Term 3 Week 4 - 2nd August, 2021

What's inside this issue

Principal's MessageYear 1 Phonics Screening Child Protection lessons commence this term  K - 2
Book Week photos and videoEnrol now for Kinder 202260 seconds with...

Upcoming Events


Monday - Permission and payment due - Zone Athletic Carnival

Wednesday - LHS Transition Visit - Year 6 students

Friday - Newcastle City Zone PSSA Athletics Carnival 


Thursday - School Assembly - KH

Friday - Water Safety Presentations - NCC Lifeguards

Principal's Message

Education Week

Our thanks to all parents and carers for your support and engagement with our Education Week Zoom meetings last week. The feedback from the teachers and students was really positive with the students really enjoying the chance to connect with their families while at school. I do know that a few families were unable to connect to their child’s Zoom session for various reasons, I am sorry that did not work out for you in the same way it did for others. As good as technology can be, it is not always our friend. My thanks extend beyond Education Week to the combined Book Week activities as well. The teachers and I commented that we cannot recall a time when so many of our students dressed up in such numbers. The costumes were fantastic and we are grateful for your support in helping the children find something that they wanted to wear. You can see some of the photos and a link to a short video further on in today’s newsletter to enjoy.

Uniform Update

I am happy to report that now that the rebranding process is finalised and being utilised in school communications, I am now free to dedicate more time to the uniform review. The uniform committee, consisting of 5 parents, 2 staff and myself met this week in the next step of the process. We started by reviewing the 2019 parent uniform survey feedback to draw out key messages from parents to help shape our objectives and we also discussed the Department of Education’s school uniform policy guidelines. Following this discussion, I can share with the community that the committee has determined that there are many good reasons to explore a new design for the school’s uniform. In other words, we will not look to make minor changes to the existing uniform but use the opportunity to start with a new design concept. We have also set some key objectives that we will seek to achieve through this process, these include:

  • Red and green will be incorporated within the new design to represent the schools colours
  • Exploring uniform items that are durable, easy care and that represent value for money (affordable)
  • Continuing in the same style of the current uniform which is unisex and allows students freedom of movement, sun safety and comfort
  • Select base colour items that are accessible through retailers as well as the uniform shop
  • Seek to enhance the appearance of key items like the polo shirt with a more crisp, stylish design
  • Look at consolidating suppliers down from 4 separate suppliers to 1 if possible
  • Explore suppliers that have online parent portal ordering options
  • Remove the sports uniform, one uniform for all school days
  • Explore appropriate options for students from multicultural backgrounds
  • Develop a new school uniform policy

Again it is difficult to predict how long we will need to undertake this process, however we intend not to rush it but take the time necessary to reach a good outcome for the students and our families.

I will endeavour to provide regular updates as we continue to make progress. I also remind all families that it is our plan down the track to present 2 or 3 design options for the community – parents, teachers and students to vote on. It will be quite exciting once we reach this stage. For now, my thanks to the members of the uniform committee who have committed some of their time to meeting fortnightly to undertake this process. It is greatly appreciated.

The Olympics

So much I could say or write in this space but I’ll keep it short! My hope is that the Olympic excitement is alive and well in your homes. For my part, the Tokyo Olympics have not disappointed and I’ve been delighted with the student’s enthusiasm and engagement with them at school. We are celebrating the Aussies’ success on a daily basis. We only received one photo from a family gathered at home watching the Olympics even though the students report many of you are watching and cheering Australia on (see further on) but we would love to have a bunch more. If you feel comfortable to do so, please send them through this week, we’d love to share Lambton’s support with you. 

Have a great week

David Holland

Students of the week

Congratulations to the following students who were selected as the Junior and Senior students of the week for their work during Term 3, Week 3.

Athletics Carnival Presentation

Last Thursday, we presented the awards to those students who finished either first, second or third in their respective events at the recent Athletics Carnival. Congratulations to all students for their outstanding achievements and the wonderful support that they showed to one another on the day . The carnival champions were as follows:

Junior Boys Champion – Tyler Johnson

Junior Girls Champion – Lola Cunningham

Senior Boys Champion – Zac Johnson

Senior Girls Champion – Sophie Pulsford

House Champion - Cook

Book & Education Week 2021

What a wonderful fun day we had last Tuesday 27th July, celebrating the value of books and the quality teaching and learning that occurs at Lambton Public School.

The children and LPS staff had a fabulous time and we hope you were able to participate through the excitement of your children and their retelling of the day.

Thank you to all the parents and families who supported the day by assisting with your child’s book character costume, purchasing books from the book fair, ordering a special lunch or participating in the Zoom open classrooms.

This year Carnival Fairs supplied our book fair. The children really enjoyed the experience of having a book shop in our library. Unfortunately, some books had to be reordered because we ran out of popular titles quickly. These should arrive in the next week or two.

