Weir State School Newsletter

Term 2 Week 10

Principal's Pen

Welcome to the final edition of term  – Wow what a tough  1st semester at our great school. First and foremost I would like to thank the staff of Weir State School for the outstanding resilience shown at the start of the year when our city went through the biggest floods in its history. Everyone had to stick together strongly to ensure our school stayed solid and was a positive place for our kids when things weren’t going so well. Things were unsteady for a while, however we all appear to be on the right track now with our great school motoring forward.  As we near the end of what has been a super term one can only marvel at the great accomplishments our students, teachers and community have achieved. We have lots to be proud of. I look forward to continuing to work hard with the Weir Team and continue our journey together as a solid school community in Term 3.  Our achievements for the 1st half of the year have been:

  • New digital sign

  • New PBL signage

    Front fence at arvo pick up area

    School camera security system

    Improved hall screen and audio system

    Interactive learning screens for prep

    4 lesson sequence reading system

    $ 10 000 worth of new reading books

    $ 60 000 spent on laptop computers

    Continued focus on  curriculum direction and structure

    Student disciplinary absence ( short and long suspensions) reduction throughout semester

    New Positive Behaviour System implemented throughout the school and Gotcha Room rewards system

    Weir Strong Youth Engagement program

Students attendance term 3 - Every day counts: Unfortunately, this term there has been too many unexplained absences. I would really like to see our term 3 focus on ensuring all students come to school each day and on time. Learning is paramount to smart kids. Remember unless sick – it’s not OK to be away.

Continued behaviour expectations – Please remember to remind your children on their return in term 3 of our high expectations. Keeping hands and feet to self and using appropriate language. Hit or swear and you go home – It’s that simple!!

School Watch over the break – If you happen to be walking, riding or driving past the school on the holidays please keep an eye out for any suspicious people that shouldn’t be on the premises. If you think there is a problem please contact the police immediately. Please contact 131788 if you see anything conspicuous when going past our school.

SCHOOL HOLIDAYS -  Now that the holidays are approaching, it’s time to think about keeping the kids entertained . There are many activities you can do with your children which are inexpensive and good fun. You don’t need to entertain them every moment of every day, but if you plan a couple of special family activities with them, it helps to break the monotony as well as building relationships with them.

Have you taken the kids fishing lately or tried rollerblading or bike riding with them? What about yabbying or a picnic by the river, lake or beach? Had a barbecue in the bush recently? Take a picnic lunch to the local gardens and relax under the shady trees. Throw in the frisbee for some fun and games with them. Have you been out on a boat with them? Try canoeing or kayaking or just a swim. Or just lie on the banks of a river and watch the boats float by.

You can do some very simple activities with them on those rainy days when you are stuck inside. Consider these ideas: write or email a friend to come over and play; write a shopping list together; draw a map of the neighbourhood, your house or the way to Grandma’s; plant some seedlings; look at photo albums and tell stories about when you were a child; design, make and fly a kite; estimate, compare and count collections of things; visit the local library and borrow a book, or buy a new one to share; teach them to play hopscotch or a board game; ride a bike, throw a ball, kick the footy; cook some biscuits together or make a yummy fruit salad.

Most importantly…..TALK, TALK, TALK  with your children.

Have a great holiday and enjoy spending time with your children; they’re very special young people!

THIS EDITIONS PROVERB  - “ Hope is not a Strategy ”

Have a great mid year break, stay safe and GO THE COWBOYS

Mr B  - Acting Principal


                                                    KIRWAN STATE HIGH SCHOOL YEAR 6 INTO 7 - INFORMATION NIGHT

                                                    Parents/Caregivers and students interested in enrolling in Year 7 at Kirwan State High School in 2020 are invited to attend an Information Night on Tuesday 30th July at 6:00pm in the school Performing Arts Block.

                                                    If you have any questions please contact Geraldine Glazier on 4773 8123.

                                                    Register your interest through our Facebook event.


                                                    Chappy Corner

                                                    What do "Chappies" do??

