Macedon Primary School Newsletter

6 October 2021

School Values: Respect, Responsibility, Creativity, Integrity, Teamwork

Principal's Report

Dear parents,

Welcome back to term four.  Our Foundation to Year 2 teachers are getting out and about this week and getting used to teaching and learning outside.  The outdoor learning is not always viable with the unstable weather at the moment, however as things warm up it will get easier to utilise the outdoor spaces.

Onsite and Remote Learning Settings – First 3 Weeks of Term

This table sets out the onsite and remote learning settings for the next three weeks before we are all back onsite from Tuesday the 26th of October.


School Attendance

Remote Learning

Week 1 - Monday October 4th

Foundation, Year One and Year Two  attend  5 days/week

3/6  5 days remote learning Week 1

Week 2 - Monday  October 11th

F-2 5 days/week

3/4 Tuesday/Wednesday

5/6 Thursday/Friday


3/4 Monday/Thursday/Friday

5/6 Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday

Week 3 - Monday October 18th

F-2 5 days/week

3/4 Tuesday/Wednesday

5/6 Thursday/Friday


3/4 Monday/Thursday/Friday

5/6 Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday

Week 4 - Tuesday October 26th

All students/staff return to face to face teaching


Tier 1 Exposure Sites

With the start of the term and onsite learning we are already seeing the sharp rise in families who have been effected by visiting Tier 1 exposure sites.  If you or a family member find yourself in this situation, please inform the school immediately and keep you children at home.  If you’re children are at school when you find out, please let us know immediately as you will need to pick up your children in a COVIDsafe way.  We will bring your children out to your car.  Please feel free to call and get advice from me if you’re unsure about the rules and if you’re having trouble getting information from DHHS. 

In the instance that a positive case is linked to our school will be in touch with you all very shortly after I am informed and our COVIDsafe management plan will be enacted. At this stage there are no positive cases linked to the school.

Parents coming into the school

Please support us to maintain a COVID safe environment by refraining from coming into the school buildings and classrooms. If you need to sign your child in late or collect them earlier, please come into the office foyer and check in using the QR codes. A staff member will then take your child to class or collect them from the classroom.

Families Required to Isolate

For parents and families who are required to get tested and isolate for 14 days we are going to develop hardcopy learning packs and deliver them to homes.  We are also to going to trial using WebEx to link student needing to isolate with their peers at school.  If you are currently isolating, your classroom teacher will send you their personal WebEx room link so your child can login.  Class teachers will do their best to manage this and it will be a bit of trial and error to see what works best for students.

Year 3-4 and 5-6 Camp Cancelled

I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news again, but under the current restrictions the Year 3-4 camp cannot go ahead.  Julie Stein-Reeves will be in touch with those parents who have paid with the reimbursement options in the next week.  We will be attempting to organise an activities week that we will run during the day in lieu of the 3-4 camp.

On a positive note the grade 2's have been writing cards to emergency services people such as nurses, doctors and police. The above drawing is by Asha and some examples of the letters are included later in the newsletter.

Sampai jumpa (until next time)

Matt Forrest

Qr Codes / Facemasks

Face masks at schools

It is now recommended primary-school-age children wear masks while indoors and outdoors, except when in the home or when an exception applies. However, it is not mandatory.

For communication purposes, teachers and education support staff are not required to wear face masks while teaching.

All other staff and visitors must wear a face mask at all times, unless a lawful exception applies

Visitors and parents must observe indoor face mask requirements. Face masks continue to be worn outside at all times.

QR Codes

The use of Service Victoria QR codes for electronic record keeping is now mandatory in all schools to enable the effective contract tracing of any COVID-19 cases.

QR Code check in are required to be used by:

  • All visitors on school site (including contractors, external Department staff and building maintenance staff)
  • All parents who enter school building when on school site.

QR code check ins are not required to be used by parents who come onto school grounds for drop off or pick up, but do not enter buildings.

Please be reminded that:

Existing sign in and out process should continue to be used to record visitor attendance, therefore visitors still need to use the visitors book at the office, for legal and regulatory obligations.

Important Dates

13 October - 15 October - Grade 3/4 Camp Weekaway - cancelled

25 October - 29 October - Grade 5/6 Cape Bridgewater Camp - cancelled

2 November - Melbourne Cup public holiday (school closed)

16 November - School Photo Day

20 November - Macedon Primary School Fete

10 December - Foundation - Yr 2 Zoo Excursion (new date)

17 December - Last day of year (1:30pm dismissal)

From the office

Camps / Excursions in Term 4

As was advised yesterday via email, the year 3/4 camp and 5/6 camp have been cancelled. Julie will be forwarding correspondence to families in due course regarding refunds of all of the cancelled events.

The Foundation - Yr 2 Zoo excursion has been moved to the 10th December.