As our percentage of books sold, LPS was able to purchase $918.64 worth of books for our library from Carnival Fairs. All those books will be available for students to borrow this term.

The winners of the book week colouring in competition were- Alisha Weeks, Esther Kendall, Kobi Beneke, Fox Clifford-March.

We hope you enjoy the photos below for a little snippet of the day .

Book Week 2021

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

What is phonics?

Phonics is the relationship between letters and sounds and is vital in learning to read. Some children need more support with learning to read so it is important that these children are identified quickly so teachers can plan for any specific support they may need.

What is the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check?

The Year 1 Phonics Screening Check is a short, quick assessment that tells teachers how your child is progressing in phonics. Your child will sit with the class teacher and will be asked to read 40 words aloud. These words include 20 real words and 20 nonsense words. The test normally takes a few minutes. If your child is needing more support the teacher will stop the check. The check is carefully designed not to be stressful for your child.

Why use nonsense words?

The assessment includes pseudo or nonsense words to see if the student is able to use their knowledge of blending to read a word rather than their memory of having seen that word before.

More information

If Year 1 parents or carers have any further questions, please refer to the fact sheet send home last week (Year 1 families only) and talk to your child’s class teacher.

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check - Information for Parents


PDHPE Lessons Term 3 - Child Protection Kinder - Yr 2

This term, the PDHPE program for Early Stage One and Stage One classes will focus on child protection, safety and relationships. Some of the content of the program deals with sensitive issues which the school recognises by teaching about these issues within the context of a developmentally appropriate child protection program.

The child protection program will be implemented in a manner that supports the role of parents and caregivers and reflects the ethos of the school community. Click here for  more  information on the PDHPE syllabus.

The child protection program aims to encourage students to make informed decisions about their lifestyle taking into account the values of the family and culture to which they belong.

If you have any further questions or concerns about the PDHPE program, or do not wish for your child to participate in these lessons,  please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or send an email to the school. 

Kindergarten 2022 – Enrol now

If you have a child who will be starting Kindergarten in 2022, it is critical that you complete your online enrolment sometime in the next 5 weeks in order for us to best plan for your child’s Kindergarten Orientation.

If you require further information, Lambton Public School’s school enrolment procedures can be located on our website: https://lambton-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/about-our-school/enrolment.html . You can also speak with our friendly staff who can guide you through the enrolment process. 


Kindergarten 2022 Important Dates


Sixty Seconds with .....

We hope you are enjoying getting to know some of our students better. The subject of our next edition is Holly McIlroy from 4/5L.

Do you have any pets?

A cat called Ginger and a dog called Daisy

What is your favourite subject at school?

Reading                                                                                                               What do you like to do that is fun?


What is your favourite book?

Harry Potter                                                                              

What do you know how to do, that you could teach someone else to do?

Knit (with wool)

What would you like to do when you grow up?

Be a paediatrician

If you could be any animal, which one would you be? Why?

A horse because I love Horses

What is the most important thing about you that you want others to know?

How much I’m obsessed with Harry Potter  

P & C Reminders

Canteen Volunteers

Our canteen supervisors could still use some additional volunteers to assist in the canteen. The days with the greatest need are Mondays and Fridays. If you are able to help, even just once a month, please contact Deb or Barb in the school canteen via the school phone number.

Canteen Roster 

Reminder that all volunteers and/or visitors to the Canteen will be requried to follow our COVID-19 safety plan include wearing of masks, hygiene standards and social distancing.

Monday 2nd AugustBarb, Sarah Scudds, Gina Stoj
Tuesday 3rd AugustBarb, Rebecca Phillips
Wednesday 4th AugustDeb, Jade Delaney, Ashlee Lim-
Cooper, Levina Sugano
Thursday 5th AugustBarb, Veronica Paterson, Karyn Agland, Rana Pennington
Friday 6th AugustDeb, Nicole Slater, Alison Billings

Uniform Store

Uniform Store will be processing online orders via Quickcliq with orders being sent home with students. The volunteers will be available by appointment only,  if you need to view uniforms please email 

Stock has arrived of new red polo shirts. Please check Quickcliq for stock availability.

Covid-19 Guidelines for Lambton PS

Lambton PS implements the guidelines of NSW Department of Education as applicable for our context.  The NSW Department of Education follows the advice of NSW Department of Health.  The following guidelines are current as at 3:00pm, Friday 23 July.  The latest advice for families is available on NSW Department of Education website.  Advice for families (nsw.gov.au)  If you are unsure about whether or not your child should be at school please contact the school office to discuss in advance.  We are happy to help.

 Level 2 COVID Guidelines – Lambton PS

 Updates will be communicated as required through Skoolbag.


All staff and students are expected to be at school unless they have even the mildest of COVID symptoms.

Under the current health orders, there is nothing to restrict students and staff who must attend school from moving between two areas with different levels of restrictions. Students and staff should reduce travelling to geographical areas with higher levels of COVID restrictions in place.

Students should not attend school if unwell, even with mild symptoms of COVID-19. Any person with any COVID-19 symptoms should be sent home and should not return until they have received a negative test result and are symptom-free. In circumstances where children have other medical reasons for recurrent symptoms a letter from their GP is sufficient to negate the requirement for a negative test.

Anyone who is unwell with COVID-19 symptoms is strongly encouraged to get tested and self-isolate until a negative result is received.


While at school, masks or face coverings are recommended in all indoor settings for:

·         all students in Year 7 and above

·         all staff in school settings.

Masks are mandatory on public transport for students aged 13 years and over, and staff when travelling to and from school and during school excursions by public transport or by chartered or private transport services.


Non-essential visitors are not permitted in schools.  Some visitors are permitted in schools based on the guidelines that follow.

 Parents and carers of Lambton PS students K-6 should make drop off and pick up arrangements in advance so that your child knows what they need to do (eg, how are they being collected today). Some staff will be present at key gates in the morning to assist students with making their way into school. Parents and carers must not enter school grounds without prior approval from the principal until further notice. School grounds begin at the boundary fence/gates. Please assist us to implement these guidelines and do our part to keep our community safe and well.

Parents should:

·         maintain physical distancing by avoiding gathering outside of school gates

·         remain outside of school grounds (note some exceptions may apply for vulnerable students or students with disability – consultation and approval must be confirmed in advance with reasons specified)

·         follow mask-wearing requirements and sign-in using the Service NSW QR code when entering the school

·         contact the office or teachers through email or phone rather than coming into the office (any payments, etc can be made online).

Who is permitted:

Staff providing essential support for student wellbeing are permitted on site, such as home school liaison officers (HSLO) and counsellors, workers supporting the infrastructure development and maintenance of schools can continue on site. This includes contractors, general assistants and other grounds support staff. As of today, essential visitors will be asked if they live in Greater Sydney.  Proof of residence will need to be sighted.  Anyone from the Fairfield area will need to show evidence of having a COVID test within the last 3 days and anyone from the Greater Sydney area within the last 7 days.

Checking in and out

The NSW Government have introduced mandatory QR codes across a range of additional settings, including schools.  Staff and on-site visitors, including contractors, will be required to check in every day. If a person is unable to provide contact details, another person may provide contact details on their behalf.

Parents and carers or other visitors to the school who do not have access to electronic devices for the purposes of QR check-in can:

·         authorise another person to provide their contact details on their behalf

·         provide their details to the school to be recorded in an appropriate manner for provision to NSW Health should it be required.

What is permitted

Schools can continue to operate:

·         Scripture and Ethics

·         Sport within school grounds may continue, provided mingling of students is minimised

·         Work experience

·         Emergency drills.

The following additional activities can continue on school sites:

·         childhood education services (OSHC, vacation care, preschools etc.)

·         playgroups

·         school holiday programs

·         all external providers and specialist programs not directly related to educational outcomes and support, eg, band, rock band, sport in schools, etc.

School based activities permitted with modification:

·         Assemblies can be held with COVID-Safe practices in place. No visitors permitted

·         Singing, chanting, group repetition and choirs are permitted if conducted outside in a well-ventilated area

·         Bands and ensembles are permitted in line with Health advice on maximum indoor and outdoor gatherings

·         Dance or drama are permitted in line with COVID-safe practices within classes

·         Library activities are permitted in line with the Infection Control requirements

·         Principal-endorsed activities for students are permitted in line with COVID-safe practices.


·         Excursions should be limited to outdoor locations within the local government area of the school where the school can demonstrate COVID-safe practices

·         Parents and carers may attend school for the purposes of school orientation programs

·         Inter-school sport can continue with COVID-safe practices in place.  More advice is coming regarding gala days and regional/state activities.

Community activities

The following activities may continue in line with COVID-safe practices:

·         P&C activities, including meetings

·         Community use outside school hours

·         Canteens and uniform stores where appropriate hygiene measures are in place

·         Electoral commission officers conducting polling location inspections permitted they follow COVID-19 requirements for visitors

·         All polling days will require additional planning from the electoral commission based on health advice of the time.

 Thanks everyone for your cooperation and support.  We will keep you posted of any further developments.

Variety We Learn Grant

Variety, The Children's Charity, are helping families living with financial hardship to purchase educational technology and supplies.

The grant is open to children aged 4 - 18 throughout NSW.

More information can be found on the attached PDF 

Click here to apply 