                                                    SUQld who is my employing body has released a series of pictures focusing on what chaplains actually do across the state. I’m going to include a few slides from this over the next few newsletters. Keeping in mind this is based off a survey of chaplains across the state though my survey results were fairly similar. If you’d like to be involved in our Local Chaplaincy Committee. Please contact me at

                                                    Support Our Chaplaincy service: buy an entertainment book or donate direct to


                                                    Student of the Week

                                                    Year 1
                                                    Year 2
                                                    Year 3
                                                    Year 4
                                                    Year 5
                                                    Year 6
                                                    PB: Jahriah
                                                    1B: Brill
                                                    2B: Aryana
                                                    3B: Marcus
                                                    4B: Anthony
                                                    5B: Dylan
                                                    6B: Reggie
                                                    PR: Ashlee
                                                    1R: Ameda
                                                    2R: Ella
                                                    3R: Zoey
                                                    4R: Daiken
                                                    5R: Courtney
                                                    6R: Bella
                                                    PY: Eikyler
                                                    1Y: Eli
                                                    2Y: Jayden
                                                    3Y: Tara-Rose
                                                    4Y: Chace

                                                    5Y: Jaycie

                                                    6Y: Malakai
                                                    PG: Sunny
                                                    1G: Harmony
                                                    2G: Sebastian
                                                    3G: Jessica
                                                    5G: Alex
                                                    5/6M: Jackson

                                                    2S: Katara

                                                    3S: Eli

                                                    Inclusion Award: 4G: Lea-Lea

                                                    The Arts


                                                    1Y: Delilah


                                                    5B: Chelsea



                                                    PR: Olivia



                                                    6Y: Nasharn

                                                    Instrumental Music


                                                    5G: Isabella

                                                    Brass, Woodwind & Percussion

                                                    4R: Cassandra

                                                    Weir Wonder

                                                    1B: Laurence

                                                    2G: Jake

                                                    3S: Anita

                                                    5B: Sephelma

                                                    5/6M: Ella

                                                    News from The Arts



                                                    The Arts Program at Weir State School offers a rich and varied program of classroom and extra-curricular activities. All students from Prep to Year 6 engage in an hourly lesson covering Music, Dance and Drama. Lessons are provided each Term in 5 week blocks, alternating with PE/Health. An Instrumental Music program is offered to students from year 3 upward. The Choral Program is also available to students from Year 3 -6.

                                                    The Arts is based on the principle that all young Australians are entitled to engage fully in all the major art forms and to be given a balanced and substantial foundation in the special knowledge and skills base of each.

                                                    For most people, the arts is an integral part of life. We believe all students can derive considerable fulfilment and enjoyment from an arts education – not only those who show a particular talent. The skills and concepts students acquire, as a result of their arts education should be of benefit to them not only in their schooling but also in the years beyond formal education.

                                                    Music, Dance and Drama Lessons

                                                    Learning in Music involves students having a range of experiences involving singing, movement, listening, musical games and playing instruments: untuned and tuned percussion in prep to year 2, Glockenspiels in Years 3 - 6. Skills in reading and writing music notation, composition and performance are developed and encouraged at all year levels.

                                                    Learning in Dance involves students exploring elements, skills and processes through the

                                                    integrated practices of choreography, performance and appreciation. The body is the instrument

                                                    of expression and uses combinations of the elements of dance (space, time, dynamics and

                                                    relationships) to communicate and express meaning through expressive and purposeful


                                                    Learning in Drama involves students making, performing, analysing and responding to drama,

                                                    drawing on human experience as a source of ideas. Students engage with the knowledge of drama, develop skills, techniques and processes, and use materials as they explore a range of forms, styles and contexts.

                                                    Instrumental Music

                                                    The instrumental music program provides tuition to students in the form of weekly lessons. Programs are offered in strings, brass, woodwind and percussion. Lessons are provided by instrumental music teachers who work across several schools, primary and high schools, in the Townsville district.

                                                    The strings program is available for students in years 3 to 6. The brass, woodwind and percussion programs are available for students in years 4 to 6. Students are able to loan their instrument through the school. Some students will be encouraged to buy their own instrument after several years in the program.

                                                    Instrumental Program Recruitment

                                                    Recruitment for the strings program occurs towards the end of year 2 for year 3, and for other instruments in year 4 or year 5.