Year 6 2022 Bomber Jackets

A note was emailed to the current Grade 5 students regarding Yr 6 2022 Bomber Jackets. Please contact the school if you did not received this order form.

We look forward to seeing the 3/4s on Tuesday and Wednesday and the 5/6s on Thursday and Friday.

Lunch orders will be available to the students onsite on Fridays.

Julie  and Emma

Student Achievement Awards

The following awards will be read out at our virtual assembly on Friday at 3:00pm

F/1TT - Billy S - For always doing his personal best.

F/1TT - Ava K - For working hard on all her learning.

F/1MS - Patrick D - For his excellent work telling the time to the half hour.

F/1MS - Harper M - For her fabulous writing about her school holidays.

1KH - Oliver N - For he fantastic improvement in maths.

1/2KB - Baylie H - For her great contributions to class discussions.

1/2KB - Yuka P - For giving her best to all learning tasks.

3VW - Olive – for her fantastic holiday recount using her senses to describe her experiences

3VW - Evie – for showing us her gorgeous new puppies during our class Webex meetings

3/4MS - Lukas B: For his positive approach to all online learning , especially mathematics.

3/4MS -  Phoebe B: For always joining our Webex meetings and sharing her great ideas.

3/4MS - Madison C: For all the thoughtful and beautifully presented work that she submits online. 

4/5BT -  Jasper C- for a student who consistently has a go at all remote learning tasks.

4/5BT - Noah S- for excellent dash facts on democracy.

4/5BT - Hannah R- for showing persistence in her remote learning.

4/5BT - Oscar S- for showing dedication to his learning by attending a webex whilst in the car.

6AB - Alexa R - for always being on task and overcoming remote learning obstacles

6AB - Jasper R - for being able to face learning challenges and overcoming them by setting small successful goal

Thank you letters to our emergency service people

2RG Enjoying Middle Gully

Indonesian News

Those of you who were at MPS last year will remember Teteh Putri (Miss Putri), our Indonesian language assistant. Last week, Putri started a new job: she will be teaching for a year at a village primary school on a remote island in Maluku Province, Indonesia. It’s part of a program that sends high-achieving young teachers to remote schools to improve education for all in Indonesia.

Internet access is quite limited there so I’m not sure when we’ll next hear from Teteh Putri, but she asked me to send her best wishes to everyone at MPS and she’ll update us about life in the village when she can.

Teteh Putri sent me this photo last Tuesday – it was taken while she and her teacher friends were waiting for the ferry from Seram (the largest island in Maluku) to their island schools (Putri is at the back, between the two wearing hats). She told me that the ferry would take 13 hours to get to her island!

I’m not sure what her island is called but I think it is one of the Banda Islands (or is near them at least). The Banda Islands are very famous in world history – you might want to look them up in an atlas or online map.

School Photos - Postpones - New date 16th November

School photos have been postponed again due to COVID restrictions. We have confirmed Tuesday the 16th of November with MSP Photography.

Please hold on to your original envelopes.

Remember to be SunSmart

Weather you are learning at home or at school it is important to be aware of the sun. With the change of seasons we remind all students to please wear their hats when they are outside. UV radiation cannot be seen or felt , can be reflected off surfaces, can pass through light clouds and varies in intensity across the year (it is highest in Victoria from mid-August to the end of April). 

For the students that are onsite, at lunchtime and recess we ask that children seek shade, slip on protective clothing, slap on a sun protective hat, slop on some sunscreen and slide on some sunglasses!

Hats are available to purchase from the Beleza Store in Gisborne

Outside School Hours Care

Spaces are filling up for OSHC.  Most spaces are taken up by permanent bookings and we are unable to book casuals in (they will have to be placed on a waiting list).  If you have a permanent booking and do not need the service for After School please advise the program as soon as you know, preferably before 11.00am on the day so we are able to give that space to another child.  For Before School, please call before 6.30pm the day before or email the service on

Late cancellation fees apply if your child’s place is cancelled after 11.00am.  Further, if you do not cancel your child and they do not attend, fees may still apply.

Our rates are: $15.00 for Before School Care (7:00am - 8:45am) and $22.00 for After School Care (3:30pm - 6:30pm). All you need to do is call the school 5426 1518 or email to book.  If the unexpected happens and a casual booking is required within 24 hours, please contact the school via phone, we cannot accept walk-ins after school.  Please note that enrolment forms need to be completed at least one business day before the first session of care.

Please pay through the school via Direct Deposit, using the following details (not BPay):

Account name: Macedon Primary School

BSB: 063-840

Account: 1003 4330

Vicki, Helen, Karen & Marie.

Community News

Macedon Primary School

Macedon Primary School acknowledges the Wurundjeri people as the traditional owners of the country upon which we learn and work. We recognise their continuing connection to land, water and community and pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging.