well on the Newsletter text (with some really funny translations at times, but not impeding comprehension) but it doesn’t pick up any screenshots of PDFs inserted in the Newsletter. Some of these are important information on Book Fair procedures, how to talk to kids about mental health, gaming etc. Perhaps these pieces of info could be inserted into the main body of the Newsletter for the sake of accessibility for LOTE speakers?

    Kindergarten Principal Awards

    Abbie H
    Dylan Y
    Ethan W
    Ivy M
    Jamie S
    Jimmy Z
    Joshua H
    Kaia S
    Lillian S
    Mila C
    Natalie C
    Phoebe H
    Rylina L
    Torre W

    Year 1 Principal Awards


    Abby W
    Avery V
    Felix N
    Fraser S
    Hugo H
    Kassra T
    Kyle D
    Mahlia C
    Mariko M
    Mark A
    Sarah K
    Sebastian Mc

    Year 1 Leadership Awards

    Chloe R 

    Year 2 Principal Awards

    Aiden C
    Alice Z  
    Audrey P 
    Emmeline H 
    Eric L
    Fabian T
    Felix S
    Flynn R
    Goldie L
    Honey S
    India J  
    Isabelle C
    James T
    Jamie T
    Mabel J
    Mabel J
    Maxwell N
    Niyah G
    Samuel R
    William B

    Year 2 Leadership Awards

    Alice Z  
    Charlotte O 
    Kai D
    Olivia L

    Year 3 Principal Awards

    Abigail W
    Aiden L
    Charlie B
    Dougie C
    Elisa S
    Iggy W
    Ivan Q
    Jack Y  
    Lachlan W  
    Max C 
    Quentin M  
    Tabby C  
    Zoe G  

    Year 4 Principal Awards

    Adrian A 
    Benjamin B  
    Cairo W  
    Courtney C
    Curtis R
    Dana J
    Dino Z 
    Hayley F 
    Isabelle C  
    Kohaku N  
    Max K  
    Sean M  
    Yi Chen Z 

    Year 5 Principal Awards

    Derek H  
    Gaia D 
    Mika H  
    Tio H  
    Victoria L 


    LEARNING LABS - An academic enrichment holiday program @ University of Wollongong

    LEARNING LABS - An academic enrichment holiday program @ University of Wollongong

    Little Learning Labs (Years 1 and 2): 13th-15th January 2021

    Early Learning Labs (Years 3 to 6): 19th-21st January 2021

    Applications closing Monday 9th November

    Click here for details;

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