                                                    Students are assessed according to:

                                                    • A standard musicality test
                                                    • General class attitude and performance
                                                    • Music class achievement  

                                                    We are able to loan instruments for 2 years. The larger expensive instruments (French horn, trombone, saxophone and Cello) are on loan for the duration of the student’s learning. In all other cases children are expected to purchase or hire their own instrument after two years. Students are invited to participate in the school concert bands, string orchestras and instrumental ensembles once they have reached an appropriate level of competence. Our ensembles perform at the local eisteddfod each year, and are given the opportunity to perform regularly at school assemblies and concerts. All instrumental music students are encouraged to participate in various instrumental music workshops offered throughout the year.

                                                    Instrumental Lessons

                                                    Students attend one lesson per week. These lessons are organised on a rotational basis to assist the children in not missing out on the same class lessons each week. Rehearsals and Band Practice are compulsory for those in the program.


                                                    Students in this program are expected to practice 4 X 20 minutes every week. This is vital to a successful experience in learning a given instrument. Practice is monitored by teachers with a practice sheet which we ask parents to monitor and sign. As students are taught in a group of approximately 5 it is important that they work together as a team and are up-to-date with the practice set by the teacher.


                                                    It is compulsory for each student to attend timetabled lessons, instrumental group rehearsals and all performances. Students who are absent must present a note from their parents as soon as possible after that time. If a student continues to be absent without explanation, parents will be contacted and that student may be withdrawn from the program.

                                                    Information evening

                                                    During fourth term all music staff invite parents of children who are entering our program to an information evening. At this evening we outline the expectations, the running of the program and the costs of the program.

                                                    Choral program

                                                    Weir State School has a high participation rate in our Choral program. We currently have over 90 students enrolled. Students have the opportunity to participate in the Junior Choir in years 3 and 4 or in the Senior Choir in years 5 and 6. These groups rehearse weekly and enjoy their active involvement in both the school community and within the wider local community. All students are invited to join our Choirs.

                                                    The choirs perform regularly at our School Parades. Our Choirs have many opportunities to perform. The students also enjoy singing at the Eisteddfod, Under 8’s opening ceremony, 2 Naidoc Parades, Anzac Day Parade and Christmas Carols at the Masonic Village. A highlight of the Choral Program is the annual Townsville and District Choral Camp. This runs for 4 days in the last week of Term 2.

                                                    2019 Term 2 Music Showcase Review

                                                    Yesterday, our school community was treated to a terrific afternoon of musical pieces presented by our Junior and Senior Band, String Orchestra and the Junior and Senior Choirs. We had lots of families come along to watch and enjoy the student's performances. Ms Clarke-Flesser, Miss Mulligan and Mrs Wilson were very proud of them all. Marissa Lee came first in the Arties Music Competition, second went to Jessica Mathews and third to Dakota Jackson.  The girls will now go on to compete against other schools at Stockland Shopping Centre. Well done girls! Here are some photos of the afternoon.

                                                    PE News

                                                     There is no Interschool Soccer, Tennis or Rugby Union this week. Competition continues after the holidays.

                                                    Townsville Shell Club


                                                    Free Holiday Activity

                                                    Townsville Shell Club will be hosting its 50th annual Shell Show on the weekend of July 7th and 8th. We invite all students to come along to the Orchid Society Hall on the corner of Charles Street and Bamford Lane, Kirwan (opposite the Red Rooster) and be amazed at the wondrous world of shells in the displays and on the sales tables. Experts are available to answer any questions students may have about their own shells. The displays reinforce many STEM concepts taught in schools by providing concrete examples that will focus on improving performance of students of any age but are so interesting the kids will never know it’s learning!

                                                    There are age-appropriate activities organised for children. All children who attend will be given a free bag of shells. The Shell Show will also provide parents with a quiet sanctuary away from the roar of V8 engines while they view the exhibits.

                                                    Visitors are welcome on Saturday from 10am to 4pm and on Sunday from 10am to 2pm. Entry is FREE for students and adults only have to pay $2.00.

                                                    For further enquiries: call Marian on 4723 4925 or find The Townsville Shell Club on Facebook